BSS Lesson Plan3 Weekly Trip To Town

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Name of Teacher Imane Messai Subject French

Topic My birthday Date

Class III Duratio 160 mins


Attainment Target Students will be able to ask and answer about birthdays in French>

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to make a small sentence to talk about their birthday, age and their friends birthday.
(Knowledge, Skills and

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and (Day to day assessment)

How are you explaining and demonstrating What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
the topic? (The teaching strategies/ understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?
Starter Activity: Stds’ participation and
 Warm up – recap months of the year Stds will look to the book text. Book verbal responses
using different voices
 Mexican wave around the table – start
with janvier –first child raises and
waves hands, next child says fevrier,
Group Activity
 Discuss the word anniversaire –
sounds like anniversary/annual
meaning once a year. Tell the class –
mon anniversaire est le seize
Students will be arranging the words.
decembre. C’est quant ton
anniversaire? Tell pupils that French
don’t use ‘th’; they just say the
number – the exception being premier
 In pairs – ask question: C’est quand
ton anniversaire? and give a response.
Select pairs of children to
demonstrate. They will complete the written task in
 Children make two concentric circles, copies
facing each other. Rotating in
opposite directions, they sing “c’est
quant ton anniversaire?” to the tune
of The Farmer in his Den. When the
teacher says “arret”, the pupils stop Students’ written task
and one is asked to ask the child in
front “c’est quand tan anniversaire?”.
The child opposite replies in French.
Shout “allez” and repeat.
 Use flashcards to recap on new
vocabulary to be covered in the
lesson (e.g. objects in the parcel).
Use different voices to ask “Qu’est
que c’est?” Children replay with
“c’est un/une….. “ Ask questions
such as “C’est un serpent? Non c’est
un crayon. C’est de quelle couleur?”
 Demonstrate j’aime and je n’aime pas
– use smiley and sad faces.
 Show children the parcel and explain
the game “Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans
mon cadeau?” Scribe phonetically.

 Play Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans mon

cadeau. Display pictures of the items
contained in the parcel between the
layers of paper. Hold up the package,
ask the question: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
dans mon cadeau? Ask this question
of the children at random. The child
has to guess what is in the parcel and
give their answer in French.
Continue until a child guesses
correctly, at which point, the class
chant: “ouvre le paquet”. Other
questions to include are “qu’est c’est?
Tu aime le/la (object), ask about the
colour of the paper.
Written Task:
• Then they’ll write the new words on their
copies: anniversaire, Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans
mon cadeau?
Extension task.
Wrap Up:
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
How did you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson

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