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Social class:

How would you try to place individuals in the community in which you live into some kind of social-class
system? What factors would you consider to be relevant? How would you weigh each of these? What
class designations would seem to be appropriate? Where would you place yourself? You might also
compare the scale you have devised for your community with similar scales constructed by others to
find out how much agreement exists?

Existing social system around my community is probably graduated into three categories on the grounds
of their financial status, education, and language. Upper-class also known ultra-rich people are mostly
landlords and associated with politics, Middle-class or in between upper-class and Middle-class people
are usually connected with business and lower middle class are employees and render their services in
their respective domains.

Affluent belong to upper class and thought to be the most influential people of the community. They
strive to maintain their dominance at any cost. Their educational background has been so poor but now
seem more concerned about the next generation’s contemporary education. The ultimate purpose the
education for them to get into bureaucracy so to sustain their influence but nothing else.

As for business-class is concerned their present generation is more inclined towards education to
become doctors or engineers for two fundamental reasons: to upgrade their social status as an
educated individual: or to explore more opportunities to accumulate wealth.

Middle-class is intensely engaged in meeting prerequisites of life along with primary educational
expense. They also look forward to getting education to enhance their financial and social status.

It seems implausible to call any of them congruous as long as all these classified classes have come into
existence for despicable reasons and some lacks do not let them be deemed as appropriate and

As for me, I am the representative of middle-class and serve as an English language teacher at a
reputable school of Rahim Yaar Khan. I have got respect but work hard for my survival at the cost my
health and prime time which must be for my family and friends.

Talking about language variations, upper class has refine language prowess. They speak regional
languages with fluency which comprises PUNJABi, SARAIKI and national language URDU as well. Their
young generation can speak English as well because of their education and frequent visits to abroad.
However, authoritative tone cab be observed vividly. Business-class accompanied by Middle-class are
restricted to regional languages to deal with customers and performing their duties.

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