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TRANSFORMER DESIGN MANUAL 2 PAGES: pp ‘TRANSFORMER & REACTOR DESIGN MANUAL Page -1 INDEX DOC REF Of 2 Pages DD. INDEX DOCUMEN:’ SUBJECT PAGES DD.A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 28 DD.AL ‘TRANSFORMER REACTANCE CALCULATIONS FOR DIFFERENT COIL, CONFIGURATIONS DD.ALL BUSBAR REACTANCE CALCULATIONS 9-1 DD.A2 CALCULATION OF CORE LOSS 1 DD.A2 CORE LOSS CURVES 1-7 DD.A3 PERMISSIBLE DURATION FOR 1-2 OVER-FLUXING OF POWER TRANSFORMER DD.A4 CALCULATION OF 1a4 EDDY-CURRENT AND STRAY LOSSES DD.B INSULATION DESIGN 26 DDB. INSULATION DESIGN FOR, 1-6 POWER FREQUENCY VOLTAGES DD.B.2 INSULATION DESIGN FOR 1-4 IMPULSE VOLTAGES DD.B.3 STANDARD INSULATION STRUCTURES 1-5 pp.c DESIGN DATA FOR THERMAL PERFORMANCE 2 DD.C.1 CALCULATION OF WINDING TEMPERATURE 1-3 GRADIENT FOR NORMAL COIL ASSEMBLIES DD.C.2 CALCULATION OF WINDING TEMPERATURE 195 (GRADIENT OF WINDING ASSEMBLIES ‘WITH DIRECTED OIL FLOW DD.C.3 NATURAL AND AIR-BLAST COOLING dnd (OF TRANSFORMERS DD.E MECHANICAL STABILITY 18 DD.E.1 AXIAL FORCES DUE TOUNBALANCED AMPERE -TURNS 1 ~3 < "RESIDUAL AMPERE-TURN METHOD STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES 2 PAGES DD TRANSFORMER & REACTOR DESIGN MANUAL Page 2 INDEX ‘DOC. REF Of 2 Pages DD. INDEX DD.E.2 WITHSTAND TO AXIAL FORCES 1 BENDING LOAD ON WINDING CONDUCTOR DD.E3 RADIAL FORCES 1-2 WITHSTAND TO BUCKLING OF INNER WINDING DD.E.4 STRUCTURAL DESIGN 12 OF TRANSFORMER TANKS DDE REACTOR DESIGN 8 DBF. ELECTRO-MAGNETICALLY SHIELDED 1-8 ‘AIR CORED REACTORS DD.F.2 MAGNETICALLY SHIELDED 1-3 ‘AIR CORED REACTORS DD.F3 GAPPED CORE REACTORS 1 STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 25 Pages Page 1 “Transformer Reactance Calculations DOC REF Of 11 Pages For Different Coll Configurations DD.AS GENES \CTANCE, {OR DOUBLE WOUND TRANSFORME) 6X = 0.0059 ATE MTD) FH Where ‘A. = Amperes per Phase T «Tums per Leg LMT = Length of Mean Turn (Metres) D_ = Radial Depth of Winding (mm) F = Total Flux (Mega Lines) H = Comected Eft Height of Winding Wind Height + (LVD+HVD+ HiLoy3 Gam) | = Divided BY GENERALISED AMPRE TURN DIAGRAM AND METHOD FOR CALCULATING E(MT. D) LLV Winding consisting of Two Parts~ LVI and LV2 a | fave] | ave | pave] HV Winding consisting of Two Ports IVI and HV2 £1 =Fraction of Total Ampere Turns in LV3 £2 = Fraction of Total Ampere Tums in HV2 EQMT.D)=? LVID. LVILMT)+ 391 (LV GAP_LY GAP LMT) “+ (IAf14819 LV2D.LV3 LMT+H-LO D.HELO LMT) + (+249) HVID.HVI LMT+32°(HV GAP HVGAP LMT) + f2(HV2 D.HV2 LMT) * DL IL. MENTS ma 6) HV with separate LINEAR TAP iy) | av) [rar tv | [rar] [av] WINDING assembled over the HY Col a) » +) HV with separate LINEAR TAP ye | ‘WINDING assembled between fi HI-KS | the HV and LV Coils £1 = Fraction of Total Ampere & ‘0 Tumsin HV : * LVID, LV2D, ote Depth of LVI, LV2, ete LVILMT.LV2LMT eto =~ LMTof LVI, LV2, eto HLLOD, HELOLMT, Depth & LMT of Radial Gap between LV & HV ‘STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES (Cont- Page? A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 25 PAGES Page -2 “Transformer Reactance Calculation DOC REF | Of 11 Pages For Different Coil Configurations DD.AT I HV wath separate REVERSING TAP WINDING Di D2 assembled concentrically over the HV coil Di=D. W/E Da=D.f/iet Where - HV Contains (1+ £) Times the total Ampere j ‘Tums and | D= Radial Depth of Main Winding f= Fraction of Total Ampere Turns in ‘TAP Winding HV with separate REVERSING WINDING between the LV and the HV coils Diz D.L/iee Di=D. fie ‘Where - HV Contains ( 1+£) Times Total Ampere Tums | D= Radial Depth of Main HY Winding ‘action of Total Ampere Tums in TAP ING! One Winding ( LV in this case )is spitinto Two ivy | av | {Lvl Parts LVI and LV2 and assembled concentrically pied ‘onthe ID and the OD of the HV Winding | 1 F YELVI has Ni Tums and LV2 has N2 Turns | ‘hen Di =D. NL/NI+N2 | D2=D.N2/NI+N2 Often manipulation of the value of HVILV REACTANCE requires the TAP Winding to ‘be Assembled on the ID of the LV Winding ‘and REACTANCE Caloulated as for DOUBLE CONCENTRIC WINDINGS ifthe % REACTANCES Caleulated by the usual methods are ‘XL - For LV and the part of HV associated with LV1 and 52 -- For LV2 and the part of HV associated with LV2 THEN %X For the Whole Winding = (X1N1+X2.N2)/NI+N2 STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES | A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFOFMANCE FIGURES 25 PAGES Page 3 “Transformer Reactance Calculations DOC REF O11 Pages For Different Coil Configurations DD.AL REACTANCE CALCULATION OF TRANSFORMERS. WITH PRI& SECY COILS "ASSEMBLED AXIALLY ONE OVER THE OTHER ( SANDWICH WOUND. AP HL j—=»—}|* L Sandwich Reactance Formula As For Concentric Windings Except E(LMT.D) = LMT(As+ Ap+3HL) H = (Dp+Ds)/2+ (AptAs+HL)/6 +L JEFECTIVE REACTANCE OF STAR/ ZIG-ZAG CONN! 'SFORME! STAR za zs com coxz | —_|cons %Kigl2 + %Xy/2 - YXosi6 Where Xp = % Reactance Between Coil 1 & 2 %Xis =: Ye Reactance Between Coil 1 & 3 %Nyy = %Reactance Between Coil 2&3 ALL ABOVE REACTANCES ARE CALCULATED USING GENERAL REACTANCE FORMULA FOR DOUBLE. WOUND ‘TRANSRORMER (PAGE 1) BASED ON RATED KVA EEFECTIVE REACTANCE OF THREE WINDING TRANSFORMERS OTH SECONDARY WINDINGS LOAD! fin a Three Winding Trensformer the Windings are designated as follows ‘Primary - Winding 1 The two Secondary Windings 2 & 3 “Then the Effective Reactance ofthe Transformer is found srom the following Terminal Network Kye (NootKirkes) Kip WX Bet 1&2 Fe eK) Ms %XBet 183 Le Xr NorMerX) KBR BAIT ‘Three Winding Transformer Specifications offer. specify the Branch Reactances. Also wseful for finding loading of Windings for 3 Weg Trafo Heat Runs STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 25 PAGES Page -4 “Fransformer Reactance Calculations DOC REF Of 11 Pages For Different Coll Configuratios DD.AL IVE_HEIGHT_OF WINDINGS WIT! co ys) OF THE EI Pi N BALANCED AXIAL GAPS hi ‘TOP =} at |BOTTOM} Hi CBtfective Winding Height) = _h+(D1+D2+HL)/3 ‘Di = Radial Depth of Un-Gapped Winding D2 = Radial Depth of Gapped Winding HL Radial Gap Between Gapped and Un-Gapped Winding hg'= Gap Ampete Tums / AT permm (Mean) G= hg- hg" Gi = G t/t t=(DI+DIH)/3 G-G = Comected Effective Gap Height Gap Corrected Bfftotive Winding Height = Effective Winding Height - Comected Bffective Gap Mean Ampere Tums Per mm { (lop Ampere Tums fl) + (Bottom Ampere Turns /h2)]/2 ‘All Dimensions in Millimetres STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 25 PAGES Page -5 “Transformer Reactance Calculations DOC. REF Of 11 Pages For Different Coil Configurations DD.A.L :ACTANCE JLATION OF WINDING ARRANGEMENTS WITH HV. WINDING AND_A SHORTENED TAPPING WINDING Caleulate Reactanee As Follows 1) Caleulate Concentric Reactanees ~~ Xviev » Xuvirar & Xaver Using the usual Formbla given on Page 1 2) Caleulate Sandwich Reactanoe for Top & Bottom ofthe HV/TAP Coil Group = XS ween NOTE. in the Sandwich Reactance formula (As + Ap + 3HIL)is caleusted assuming HL=0 and therefore becomes hy orh,, Also (Dp + Ds)/2 + (Ap ~ As + HL)/6 + L - ReducestoDs + (hy OR ho / 61% (oe ate he Sandwich Reactanoe using the Total Ampere Turns And Pull Depth of Cols ‘nd CORRECT to the Sandwich Ampere Tums by multiplying the result by a Factor- (hr/ hy x0.5)* Forthe Top & (hy/ ha x 0.5} For the Bottom DComect Nevinae and Xevrasp as follows avr Xavi + XSvrne(Top & Bottom ) Xie = Xwew + XS gvrtar (Top & Bottom ) 4) Caleulate Seif Reactances Kav = %(Xavaw + Xaveme - Sovicar) Xw (Xavav + Move X'evrme) Kee = 4(Ravinet Winns - Kava) STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES A ‘TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE FIGURES 25 PAGES Page -6 “Transformer Reactance Calculations DOC REF Of 11 Pages For Different Coif Configuratios DD.AL REACTANCE CALCULA’ OF WINDING ARRANGEMENTS WITH HY MAIN WINDING AND A SHORTENED TAPPING WINDING (CONT) 5) Calculate the Final LV to HV Reactance by Adding All Se Reactances after Appling Shitable Auto Factor Comrections to HT end TAPPING Coil Self Reactances X (L/HV#TAP) = ay) KH? + On) KT # Xe ‘HV Tums / (HV Tums + Tap Tums) ‘Tap Tums / (HV Tums + Tap Tums) Where Ki x STATIC POWER - ELECTRICAL DEVICES

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