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Management Development institute of Singapore



Name: Hong Yiting

Fin No.: G0814788x
Batch: DBMD 21069 B
Date: 8 Oct 2010
Assignment: Individual assignment
Lecture: Tan Hui Chi, Diana
Q1. Compare & contrast the contributions of Henri Fayol & Frederick

Taylor in Management Thoughts.

Q2. Differentiate between programmed and non-programmed decisions.

Q3. What have I learnt from this module?

Compare & contrast the contributions of Henri Fayol &
Frederick Taylor in Management Thoughts.
Management theories before The World War Two constitutes the most basically part
of the whole management science up to the present, is the theories source and the solid
foundation of all post-war management theories and thoughts, speak to another way, those
management theories and thoughts be complete, perfect and developed after The World War
Two. Classic Management Theories is one of the typical examples in all of those management
thoughts. Factory manufacturing became widespread and the industrial growth, size of
organizations increased, led to a high degree of task specialization and creation of
departments. People have been looking for ways to motivate employees and improve
productivity. A need for management ideas arise which lead to classical contributors
Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol’s Classic Management Theories which Taylor’ Scientific
Management and Fayol’s Administrative Management.
Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol are both considered classical contributors to
management theory. Both of them were expression and developing their viewpoints at the
similar time period, in a period were very few publications and theories on management,
while both theories were prefer with the same influencing factors such as industrial revolution
and The World War Two. Those elements each developed quite different management
Both of them are the subgroup of Classical Approach. Frederick Taylor is considered
the Father of Scientific management and he developed scientific principles of management.
Henri Fayol developed another subgroup of Classical Approach which The General
Administrative Theory. He identified 14 principles of management to define The General
Administrative Theory. Taylor’s theory focusing on the individual, much more focus on how
improving the individual’s job efficiency, rather than the team and aimed to improve
efficiency through production-line time studies. Fayol’s theory is a style of management with
a focus on managing the total organization, face on the whole organization, offers guidelines
to manage complex large organizations.
Taylor utilizes scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done,
which is putting the right people on the job with the correct tools and equipment, having a
standardized method of doing the job and providing an economic incentive to the worker. In
his 4 principles, to improve workers individual efficiency, Taylor said that develop a scientific
approach for each job element, identified “on best way” to complete a task, rule of thumb is
no that efficiency. Scientifically select, match the right people to the right job. By contrast, in
Fayol’s thought, he uses Division of work, Authority, Discipline 3 principles to describe it
more detailed. Also illustrate division of work is the first step, in order to increase the output.
As what Taylor said, match the right people to the right job, individual employees focus on
specific part of task. To improve the efficiency, division seems to be the best way. Authority
and discipline saying that give manages the right to give orders and power to expect those
order to be followed was emphasized. Employees will get discipline if they broke the rule.
These two principals seem to be the auxiliary condition to assist task be done by more
productiveness, more institutionalized.
In prescribed program, Scientific Management only illuminate that supervise
workers to make sure they follow the prescribed methods for job accomplish. On the other
hand, The General Administrative Theory point out the value of unity of command unity of
direction and subordination of individual interests to the common good. Fayol’s
viewpoint is that the organization’s interest should take priority over the interests of the
individual, those individuals receive order from one, and have a common organization goal,
in order to unite the direction and command.
Fayol and Taylor both are consider the relate factors in reward. Taylor use a piece-
rate pay system to motivate people. Although, Fayol uses the remuneration principal to
explain and he insists that the reward should be fair and reasonable.
In Taylor’s Scientific Management, he encourages work specialization which is
division of labour. It focuses on the relationship between manager and worker. In contrast,
Fayol use the rest 7 principals to indicate the organization’s management structure and level
manager responsibility. To centralization, depend on the nature of activity; managers should
adopt the right level of centralization and decentralization. Have a clearly scalar chain, the
authority flows from top down, use communication to go though the all chain. Order is to
ensure everything can be done by the right channel. The organization must have a social
responsibility for their employees which is equity and private a stability of tenure.
Furthermore, employees and organization is an interrelationship, employee’s initiative and
esprit de corps is also very important in each organization.

Differentiate between programmed and non-programmed
Everyone made decision in their daily life, girls always make decision like what they
should wear today in every morning. Boys always decided what kind of girl they ‘go fishing’.
We all make decision in our tritely lift. What collage we go? What jobs we choose?
Decision is the choice made from available alternatives. Decision making is the
process of identifying and selecting a course of action to deal with a specific problem or take
advantage of an opportunity. In running a business process, when you plan, organize, lead,
and control you are involved in decision-making. Business covers programmed and non-
programmed types of decisions. Each type is more appropriate in some situations than others.
Issue in handling well-structured problem use programmed decision. Programmed
decision is those decisions that have been decided so many times in previous time that the
deciders have developed forms guideline to be issue when approach situations are expected
occurs. For example making purchase order sanctioning of different types of leaves,
increments in salary, placing purchasing order standard inventory terms, etc. Those decisions
is a repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach and is not new, it not
necessary to seek new innovative ways to solve the problem. Managers dealing with such
issues of routine nature usually follow the established clear-cut procedure. They know in
advance what decisions they have to take a particular set of conditions. They need no ask
anything from their superiors. An inventory manager of Burger King decides to order beef
patty stocks because the stocks are three-quarters empty that is when the programmed
decision making be used. Fact that, non-programmed decision is when a manager is
confronted with an ill-structured or unusual problem and there is no ‘cut and dried solution’
for such problems. Decisions that must be custom made to solve unique and nonrecurring
problems. Non-programmed decisions are deal with unique of unusual of non-routine
problems. Each decision is not quite the same as any previous decision. Such ill-structure
problem cannot be tackled in a predetermined manner. There are no established methods or
readymade answers for such problems. These decisions are taken by top management people
whenever be necessary. A careful analysis is made by the management before taking a
decision.  Non-programmed decision making is used when Burger King are deciding to invest
in new deep fryers. It is a non-routine decision making. Such big decisions impact an
organization for a long time. It does not need to follow rules or guidelines, due to the issue is
unexpected in occur. For instance, if Burger King plans to launch a new line of product, they
will have to make decision base on their intuition, reasoned judgments, experience and
rationality. In addition issues related to industrial relations problem, declining market share,
increasing competition, problems with the collaborator, stating new business, acquisition of a
business etc. This decision has a long-term impact on business. Organizational decisions are
decisions taken by an individual in his official capacity to further the interest of the
organization known as organizational decisions. These decisions are based on rationality,
judgment and experience. All cover by non-programmed decisions.
Thus as has been said, seems non-programmed decision making occurs more in
opposite conditions than programmed decision making. Programmed decisions are these
which are repetitive & non-programmed decisions are that made for spontaneously or
suddenly or un route problem.
In a reference, saying that A good analogy for the differences between programmed
and non-programmed decisions is a custom designed and produced product compared to a
mass-produced one. When you custom design and produce a new product, you’ll run into
concerns that you have to resolve. These concerns require far more resources to produce the
prototype than to produce copies. The more copies that you produce, the more you learn to
streamline the process. So by the time a product is put into mass production, most decisions
have been made. The rest are frequent decisions usually made by lower-echelon personnel,
with rules for making the decisions made by management.
In my viewpoint, I strong believe that a programmed decision can be defined as
being 'routine', therefore surely a non-programmed decision can become programmed if its
occurrence is consistent. 

What have I learnt from this module?
Basic on the background knowledge of Organizational Behaviors and
Communication skill, I have a concept of organizational, In Principle of Business
Management this module, I know that how much important management in organizational,
management no inkling anymore, management being a subject now. Management is no I say
you do, is how to get think done though by others, is a art that mentality let people done
thinks conscientious for you. This subject let me know the historical evolution of the
management theory, also explains me the environment of business, how the decision marking
involved in business, how the group solved the business problem with different types of
decision-marking, what is the structure of organizational, how to motivate employees in a
organization, what is leadership, how to effect subordinate by using leadership, how to full
using communication skills in each business situation. Giving me a clarify concept of what’s
going on in a business place.

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