How To Understand Sri Krishna

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How to understand Sri Krishna's character?

Example : -
If ‘Rakesh’ claim something bad about ‘Yuvraj’ without knowing him and tell another people about him as
cheater or something bad without knowing him, then, is ‘Yuvraj’ really become a bad?

No, if the people listen and believe in words of ‘Rakesh’, who doesn’t know anything about ‘Yuvraj’, then the
wrong is with the people.

How can one know that ‘Yuvraj’ is really bad or not?

By knowing or researching about him, right?
By asking about him to his friends and relative, right?

Similarly, we have to understand Sri Krishna through the Vedic scriptures and his real devotees, who knows
Him really...

Question: Why did Sri Krishna marry so many women?

Answer: According to the Vedic scriptures, Lord Krishna don't have any wife.
Radha and other gopis are nothing but Krishna Himself. He transgressed the 'Love Portion' of Himself in the
world to give us an examplar of how to love Him. By approaching Radha and other gopis, we are in fact
approaching Krishna.
Radha and other gopis are none other than Krishna, but in His pleasure potency.
So in a simple equation: Lord Krishna -> (Krishna's Pleasure Potency) -> Radha and other gopis. By
approaching Radha and other gopis first, we are essentially approaching Krishna's Pleasure Aspect.

Approaching Him through His pleasure aspect is a lot more easier than approaching Him directly, which is
why we pray to Radha.

Q. If Sri Krishna don't have wives, then why are there so many verses that Sri Krishna married to many


In the Srimad Bhagavatam, we find that the demon, called Bhaumasura had kidnapped and made captive
over sixteen thousand princesses by collecting them from the palaces of various kings.

nṛpānāṁ ca janārdana
hṛtvā hi so 'suraḥ kanyā
rurodha nija-mandire
"The demon [Bhaumāsura] kidnapped the unmarried daughters of demigods, siddhas, asuras and kings, O
Janārdana, and imprisoned them in his palace." --- (Visnu-Purana, 5.29.9)

According to the strict Vedic system, if an unmarried girl leaves her home even for one night, no one will
marry her.
When sixteen thousand girls were kidnapped by the demon Bhaumāsura, they prayed to Kṛṣṇa, and
therefore Kṛṣṇa went to the demon's palace, killed the demon, and delivered all the girls.

tatra rājanya-kanyānāṁ
bhaumāhṛtānāṁ vikramya
rājabhyo dadṛśe hariḥ
"There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw sixteen thousand royal maidens, whom Bhaumasura had taken by force from various
kings." --- (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.59.33)

When the princesses saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna, enter the palace, they immediately
became captivated by the beauty of the Lord and prayed for His causeless mercy. Within their minds, they
decided to accept Lord Krishna as their husband without hesitation. Each one of them prayed to Providence
that Krishna might become her husband. Sincerely and seriously, they offered their hearts to the lotus feet
of Krishna with an unalloyed devotional attitude. As the Supersoul in everyone’s heart, Krishna could
understand their uncontaminated desire and He agreed to accept them as His wives.

bhūyāt patir ayaṁ mahyaṁ

dhātā tad anumodatām
iti sarvāḥ pṛthak kṛṣṇe
bhāvena hṛdayaṁ dadhuḥ
"With the thought "May providence grant that this man become my husband," each and every princess
absorbed her heart in contemplation of Kṛṣṇa." --- (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.59.35)

According to the strict Vedic system, if an unmarried girl leaves her home even for one night, no one will
marry her. Therefore when Lord Kṛṣṇa told the girls, "Now you can safely return to your fathers' homes,"
they replied, "Lord, if we return to the homes of our fathers, what will be our fate? No one will marry us,
because this man (Bhaumasura) kidnapped us."
"Then what do you want?" Kṛṣṇa asked. The girls replied, "We want You to become our husband." And Kṛṣṇa
is so kind that He immediately said yes and accepted them.

Krishna arranged to marry the 16,000 girls brought from the custody of Bhaumasura. By expanding Himself
in 16,000 forms, He simultaneously married them all in different palaces at the same auspicious moment. All
the palaces of the over 16,000 queens of Krishna were filled with suitable gardens, furniture and other
paraphernalia, of which there is no parallel in this world. The queens of Krishna were all expansions of the
goddess of fortune, Lakshmiji. Each of 16,000 women was rishis/sages (banaras in Ramayana) from the past
who wanted to be part of Lord's incarnation on earth. Who wanted to live closer to Him and witness His life.
Upon their prayer to Lord Vishnu, He granted them the boon to be His wives in His next incarnation on earth.

In the Vedic system, a ksatriya could have more than one wife and we find many examples of this. (When
Krishna accepted wives, he did so in His lila as a king, or ksatriya.) Even so, we cannot find anyone marrying
16,000 wives! And to satisfy all of His queens, He manifested Himself in an expanded form of Krishna to
reside with each queen, simultaneously!
This is but one demonstration of the unique opulence...

Kchuaha wo le Sri Krishna ni wang kheye bihih kroi.

Dwapar Yuga wo, bo purthimbi yo Sri Krishna phaiphuh wo khe, Bini joto kchuha ni phaing (energies) rao
Vrindavan ni gopis ni obotar bsaoh la thanng ou.
Abo Sri Krishna ni Kchuha ni phaing (energies) rao skang poila Satya Yuga wo khe muni-rishi (sages) rao sei.
Treta Yuga wo khe Sri Rama ni banor (monkeys) sena rao sei.
Dwapor Yuga wo khe Sri Krishna ni thungsong pal Vrindvan ni gopa-gopis rao.

Taoh ni Kali Yuga wo khe Bhakta-kaham (devotees) rao sei.

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