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Summary of the Poem 'The Rain'

W.H Davies is a famous English poet. He is known for his poetry about nature and hardships of
the poor. The poem, The Rain, is a beautiful poem on nature and natural scene. The poem is a
musical play of the rain, a great phenomenon of nature. The poem also carries symbolic
meaning. The poet says that he is hearing the rainfall on the rich leaves on the top. The upper
leaves get the raindrops first and quench their thirst. They are full of rain. The falling of
raindrops on the tight, stiff leaves on top creates sweet music.

When the rain will stop, the sun will shine out with all of its wonderful light. This light will fill
every dark drop. The drops will shine like pearls. In the end, the poet hopes that the sun will
shine brightly which will make the scene lovely.

The poem is also a metaphor. The rich leaves on the top symbolize the rich people in the society
who get the golden chance first and then whatever remains, pass down to the poor. The sunshine
also symbolizes the prevailing prosperity and happiness. The poet wants to convey a strong
message that every dark cloud has a silver lining. The poet hopes that the rain will stop and the
sun will come out. Hence, the end of the poem is quite optimistic.

These lines have been taken from the poem "The Rain" written by W.H Davies.

This is a beautiful poem by W. H Davies. The poet has beautifully sketched the scene of rain. The poet is
sitting beneath a tree listening to the sweet music of raindrops falling on the leaves. The poet observes
that the rain first fall on the rich leaves on the top and then rainwater falls on the lower leaves drop by
drop. The poet is hopeful that the rain will stop and the sun will shine brightly.

The Rain Poem Stanza 1 Explanation

In this stanza, the poet says that he is hearing the sound of the rain falling on the leaves. The 'tip,
tip" of the raindrops falling on the leaves makes a sweet sound and the poet is listening to this
music. The rich leaves on top first get the rainwater and then they pass this water drop after drop
to the lower leaves. This thing even has a symbolic message that rich people have more
opportunities to enjoys the blessings of nature. They have more life chances. The poor people get
little and in a modified form. Anyhow the blessings of God reach everyone in time. The poet
says that the raindrops falling on the leaves make sweet noise. The poet is enjoying the music
created by green leaves drinking rain.

The Rain Poem Stanza 2 Explanation

In this stanza, the poet has sketched the scene after the rain has stopped. He says that when the
rain shall stop and the sun will come out, the wonderful light of the sun will illuminate every
dark object even the raindrops. The poet emphasizes that the has to stop and the sun has to come
out. It is the law of nature. The poet is optimistic. He says that the sun will shine brightly.
Everything will sparkle with a new look. It will be a lovely sight. The poet has used symbolic
meaning that every trouble and calamity brings about a new era. We should not lose hope.

Short Questions Notes

Q.1. How can a rainy day be enjoyed?
Ans: A rainy day can be enjoyed by listening to the sweet music which raindrops create. One can
enjoy the rainy day by watching the scene of rainfall.

Q.2. What would happen when the rain stops?

Ans: When the rain stops, The sun will shine bright and a wonderful light will fill every dark
drop. It will be a beautiful scene.

Q.3. What does the poet hope at the end of the poem?
Ans: The poet hopes that after the rain stops, the sun will come out. A pleasant change will occur
in the environment. Everything will have a new awesome look.

Q.4. What is the theme of the poem "The Rain"?

Ans: The theme of the poem is the rain is a blessing of God. It is necessary for the plants and
human being. The rain washes away the dust and the sunshine after the rain is a lovely scene.

A Sindhi Woman Poem

The Poem 'A Sindhi Woman' is written by Jan Stallworthy. The Poem is an attribute to a
working woman.

In this poem, the poet pay attribute to a working woman of Karachi, Pakistan. He appreciates the
hard work and diligence of the woman. He praises her beauty, struggles against life, and

The poet sees the woman who is going through bazaar bare foot. She is walking impressively
and there is a rhythm in here movement that can be seen in her swaying body and floating dress.
The wind pushes the cloth from her face. She has a stone jar on her head which she is carrying to
her home. She walks as smoothly as the wave of a stream. The poet is impressed by her dignified
Dignity has no price.
She is passing through a bad path which has stones, pieces of glass and bread and garbage. The
poet is standing in Karachi slums watching her going with graceful tread on an od path. The poet
feels that his own body is bent by time but she is walking straight and erect. The poet reflects
that the people who face hardships and accept the challenges of life are strong and straight.
Difficult roads often lead to a beutiful destination.
The poem tells us that difficult and active lifestyle strengthen our body and we become resistant
to negative development in our body. The people who do less work and sit idle becomes too
weak to keep themselves straight and walk with loads on their heads. The poet is inspired by the
Sindhi Woman.
Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's Inspiring.

Explanation of A Sindhi Woman

The poem A Sindhi Woman is an attribute to a working woman. You can also see the following
posts for further details:

These lines have been taken from the poem A Sindhi Woman written by Jan Stallworthy.

The poet is impressed by the grace of A Sindhi Woman. She is going through the bazaar barefoot with a
jar on her head. She is walking smoothly and here graceful tread impresses the poet. The poet has tried
to give us a lesson that hardworking people are strong and courageous. Life should not be lived, rather it
should be earned.
Stanza 1 Explanation
Barefoot, through the ............... in her tread

n this Stanza the poet describes how the Sindhi woman is walking through the bazaar. She even isn't
wearing shoes in her feet. She is walking is wavy tread and is looking graceful. She is carrying a stone jar
high on her head. The wind blows away her cloth from her face. She is walking smoothly and nothing
can disturb her tread. Not a sing ripple can be observed in her tread. The poet wants to tell us how a
woman learns to live in all type of circumstances.

Stanza 2 Explanation
Watching her cross ........... beneath a weight

In this stanza, the poet describes the environment through which the Sindhi woman is walking. The poet
also describes his own feelings after watching the Sindhi woman walking barefoot through an unclean
path. The poet says that he sees her straight and erect, walking barefoot through Karachi slums on a
path full of garbage, crumbs and broken glass. The body of the poet is bent down with age. He cannot
stand straight like the Sindhi Woman. The poet reflects that the people who learn to walk beneath a
weight can stand most straight. The poet gives us a lesson that laziness and idleness can make you weak
and you stoop down. you lose the power to stay straight.

A Sindhi Woman Poem Question Answers

Below are the Questions and answers to this poem.

The theme of the Poem

Q.1. What is the theme of the poem 'A Sindhi Woman'?
Ans: The Poem is an appreciation and admiration of a working woman of Karachi slums. Work creates
rhythms on life. Work keeps a person strong and vigilant. An idle person will soon decay. This poem also
portraits realistically the slums of Karachi in a few words. The poet praises a woman who is walking
softly holding her head straight.

Main Idea of the Poem

Q.2. What is the main idea of the Poem A Sindhi Woman?
Ans: The main idea of the poem is that the people who are busy in their work lead a healthy and
enjoyable life. They become strong and do their work skillfully. The people who are lazy and do little
work face many physical problems.

Q.3. What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman?
Ans: The poet reflects that the people who learn to walk under the weight of life stand most straight. He
reflects that the people who carry weight on their heads are able to walk and stand erect.

Q.4. What picture of Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem?
Ans: After reading the poem, we come to know that Karachi slums are dirty and uneven. There is
garbage, broken glass, pieces of bread and other rubbish on the paths.

Q.5. What qualities of Sindhi Woman impresses the poet?

Ans: The poet is impressed by the grace of the Sindhi woman. The poet is impressed by the way she
walks barefoot on unclean paths with a load on her head and then there is not a single ripple in her

The poem Night Mail summary and questions notes

Summary of the poem Night Mail

In this poem, the poet has sketched the path of a coach called Night Mail. The poet narrates the
story of her travel through various places and the attitude of birds, dogs, sheep etc on her arrival.
The poem is simple and rhymic. The arrangement of rhymic words creates a sensational impact.

The poet says that Night Mail is coming. He is bringing postal orders, cheques, and letters for all
people. She is steadily moving in plain areas and pulls up its coaches on steep paths. She reaches
on time in spite of all the hurdles in the way. She passes the cotton fields and moorland. She
throws white steam across her shoulders and continues her journey. She makes noise and passes
through vast areas of bentgrass.

On her arrival, the birds turn their heads to look at her. They watch her passing but do not leave
their nests in the bushes. The dogs and sheep keep sleeping with their heads on their paws as
they know that they cannot change her course. They show no reaction at all.

She passes through farms where farmers and laborers are sleeping. Although she makes a loud
noise, no one wakes. These people have become habitual to this noise and they keep sleeping.
But a jug in the bedroom gently shakes.

These lines have been taken from the poem 'Night Mail' written by W.H. Auden.

The poem is about a Night Mail coach. The poet tells us how the coach passes through various
hilly and plain places but reaches on time. It brings the letters and other posts for the people.
Night Mail passes through fields but the life of the people and animals is not disturbed.

Night Mail Poem Explanation

The poem Night Mail is a nice poem. This poem describes the journey of a train.

These lines have been taken from the poem Night Mail written by W.H Auden. This stanza has
been taken from the start of the poem.

The poem is about a coach that travels through various plain and hilly areas. The train brings
letters, cheques and postal orders for all type of people. The train passes through fields and farms
but life is not disturbed by its journey. The poet wants to tell us that the train brings both good
and bad news for the people. It reaches in time regardless of harsh and unfavorable weather

Night Mail Poem Stanza 1 Explanation

In this stanza, the poet describes the arrival of Night Mail. The poet says that Night Mail is
crossing the borders of the country. It is entering the country with a lot of letters, cheques, postal
orders, and other posts. The train is bringing letters for the rich people, for the poor people and
the letters for the shop which is located at the corner. Night mail is also bringing letters for the
girl next door. The poet wants to say that Night Mail brings letters for the people of every walk
of life.

Night Mail Poem Stanza 2 Explanation

In this stanza, the poet describes the journey of Night Mail through different types of areas. The
poet says that the train is pulling its cars towards high areas and climbing the hills with a steady
speed. Inspite of obstacles and hurdles in her way, she reaches on time. These lines tell us about
the importance of time and schedule. She does not waste a moment and efficiently keeps on with
her journey.
She passes through cotton fields, meadows, and grassy fields. She uses coal to get power. That is
why she throws shite smoke across her shoulders. The poem is sweet rhythm which the readers

Night Mail Poem Stanza 3 Explanation

In this stanza the poet keeps on describing the journey of the Night Mail. She moves with
determination. She crosses the miles of grassy areas. She makes noise while passing the utter
silence of wind-bent grasses. She is making noise telling everyone about her arrival. The birds
are sleeping in their nests. They are awakened by her noise. But they are not afraid of her at all as
they know that she is just doing her business. They just turn their heads to look at her. They stare
at her empty coaches. The poet has used the term blank-faced, to show that the coaches were
without passengers.

Night Mail Poem Stanza 4 Explanation

In this stanza, the poet describes the reaction of sheep and dogs and other animals on the arrival
of Night Mail. The poet says the animal cannot change her course. They just keep sleeping with
paws across. They know they have nothing to do with night mail so they show no reaction on her
The life in the farms is not affected by her arrival. The people in the farms keep on sleeping.
They know the train will pass. But a jug in a bedroom shakes slightly as she passes by. The train
is going through rough and plain places, the fields, the grassy lands, the slopy areas but she still
reaches on time.

Short Questions Notes

Q.1: What does the Nigh Mail bring?
Ans: It brings postal orders, cheques, and letters for the people of all the walks of life.

Q.2: What is the reaction of birds on the arrival of Night Mail?

Ans: The birds turn their heads to see the coach. They keep sitting in their nests in the bush.
They are not afraid at all.

Q.3: What is the effect of Night Mail on life in the farms?

Ans: Night Mail does not disturb the life in the farms. The people and animal in the farm know
her well. They are now familiar to the coach. So, they just keep on with their work when she
passes by.

Q.4: What is the reaction on sheep and dogs on the arrival of Night Mail?
Ans: The sheep and dogs do not bother to look at the train when she passes. They just keep
sleeping with their heads on their paws.

Q.5: From where does Night Mail pass?

Ans: She passes from plains and hills. She passes from the farms and cotton fields. She also
passes from moorland and miles of fields of wind-bent grass.

Q.6. What is the theme of the poem "Night Mail"?

The theme is the beautiful journey of the night mail and how it delivers to the people. It brings
different types of mail. It delivers the letters to everyone whether rich or poor. It travels through
different lands. It is very punctual. It creates great noise but does not disturb the life of animals
and human beings.

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