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PERIODO Semana 2 Enero


A.- Condition A.- Fuerza A.- Condition A.- Fuerza A.- Condition
EMOM 8' PR Back Squat 300 Mts Ski Erg PR Front Squat EMOM 10'
1'= 10 Cal Row 3 x 8 Strict Press / 20kg 300 Mts Row 4 x 2 Split Jerk / 25kg 1'= 10 Cal Ski Erg
2'= 8 Burpees 600 Mts Bike Erg 2'= 8 Cal Bike Echo
B.- Gimnasia 2 RFT / Rest 3' x Set B.- Gimnasia
B.- Full Snatch Tecnica Toes to Bar Tecnica Toes to Bar B.- Gimnasia
Trabajo de Tecnica Cap 20' B.- Gimnasia Cap 15' Tecnica Pull UP
Cap 20' Tecnica Pull UP Cap 20'
5 x 2 Snatch Pull / 45kg C.- Conditioning Cap 15' C.- Conditioning
2 RFT Tecnica HSPU 2 RFT C.- Complex
C.- Conditioning 0'-2'/ 25 Cal Row Cap 15' 0'- 2'/ 24 Burpee Over Bar 1 Hang Full Snatch +
2 RFT Rest 1' Rest 1' 1 Snatch Balance +
0'- 2'/ 20 Cal Bike Echo 0'- 4'/ EMOM C.- Squat Clean 0'- 6'/ EMOM 7 RFT / Rest 1' x Set
Rest 1' 1'= 50 Single Under 8 Rep / 25kg 1'= 10 Cal Row
0'- 4'/ EMOM 2'= 5 C&Jerk 30kg 7 Rep / 27,5kg 2'= 10 DB Snatch 12kg D.- Conditioning
1'= 10 Push UP Rest 2 6 Rep / 30kg Rest 2' 4000 Mts Bike Erg
2'= 10 Thrusters 25kg 0'- 6'/ AMRAP 5 x 2 Clean Pull / 55kg 0'- 3'/ AMRAP 30 Wall Ball 6kg
Rest 2' 30 Box Jump Over 20" 20 Cal Asault Run 8 Rope Climb
0'- 3'/ AMRAP 20 Wall Ball 6kg D.- Body Building Max Squats 20 Clusters / 35kg
25 Ring Row Max Deadlift 30kg 3 x 10 DB Bicep 8kg Rest 3' FT
Max Hang P Clean 25kg Rest 3' 3 x 20 Banded Tricep
Rest 3' 3 x 15 GHD Lumbar D.- Core E.- Body Building
D.- Body Building 10 V - UP 3 x 20 Hollow Rock
D.-Core/ 75 Hollow Rock 3 x 15 DB Row / 15kg 20 Seg Bent Hold 3 x 12 DB Press 10kg
3 x 10 Bench Press / 30kg 5 RFT 3 x 20 Push UP

Es de gran importancia llevar los tiempos o repeticiones de cada WOD H. Coach : Carlos Montoto

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