Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Analysis 1

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Ivana Milic-Strkalj

Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
Lesson Plan 1

Preliminary Information:
 Date: October 29th, 2019
 Grade: 3rd grade; Class: 306
 Length of lesson: 40 minutes
 Lesson type: Small group
 Group size: 5

Sections of the Lesson Plan

I. Content and Standards

PA state standards: Standard - CC.2.2.3.A.1 Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division. Standard - CC.2.2.3.A.2 Understand properties of
multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
NCTM standards: understand various meanings of multiplication and division; understand
the effects of multiplying and dividing whole numbers; identify and use relationships
between operations, such as division as the inverse of multiplication, to solve problems
Common Core State Standards: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication
and division.
3.OA.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 x 7 as the
total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each.
3.OA.2 Interpret whole-number
quotients of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share
when 56 objects are portioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56
objects are portioned into equal shares of 8 objects each.
3.OA.3 Use multiplication and
division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays,
and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.

II. Prerequisites
Students need to know that multiplication is repeated addition. Students need to know
how to group objects. Students need to know that they can use different strategies to reach
an answer. Students need to know what a tricycle is. Students need to know that tricycles
have wheels.

III. Instructional Objectives

Using counters, visuals, and paper and pencil, students will be able to represent and solve
a problem involving multiplication or division. Students will be able to explain their
reasoning to their peers. Students will visualize a store with 18 wheels and determines
how many tricycles there can be. Students will use counters and their own drawings to
represent the problem.

IV. Instructional Procedures

1. Procedure:
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
a) Before the activity (7 minutes): The teacher will show students a picture
of a tricycle. The teacher will ask the students how many wheels the
tricycle has. The students should answer 3. The teacher will ask a
student to show that with counters. A student will show 3 counters. The
teacher will show students two pictures (two tricycles). The teacher will
ask the students how many wheels these two tricycles have together. The
students should answer 6. The teacher will ask a student to show that
with counters. The student should show 6. The teacher will repeat this
with 3 tricycles. The teacher will ask the students how they are sure of
their answers. The students may say they counted wheels, they added, or
they multiplied. The teacher will pass out the worksheet with the
problem and read the problem aloud: “You go to a shop that sells
tricycles. There are 18 wheels in the Wheel Shop. How many tricycles
are in the shop? Explain how you know.” (Problem retrieved from:
problems-of-the-month) The students will read along on the page with
the teacher. The teacher will ask the students to show a thumb up or
thumb down if they understand the problem or do not. The teacher will
ask a student with a thumb up to explain what the problem is asking. The
teacher will tell the students they have 8 minutes to work on the problem
by themselves and then they will have 5 minutes to work with a partner
or share their strategies with a partner if they are done. The teacher will
remind students they can use the pictures and counters to complete the
b) During the activity (13 minutes) – The students will work on the
problem for 8 minutes by themselves. The teacher will set the timer. The
students may use counters, draw tricycles, draw and count tally marks,
skip count by 3s, or write an equation. The teacher will observe and take
note of the strategies the students use. If students finish early, the teacher
will tell them to write another problem for a number of tricycles in the
Wheel Shop. If students are stuck, the teacher will ask them to explain
the problem in their own words and explain what they have tried so far.
After 8 minutes, if the students are not finished they will work in pairs to
finish. If they are finished, they will show each other their strategies and
answers. If students have written another problem, they can show that
new problem to their partner. The teacher will continue to observe how
students work and take notes.
c) After the lesson (10 minutes) – The teacher will ask students to share
their strategies and solutions one by one. Students will show their work
and explain, using their visuals, how they found their solutions. The
teacher will ask students if they used similar or different strategies from
their peers. Students will identify the representations in their peers work
by saying, “I see her representation of the tricycles here and I see her
representations of the 3 wheels on each one here.” Students will share
who had a similar or different strategy. The teacher will ask students
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
what strategies make the problem easier to solve. The students will share
different opinions. The teacher will ask students if they can write a
number sentence/equation for this problem. The students may write 18/3
= 6 or 3+3+3+3+3+3=18 or 6*3=18 or they may skip count by 3s and
write 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18. If the students have not shown the problem as a
division problem, the teacher will show students visually how to divide
18 into equal groups of 3 and then ask students to write a number
sentence for this strategy. Finally, to end, the teacher will ask the
students what they learned from this problem. Students may say how to
explain their answers, how to solve a division problem, or how to use a
strategy shared by a peer.
2. Steps of the lesson, Rationale, Expected Reactions, Teacher’s Anticipations.

B/D/A Steps of the Lesson: Rationale: Expected Teacher’s

(Note which What will the teacher and the What purpose does each Reactions: Anticipations:
phase of the students be doing? (Include step, question, task, or This is largely conjecture- Include specific
activity the step specific questions, tasks, or activity accomplish driven and there may be response to students’
refers to) activities.) multiple possible reactions reactions and things to
for a given activity. remember.
B 1. Teacher will show Activate prior Students will observe If students say it
students a picture of a knowledge. the tricycle and has 3 wheels,
tricycle. And ask answer 3. teacher will move
students how many Students may say the on.
wheels it has. tricycle has 2 wheels. If students say any
other number the
teacher will ask
them to count the
B 2. Teacher will ask Model use of Students will show 3 If students say it
students to show 3 mainpulatives. counters. has 3 counters,
wheels with counters. teacher will move
Students will show a on.
number of counters. If students show
any other number
the teacher will
ask them to count
the wheels and
counters again.
B 3. The teacher will Activate prior Students should If students say
show students two knowledge. answer 6. they have 6
pictures (two tricycles). wheels, teacher
The teacher will ask the will move on.
students how many If students say any
wheels these two other number the
tricycles have together. teacher will ask
them to count the
B 4. The teacher will ask Explain Student may say they The teacher will
the students how they mathematical counted, added, acknowledge the
are sure of their thinking. multiplied, or skip strategies used.
answers. Students will Activate prior counted.
explain how they know. knowledge.
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
B 5. The teacher will read Set expectations. Students will give a If all students give
the problem with the thumb up. a thumb up,
students and ask them Students will give a students will begin
if they understand what thumb down. work.
they are solving for. If a student gives a
The teacher will tell thumb down, the
them how much time teacher will ask a
they have to work. student will a
Students will read thumb up to
along. explain what the
problem is asking
D 6. Students will work Solve a division or The students may If students get
on the problem multiplication use counters, draw stuck the teacher
individually. The problem. tricycles, draw and will ask students
teacher will observe Use strategies to count tally marks, what they have
and take notes. visually represent skip count by 3s, or tried so far. She
the problem. write an equation. will ask them to
represent what
they know visually
or with
If students have
solved the
problem, the
teacher will ask
them to write a
similar problem.
D 7. Students will work Discuss Students will discuss If students get
on the problem with a mathematical their strategies and stuck the teacher
partner or share their thinking. solution. will ask students
solution with a partner. Collaborate with what they have
The teacher will peers. tried so far. She
observe and take notes. will ask them to
represent what
they know visually
or with
A 8. The teacher will ask Explain Students will explain The teacher will
students to share their mathematical their strategies. listen and ask
process for solving the thinking. Students may not questions to the
problem. Students will Understand have the words to others, such as “do
show and explain their different strategies. explain what they you see how she
work. Others will listen did. came to the
and identify how if solution?” or
their methods were “How did she
similar or different. represent the
tricycle and the
number of
A 9. The teacher will ask Connect their The students may If none of the
students to write a strategies to write 18/3 = 6 or students have
number sentence or multiplication and 3+3+3+3+3+3=18 or shown the
equation to show their division sentences. 6*3=18 or they may problem as a
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
solution. The students skip count by 3s and division problem,
will write a number or write 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, the teacher will
equation. 18 show students
visually how to
divide 18 into
equal groups of 3
and then ask
students to write a
number sentence
for this strategy.

V. Homework Assignments: Write the fact family for 18, 3, and 6.

VI. Materials and Equipment:

Picture of a tricycle – the teacher will use this visual to explain the problem. The students
may use this visual to help them solve the problem.
Worksheet with question – the teacher will explain the problem using the worksheet in the
before stage. The students will show their work on their worksheet.
Counters – The students can use counters to help them solve the problem.
Pencils – The students will use the pencils to record their work on their worksheets.
Timer – The teacher will use the timer to let students know how long to work
independently, with a partner, and to share with the class.

VII. Assessment/Evaluation
I will use formative assessment by taking notes of the strategies that students use while
they work. I will note if students understand this problem as a division or multiplication
problem. I will note how students’ attitudes change as they hear their classmates’
strategies. I will know that students have been able to represent and solve the problem
based on observation of their written work and oral explanations.

VIII. Differentiation
For learners who need more support the teacher will show them how to use the
manipulatives provided. The teacher will ask them what they have tried so far, and
suggest using a visual representation or manipulatives to draw out what they know. The
students will also have a chance to work with a peer after they have initially tried the
problem on their own. For students who need an extension, they will be asked to write a
similar problem involving a number of tricycles in the wheel shop.

IX. Technology
This lesson will not involve technology.

X. Self-Assessment
I will keep notes on students’ progress with the problem, as well as record thought on how
the lesson went, what was successful, what was challenging, and what needs to be
improved for next time.
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
Lesson Analysis 1

For this lesson I worked with five students, AR, IG, IY, RR, and IH. During the “before”

part of the students quickly answered my questions about the number of wheels per tricycle and

how to represent it with counters. When I asked them how they could figure out the total number

of wheels when given a number of tricycle they share a variety of strategies. AR said he would

add up 3s, 3+3 is 6, and 3+3+3 is 9. RR began to skip count, “3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27”. He

said he solved it with multiplication. IH said he used multiplication too, and he said 3 times 3 is


During the planning for this lesson I tried to anticipate the ways that students would solve

these problems. I had not initially thought about skip counting, but Prof. Clay brought that to my

attention and it was a strategy that RR used. I learned that students might confuse skip counting

with multiplication because they see them as the same strategy. RR said he was solving it with

multiplication but then skip counted. Since skip counting is initially how multiplication is taught,

some students see skip counting as multiplication. But, IH showed the group how multiplication

was a similar yet distinct strategy when he said, “3 times 3 is 9.”

For the “during” part of the lesson, the students did not need as much time as I planned

to give them to solve this problem. They worked independently. IG said at one point, “I really

don’t know how to solve this” and I suggested that he use the counters. He began to solve the

problem with the counters. The students used a variety of strategies. IG used counters. He wrote,

“Because I used counters and I skipped counted by 3s. 3X6=18. 18/3=6.” IY drew an array with

3 rows and 6 columns. She wrote, “I know because I split the 18 into 6 groups of 3.” RR drew a

fact family triangle and wrote “Because I know 3X6=18 so the answer is 6. 18/6=3.” IH drew an

area array with 3 rows and 6 columns. He wrote, “I used an array to show my answer. 6X3=18.”
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
AR also drew an area array with 3 rows and 6 columns. He initially wrote “an array 3X4=18

tricycles. 18/3=4 tricycles.” I asked him to look at his array again and see if his equation made

sense. He then erased and wrote, “3X6=18 so 18/3=6.” I was surprised at the number of

strategies the students used. I found that the independent work part of the lesson went very well.

The students were engaged, trying to show their thinking on paper.

What I learned about the students from their work is that they understand the relationship

between multiplication and division. Many of the students used their knowledge of

multiplication facts to solve this division problem. I also learned that they knew how to use a

variety of strategies, such as skip counting, arrays, area arrays, and fact family triangles. IY

clearly demonstrated her understanding of the parts of a division problem. She understood that

from a total of 18 she needed to make groups of 3. Even though they solved the problem, some

of the other students were less clear with specifying the parts of problem and their understand of

the structure of the problem. For example, even though RR wrote, “the answer is 6,” he wrote the

equation “18/6=3.” He confused the group size with the number of groups. What I learned when

working on this lesson plan, and with this week’s reading, is the importance of defining the type

of multiplication or division problem and whether it is product unknown, group size unknown, or

number of groups unknown. IY showed that she understood what type of problem it was and

what the question was looking for.

For the final part of the lesson, the students first shared in pairs how they solved their

problems and then shared out with the whole group. I found this part of the lesson the most

challenging as the teacher. The students were very brief with their responses. For example, they

would just say the strategy they used, “I made an array.” I had to ask multiple questions to keep

the conversation going, such as “Where does he/she show the total number of wheels?” “Where
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
are the tricycles represented?” “Why did he/she use multiplication?” While the students did

answer these questions, they did not elaborate much on their thinking. At this point in the lesson,

I also noticed that the students became less engaged. IY put her head down. IH asked if we were

finished and if he could return with the whole class. I think the students thought that once they

found the answer, the lesson was over. They are not so accustomed to discussing math with their

peers. While they do it occasionally in class, they still have the mindset that once they have the

answer, the problem is finished. This showed me the importance of modeling how to talk about

mathematical thinking. This group needs more practice with explaining their thinking and

comparing their thinking with others.

If I were to do this lesson again, I would change how I organize the sharing process. In

order to make the sharing part more engaging for students I would either have them show their

work on the TV using the document camera or come up to the board and write their work on the

board as they explain it. I think that would make the students more excited to share and it may

also lead to more discussion. I would also model and discuss with the class the importance of

sharing our strategies and comparing our work when we solve problems. For next steps with this

group, I would use different kinds of multiplication and division problems such as array and area

problems or comparison problems. I would also introduce multistep word problems with

multiplication or division as one of the operations. The students demonstrated understanding of

the relationship between multiplication and division, so I think they are ready to be exposed to

other kinds of word problems involving those operations.

Finally, what I learned about myself from teaching this lesson was that I enjoy the

problem solving method. I liked seeing how students used different strategies and being more of

a facilitator of the lesson rather than a leader. I saw the benefit of letting students work through a
Ivana Milic-Strkalj
Drexel University
MTED 517
October 29, 2019
problem without dictating the method or procedure that they should use to solve it. I also learned

that I need to prepare more follow up questions when facilitating the discussion around methods

and strategies. I gained some confidence using the problem solving approach in the classroom

and hope to continue to develop my role as a teacher using this method.

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