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Nepoznate reči i izrazi iz engleskog – P3

- To moan – to complain – žaliti se

- Incessantly – constantly, continuously – neprekidno
- To cope with – to deal with – nositi se sa nečim, podnositi nekoga
- Anti-social – unsociable – asocijalan
- Genuinely – truly, really, sincerely – iskreno
- Apparently – obviously – očigledno, kako se čini
- Rare – uncommon – redak, neuobičajen
- Efficient – effective, well-organised
- Muddle - mess, confusion – zbrka, nered, zamrsiti, napraviti zbrku
- Neat – tidy, orderly – uredan, čist
- To defuse conflict – to calm down a situation, to avoid conflict
- Pace – rhythm – tempo, brzina, podesiti brzinu
- Scratch – ogrebotina, ogrebati
- Sort out the problem – to find a solution, to solve a problem
- Plain – simply – prosto
- Maddening – extremely annoying – koji izaziva bes , srdžbu
- Blow up – to get angry, furious – pobesneti, razljutiti se; a može imati značenje: minirati,
dići u vazduh
- Exploders – people who get furious because of trivial things
- Moaners – people who constantly complain
- Gossip-mongers – people who spread rumours – busybody - njuškalo
- Backsliders – trouble makers
- Stubborn people – they do evrything their way – tvrdoglavi ljudi
- Wet blankets – party breaker - people who spoil other people's fun by failing to join in
with or by disapproving of their activities
- To contribute – doprineti – to give, for example, money to help achieve of something
- To get on my nerves – može se odnositi na časove engleskog, bar u mom slučaju
- Bearable – endurable, livable – podnošljiv
- Brisk – sharp –oštar
- Monotone – boring
- To strike – to attack – udar, udariti
- To amble – to walk in a relaxed way
- Portable radio – radio koji je prenosiv, verovatno nije na struju
- Proximity - nearness in space, time, or relationship – neposredna blizina
- Shudder – shake, tremble – stresti se, zadrhtati od straha; jeza
- Plonking sound – zvuk koji proizvede neki predmet usled udara o pod
- Ally – stupiti u savez ,saveznik

- Faint – unconsciousness – nesvestica; to faint – to pass out –onesvestiti se
- Dope – stupid person – glupan; dope u žargonu znači droga
- Grumble about - complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically
muted way – gunđati
- Sameness – monotony, lack of variety, equality – jednolikost ili jednakost
- Tinkling – zvonjava; u knjizi stoji tinkling neighbours – možda bučni susedi?
- To strangle – daviti nekoga, gušiti se
- Commonsensical – zdravorazumski
- Citizenship – državljanstvo, a ja mislila građanstvo
- To acquire – to obtain – steći, nabaviti
- Notorious – infamous, scandalous, well-known for something bad – ozloglašen
- Shoplifter – kradljivac
- Light-fingered - *dugih prstiju* , sklon krađi
- Scourge – punishment – kazna, bič; a person or thing that causes great trouble or
- Check-out - provera
- To prosecute – goniti nekoga krivično
- Jail - prison
- To nip – to pinch – uštinuti, ščepati među prste, zahvat prstima; to pinch somebody*s
- Booze – jak alkohol; to booze - pijančiti
- Inmate – jailed person – zatvorenik, stanovnik bolnice, zatvora
- To be barred – to be banned, forbidden
- Hassle – trouble, problematic situation
- Aisle – prolaz između dva reda sedišta u pozorištu, avionu …
- Posse – potera, razzia – a group of armed men who enforce the law (sprovode zakon)
- Spirits – alcoholic drink
- To haul – to pull – vući; haul -a quantity of something that was stolen illegally - lovina
- Audacity – boldness – odvažnost – confidence to do something, to take a risk
- Rush of adrenalin - exitement
- Insight - uvid
- Entitlement – having a right to something – pravo na nešto
- To constrain – to limit
- Stem from – come from – proizilazi iz nečega


- A smudge of lipstick – mrlja od karmina

- A book of matches – kutija šibica?
- A stick of celery – struk celera
- A flock of sheep – stado ovaca
- A speck of dust – trunka, mrlja prašine
- A flesh of lightening - munje
- A clap of thunder – prasak groma
- A dab of parfume – kap parfema?
- A deck of cards – špil karata
- A pinch of salt – prstohvat soli
- Grain of truth – zrno istine
- Flash of inspiration - trenutak inspiracije
- Hint of chilli sauce – malo ljutog sosa
- Round of golf – partija golfa
- Pile of work – gomila posla
- Stretch of water – vodena površ
- Hint/dash of lemon - malo limuna
- Item of clothing – komad odeće
- Pile of rubbish – gomila smeća
- Handful of people – šaka ljudstva
- Fall for – start to love somebody
- Whirlwind romance – romance that happened quickly; whirlwind - vihor
- Instant attraction – love at the first sight
- Unfair – dishonest
- Fortnight – two weeks
- Commitment – odanost - devotion, privrženost - attachment
- To propose - make an offer of marriage to someone – zaprositi nekoga; to suggest –
- Set for – to arrange – to organize – srediti, urediti
- Rush – hurry - žurba
- Registry office – place where people go to get married – kod matičara
- Work out – to elaborate – razraditi; to train – trenirati; to puzzle out – odgonetnuti,
- Adadge – proverb – poslovica, izreka
- On forbidden territory – na zabranjenoj teritoriji
- In bad taste – neukusno

- Turn up – to arrive
- Look up to – to respect somebody
- Put up with – to tolerate
- Get on well with somebody – to have a good relationship
- Call in – when someone visit my house
- Rely on – count on – računati na nekoga, osloniti se na nekoga
- Give away – make a present
- Fall out – to quarrel
- Turn down – to refuse
- Take after – behave like – ličiti, ponašati se poput nekoga
- Sneak out – iskrasti se
- Wreckage – olupina, krš
- Tap – česma
- Verdict – presuda
- Probation – uslovna sloboda
- Sue – tužiti
- Judge – sudija
- Jury – porota
- Prosecution - krivično gonjenje
- Summons – opomena, poziv na sud
- Defendant – optuženik – accused person
- Convicted of – osuđen za nešto
- Sentenced for – kažnjen za; sentence – to declare the punishment – izreći kaznu
- Charged with –optužiti za
- Courtroom – sudnica
- Plead - present and argue for (a position), especially in court or in another public context – zastupati
nekoga na sudu npr.
- Small offence – small crime; offence – prekršaj
- Hijack – to kidnap – oteti , zapleniti
- Hostage - talac
- To acquire – to obtain – steći nešto
- Extortion – ucena -the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats
- To be suspicious – biti osumnjičen
- Bribery – corruption – podmićivanje
- Bribe – mito, podmititi
- Traffic warden – police officer who looks for traffic
- Forgery - the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art -
- Charge – accusation - optužba

- Fine – amuont of money you must pay for not respecting the law
- Liable – responsible - odgovoran za nešto
- Admissable - acceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law - prihvatljiv
- Acquit - free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty;
- ( past simple of acquit is acquitted)
- Lad – guy, boy
- Dump – deponija, đubrište, svaliti, odbačen
- Drag – to haul, pull - vući
- Engulf – zahvatiti; flames – oganj engulfed his car
- Eratically – unpredictably,chaotically – neobično, nepravilno
- Nick - a small cut – urez, zarez

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