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 Accuracy and precision :  The errors due to a definite cause and which
 The numerical values obtained on measuring follow a particular rule are called systematic
physical quantities depend upon the errors. They always occur in one direction
measuring instruments, methods of  Constant error :
measurement. Systematic errors with a constant magnitude
 A unit of measurement of a physical quantity is are called constant errors.
the standard reference of the same physical The constant arised due to imperfect design,
quantity which is used for comparison of the zero error in the instrument or any other such
given physical quantity. defects. These are also called instrumental
 Accuracy refers to how closely a measured errors.
value agrees with the true values.  Zero error :
 Precision refers to what limit or resolution the The error due to improper designing and
given physical quantity can be measured construction.
Ex: If a screw gauge has a zero error of -4
 Types of Errors:
head scale divisions, then every reading will be
 uncertainity in measurement of a physical 0.004cm less than the true value.
quantity is called the error in measurement.  Environmental Error:
 The difference between the measured value The error arise due to external conditions like
and true value as per standard method without changes in environment, changes in
mistakes is called the error. temperature, pressure, humidity etc.
 Error = True value - Measured value Ex: Due to rise in temperature a scale gets
Correction =-error expanded and this results in error in measuring
 True value means, standard value free of length.
mistakes.  Imperfection in Experimental technique or
 Errors are broadly classified into 3 types : Procedure:
i) Systematic errors The error due to experimental arrangement,
ii) Random errors procedure followed and experimental technique
iii) Gross errors is called Imperfection error.
Ex: In calorimetric experiments, the loss of
heat due to radiation, the effect on weighing 1 n
due to buoyancy of air cannot be avoided.
true value amean   ai
n i1
Personal erros or observational errors: Absolute Errors :
 These errors are entirely due to personal  The magnitude of the difference between the
pecularities like individual bias, lack of proper true value of the measured physical quantity
settings of the aparatus, carelessness in and the value of individual measurement is
taking observations. called absolute error.
Ex: Parallax error |True value - measured values|
 They are due to uncontrolled disturbances ai  amean  ai
which influence the physical quantity and the The absolute error is always positive.
instrument. Mean absolute error:
Ex-:The errors due to line voltage changes and  The arithmetic mean of all the absolute errors
backlash error. is considered as the mean absolute error or
Backlash errors are due to screw and nut. final absolute error of the value of the physical
GROSS ERRORS : concenred.
 The cause for gross errors are improper
recording, neglect of the sources of the error, a1  a2     an 1 
reading the instrument incorrectly, sheer
amean 
  ai
n i1
The mean absolute error is always positive.
Ex: In a tangent galvanometer experiment, the
Relative error:
coil is to be placed exactly in the magnetic
meridian and care should be taken to see that  The relative error of a measured physical
no other magnetic material are present in the quantity is the ratio of the mean absolute error
vicinity. to the mean value of the quantity measured.
 No correction can be applied to these gross a mean
errors. Relative error=
a mean
 When the errors are minimized, the accuracy
increases. it is a pure number having no units.
The systematic errors can be estimated and Percentage error:
observations can be corrected.
 a 
 Random errors are compensating type. A  a   mean 100  %
physical quantity is measured number of times  amean 
and these values lie on either side of mean
 Combination of Errors:
value-with random errors. These errors are
estimated by statistical methods and accuracy  Error due to addition
is achieved. If Z  A  B
 Personal errors like parallax error can be Z  A  B (Max. possible error)
avoided by taking proper care.
Z  Z  ( A  A)  ( B  B )
 The instrumental errors are avoided by
calibrating the instrument with a standard value A  B
and by applying proper corrections. Relative error=
A B
 True value and Errors
True Value : A  B
Percentage error= 100
 In the measurement of a physical quantity the A B
arithmetic mean of all readings which is found
 Error due to substraction
to be very close to the most accurate reading
If Z=A-B
is to be taken as True value of the quantitities.
Z  A  B (Max. possible error )
If a1, a2 , a3 are readings then
Z  Z  ( A  A)  ( B  B)
Maximum Percentage error in Z =
A  B
Relative error =
A B Z A B C
 100  P 100  q 100  r 100
A  B Z A B C
Percentage error = 100
A B  Significant Figures :
 Whether it is addition or subtraction, absolute  A significant figure is defined as the figure,
error is same. which is considered reasonably, trust worthy in
More admissible error number.
Eg:  = 3.141592654
U   ( x ) 2  (  y ) 2 (upto 10 digits)
=3.14 (with 3 figures )
 In subtraction the percentage error increases.
=3.1416 (upto 5 digits )
 Error due to Multiplication:  The significant figures indicate the extent to
Z A B which the readings are reliable.
If Z = AB then    Rules for determining the number of
significant figures:
Z  All the non-zero digits in a given number are
Is called fractional error or relative error.. significant without any regard to the location of
the decimal point if any.
Z Ex: 184,52 has five significant digits.
Percentage error   100 1845.2 or 184.52 all have the same number of
significant digits that is 5.
 A   B   All zeros occruing between two non zero digits
 100    100  are significant without any regard to the
 A   B  location of deciman point if any.
 Here Percentage error is the sum of individual Ex: 106008 has six significant digits.
percentage errors. 106.008 or 1.06008 has also got six sifnificant
 Error due to Division: digits.
 If the number is less than one, all the zeros to
Z the right of the decimal point but to the first
B non-zero digit are not significant.
Maximum possible relative error Ex: 0.000308 has 3 significant digits.
Z A B  a) All zeros to the right of a demcimal point
  are significant if they are not followed by a non-
Z A B zero digit.
Max. percentage error in division Ex: 30.00 has 4 significant digits
b) All zeros to the right of the last non-zero
A B
  100   100 digit after the decimal point are significant.
A B Ex: 0.05600 has 4 significant digits
 Error due to Power:  All zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit
If Z= An in a number having no decimal point are not
Z A Ex: 2030 has 3 significant digits
A A  Rounding off numbers:
 In more general form  The process of omiting the non significatn
digits and retaining only the desired number of
A p Bq significant digits, incorporating the required
If Z  then maximum fractional error in
Cr modifications to the last significant digit is
called rounding off the number.
Z A B C
Z is P q r
 Rules for rounding off numbers: 1) Fundamental quanties 2) Derived quanties
 The preceding digit is raised by 1 if the Fundamental Quantity : Physical quantities
immediate insignificant digit to the dropped is which cannot be expressed in terms of any
more than 5. other physical quantites are called fundamental
Ex: 4728 is rounded off to three significant physical quantities.
figures as 4730. E.g. length, mass, time, temperature etc..
Derived Quantity :Physical Quantities which
 The preceding digit is to be left unchanged if
are derived from fundamental quantities are
the immediate insignificant digit to be dropped called derived quantities.
is less than 5. E.g. Area, density, force etc...
Ex: 472 is rounded off to three significant
figures as 472
 If the immediate insignificant digit to be  A fixed measurement chosen as a standard of
dropped is 5 then there will be two different measurement to measure a physical quantity
cases is called a Unit.
a) If the preceding digit is even, its is to be  To measure a physical quantity means to
unchanged and 5 is dropped. determine the number of times its standard unit
Ex: 4.7258 is to be rounded off to two decimal is contained in that physical quantity.
places. The digit to be dropped here is 5  A standard Unit is necessary for the sake of
(along with 8) and the preceding digit 2 is even 1. accuracy, 2. convenience,
and hence to be retained as two only 3. uniformity and 4. equal justice to all.
4.7258=4.72  The standard unit chosen should have the
b) If the preceding digit is odd, it is to be following characteristics.
raised by 1 1. Consistency (or) invariability
Ex: 4.7158 is to be rounded off to two decimal 2. Availability (or) reproducibility
places. As the preceding digit 1 is odd, it is to 3. Imperishability (Permanency)
be raised by 1 as 2. 4. Convenience and acceptability.
4.7158=4.72  The numerical value obtained on measuring a
 Rules for Arthemetic Operations with physical quantity is inversely proportional to the
significant Figures: magnitude of the unit chosen.
 In multiplication or division, the final result
should retain only that many significant figures n   n1U1  n2U 2
as are there in the original number with the
least number of significant figures. Where n1 and n2 are the numerical values and
Ex: 1.2  2.54  3.26  9.93648 . But the U1 and U 2 are the units of same physical
result should be limited to the least number of quantity in different systems.
significant digits-that is two digits only. So Fundemental unit :The unit used to measrue
ginal answer is 9.9. the fundamental quantity is called fundamental
 In addition or substraction the final result unit.
should retain only that many decimal places e.g., Metre for length, kilogram for mass etc..
as are there in the number with the least Derived unit : The unit used to measure the
decimal places. derived quantity is called derived unit.
Ex: 2.2+4.08+3.12+6.38=15.78. Finally we e.g., m2 for area, gm cm-3 for density etc...
should have only one decimal place and hence
15.78 is to be rounded off as 15.8.  Systems of Units:
 There are four systems of units
Any quantity which canbe measured directly SI
(or) indirectly (or) in terms of which any laws of  Based on SI there are three catageories of
physics can be expressd is called physical
physical quantities.
 There are two types of physical quantities
7 fundamental quantities  mole: mole is the amount of substance of a
2 supplementary quantities and system that contains as many elementary
derived quantities entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of
carbon - 12.
 FUNDAMENTAL QUANTITIES AND THEIR  radian: radian is the angle subtended at the
S.I. UNITS: centre of a circle by an arc whose length is
 There are seven fundamental quantities and two equal to the radius.
supplementary quantities in S. I. system. The 360
names and units with symbols are given below: 2  radian = 3600 : 1 radian =
= 570 17' 44"

S.No. Physical Quantity S.I.Unit Symbol  steradian: The solid angle subtended at the
1. Length metre m centre of the sphere of radius 1 metre by its surface
2. Mass kilogram kg of area 1 square metre. Solid angle= normal area/r2.
3. Time second s Total solid angle that can be formed at any point in
4. Thermo dynamic space or at the centre of a sphere is 4  steradian.
temperature kelvin K (or)   RULES FOR WRITING UNITS:
5. Luminous  Symbols for a unit named after a scientist
intensity candela Cd should have a capital letter. eg:N for newton, W
6. Electric current ampere A for watt, A for ampere.
7. Amount of  Full names of the units,even when they are
substance named after a scientist should not be written
(or) quantity of with a capital letter. Eg: newton, watt, ampere,
matter mole mol metre.
_____________________________________________  Units should be written either in full or in agreed
Suplementary quantities symbols only.
_____________________________________________  Units do not take plural form.
1. Plane angle radian rad Eg: 10kg but not 10 kgs, 20W but not 20 Ws
2. Solid angle steradian sr 2A but not 2As
 No full stop or punctuation mark should be
 DEFINITIONS FOR S.I. UNITS: used within or at the end of symbols for units.
 meter: meter is 1 in 299, 792, 458th part of the Eg: 10W but not 10W.
distance travelled by light in vaccum in 1  Some special units for length:

kilogram: kilogram is the mass of a
Angstrom A    10
0 10
m  108 cm
platinum - irridium alloy cylinder proto type kept Nanometre(nm)  109 m  10 A0
at Sevres, near Paris. Fermi  10 15 m
 second: One second is the time taken by 9,
192, 631, 770 cycles of the radiation from the micron  10 6 m
hyperfine transition in ceasium - 133 atom, X-ray unit  10 13 m
when unperturbed by external fields.
 kelvin: This is 1/273. 16 of the temperature at Light year  9.46  1015 m
the triple point of water measured on par sec  3.26 light years  30.84 1015 m
thermodynamic scale.
Bohr radius  0.5  10 10 m
 candela: Candela is the luminous intensity in a
Mile=1.6 km
direction normal to the surface of
m 2 of a  Some special units for Mass:
600000 Quintal = 100 kg
black body at the temperature of freezing platinum Metric ton = 1000 kg
at a pressure of 101, 325 newton per square metre. Atomic mass unit (a.m.u) =  1.67  10 27 kg
 ampere: ampere is the current which when
flowing in each of two parallel conductors of Chandra Shekar Limit  1.4 times mass of the
infinite length and negligible cross-section and sun
placed one metre apart in vaccum causes each  Some special units for Time:
conductor to experience a force exactly One day = 86400 seconds
2x10-7 newton per metre length.
Shake = 108 second Permeability of free space
 One light year is distance travelled by light in  0   4 107 Hm1
one year in vacuum or air. This unit is used in
Joule’s constant (J)= 4.186JCal 1
 Astronomical unit is the mean distance of the Planck’s constant(h)= 6.62 10 34 Js
earth from the sun. This unit is used in Rydberg constant(R)= 1.0974 10 7 m 1
 Abbreviations for multiples and sub Boltzmann’s constant(K)= 1.38 10 23 JK 1
MACRO Prefixes Stefan’s constant    5.67 108Wm2 K 4
Multiplier Symbol Name Universal gas constant(R)= 8.314Jmol 1 K 1
101 da deca
102 h hecto = 1.98cal mol 1K 1
103 K Kilo
106 M mega Wien’s constant(d)= 2.9  10 3 mK
1012 T tera  Dimensions:
MICRO Prefixes Dimensions of a physical quantity are the
Multiplier Symbol Name powers to which the fundamental units are to
10-1 d deci be raised to obtain one unit of that quantity
10-2 c centi  Dimensional Formula :
10-3 m milli An expression showing the powers to which
10-6  micro the fundamental units are to be raised to obtain
10-9 n nano one unit of the derived quantity is called
10-12 p pico Dimensional formula of that quantity.
 Some important conversions: In general the dimensional formula of a quantity
5 can be written as M x LyT z . Here x,y,z are
1Kmph  ms 1 dimensions.
 Dimensional Constants:
1 newton= 105 dyne
The physical quantities which have dimensions
1 joule= 107 erg and have a fixed value are called dimensional
1 calorie=4.18 J constants.
1eV= 1.6 10 19 J Eg: Gravitational Constant (G), Planck's
1gcm3  1000 Kgm3 Constant (h), Universal gas constant (R),
Velocity of light in vacuum (c) etc.,
1 lit= 1000cm 3  10 3 m 3
 Dimensionless constants:
1KWH  36 105 J
Dimensionless quantities are those which do
1 HP=746 W
1 degree=0.017 rad not have dimensions but have a fixed value.
(a): Dimensionless quantities without units.
1ca lg 1  4180 JKg 1
Eg: Pure numbers,angle etc.,
1Kgwt= 9.8 N
(b) Dimensionless quantities with units.
1 telsa= 104 gauss
Eg: Angular displacement - radian,
1 Am 1  4  103 oersted Joule's constant- joule/calorie,etc.,
1 weber= 108 maxwell  Dimensional variables:
 Some physical constants and their values: Dimensional variables are those physical
1 amu = 1.67 10 27 Kg  931MeV quantities which have dimensions and do not
have fixed value.
1 atm= 76cm Hg  1.013 105 Pa Eg: velocity, acceleration, force, work,
Avagadro number (N)= 6.023 10 23 power... etc.
Permittivity of free space= 8.854 10 12 Fm 1  Dimensionless variables: Dimensionless
variables are those physical quantities which electromotive force ( ML2T 3 I 1 )
do not have dimensions and do not have fixed
 Intensity of magnetic field, Intensity of
Eg: Specific gravity, refractive index,
Coefficient of friction, Poisson's Ratio
magnetization IL  1

etc.,  Frequency, angular frequency, angular velocity, Dis-
 PHYSICAL QUANTITIES HAVING SAME integration constant and velocity gradient have same
 Distance, Displacement, radius light year dimensional formula  M L T 
wavelength, radius of gyration (L)
 Relative velocity and velocity have same dimensional
 Speed, Velocity, Velocity of light  LT  1
formula  M LT
0 1
 acceleration ,acceleration due to gravity,
intensity of gravitational feild, centripetal  Work, energy, heat, torque have same dimensional
acceleration LT  2
 formula  ML T
2 2
 Impulse, Change in momentum MLT1
  Pressure, stress, coefficient of elasticity, energy
density have same dimensional for-
Force, Weight, Tension, Thrust  MLT 
 1 2
mula  ML T 
 Work, Energy, Moment of force or Torque,
 Momentum and impulse have same dimensional
Moment of couple  ML T 
2 2
formula  MLT 
 Force constant, Surface Tension, Spring
 Angular momentum and Plank’s constant have
constant, Energy per unit area MT
 
2 1
 Angular momentum, Angular impulse, Plank's same dimensional formula  ML T 
2 1
constant ML T    Electric field and potential gradient have same di-
 Angular velocity, Frequency, Velocity gradient, mensional formula  MLT
A1 
Decay constant, rate of disintigration (T–1)
 Stress, Pressure, Modulus of Elasticity, Energy  Surface tension, surface energy, force gradient and
spring constant have same dimensional for-
density ML T
1 2
 0 2
mula  ML T 
 Latent heat, Gravitational potential L T  2 2
  Acceleration and gravitational field intensity have
 Specific heat, Specific gas constant
0 2
same dimentions  M LT 
L T
2 2 1
 
 Thermal capacity, Entropy, Boltzman constant,  Force, weight and Energy gradient have same
2 2 1
Molar thermal capacity, ML T    dimentions  MLT 
 Wave number, Power of a lens, Rydberg  Rydberg’s constant and propagation constant have
constant L
  the same dimentional formula  M L T 
0 1 0

L  Light year, wave length and radius of gyration have

 Time, RC, , LC  T 
0 0
 Power, Rate of dissipation of energy, ( ML2T 3 ) same dimentional formula  M LT 
 Intensity of sound, Intensity of radiation
( MT 3 )  Strain , Poisson’s ratio, refractive index, dielectric
 Expansion coefficient, Temperature coefficient constant, coefficient of friction, relative permeabil-
of resistance ( K 1 )

 Electric potential, potential difference,

ity, Magnetic susceptibility, Electric susceptibility,  To check the correctness of the given equation.
angle, solid angle, Trignometric T-rations, exponen- This use is based on the principle of
tial constant are all dimensionless. homogeneity.
 If L,C and R stands for inductance, capacitance  To convert one system of units into another
L system.
and resistance respectively then , LC , RC  To derive the equations showing the relation
R between different physical quantities.
0 0
and time have same dimentional formulaa  M L T 
 Coefficient of linear expansion, coefficient of super- ANALYSIS METHOD:
ficial expansion and coefficient of cubic expansion  Dimensionless quantities cannot be determined
have same dimesion  M L T K
0 0 0 1
 by this method. Constant of proportionality
cannot be determined by this method. They
 Solar consatnt and poynting vector have the same can be found either by experiment (or) by
0 3 theory.
dimenstions  ML T   This method is not applicable to trigonometric,
prefix symbol Multiplier logarthmic and exponential functions.
 In the case of physical quantities which are
femto f 10 15 dependent upon more than three physical
quantities, this method will be difficult.
pico p 10 12  In some cases, the constant of proportionality
nano n 10 9 also posseses dimensions. In such cases we
cannot use this system.
micro  106  If one side of equation contains addition or
milli m 103 subtraction of physical quantities, we can not
use this method.
centi c 102
deci d 101
hecto 2 1. The reliability of a measurement depends on
h 10
kilo k 103
mega M 106
giga G 109
tera T 1012
peta P 1015
 Principle of homogeneity:
It states only quantities of same diemensions
can be added subtracted and equated. Hence
in a Physical equation every term should have
same dimensions.


Sl.No. Physical Quantity Explanation or Formulae Dimensional S.I.Unit
1. Distance ,
Wave Length,
Radius of gyration,  M 0 L1 T 0  m
Light year,
2. Mass  M 1 L0 T 0  Kg

total tim e
3. Period of oscillation, T = N o .of oscillations

Time,  M 0 L0 T 1  s
Time constant T = Capacity x Resistance
4. Frequency Reciprocal of time n   M 0 L0T 1  hertz ( Hz)
5. Area A = length x breadth  M 0 L2T 0  m2

6. Volume V = Length  breath  height  M 0 L3T 0  m3

7. Density D  M 1 L3T 0  kg.m-3
8. Linear density   M 1 L1T 0  kg.m-1

9. Speed, Velocity V  M 0 L1T 1  m.s-1
Change in Velocity
10. Acceleration a=  M 0 L1T 2  m.s-2

11. Linear Momentum P= mass  velocity  M 1 L1T 1  kg.m.s-1

12. Impulse J= Force  time  M 1 L1T 1  N-s

13. Force F = Mass  acceleration  M 1 L1T 2  N

14. Work,Energy,PE, KE, W = Force  displacement
Strain Energy P.E= mgh
KE = MV 2  M 1 L2T 2  J(or) N.m
SE=  Stress  Strain  volume
15. Power P  M 1 L2T 3  J.S-1. (or) Watt
16. Pressure , Stress,
Modulusof Elasticity(y, n, k) y   M 1 L1T 2  N.m -2. (or) Pascal

change in dim ensions

17. Strain  M 0 L0T 0  no units
Original dim ensions
18. Strain energy density E= M 1 L1T 2 J.m -3

length of arc
19. Angular displacement  M 0 L0T 0 rad
angular displacement
20. Angular Velocity  M 0 L0T 1 rad.s-1
angular velocity
21. Anuglar acceleration  M 0 L0T 2 rad.s-2
22. Angular momentum L=Linear momentum  arm M 1 L2T 1 JS

23. Planck's constant h M 1 L2T 1 JS
24. Angular impulse Torque time M 1 L2T 1 J.s
25. Torque   force  dis tan ce M 1 L2T 2 N-m
26. Acceleration due to

gravity(g)= gravitational g M 0 LT 2 m.s-2 or
field strength

F.d 2
27. Universal gravitational G M 1 L3T 2 N.m 2 kg-2

28. Moment of inertia I  MK2 M 1 L2T 0 kg.m 2

29. Velocity gradient
dx M 0 L0T 1 S 1

srufaceenergy force
30. Surface Tension, S  N.m -1 or J.m -2
changeinarea length M 1 L0T 2
Spring Constant ( Surface energy)

Force Constant K
tangential stress
31. Coefficient of Viscosity η= M 1 L1T 1 Pa-s (or) Ns m  2
Velocity gradient
32. Gravitational Potential Gravitational field  distance M 0 L2T 2 J.Kg-1
33. Heat energy ms M 1 L2T 2 Joule
0 0 0 1
34. Temperature M L T . Kelvin( K)

35. Thermal Capacity  Mass  Sp. ht M 1 L2T 2 . 1 J. K-1

heat energy
36. Specific heat Capacity S (or) C=
mass×temp. M 0 L2T 2 . 1 J kg-1 K-1

37. Latent heat (or)

heat energy
Calorific value L M 0 L2T 2
38. Water Equivalent W  MC M 1 L0T 0 kg.
39. Coefficient of Thermal  or  or 
l A V
expansion  ;  ;  1  K-1
l. A. V.
40. Universal gas constant R M 1 L2T 2 1 mol 1 J.mol-1.K-1

41. Gas constant ( for 1 gram) r  M 0 L2 T 2  1 mol  1
42. Boltzman constant
(for 1 Molecule) k M 1 L2 T  2  1 J.K-1molecule -1

43. Mechanical equivalent of J M 0 L0T 0 no units
44. Coefficient of Thermal
Conductivity K 1 3 1
M 1 LT  J.S-1 m-1 K-1 (or) Wm -1 K-1
A  .t

dQ heat energy
45. Entropy = M 1 L2T 2 . 1 J.K-1
T temperature
46. Stefan's Constant   M 1 L0T 3 4 Js-1m-2K-4 (or) W.m -2.K-4
A.T . 4

d temp  time
47. Thermal resistance R  M 1 L 2 T 3 KSJ-1
 dQ  Heat
 
 dt 

( or) R 
K .A
Change in t emp d
48. Temperature gradient   L1  K.m -1
length dl

Change in pressure dp
49. Pressure gradient  pascal .m -1
length dl M 1 L2T 2

Energy E
50. Solar constant  J.S-1.m-2 (or) (W.m -2)
area  time AT
. M 1 L0T 3

51. Enthalpy heat .( Q ) M 1 L2T 2 Joule

52. Pole strength m  I .L ( or) M 0 L.T 0 A A.m

M agnetic M omement
Mag .Length
53. Magnetic Moment M= 2l  m M 0 L2T 0 A A.m2
=pole strength x length of magnet
54. Magnetic intensity (or) H M 0 L1T 0 A A.m-1
4 d 2
Magnetising field

M Magnetic Moment
55. Intensity of Magnetisation I  M 0 L1T 0 A A.m-1
V Volume
56. Magnetic flux   B A M 1 L2T 2 A1 wb
=(magnetic induction x area)
 Magnetic flux F
57. Magnetic induction B   M 1 L0T 2 . A1 tesla (or) wbm -2 (or) NA-1m-1
A area il
field strength
4 . Fd 2
58. Magnetic permeability 0  1 2
M 1 LT . A2 Hm -1
m1 .m 2
of free space
59. Magnetic susceptibility K M 0 L0T 0 no units
60. Electric current M 0 L0T 0 A. A
0 0
61. Charge ( or) Electricity Q=Current x time M L T .A C
0 0
62. Electric dipole moment P=Change  distance M L T .A C-m
63. Electric field strength (or)
Elec. Intensity E= M 1 LT 3 A1 Nc-1
64. Electrical flux (  E ) Electrical Intensity x area M 1 L3T 3 A1 N.m 2 C-1

65. Electric potential (or) V V
Ch arg e M 1 L2T 3 A1
Potential difference
66. Electrical resistance R M 1 L2T 3 A2 
1 1
67. Electrical conductance C  M 1 L2T 3 A2 mho (or) Siemen (S)
R resis tan ce

68. Specific resistance (or

R. A
Resistivity  (or) s  M 1 L3T 3 A2 Ohm-m
69. Electrical conductivity   R e sistivity M 1 L3T 3 A2 Ohm-1-m -1( (or) Siemen.m -1

70. Current density

( Current per unit area J = Electrical Intensity x Conductivity

 Current 
of cross section) or   M 0 L2T 0 A A.m-2
 area 
Q Ch arg e
71. Capacitance C=  M 1 L2T 4 A2 F
V Potential

dE Voltage  time
72. Self (or) Mutual Inductance L   M 1 L2T 2 A2 H(or) Wb/amp.
 dI  Current
 
 dt 
73. Electrical permitivity of
q1 .q2
free space 0  farad/m
4 fd 2 M 1 L3T 4 A2

Ch arg e
74. Surface charge density M 0 L2T 1 A1 C.m -2
Light energy
75. Luminous flux M 1 L2T 3 Lumen
E  Lu min ious flux 
76. Intensity of illumination (or) I   M 1 L0T 3 Luman.m -2 (or) Lux.
t.A  area 
77. Focal Power P Dioptre
focal length M 0 L1T 0

78. Wave number v M 0 L1T 0 m-1

(Propagation constant)

Z 2 e4 m
79. Rydberg constnat R M 0 L1T 0 m-1
8 02 ch3
1) precision 2) accuracy 1) accuracy 2) error
3) systematic error 4) random error 3) number of figures 4) value
2. The error due to resolution of a measuring 14. If a measured quantity has n significant
instrument is figures, the reliable digits in it are
1) personal error 2) random error 1) n 2) n-1 3) 2n 4) n/2
3) systematic error 4) gross error 15. If the significant figures are more,
3. The error due to resolution of a measuring 1)percentage error is more and accuracy is less
instrument is 2)percentage error is less and accuracy is more
1) least count error 2)permissible error 3)percentage error is less and accuracy is less
3) systematic error 4) all the above 4)percentage error is more and accuracy is more
4. The random error which exists invariably in 16. The mathematical operation in which the
screw gauge
accuracy is limited to least accurate term is
1) least count error 2) Zero error
1) addition 2) subtraction
3) gross error 4) backlash error
3) multiplication & division 4) both 1 and 2
5. The errors which are estimated by statistical
methods are 17. The time period of a seconds pendulum is
1) systematic errors 2) random errors measured repeatedly for three times by two
3) theoretical errors 4) gross errors stop watches A,B. If the readings are as
6. The measure of accuracy is follows
1) absolute error 2) relative error S.NO A B
3) percentage error 4) both 2 and 3 1. 2.01 sec 2.56 sec
7. The decrease in percentage error 2. 2.10 sec 2.55 sec
1) increases the accuracy 3. 1.98 sec 2.57 sec
2) does not effect the accuracy 1) A is more accurate but B is more precise
3) decreases the accuracy 2) B is more accurate but A is more precise
4) both 1 and 3 3) A,B are equally precise
8. Even when the measured quantity is not 4) A,B are equally accurate
dimensionless, ……………of the following is a 18. With a highly advanced precision instrument
dimensionless error 1) percentage error can be reduced
1) gross error 2) absolute error 2) totally accurate value can be measured
3) instrumental error 4) relative error 3) true value can be found out
9. Mean value – Measured value gives 4) all the above
1) absolute error 2) relative error 19. If Y = a + b, the maximum percentage error in
3) random error 4) gross error the measurement of Y will be
10. The errors that always occur in the
measurement with screw gauge is  a b   a b 
1)    100 2)    100
1) random errors 2) systematic errors  a b   a b a b 
3) gross errors 4) negligible errors
11. A physicist performs an experiment and takes  a b   a b 
3)    100 4)     100
200 readings. He repeats the same experiment  a b   ab ab
and now takes 800 readings. By doing so 20. If Y = a - b, the maximum percentage error in
1) the probable error remains same the measurement of Y will be
2) the probable error is four times  a b   a b 
3) the probable error is halved 1)     100 2)     100
 a b  ab ab
4) the probable error is reduced by a factor ¼
12. The Last digit in the measurement gives the  a b   a b 
first. ………digit 3)     100 4)  a  b  a  b   100
 a b   
1) certain 2) significant
21. If Y = a x b, the maximum percentage error in
3) uncertain 4) insignificant the measurement of Y will be
13. More the number of significant figures shows
more the
 a   b  1. M 1 L2 2. M 1 L0T 2 3. M 1 L2T 1 4. M 1 L1T 2
1)   100  /   100  31. [Jm-2] is the unit of
 a   b 
1. Surface tension 2. Viscosity
 a b  3. Strain energy 4. Intensity of energy
2)     100 32. [Jm-3] may be the unit of
 a b  1. Strain energy density
 a   b  2. Modulus of Elasticity ( y, k, n)
3)  a  1 0 0    b  1 0 0  3. Both 1 & 2 4. Strain energy
   
33. The dimensional formula for potential energy is
 a b  1. M 2 L2T 2 2. M 1 L2T 2
4)     100
 a b  3. M 1 L2T 2 4. M 1 L2T 3
22. If Y = a/b, the maximum percentage error in 34. The dimensional formula for moment of couple is
the measurement of Y will be 1. M 1 L2T 1 2. M 1L2T 2
 a   b  3. M 1 L2T 2 4. M 1 L1T 2
1)  100  /  100 
 a   b  35. 1 a.m.u is equal to
1. 1.66 x 10-24 g 2. 1.66 x 10-27 g
 a b  3. 1.66 x 10 g 4. 1.66 x 1027 g
2)     100 36. 'POISE' is the
 a b  1. C.G.S. unit of Surface tension
2. C.G.S. unit of Viscosity
 a   b 
3)  100    100  3. M.K.S. unit of Viscosity
 a   b  4. M.K.S. unit of Surface energy
37. Pressure x Volume =
 a b  1. Work 2. Power
4)     100
 a b  3. Modulus of Elasticity 4. Pressure.
38. The dimensional formula for Magnetic Moment
23. The S.I. Unit of pressure is
of a magent is
1. newton 2. Nm-1 3. pascal 4. poise
24. The dimensional formula for strain energy density is 1. M 0 L2T 0 A1 2. M 0 L2T 0 A1
1. M 1 L2T 3 2. M 1 L2T 3 3. M 1 L1T 2 4. M 1 L2T 2 3. M L T A
0  2 0  1 4. M 0 L2T 0 A1
25. The physical quantities which have the same 39. Magnetic flux and Magnetic induction field
strength differ in the dimensions of
dimensions as [T-1] are
1. Mass 2. Length 3. time 4. 1,2, 3
1. Frequency and Angular velocity 40. Linear Momentum and Angular momentum
2.Velocity gradient and radio active have the same dimensions in
disintegration 1. Mass and length 2. Length and time
3. Both 1 and 2 3. Mass and time 4.Mass, length and time
4. Wave number, Rydberg’s constant 41. Impulse and Angular velocity have the same
26. The physical quantity having the same dimensions in
dimensional formula as that of force is 1. Mass 2. Length 3. Time
1. weight 2. tension 3. thrust 4. 1, 2, 3 4. Mass, length and time
27. N.m-1 is the SI unit of 42. In the following, the one which is not a physical
1. Force constant 2. Spring constant quantity is
1. Power 2. Momentum
3. Surface tension 4. 1,2 and 3
3. Latent heat 4. radian
28. The physical quantities having same dimensions of 43. Kilo watt hour is the unit of
energy is 1. Power 2. Energy
1. Torque 2. Moment of force 3. time 4. Electric current
3. Moment of couple 4. 1,2, 3 44. The angle subtended at the centre of a circle
29. The dimension of mass is zero in the following by an arc whose length is equal to the diameter
physical quantities. of the circle is
1. Gravitational potential 2. latent heat 1. radian 2. 2 radian
3. Specific heat capcity 4. 1, 2, 3 3.  radian 4.  /2 radian
30. The SI unit of a physical quantity is [J. m-2]. 45. Which of the following is not a unit of time?
The dimensional formula for that quantity is 1. Mean solar day 2. Lunar Month
3. Leap year 4. Light year
46. The following is not used as the unit of work 1
permittivity then is equal to
1. erg 2. Joule 
3. Electron volt 4. Volt 1. Speed of sound
47. In the following, the one which has not been
2. Speed of light in vacuum
expressed properly is
3. Speed of sound in medium
stress 4. Speed of light in medium
1.  Nm 2 2. Surface tension = Nm 1
strain 58. The following is a unitless and dimensionless
3. Energy = Kgms-1 4. Pressure = Nm 2 quantity
48. The derived unit is 1. Angle 2. Solid angle
1. Candela 2. mole 3. Kelvin 4. Tesla 3. Mechanical equivalent of heat
49. SI unit of Coefficient of viscosity is 4. Refractive index.
1. Pascal s-1 2. Pascal -s 59. The unitless quantity is
3. N/m2/unit velocity 1. Velocity gradient 2. Pressure gradiant
4. N/m/unit velocity gradient 3. displacement gradient
50. Read the following statements carefully and 4. force gradient
pick out the correct choice of answer. 60. The one which is not a dimensionless quantity is
A: Susceptibility is expressed as Am-1. 1. Moment of Momentum 2. Moment of force
B: Magnetic flux is expressed as JA-1 3. Moment of inertia 4. 1, 2 & 3
1. A is correct but B is wrong 61. If the unit of tension is divided by the unit of
2. A is wrong but B is correct. Surface tension the derived unit will be same
3. Both A and B are wrong as that of
4.Both A and B are correct. 1. mass 2. length 3. area 4. work
51. Read the following statements carefully and 62. Atto is ___________
pick out the correct choice of answer. 1. An instrument used to measure gradient
A :Electromotive force is expressed in 2. An insturment used to measure the altitude
newtons. 3. 1018 metre 4. 10-18 metre
B: Electric intensity is expressed in VC-1 63. N m s-1 is the unit of
1. Both A and B are correct 1. Pressure 2. Power
2. Both A and B are wrong 3. Potential 4. Pressure gradient
3. A is correct but B is wrong
4. A is wrong but B is correct  Permeability 
52. The following does not give the unit of energy 64.   will have the dimensions of :
 Permittivity 
1. watt second 2. Kilowatt hour
3. newton meter 4. pascal metre 1. M 0 L0T 0 A0 2. M 2 L2T 4 A2
53. 1 fermi is equal to 3. M 2 L4T 6 A4 4. M 2 L4T 6 A4
1. 10-15 m 2. 10-9 micron 65. One second is defined more accurately as
-5 0
3. 10 A 4. 1,2, 3 1. 1650763.73 periods of Krypton clock
54. If n is the numeric, U is the name of the unit, 2. 652189.63 periods of Krypton clolck
then 3. 1650763.73 periods of Caesium clock
1 1 4. 9,192,631,770 periods of Caesium clock
1. n  U 2. n  3. n  2 4. n  U 2 66. The number of micron in 1 metre is
55. "Impulse per unit area " has same dimensions 1. 10 2.103 3. 106 4. 109
as that of 67. Stefan's constant has the unit as
1.coefficient of viscosity 2. surface tension 1. J S-1 m-2 k4 2. Kg s-3 k4
-2 -4
3. bulk modulus 4. gravitational potential 3. w m k 4. N.m.s-2 k-4
56. The following pair does not have same 68. Which one of the following is not measured in
dimensions the units of Energy
1. Pressure, Modulus of Elasticity 1. (Couple) x (angle turned through)
2. Angular velocity, velocity gradient 2. Moment of inertia x ( angular velocity)2
3. Surface tension and force constant 3. Force x distance 4. impulse x time
4. Impulse and torque 69. An example to define length in the form of time
57. If  is the permeability and  is the
at a place is
82. A: If u1 and u2 are units and n1 , n2 are their
1. Wrist watch
2. Linear expansion of iron rod numerical values in two different systems
3. Frequency of ripples on the surface of water then n1  n2  u1  u2 .
4. Seconds pendulum R: The numerical value of physical quantity is
70. The one which is not the unit of length is inversely proportional to unit
1. Angstrom unit 2. micron 1. A and R are correct and R is correct
3. Parsecond 4. Steradian explanation of A
71. The physical quantity having the same 2. A and R are correct and R is correct not
dimensional formula as that of entropy is : correct explanation A
1. Latent heat 2. Thermal capcity 3. A is true and R is false
3. Heat 4. Specific heat 4. A is false and R is true
72. JS is the unit of 83. The numerical value of a measurement is
1. Energy 2. Angular Momentum 1. directly proportional to unit
3. Momentum 4. Power 2. inversly proportional to unit
73. Which of the following cannot be expressed as 3. Both 4. None
dyne cm-2? 84. Consider the following two statements A and B
1. Pressure 2. Longitudinal stress and identify the correct answer.
3. Longitudinal strain A) The MKS system is a coherent system of
4. Young's Modulus of Elasticity units
74. The unit of atmospheric pressure is : B) In SI, joule is the unit for all forms of energy
1. metre 2. kg.wt 3. gm .cm-2 4. bar 1) A is true but B is false
75. The ratio between pico and giga is 2) B is true but A is false
1. 1021 2. 10-21 3. 1014 4. 108 3) Both A and B are true
76. 1 Micron = ----nanometer 4) Both A and B are false
1. 10-6 2.10-10 3. 103 4. 10-3 85. Study the following
77. Which of the following has smallest value? List - I List - II
1. Peta 2.femto 3. Yotta 4.Yocto a) Fundamental unit I) rad
78. henry is the unit of b) Derived unit II) Kg-Wt
1. Self inductance (or) Mutual inductance c) Practical unit III) N
2. e.m.f 3. capacity 4. Conductivity d) Supplementary unit IV) Kg
79. 1 Kilo watt hour is equal to ---- eV The correct match is
1. 2.25 x 1025 2. 3.6 x 1018 a b c d
3. 1.6 X 10 10
4. 2.25 X 1020 1. I IV II III
80. Consider the following two statements A and B 2. IV III II I
and identify the correct answer. 3. II III IV I
A) The size (u) of the unit of physical quantity 4. I II III IV
and its numerical magnitude (n) are related 86 Set the following units of energies in increasing
to each other by the relation nu = constant order.
B) The choice of mass, length and time as a) joule b) eV c) K.W.H d) erg
fundamental quantities is not unique. 1. a b c d
1) A is true but B is false 2. b d a c
2) B is true but A is false 3. d c b a
3) Both A and B are true 4. b a c b
4) Both A and B are false 87. A: Plane angle is a dimensionless quantity.
81. A: When we change the unit of measurement R: All supplementary quantities are dimension
of a quantity, its numerical value changes. less.
R: Smaller the unit of measurement, smaller is 1. A and R are correct and R is correct
its numerical value. explanation of A
1. A and R are correct and R is correct 2. A and R are correct and R is correct not
explanation of A correct explanation A
2. A and R are correct and R is correct not 3. A is true and R is false
correct explanation A 4. A is false and R is true
3. A is true and R is false
4. A is false and R is true
88. A: Light year is a unit of time 101. The unit of Young's Modulus is
R: Light year is the distance traveled by light in 1. N.m-1 2. N.m 3. N.m-2 4. N.m2
vaccum in one year. 102. The S.I. value of Mechanical equivalent of heat
1. A and R are correct and R is correct is:
explanation of A 1. 4.2 2. 1 3. 2.4 4. 2
2. A and R are correct and R is correct not
103. Column I gives three physicll quantities. Select
correct explanation A
3. A is true and R is false the appropritate units for these from the
4. A is false and R is true choices given in column II. Some of the
89. Which of the following is not a unit of time physical quantities may have more than one
a) par-sec b) light-year
Column-I Column - II
c) micron d) sec a) Capacitance d) Ohm second
1) a and c are correct 2) a and b are correct 2 1
b) Inductance e) Coulomb joule
3) a,b and c are correct 4) all are correct
c) Magnetic
90. The SI unit of inductance, henry can be written 1
induction f) Coulomb volt
g) newton (ampere /
a) weber/ampere b) Volt second/ampere 1
c) joule(ampere)-2 d) ohm-second metre)
1) a & c are correct 2) a & b are correct h)Volt second (ampere)
3) a, b, & c are correct 4) all are correct a b c
91. The S.I. unit of Moment of inertia is : (1999 E) 1. e d g
1. kg/m2 2. kg m2 3. N/m2 4. Nm2 2. h d e
3. e g, h g
92. The unit of Luminous intensity is: (1994 E)
4. e,f d, h d,e
1. Candela 2. Watt 3. Lumen 4. Ampere. 104. Match List I with List II and select the correct
93. siemen is the S.I unit of (1991 E) answer using the codes given below the lists.
1. Electrical conductance List - I List - II
2. Electrical conductivity a) Joule e) Henry-amp/sec
3. Potential difference 4. Inductance b) Watt f) Farad-Volt
c) Volt g) Coulomb-volt
94. The SI unit of magnetic flux is (1990 E)
d) Coulomb h) Oersted-cm
1. maxwell 2. weber i) Amp-gauss
3. tesla 4. gauss j) Amp2-ohm
95. The fundamental unit which has the same 1) a  e; b  j ; c  i; d  h
power in the dimensional formula of surface
tension and coefficient of viscosity is (1989 E) 2) a  g ; b  j; c  e; d  f
1. mass 2. length 3. time 4. none 3) a  g ; b  j; c  e; d  i
96. Electron volt is the unit of (1988 E)
4) a  f ; b  j; c  e; d  g
1. power 2. P.D 3. charge 4. energy
97. The SI unit of magnetic pereability is 105. Match List I with List II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the Lists.
1) Am1 2) Am 2 3) Hm 2 4) Hm 1 List - I List - II
98. Which of the following quantities has the units A) Distance between earth and stars I) Micron
Kg m2 s-3 A-2? B) Inter atomic distance in a solid II) Angstrom
1) resistance 2) inductane C) Size of the nucleus III) Light year
3) capacitance 4) magnetic flux D) Wave length of infrared laser IV) Fermi
99. Dyne - Second is the unit of V) Kilometer
1. Force 2. Momentum A B C D
3. Energy 4. Power 1) V IV II I
100. Torr is the unit of physical quantity 2) III II IV I
1. density 2. pressure 3) V II IV III
3. torque 4. None 4) III IV I II
106. Arrange the following lengths in increasing dimensions
order III. Refractive index is dimensionless variable
I. 1 Angstrom II. 1 Micro IV. Permeability of vaccum is dimensional
III. 1 Fermi IV. 1 light year constant
1. III, I, II, IV 2. I, II, III, IV 1) only I and II are correct
3. III, II, I, IV 4. II, III, I, IV
2) Only II is correct 3) Only III correct
107. Arrange the following multiples in decreasing
4) Only IV is correct
I. Milli II. Centi 113. Match the physical quantities given in Column I
III. Nano IV. Pico with suitable dimensions expressed in Column
1. IV, II, I, III 2. II, I, III,IV II.
3. I, III, II, IV 4. III, IV, I, II Column I Column II
108. Arrange the following physical quantities a) Angular momentum e)
M 1L2T 1
increasing order of their magnitudes
b) Torque f) MT 2
I. 106 dyne II. 1 N III. 3 Kg mS 2
c) Gravitational constant g) ML2T 2
IV. 107 gm cm S 2 d) Tension h) ML2T 1
The correct match is
3. II III I IV 1) c  f ;d  e 2) a  h; b  g
4. I II III IV 3) a  g ; c  f 4) b  f ; a  e
109. Consider the following two statements A and B
and identify the correct answer. 114. Arrange the following physical quantities in the
A) Two quantities which are to be added must decreasing order of dimension of length
have the same dimensions I. Density II. Pressure III. Power
B) Two quantities which are to be multiplied IV. Impulse
must have the same dimensions. 1. I, II, III, IV 2. III, II, I, IV
1) A is true but B is false 2) B is true but A is 3. IV, I,II, III 4. III, IV, II, I
false 115. A book with many printing errors contains four
3) Both A and B are true different expressions for the displacement ‘y’ of
4) Both A and B are false a particle executing simple harmonic motion.
110. Choose the correct statement The wrong formula on dimensional basis
1) a dimentionally incorrect equation may be correct i. y  A sin  2 t / T 
2) a dimentionally correct equation is always correct
3) a dimensionally correct equation may be incorrect ii. y  A sin Vt 
4)a dimensionally incorrect equation is never incorrect.
111. Consider the following two statements A and B. iii. y  A / T sin  t / A 
Identify the correct answer.
e2 iv) y   sin  t  cos t 
A) The quantity
0 ch
is dimension less 2
1) ii only 2) ii and iii only
1 3) iii only 4) iii and iv only
 0 0 has the dimensions of velocity 116. A: Surface tension and spring constant have
the same dimensions.
and is numerically equal of velocity of light.
R: Both are equivalent to force per unit length
1) A is true but B is false
2) B is true but A is false 1. A and R are correct and R is correct
3) Both A and B are true explanation of A
4) Both A and B are false 2. A and R are correct and R is correct not
112. Choose the false statement from given state-
correct explanation A
I. Relative permittivity is dimensionless variable 3. A is true and R is false
II. Angular displacement has neither units nor 4. A is false and R is true
117. A: Method of dimensions cannot be used for 122. Names of units of some physical quantities are
deriving formulae containing trigonometrical given in List - I and their dimensional formulae
ratios. are given in List - II. Match the correct pair of
R: Trigonometrical ratio’s have no dimensions. the lists. (2005 E)
1. A and R are correct and R is correct List - I List - II
explanation of A 2 2 1
2. A and R are correct and R is correct not a) Pa s e)  L T K 
correct explanation A
b) NmK-1 f) MLT 3 K 1
3. A is true and R is false
4. A is false and R is true c) J kg 1 k 1 g) ML1T 1
118. Which of the following is dimensionless
a) Boltzmann’s constant 2 2 1
d) Wm 1k 1 h)  ML T K 
b) Planck’s constant c) Poisson’s ratio
d) Relative constant a b c d
1) a and b are correct 2) c and b are correct 1. h g e f
3) c and d are correct 4) d and a are correct 2. g f h e
119. Which of the following pairs have same dimen- 3. g e h f
sions. 4. g h e f
a) Torque and work 123. The dimensional equation for magnetic flux is
b) Angular momentum and work (2003 M)
c) Energy and Young’s modulus 1) ML2T 2 I 1 2) ML2T 2 I 2
d) Light year and wavelength
3) ML2T 2 I 1 4) ML2T 2 I 2
1) a and b are correct 2) b and c are correct
3) c and d are correct 4) d and a correct 124. The dimensional formula for coefficient of
120. The pair of physical quantities that have same kinematic viscosity is : (2002 M)
dimensions are 1. M L T
0  1  1 2. M L T
0 2 1

a) Reynold number and coefficient of friction 3. ML2T 1 4. ML1T 1

b) Latent heat and gravitational potential 125. The dimensional formula for Magnetic induction
c) Curie and frequency of light wave is (2000 M)
d) Planck’s constant and torque 1. MT A 2. MT A 3. MLA
1 1  2 1 1 4. MT 2 A
1) b and c are correct 2) a and b are correct
126. The dimnsional formula for latent heat is
3) a,b and c are correct 4) all are correct
(1999 E)
121. Some physical constants are given in List - I
and their dimensional formulae are given in List 1. MLT 2 2. ML2T 2 3. M 0 L2T 2 4. MLT 1
- 2. Match the following : (2007 E) 127. Dimensions of impulse are : (1998 M)
1. MLT 2 2. M LT 3. MLT
2 1  1 4. ML2T 1
List - I List - 2
128. Dimensional formula for capacitance is (1997E)
1 2 1. M 1 L2T 4 I 2 2. M 1 L2T 4 I 2
a) Planck’s constant e)  ML T 
3. M 1 L2T 2 4. MLT–1
1 1 129. Modulus of Elasticity is dimensionally
b) Gravitational f)  ML T 
equivalent to (1996 E)
constant 1. Stress 2. Surface tension
3. Strain 4. Coefficient of viscosity
2 1
c) Bulk modulus g)  ML T  130. Dimensions of C x R (Capacity x Resistance) is
(1995 E)
1 3 2 1. frequency 2. energy
d) Coefficient of h)  M L T 
3. time period 4. current
Viscosity 131. The physical quantity that has no dimensions is:
a) b) c) d) (1995 E)
1) h g f e 1. angular velocity 2. linear momentum
2) f e g h 3. angular momentum 4. strain
3) g f e h 132. M 1 L1T 2 represents (1995 M)
4) g h e f 1. Stress 2. Young's Modulus
3. Pressure 4. All the above
133. Dimensional formula for Angular momentum 145. The dimensions of resistivity in terms of M, L, T
(1995 M) and Q, where Q stands for the dimensions of
1. ML2T 1 2. M 1 L3T 1 3. M 1 L1T 1 4. ML3T 2 charge is
134. The pair of physical quantities not having the 1) ML3T 1Q 2 2) ML3T 2Q 1
same dimensional formula are. (1993E)
1. acceleration, gravitational field strength 3) ML2T 1Q 1 4) MLT 1Q 1
2. Torque, angular momentum 146. The physical quantities not having same
3. Pressure, Modulus of Elasticity dimensions are
4. All the above 1) torque and work
135. A pair of physical qunatities having the same 2) momentum and Planck’s constant
dimensional formula are (1993 M) 3) stress and Young’s modulus
1. Momentum and impulse
1/ 2
2. Momentum and energy  
3. Energy and pressure 4. Force and power 4) speed and   0 o 
136. The dimensional formula for universal  
gravitational constant is (1992 E)
1. M 1 L3T 2 2. M 0 L2T 2 3. M 1 L2T 2 1
147. Dimensions of
4. M 1 L3T 2 0 0 , where symbols have
137. A pair of physical quantities having the same their usual meaning are
dimensional formula are (1992 M)
1) L1T 2) L2T 2 3) L2T 2 4) LT 1
1. Force and Work 2. Work and energy
3. Force and Torque 4. Work and Power 148. Which one of the following represents the
138. The pair of physical quantities having the same correct dimensions of the coefficient of
dimensional formula is (1991 E) visocosity?
1. Angular Momentum and torque 1) ML1T 2 2) MLT 1
2. Torque and strain energy
3. Entropy and power 3) ML1T 1 4) ML2T 2
4. Power and Angular momentum 149. The dimensional formula for impulse is:
139. Planck's constant has the dimensions as that 1. MLT 2 2. MLT 1 3. ML2T 1 4. M 2 LT 1
of (1990 E) 150. The dimensions of calorie are
1. Energy 2. Power
1. ML2T 2 2. MLT 2 3. ML2T 1 4. ML2T 1
3. Linear momentum 4. Angular momentum
140. The physical quantity which has no dimensions 151. Specific heat in joule per kg per 0c rise of
is (1989 E) temperature, its dimensions are:
1. stress 2. strain 1. MLT 1 K 1 2. ML2T 2 K 1
3. momentum 4. angular velocity
3. M 0 L2T 2 K1 4. ML2T 2 K1
141. Dimensional formula of Torque is (1987 E)
1. MLT 2 2. ML2T 2 3. ML2T 3 4. MLT 3 152. The SI unit of a physical quantity having the
142. The dimensional formula for angular velocity is dimensional formula of ML0T 2 A1
(1984 E) 1. tesla 3.amp meter 4.amp m2
1. M L T 2. M L T 3. M L T 4. M 0 L0T 1
 1 1 0 0  1  1  1 1 0
153. The following pair does not have the same
143. The dimensional formula M 1 L3T 2 refers to dimensions
(1983 E) 1. Moment of inertia and Torque
1. Force 2. Power 2. Linear Momentum and impulse
3. Gravitational constant 4. Energy 3. Angular Momentum and Plank's constant
144. Of the following quantities which one has the 4. Work and internal energy
dimensions different from the remaining three?
1) energy density
2) force per unit area
3) product of charge per unit volume and voltage
4) Angular momentum per unit mass
154. Match List I with List II and select the correct 159. Let 0 denote the permittivity of the vacuum
List - I List - II and 0 is permeability of vacuum. If M=mass,
L=length, T=time and I = electric current, then
A) Spring constant I) M 1L2T 2 a)0  M 1 L3T 2 I b) 0  M 1 L3T 4 I 2
B) Pascal II) 0 0
M LT 1
2 2 2 1
c)  0  MLT I d)  0  ML T I
C) Hertz III) M 1L0T 2 1) a & c are correct 2) b & c are correct
3) c & d are correct 4) d & a are correct
D) Joule IV) M 1L1T 2 1
The correct match is 160. What are the dimensions of K 
4  ?
1) III IV II I 1) C 2 N 1 M 2 2) NM 2C 2
2) IV III I II 3) NM C 2 2 4) unitless
3) IV III II I 161. Match the physical quantities given in Column I
4) III IV I II with suitable dimensions expressed in Column
155.Match List I with II and select the correct answer: Column I Column II
List-I List-II
a) Angular momentum g) ML2T 2
A.Spring constant 1. M 1 L2T 2
b) Latent heat h) ML2Q 2
B.pascal 2. M LT 0 0 1
c) Torque i) ML2T 1
C.hertz 3. M L T 2
1 0
d) Capacitane j) ML3T 1Q 2
D.joule 4. M 1L1T 2
e) Inductance k) M 1 L2T 2Q 2
a) 3 4 2 1 f) Resistivity l) L2T 2
b) 4 3 1 2 a b c d e f
c) 4 3 2 1 1. i l g k h j
d) 3 4 1 2 2. l i k g j h
3. i l h j g k
156. The correct order in which the dimensions of 4. h j g k i l
length increases in the following physical 162. Study the following.
quantities is List - I List - II
a) Same negative I) pressure,
a) permittivity b) resistance dimensions of mass Rydberg constant
c) magnetic permeability d) stress b) same negative II) Mangnetic induction
1) a, b, c, d 2) d, c, b, a dimensions of length field, potential
c) same dimensions III) Capacity, of time
3) a, d, c, b 4) c, b, d, a universal gravitational
157. The correct order in which the dimensions of constant
“length “ decreases in the following physical d) Same dimension IV) Energy density,
quantities is of current surface tension
a) Coefficient of viscocity a b c d
b) Thermal capacity c) Escape velocity 1 III I IV II
d) Density 2. III IV I II
1.b,c,a,d 2.a,b, c,d
3. c,d,b,a 4.a,d,c,b
158. The correct order in which the dimensions of “time”
increases in the following physical quantities is
a) Stress
b) Period of revolution of satellite
c) Angular displacement
d) Coefficient of thermal conductivity
1. a b c d
2. d c b a
3. a d c b
4. d a c b
170. The number of significant figures in
LEVEL- I 6.023  1023 mole1 is
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 23
171. The side of a cube is 2.5 metre, the volume of
MODEL QUESTIONS the cube to the significant figures is
163. The accuracy in the measurement of the diameter 1) 15 2) 16 3) 1.5 4) 1.6
of hydrogen atom as 1.06 x 10-10 m is 172. When a force is expressed in dyne, the number
1) 0.01 2) 106 x 10-10 of significant figures is four. If it is expressed in
Newton, the number of significant figures will
1 become (105 dyne =1N)
3) 4) 0.01 x 10-10
106 1) 9 2) 5 3)1 4) 4
164. A physical quantity is represented byx =MaLbT-c. 173. 2 is
The percentage of errors in the measurements
1) 1.414 2) 1.4 3) 1.0 4) 1
are  %,  %,  % then the maximum 174. The mass of a box is 2.3 kg. Two marbles of
percentage error is masses 2.15 g and 12.48 g are added to it. The
1)  a   b  c 2) a  b   c total mass of the box is
1) 2.3438 kg 2) 2.3428 kg
3)  a   b   c 4)  a   b   c 3) 2.34 kg 4) 2.31 kg
165. The length of a rod is measured as 31.52 cm. PRACTICE QUESTIONS
Graduations on the scale are up to 175. The number of significant figures in 0.00386 is
1) 1 mm 2) 0.01 mm 3) 0.1 mm 4) 0.02 cm 1) 5 2) 3 3) 6 4) 2
PRACTICE QUESTIONS 176. The number of significant figures in 0.010200 is
166. The accuracy in the measurement of speed of 1) 6 2) 5 3) 6 4) 2
light is 3.00 x 108 m/s is 177. When the number 0.046508 is reduced to 4
significant figures, then it becomes
1 1 1 1) 0.0465 2) 4650.8 x 10-5
1) % 2) % 3) 3% 4) %
300 3 30 3) 4.651 x 10-2 4) 4.650 x 10-2
167. In an experiment, a physical quantity is given by 178. The radius of a sphere is 5 cm. Its volume will be
given by(according to theory of significant figures
a 2b 1) 523.33 cm3 2) 5.23 x 102 cm3
Y . The permissible percentage error
c3 2
3) 5.0 x 10 cm 3
4) 5 x 102 cm3
179. When 13546 is rounded off to four significant
 a b c  figures it becomes
1)      100
 a b c  1) 1355 2) 13550
3) 1355 x 101 4) 135.5
 a b 3c  180.
2)  2.    100 3.0 is
 a b c  1) 1.732 2) 1.7 3) 1.73 4) 1.8
181. W hen 24.25 x 10 3 is rounded off to three
 a b 3c 
3)  2.    100 significant figures
 a b c  1) 242 2) 243
3) 24.380 x 103 4) 24.2 x 103
 a b 3c  182. Universal gravitational constant given by 6.67 x
4)  2.     100
 a b c  10-11 N m2 kg-2, the no. of significant figure in it is
1) 14 2) 2 3) 3 4) 11
168. The percentage error in a measurement of 6
183. W hen we express the velocity of light
mm is 0.1 %, the error is (in mm)
30,00,00,000 in standard form up to three
1) 0.6 2) 0.06 3) 0.006 4) 0.001
significant figures it is
1) 3 x 108 ms-1 2) 3.00 x 108 ms-1
3) 3 x 1010 cms-1 4) 3 x 106 ms-1
169. If the value of 103.5 kg is rounded off to three
significant figures, then the value is 184. What is the value of 79.62 is
1) 103 2) 103.0 1) 8.923 2) 8.9230 3) 8.92300 4) 8.9326
3) 104 4) 10.3
185. The number of significant figures in the numbers 197. If the unit of length is doubled and that of mass
672.9 and 2.520 10 are 7 and time is halved, the unit of energy will be :
1. doubled 2. 4 times 3. 8 times 4. same
1) 4,4 2) 3,4 3) 4,3 4) 3,3 198. The energy (E). angular momerntum (L) and
186. With due regard to significant figures, the value universal graviational constant (G) are
of (46.7 – 10.04) is choosen as fundamental quantities. The
1) 36.7 2) 36.00 3) 36.66 4) 30.6 dimensions of universal gravitational constant
187. The diameter of a sphere is 4.24m. Its surface in the dimensional formula of planks
area with due regard to significant figures is. constant(h) is (2008 E)
1) 5.65 m 2 2)56.5 m 2
3)565 m 2 4)5650 m 2 (1) 0 (2)-1 3) (4) 1
188. The value of  / 53.2 with due regard to 199. One mach number is equal to
significant figures is. 1)1KmS 1 2)1N / m 2
1) 0.0591 2) 0.0590 3) 0.590 4) 0.5906
3)velocity of light
189. Round off to 3 significant figures a) 20.96 and b)
4) speed of sound
200. Barn is the unit of nuclear cross section. It is
1) 21.0 ; 312 × 10 4 2) 21.0 ; 3.12 × 10 4 equal to
3) 2.10 ; 3.12 × 10 4 4) 210; 3.12 × 10 4 1)10 20 m 2 2)10 28 m2
3)10 30 m 2 4)10 14 m 2
201. One Torr is eqaul to
190. 1 Pascal = C.G.S units (or) dyne Cm-2 1) 1cm of Hg 2) 1N / m 2
3)1 mm of Hg 4) 1 atm pressure
1. 10 2. 3. 100 4. 1000 202. Dimensions of solar constant are
0 0 1 1 2
191. L, C, and R represent the physical quantities 1)  M L T  2)  M LT 
inductance, capacitance and resistance
1 1 2 1 3
respectively. The combinations that have the 3)  M L T  4)  M T 
dimensions of frequency are
203. The intensity of a wave is defind as the energy
1 R 1 transmitted per unit area per second. Which
1. 2. 3. 4. 1,2, & 3
CR L L.C of the following represents the dimensional
192. The dimension of time in Electrical intensity is formula for the intensity of the wave?
1. -1 2. -2 3. -3 4.3 1) MT 2 2) MT 3
193. If 'm' is the mass of a body, 'a' is amplitude of
3) MT 1 4) ML4T
vibration, and '  ' is the angular frequency,,
204. Debye is a unit of
1 1) rms velocity 2) Force
ma 2 2 has same dimensional formula as
2 3) specific gravity
1. Work 2. moment of force 4) Electric dipole moment
3. energy 4. all the above 205. One shake is equal to
194. The dimensional formula for pressure gradient is 1)10 8 s 2)10 9 s
1. ML1T 2 2. M 1 L2T 2
3)10 10 s 4)109 s
3. M 1 L2T 2 4. M 1 L1T 3
206. The physical quantity which has the dimen-
195. The dimensional formula for Areal velocity is
sional formula M 1T 3 is
1. M 0 L2T 1 2. M 0 L2T 1
1) surface tension
3. M 0 L2T 1 4. M 0 L2T 1
2) solar constant
196. SI Unit of a physical quantity whose 3) Density
dimensional formula is M 1 L2T 4 A2 is 4) Compressibility
1.ohm 2. volt 3. sieman 4. farad
207. The dimensions of ( velocity ) 2 /radius are the 215. The SI unit of magnetic permeability is
same as that of (AIEEE 2002)
1) Planck’ s constant 1) Am1 2) Am 2 3) Hm 2 4) Hm 1
2) gravitational constant 216. Which one of the following represents the cor-
3) dielectric constant
rect dimensions of the coefficient of visocosity?
4) none of above
208. Given M is the mass suspended from a spring (AIEEE 2004)
of force constant. k. The dimensional formula 1) ML1T 2 2) MLT 1
1/ 2
for  M / k  is same as that for 3) ML1T 1 4) ML2T 2
1) frequency 2) time period 1
3) velocity 4) wavelength 217. What are the dimensions of K 
4  ?
209. Given that tan   v 2 / rg gives the angle of
banking of the cyclist going round the curve. (AIEEE 2004)
Here v is the speed of cyclist, r is the radius 1) C 2 N 1 M 2 2) NM 2 C 2
of the curve and g is acceleration due to
gravity. Which of the following statments 3) NM 2C 2 4) unitless
about this relation is true? PRACTICE QUESTIONS
1) it is both dimensionally as well as numeri- 218. [M1L2T-3A-2] is the dimensional formula of :
cally correct 1. Electric resistance 2. Capacity
2)it is neither dimensionally correct nor 3. Electric potential 4. Specific resistance
numerically correct 219. If C is the capcity, V is the potential difference,
3) it is dimensionally correct but not the energy stored in a capcitor is given by
numerically 1
4) it is numerically correct but not dimension- E  CV 2 . The dimension of time in cv2 is
1. -2 2. 2 3. 1 4. -1
210. The unit of “impulse per unit area” is
220. If L is the inductance, 'i' is current in the circuit,
same as that of
1) viscosity 2)surface tension 1 2
Li has the dimensions of
3) bulk modulus 4)noneof the above 2
1. Work 2. Power 3. Pressure 4. Force
1 221. The physical quantity having dimensions 2 in
Capacitance  Inductance have the length is
1. Power 2. Acceleration
same unit as 3. Force constant 4. Stress
1) time 2) velocity 222. (Coulomb)2 J-1 can be the unit of
3)velocity gradient 4) none of the above 1. Electric resistence 2. Electric energy
212. The unit of latent heat is equivalent to the unit 3. Electric capacity 4. Electric power
2 2 223. The ratio [ L : inductance R : ressistance]
1)  force  2)  acceleration  R
2 2
has the dimensions of :
3)  velocity  4)  density  1. Velocity 2. Acceleration
213. The numerical values of the Young modulus in 3. time 4. Force
224. The dimension of length in electrical resistance is
SI is  .Its numerical value in cgs system? 1. 2 2. 1 3. -2 4. -1
1)  2) 10  3)  /10 4)  /100 225. If J and E represent the angular momentum and
214. The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and J2
rotational kinetic energy of a body,
C (Colomb) is given as (AIEEE 2008) 2E
1) MT 1C 1 2) MT 2 C 1 represents the following physical qunatity.
1. Moment of couple 2. Moment of force
3) MLT 1C 1 4) MT 2 C 2 3. Moment of inertia 4. Force
234. In an inductive circuit current I is flown. The
226. If e,0 , h and c respectively represents
1 2
electric charge, permittivity of free space, work done is equal to LI . The dimensions of
Planck’s constant and speed of light then 2
LI 2 are
e2 1. ML2T 2 2. Not expressible in M, L,T
has the dimensions of
0 hc 3. ML1 4. M 2 L2T 2
a) angle b) relative density 235. Given M is the mass suspended from a spring
c) strain d) current of force constant k the dimensional formula
1) a & b are correct 2) d & c are correct 1
3) a, b & c are correct 4) a,b,c & d are correct  M 2
for   is same as that for
227. The dimensional formula for the product of two  k 
physical quantities P and Q is ML2T 2 . The 1. Wavelength 2. Velocity
P 3. Time period 4. Frequency
dimensional formula of Q is MT 2 . Then P 1
236. The dimensions of  0 .E 2 (  0 - Electrical
and Q respectively are: (2001 M) 2
1. Force and velocity permittivity, E - Electrical field, is
2. Momentum and displacement 1. MLT 1 2. ML2T 2
3. Force and displacement 3. MLT 2 4. No Answer
228. The fundamental physical quantities that have MODEL QUESTIONS
same dimension in the dimensional formula of 237. The velocity of an object varies with time as
Torque and Angular Momentum are (2000 E)
1. mass, time 2. time, length V = At 2  Bt  C . Taking the unit of time as
3. mass, length 4.time, mole 1 sec and Velocity as ms-1, the units of A, B, C
229. The physical quantity which has the respectively are:
energy 1. ms 3 , ms 2 , ms 1 2. ms 2 , ms 1 , ms 3
dimensional formula as that of mass  length is 3. ms 1 , ms 2 , ms 3 4. ms 1 , ms 1 , ms 1

1. Force 2. Power
(2000 M) 238. The velocity v in ms  1
 of a particle is given in
3. Pressure 4. Acceleration terms of time t  in sec ond  by the equation,
230. If m is the mass, Q is the charge and B is the b
magnetic induction, m/BQ has the same v  at 
dimensions as : (1999 M)  t  c  . The dimensions of a , b, c are
1. Frequency 2. Time The correct match is
3. Velocity 4. Acceleration a b c
231. Dimensions of 'ohm' are same as that of [h- 1) L T LT 2
Planck's constant e - charge] (1998 E) 2) LT 2
h h2 h h2 3) LT 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
e e e2 e2 4) L2 LT T2
232. Dimensional of are 239. The distance travelled by a body in time 't' is
RCV given by x  a  bt  ct 2 where x is distance, t is
1) A 12) A 2 3) A 4) A 2
time a,b and c are constants. the dimesional
233. If L has the dimensions of length, V that of formula for a, b and c respectively are :
potential and 0 is the permittivity of free 1. L, L1T 1 , L1T 2 2. L1T 1 , L1T 2 , L
3. L1T 2 , L1T 1 , L 4. L, L, L
space then quantity 0 LV
V has the dimensions
1) current 2) charge 3) resistance 4) voltage
240. If the displacement S of a body in time 't' is 248. A motor pumps water at the rate of V m3 per
given by S  At 3  Bt 2  Ct  D , the dimensions second, against a pressure P Nm-2. The power
of A are of the motor in watt is
1. L1T 3 2. T 3 3. L1T 3 4. L1 P V
1. PV 2. 3. 4. V  P 
241. Force F = at  bt where t is time. The
2 V P
dimensions of a and b are: 249. If the units of length and force are increased by
four times the unit of energy will be increased by
1.  MLT 3  and  MLT 4  1. 16% 2.1600% 3. 1500% 4. 400%
3. MLT 1 and MLT 0 250. The value of universal gravitational cosntant G
4. MLT 4 and MLT 1 in CGS system is 6.67 108 dyne cm2 gm-2 .
Its value in SI system in is
B C 1.6.67x10-11 Nm2 kg-2 2.6.67x10-5 Nm2 kg-2
242.   A  is dimensionally correct. The
 2 3. 6.67x10-10 Nm2 kg-2 4. 6.67x10-9 Nm2 kg-2
dimensions of A, B and C respectively are 251. The value of density of mercury in CGS system
is 13.56 gm cm-3 . Its value is SI system is
(  , A, B, C are constants) 1. 135.6 kg. m-3 2. 13.56 kg m-3
1. No dimensions, L, L2 2. L2, No dimensions,L 3. 1.356 kg m-3 4. 13560 kg m-3
3. L, L2, No dimensions 4. L, L2, no dimensions 252. The viscosity of a liquid is 0.85 kg m-1s-1. Its
243. According to Bernoulli’s theorem value in CGS system is
1. 8.5 gm cm-1s-1 2. 85 gm cm-1s-1
p v2 3. 0.85 gm cm-1s-1 4. 0.085 gm cm-1s-1
  gh  constant. The dimensional 253. Young's modulus of steel is 19 x 1010 Nm-2. Its
d 2
value in dyne cm-2 is
formula of the constant is ( P is pressure, d is 1. 19 x 1011 2. 19 x 1017
density, h is height, v is velocity and g is 3. 19 x 10 13
4. 19 x 1021
accelaration due to gravity) (2005 M) 254. If the unit of force is 1000N and unit of pressure
1) M 0 L0T 0 2) M 0 LT 0 is 40 pascal, the unit of length is
1. 50 cm 2.0.05 m 3. 0.5 m 4. 5 m
3) M 0 L2T 2 4) M 0 L2T 4 255. The value of g is 9.8 ms-2. Its value in a new
244. A certain physical quantity is calculated from the system in which the unit of length is kilometre
and that of time 1 minute is
 2 2 1. 35.3 Km minute-2 2. 3.53 Km minute-2
formula x 
 a  b  h where h, a and b, all are 3. 353 Km minute -2
4. 0.353 Km minute-2
lengths. Then x is : 256. If kg, meter and minute are taken as the units
of mass, length and time then the numerical
1. velocity 2.acceleration
value of force of 1000 dyne is
3.area 4. volume 1. 300 units 2. 3600 units
3. 0.36 units 4. 36 units
TO CONVERT A PHYSICAL QUANTITY FROM ONE 257. If the unit of mass is kg and that of length is
MODEL QUESTIONS 2m and the unit of time is one second, the unit
245. The surface tension of a liquid in CGS system of pressure is
1. 2 pascal 2. 0.5 pascal
is 45 dyne cm-1. Its value in SI system in is
3. 0.25 pascal 4. 1.0 pascal
1. 4.5 Nm-1 2. 0.045 Nm-1
258. If the fundamental units of length, mass and
3. 0.0045 Nm-1 4. 0.45 Nm-1 time are halved, the unit of momentum will be
246. If minute is the unit of time, 10 ms-2 is the unit 1. doubled 2.halved 3. same 4. four times
of acceleration and 100 kg is the unit of mass, 259. If the fundamental units of length, mass and
the new unit of work in joule is time are doubled, the unit of force will be
1. 105 2. 106 3. 6 x 106 4. 36x 106 1. doubled 2.halved 3. same 4. four times
247. The magnitude of force is 100 N. What will be 260. If the magnitude of mass is 1 kg that of time is
its value if the units of mass and time are 1 minute and that of acceleration due to gravity
doubled and that of length is halved? is 10 ms-2, the magnitude of energy in joule
1. 25 N 2.100 N 3.200 N 4. 400 N 1. 3.6 x 105 2. 3.6 x 10-5 3. 3.6 x 102 4. 10
261. If the unit of length is quadrupled and that of TO ESTABLISH RELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT
force is doubled, the unit of power increases to PHYSICAL QUANTITIES
1. 8 2. 4 3. 2 4. 16 270. The velocity of sound in air (V) pressure ( P) and
262. If the unit of force is 5 N and that of length is
10m, the unit of energy in joule is density of air ( d) are related as V  p x d y . The
1. 0.5 2. 50 3. 2 4. 15 values of x and y respectively are
263. If the unit of force is 12 N, that of length is 3 m
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
and that of time is 4 s, the unit of mass in new 1. 1, 2.  ,  3. , 4. , 
system is 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1. 6.4 Kg 2. 64 kg 3. 640 Kg 4. 128 Kg 271. The dimensions of 'k' in the relation V = k avt
264. 1 MeV = --- joule
(where V is the volume of a liquid passing through
1. 106 2. 1.6 x 10-13
-19 any point in time t, 'a' is area of cross section, v
3. 1.6 x 10 4. 3.6 x 106
is the velocity of the liquid) is
265. In C.G.S. system the magnitude of the force is
100 dyne. In another system where the 1. M 1 L2T 1 2. M 1 L1T 1 3. M 0 L0T 1 4. M 0 L0T 0
fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, 272. If force ‘F’, acceleration 'A' and time 'T' are taken
metre, and minute, the magnitude of force is as fundamental quantities then the dimensions
(2001 E) of energy are :
1. 0.036 2.0.36 3. 3.6 4. 36 1. A2T 2. F AT 2 3. F 2T 4. FA1T 1
266. S.I. unit and C.G.S unit of a quantity vary by 273. If pressure 'p' depends upon velocity'v' and density
103 times, it is : (1994 E) 'd', the relationship between p, v and d is
1. Boltzman constant 2.Gravitationalconstant v3 v2
3. Plank's constant 1. p  v d 2. p  v 2 d 3. p  4. p  2
d d
4. Angular Momentum 274. The period of oscillation 'T' of a loaded spring depends
upon the mass of load 'M' and force costant K of the
TO CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF A GIVEN spring. If the constant of proportionality is 2  , the
PHYSICAL RELATION dimensional formula for 'T' is
267. The final velocity of a particle falling freely under 1. T = 2 2. T = 2
gravity is given by V 2  u 2  2 gx where x is the
distance covered. If v = 18 kmph. K M
3. T = 2 4. T  2
g = 1000cm s-2, x = 120 cm then u = ----ms-1 M K
1. 2.4 2. 1.2 3. 1 4. 0.1 275. If force (F), work (W) and Velocity (V) are taken
PRACTICE QUESTIONS as fundametal quantities then the dimensinal
268. The equation which is dimensionally correct formula of Time (T) is (2007 M)
among the following is
1) W 1 F 1V 1 2) W 1 F 1V 1
1. V  u  at 2 2. S  ut  at 3
3) W 1 F 1V 1 4) W 1 F 1V 1
3. S  ut  at 2 4. t  S  av
269. The displacement in n second of uniformly
acelerated motion is given by x
 Mass 2  radius 2
276. IF ( force ) = the value of x is
 time period 4
Snth = u   2n  1 This equation is 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4
277. The acceleration of a particle moving along the
circumference of a circle depends upon the uniform
1. correct 2. not correct
3. can be made correct by multiplying the right speed ‘v’ and radius 'r' . If a  v x r y the values of
hand side of equation by n. x and y are
4. can be made correct by dividing the left 1. 2, 2 2.2, 1 3. 1, 1 4.2, -1
hand side of the equation by n. 278. Velocity of waves on water is given by V  Kg a  b
where g is acceleration due to gravity,  the wave
length and K is a constant. The values of a and
b are
1 1 1 1 1
1.  ,  2. , 2 3. 2, 2 4. ,
2 2 2 2 2
279. The mass (M) of a stone that can be moved by 287. For the equation F = Aa vb d c where F is force,
water current depends upon velocity 'V' of the
stream, density of water d and acceleration due A is area, v is velocity and d is density, with
to gravity 'g' .The relation between the mass and the dimensional analysis gives the following
velocity is values for the exponents. (1985 E)
1. a=1, b = 2, c =1 2. a =2, b =1, c= 1
1 3. a =1, b =1, c= 2 4. a = 0, b =1 , c = 1
1. M  V 6 2. M  V 2 3. M 
4. M  V
d2 288. If force F, LengthL and timeT are chosen as
280. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is fundamental quantities,the dimensional formula
expected to depend upon the length of the for Mass is
pendulum ( l ), and acceleration due to gravity (g). 1. FLT 2. F-1L-1T-2 3. F-2L-2T-2 4. F1L-1T2
The constant of proportionality is 2  . Then T = 289. If Force F, Mass M and time T are chosen as
fundamental quantities the dimensional formula
2 l g l 2 g
1. 3. 2
2. 2 4. for length is
g l g l 1. FMT 2. FM-1T2 3. FL2T-2 4. F-1L-2T-2
281. If C, R, C and I denote capacity resistance, 290. If the velocity 'V', the kinetic energy 'k' and time
inductance and electric current respectively, the 'T' are taken as fundamental quantities the
quantities having the same dimensions of time dimensional formula of surface tension is.
are (2006 E) 1. KV 2T 2 2. KV 2T 2
a) CR b) L/R c) LC d) LI 2 3. K 2V 2T 2 4. K 2V 2T 2
1) a and b only 2) a and c only
3) a and d only 4) a, b and c only
282. In planetarymotion the areal velocity of position LEVEL - II
vector of a planet depends on angular velocity  NUMERICAL QUESTIONS
and the distance of the planet from sun (r). If so ACCURACY, PRECISION, TYPES OF ERRORS AND
the correct relation for areal velocity is (2003 E) COMBINATION OF ERRORS
1)  r 2)   2r 291. The error in the measurement of the length of
dt dt the simple pendulum is 0.2 % and the error in
dA dA time period 4%. The maximum possible error in
3)  r2 4)  r
dt dt L
283. If pressure P, Velocity V, and time T are taken as measurement of is
fundamental physical quantities the dimensional T2
formula for force is (2000 E) 1) 4.2% 2) 3.8% 3) 7.8% 4) 8.2%
1. PV T2 2
2. P V T 3. PVT
1 2 1 2
4. P1V .T 2 292. The least count of a stop watch is 1/5 sec. The
time of 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured
284. Velocity of a wave is directly proportional to
to be 25 sec. The maximum percentage error in
modulus of Elasticity 'E' and density 'd' of a
this measurement is
medium. The expression of 'V' using dimensional
1) 8% 2) 1% 3) 0.8% 4) 16%
analysis is (1997 E)
293. The diameter of a wire as measured by a screw
E E E gauge was found to be 1.002 cm, 1.004 cm and
1. V  2. V  3. V  4. V  ED 1.006 cm. The absolute error in the third reading
d d d
285. V  g x .h y where V is velocity g is acceleration 1) 0.002 cm 2) 0.004 cm
due to gravity and h is height. Then x and y are 3) 1.002 cm 4) zero
(1994 E) 294. Dimensional formula for a physical quantity X is
1 1
1 1
2. , 
1 1
3.  , 4. 1,
1 M 1 L3T 2 . The errors in measuring the
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 quantities M,L and T respectively are 2%, 3%,
286. Dimensional analysis of the equation and 4%. The maximum percentage error that
3 3 occurs in measuring the quantity X is
Velocity    Pr essure difference  2 .  density  2 1) 19% 2) 9% 3) 17% 4) 21%
gives the value of x as: (1986 E)
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. -3
295. The heat generated in a circuit is dependent on MODEL QUESTIONS
the resistance, current and time of flow of electric 303. The velocity of light in vacuum is 30crore m/s.
current. If the percentage errors measured in the This is expressed in standard form upto 3
above physical quantities are 1%, 2% and 1%, significant figures as
the maximum error in measuring the heat is 1) 0.003 x 1011 m/s 2) 300 x 106 m/s
1) 2% 2) 3% 3) 6% 4) 1% 3) 3.00 x 10 m/s 4) 0.030 x 1010 m/s
296. While measuring acceleration due to gravity by 304. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular
simple pendulum a student makes a positive error lamina are 1.024 m, 0.56, and 0.0031 m. The
of 1% in length of the pendulum and negative volume is …………..m3
error of 3% in the value of time period. His 1) 1.8 x 10-3 2) 1.80 x 10-3
percentage error in the measurement of the value 3) 0.180 x 10 4) 0.00177
1) 2% 2) 1% 3) 7% 4) 10% 305. The diameter of a cylinder is 0.55 cm, its length
297. The percentage errors in a,b,c are is 1.35 cm. Its volume is……cm3
1) 0.3240 2) 0.32 3) 0.324 4) 3.2
1%,  3% and  2% respectively. The
306. The volume of a sphere is 1.76 cm3. The volume
of 25 such spheres according to the idea if
ab 2
percentage error in x  can be significant figures is (in cm3)
c3 1) 44.00 2) 44.0 3) 44 4) 4.4
1) 13% 2) 7% 3) 4% 4) 1% 307. (2.0)10 is
298. The percentage error in the measurement of mass 1) 1024 2) 1.024 x 1010
and speed are 2% and 3% respectively. The 3) 1.0 x 103 4) one kilo
maximum percentage error in the estimation of 308. A body of mass m = 3.513 kg is moving along
kinetic energy of a body measuring its mass and the x-axis with a speed of 5.00 ms 1 . The
speed will be magnitude of its momentum is recorded as
1) 11% 2) 8% 3) 5% 4) 1% (AIEEE 2008)
299. The heat generated in a circuit is given by Q = i2
Rt joule , where ‘i’ is current, R is resistance 1) 17.56 kg ms 1 2) 17.57 kg ms 1
and t is time. If the percentage errors in
3) 17.6 kg ms 1 4) 17.565 kg ms 1
measuring I, R and t are 2%, 1% and 1%
respectively. The maximum error in measuring
1) 2% 2) 3% 3) 4% 4) 6% MODEL QUESTIONS
300. The density of a cube can be measured by 309. The following equation is dimensionally correct.
measuring its mass and the length of its side . If 1. pressure = Energy per unit area
the maximum errors in the measurement of mass 2. pressure = Energy per unit volume
and length are 3%, and 2% respectively, the 3. pressure = Force per unit volume
maximum error in the measurement of the 4. pressure = Momentum per unit volume per
density of the cube is unit time
1) 9% 2) 19% 3) 10% 4) 90% 310. If 'R' is Rydberg constant, h is Planck's
301. The length and breadth of a rectangular object constant, C is velocity of light, Rhc has the
are 25.2 cm and 16.8 cm respectively and have same dimensional formula as that of
been measured to an accuracy of 0.1 cm. The 1. Energy 2. Force
relative error and percentage error in the area of 3. Angular momentum 4. Power
the object are. 311. Two soaps A and B are given. Dimensions of B
1) 0.01 ; 1% 2) 0.1 ; 10% are 50% more than each dimensions of A.
3) 1 ; 100 % 4) 0.2 ; 20% Soap content of B as compared to A is
302. The error in the measurement of the length of 1) 1.5 2) 2.25 3) 3.375 4) 4
simple pendulum is 0.1 % and the 312. If the ratio of fundamental units in two systems
error in time period is 3%. The maximum possible is 1 :3, then the ratio of momenta in the two
systems is
L 1. 1:3 2. 1:9 3. 1:27 4. 3:1
error in the measurement of is
1)6.1 % 2) 6.0 % 3) 3.1 % 4) 6.2 %
313. E, m, J and G denote energy, mass, angular 323. The dimensions of intensity of wave are
momentum and gravitational constant
2 3 0 3
EJ 2 1)  ML T  2)  ML T 
respectively. Then the dimensions of 5 2
mG  2 3 1 2 3
are same as that of 3)  ML L  4)  M L L 
1. angle 2.length 3. mass 4. time 324. The mass of the liquid flowing per second per unit
PRACTICE QUESTIONS area of cross- section of the tube is
314. If 'Muscular strength' times 'Speed' is equal to proportional to (pressere difference across the
power, then dimensional formula for ' Muscular
strength' is ends) n and Which of the following relations
1. MLT 2. MLT 2 3. ML2T 2 4. ML0T 2 between m and n is correct.
1)m = n 2) m = -n
315. If P is pressure,  is the density then  has 3) m 2  n 4) m   n 2
325. Three of the quantities defined below have the
the same dimensions of : same dimentional formula. Identify them
1. Force per unit Mass
2. Energy per unit Mass i) Energy / mass
3. Power per unit velocity
4. relative density ii) pressure / density
316. If C denotes the capacity and L denotes the
inductance, the dimensions 'LC' are same as iii) Force / linear density
that of
1. M 0 L0T 2 2. M 1 L0T 2 3. M 1 L1T 2 4. M 0 L1T 2 iv) Angular frequency / radius
317. The physical quantity that has the same 1) i,ii,iii 2) ii,iii,iv 3) iii,iv,i 4) iv,i,ii
326. The following do not have the same
I dimensions as the other three? Given that l =
dimensions as is
MB length, m = mass, k= force consatnt, I=
1. mass 2. time 3. length 4. velocity momentum of inertia, B = magnetic
318. If m is the mass of drop of a liquid of radius 'r'
induction, Pm  magnetic dipole moment, R=
mg radius, g = acceleration due to gravity
then has the same dimensions of :
1. Surface tension 2. tension 1) l/g 2) I / PmB 3) k / m 4) R / g
3. Young's Modulus 4. Coefficient of viscosity 327. The velocity of the waves on the surface of
e water is proportional to     g y where
319. The quantity has the dimensions of
2 o .hc
 =wave length,  = density and
1. M 1 L3T 2 2. M 1 L2T 1 3. M 0 L0T 0 4. M 0 L0T 1 g = acceleration due to gravity .Which of the
320. Dimenstions of ‘ohm’ are same as following relation is correct?
h h2 h h2 1)    2)     
1) 2) 3) 4)
e e e2 e2 3)      4)     
328. The product of energy and time is called action.
 Pr 4 The dimensional formula for action is same as
321. If the relation V  .Where the letters
8 nl that for
have their usual meanings, the dimensions of V 1) force  velocity 2) impulse  distance
are 3) power 4) angular energy
1) M 0 L3T 0 2) M 0 L3T 1 329. Given that I= moment of inertia, Pm  magnetic
3) M 0 L3T 1 4) M 1 L3T 0 ipole momentum and B= magnetic induction,
322. In SI system of unit of radioactivity is then the dimensional formula for I / Pm B is
1) Becquerrel 2) Curie same as that of
3) Rutherford 4) None of these
1) time 2) length 3) time 2 4) length 2
330. Suppose speed of light (c), force (F) and kinetic
energy (K) are taken as the fundamental units, dx xa
338. Given that   a n sin 1 
then the dimensional formula for mass will be 2ax  x  a 
1) KC 2 2) KF 2 3) CK 2 4) FC 2 where a=constant. Using dimensional
331. The Richardson equation is given by analysis, the value of n is
1) 1 2) 0
I  AT 2e  B / kT . The dimensional formula for 3) -1 4) none of the above
AB 2 is same as that for A and B are constant 339. Given that the displacement of an oscillating
particle is given by y = A sin [Bx+Ct+d]. The
1) IT 2 2)k T 3) Ik 2 4) Ik 2 / T dimensional formula for (ABCD) is
332. Given that m = mass, l = length, t = time and i
1) M 0 L1T 0 2) M 0 L0T 1
= current. The dimensions of ml 2 / t 3i are the
3) M 0 L1T 1 4) M 0 L0T 0
same as that of
340. Suppose, the torque acting on a body is given
1) electric field 2) electric potential
3) capacitance 4) inductance by  =KL+MI/  . Where L = angular
333. Given that v is the speed, r is radius and g is momentum, I= moment of inertia,  =angular
acceleration due to gravity. Which of the speed. The dimensional formula for KM is
following is dimensionless? same as that for
1) time2 2) time4 3) time-2 4) time-4
1) v 2 r / g 2) v 2 / rg 3) v 2 g / r 4) v 2rg 341. If L,R,C and V respectively represent inductance
334. The frequency of vibration of a string is resistance, capacitance and potential difference
1 L
p  F 2 then the dimensions of are the same as
given by v   RCV
2l  m  those of
Here p is the number of segments in which the 1
string is divided, F is the tension in the 1) Charge 2)
string and l is its length. The dimensional Ch arg e
formula for m is
1) M 0 L0T 0 2) ML1T 0 3) ML0T 1 4) M 0 LT 1 3) Current 4)
335. S 2  at 4 . Here S is measured in metres, t in 342. In the following dimensionally consistent
second. Then the unit of ‘a’ is
1) m 2s 4 2) m 2s -4 3) ms 2 4) ms -2 equation F   Y , where F
Linear Density
336. Given that y=acos  t/p-qx  , where t is the force, the dimenstional formula for X and
represents time in second and x Y are given as
representsdistance in metre.Which of the 1) M 2 L0T 2 , MLT 2 2) M 2 L2T 2 , MLT 2
following statements is true ?
1) the unit of x is same as that q 3) MLT 2 , ML2T 2 4) M 0 L0T 0 , ML0T 0
2) the unit of x is same as that of p
343. With usual notation, the following equation,
3) the unit of t is same as that of q
said to give the distance covered in the nth
4) the unit of t is same as that of p
337. The equation of the stationary wave is  2n  1
second i.e., S n  u  a is
 2  ct   2 x  2
y  2 A sin   co s  
      1) numerically correct only
2) dimensionally correct only
1) the unit of ct is same as that of  3) both dimensionally and numerically correct
2) the unit of x is same as that of 4) neither numerically nor dimensionally correct

3)the unit of 2  c/  is same as that of  x/  t
4) the unit of ct /  is same as that of x/ 
352. The position of particle at any time 't' is given
344. Dimensions of
0 0 , where symbols have
 .t
by S  t   1  e  where   0 and V0 is

their usual meaning are (AIEEE 2003) constant velocity. The dimensions of  are
1. T1 2. T-1 3. L1T-1 4. L-1T
1) L1T 2) L2T 2 3) L2T 2 4) LT 1 353. The position of a particle at time ‘t’ is given by
MODEL QUESTIONS the equation x  t  
1  e AT  where V0 is
345. The work done ‘w’ by a body varies with

displacement 'x' as w  Ax  B . The a constant and A > 0. Dimensions of V0 and A

c  x  respectively are (2004 E)
dimensional formula for 'B' is. 1) M LT0 0
T and 1 2) M 0 LT 1 and LT 2
1. ML2T 2 2. ML4T 2 3. MLT 2 4. ML T 2 4
3) M LT and T
0 1 4) M 0 LT 1 and T 1
 x
y  A Sin  kt   ,
354. The Vanderwaal's equation for a gas is
346. In the equation 

 a 
dimensional formula for k is  P  2  V  b   nRT where P, V, R , T and n
 V 
1. M 0 L0T 1 2. M 0 L0T 0 3. M 0 LT 0 4. ML0T 0
represent the pressure, volume, universal gas
RT 
  aV 
 constant, absolute temperature, and number of
RT 
347. The pressure of a gas p  .e  . If V be moles of a gas respectively 'a' and 'b' are
V b
constants. The ratio b/a will have the following
the volume of gas, R be the universal gas constant
demensional formula (2002 E)
and T be the absolute temperature. The
1. M 1 L2T 2 2. M 1 L1T 1 3. ML2T 2 4. MLT 2
dimensional formula of 'a' is same as that of
355. The velocity 'V' of a particle varies with distance
1. V 2. p 3. T 4. R
348. Hydrostatic pressure ‘P’ varies with displacement 'x' and time 't' as V = A sin Bx.cos Ct when A,

'x' as P  log  Bx 2  c  where A, B and C are B, C are constants, then will have the
dimensions of
constants. The dimensional formula for 'A' is. 1.velocity 2. acceleration
1. M 1 L1T 2 2. MLT 2 3. ML2T 2 4. ML3T 2 3. pressure 4. strain
349. The dimensions of 'a' in Vanderwaal's equation 356. In the relation P  e ; P is pressure, K
 a  
 p  2  V  b   R T is (V-volume, P-Pressure,
 V  is Boltzmann’s constant, Z is distance and  is
R-Universal gas constant, T- Temperature)
temperature. The dimensional formula of  will
1. M 1 L1T 2 2. M 1 L5T 2 3. M 0 L3T 0 4. M 0 L6T 0
350. The Vander waal's equation for ideal gas is be
0 2 0 1 2 1
 a  1)  M L T  2)  M L T 
given by  p  2  V  b  RT where P is
 V  0 1 0 2 1
pressure, V is volume a and b are constants, 3)  ML T  4)  M L T 
R is universal gas constant and T is absolute
RT  aV / RT
a 357. Given that p  e .The dimentional
temperature. Then the dimensions of are V b
b formula of a is same as that of V=
same as that of volume, T = temperature, P = pressure, R=
1. Force 2. Momentum universal gas constant
3. Energy 4. Power 1) V 2) p 3) T 4) R
351. The velocity of a freely falling body in a
resisting medium at any time 't' is given by
V 
B 1  e B t  The dimensions of 'A ' are
1. L 2.LT-2 3. LT-1 4. LT
USES OF DIMENTIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD 369. If the unit of velocity is equal to the velocity of
TO CONVERT A PHYSICAL QUANTITY FROM ONE light and acceleration is 10 ms-2, the unit of time
MODEL QUESTIONS 1. 3 x 107 s 2. 3 x 10-7 s
358. If the units of mass, time and length are 100 g, 3. 3 x 10-5 s 4. 3 x 10-4 s
20 cm and 1 minute respectively the equivalent 370. If the unit of force is 1 KN unit of length is 1 km
energy for 1000 erg in the new system will be and unit of time is 100 s in a- new system,
1. 90 2. 900 3. 2 x 106 4. 300 then the new unit of mass is
359. Certain amount of energy is measured as 400 1. 1000 kg 2. 1 kg
units. If the fundamental units of length, mass 3. 10,000 kg 4. 100 kg
and time, each are doubled the magnitude of the 371. If the unit of force is 4 N unit of length is 4 m
same energy in the new system will be ---units.
1. 200 2.400 3. 800 4. 600 and unit of mass is kg in a new system, then
360. The units of force, velocity and energy are 100 4
dyne, 10 cm s-1 and 500 erg respectively. The the new unit of velocity is
units of mass, length and time are 1. 8 ms-1 2. 16 ms-1 3. 4 ms-1 4. 1 ms-1
1. 5 g, 5 cm, 5 s 2. 5 g, 5 cm, 0.5 s
3. 0.5 g, 5 cm, 5 s 4. 5 g, 0.5cm, 5 s TO CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF A GIVEN
361. The height of Mercury barometer is 76 cm and PHYSICAL RELATION
density of Mercury is 13.6 g/cc. MODEL QUESTIONS
372. The equation which is dimensionally consistent
The corresponding height of water barometer is in the following is Where Sn = distance
SI system is travelled by a body in nth second,
1. 10.336 m 2.103.36 m u = initial velocity a = acceleration
3. 5.5 m 4.1.0336 m T = time period r = radius of the orbit
362. A certain amount of energy is measured as 500 M = Mass of the sun
units. If the fundamental units of length, Mass G=universal gravitational constant.
C = RMS velocity P = pressure.
and time each are doubled then the magnitude d = density.
of energy in new system will be
1. 1000 units 2. 250 units  1 4 2 r 3
1. S n = u  a  n   2. T 
3. 500 units 4. 2000 units  2 GM
PRACTICE QUESTIONS 3. C = 4. 1, 2, 3
363. If the unit of length is 5 cm and unit of mass is d
20g, then the density of a substance which is 8 PRACTICE QUESTIONS
373. The thrust developed by a rocket motor is given
g/cc in the new system is
1. 80 units 2. 40 units 3. 50 units 4.100 units by F  mV  A  P1  P2  where m is the mass,
364. The value of g = 9.8 m s-2. Its value in Km hr-2 is. V is the velocity of gas A is area of cross
1. 278326 2. 15376 3. 227004 4.127008 section of the nozzle. P1, P2 are pressures of
365. The power of a motor is 1600 watt. If the unit of the exhaust gas and surrounding atmosphere.
mass is doubled and units of length and time Then this equation is
are halved, the power of the motor in new 1. dimensionally correct 2.dimensionally wrong
system is 3. some times correct and some times wrong
1. 400 units 2. 6400 units 4. algebrically correct
3. 3200 units 4. 4800 units
366. If the unit of work is 100 joule, the unit of power TO ESTABLISH RELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT
is 1 kilo watt, the unit of time in second is PHYSICAL QUANTITIES
1. 10-1 2.10 3. 10-2 4.10-3 MODEL QUESTIONS
367. If the fundamental units in the systems of 374. The velocity of a body is expressed as
measurement are in the ratio 2 : 3, then the units
of surface tension in the system will be in the V = G a M b R c where G is gravitational
ratio of constant. M is mass, R is radius. The values
1. 2 : 3 2. 3 : 2 3. 4 : 9 4. 9 : 4 of exponents a, b and c are :
368. The ratio of SI unit to the CGS unit of planck's 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
constant is 1. , , 2. 1, 1, 1 3. , , 4.1,1,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1. 107:1 2. 104 :1 3. 106 :1 4. 1 :1
1) a & c are correct 2) b & d are correct
2mgl x 3) a & b are correct 4) b & c are correct
375. The value of x in the formula Y  where
5bt 3 e
m is the mass, 'g' is acceleration due to gravity, 382. If the time period T  of vibration a liquid drop
l is the length, 'b' is the breadth, ‘t’ is the depends on surface tension  S  . radius  r 
thickness and e is the extension and Y is
Young's Modulus is of the drop and density    of the liquid, then
1. 3 2. 2 3. 1 4. 4 the expressions of T is
376. The frequency 'n' of transverse waves in a string r3  1/ 2 r 3
1) T  K 2) T  K
of length l and mas per unit length m, under a S S
tension T is given by n = kl a T b m c where k is
dimensionless. Then the values of a, b, c, are 3) T  K z 4) none
S 1/ 2
1 1 1 1 1 383. If the units of velocity of light 'C', Gravitational
1. , , 2. -1, , 
2 2 2 2 2 constant 'G' and Planck's Constant 'h' are
taken as fundamental units, the dimensional
1 1 1 1 1 1 formula for Mass in the new system will be :
3.  , , 4.  ,  , 
2 2 2 2 2 2  12 12 1

1. [ C G h ] 2. C G h 
377. If the couple per unit twist C is related to the  
rigidity modulus 'n', radius of the wire 'r' and length  1
1 1

3.  C 2 G
2 2
h  4. [ C 2 G 2 h 2 ]
of the wire ' l ' according to the equation  

C = Kn x r y l z . W here k is dimensionless
constant, the values of x, y and z respectively LEVEL-III
1. 1,1,1 2. 2,4,1 3. 1, -4, 2 4. 1, 4, -1 384. The measured mass and volume of a body are
378. If the centrifugal force on a body moving on the 53.63 gm and 5.8 cm3 respectively, with possible
circumference of a circle is related to the mass errors of 0.01 gm and 0.1 c.c. the maximum
M, velocity V and radius of the circular orbit r percentage error in density is about
1) 0.2% 2) 2% 3) 5% 4) 10%
as F  M a V b r c , the values of a, b and c 385. The following observations were taken for
determining the surface tension of water by
respectively are
capillary rise method. Diameter of the capillary
1. 1, 1, 2 2.1, 2, 1 3. 1, 2, 2 4.1, 2, -1
379. If the time period 'T' of a drop under surface D  1.25  10 2 m, rise of water in capillary tube
tension 's' is given by the formula T = d a r b sc
h  1.45  10 2 m, g  9.80 ms and using
where d is the density, r is the radius of the  rhg  3
drop. If a =1, c=-1 then the value of b is: the relation T    10 N / m, the
 2 
(1993 E) possible percentage error in surface tension T is
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. -1 1) 0.15% 2) 1.5% 3) 15% 4) 2.4%
380. The viscous force F acting on a rain drop of 386. The resistance of metal is given by V=IR. The
radius 'a' falling through air of coefficient of
viscosity '  ' with terminal velocity V is given by voltage in the resistance is V   8  0.5  V and

F   x a yV z . Then the values of x, y and z are current in the resistance is I   2  0.2  A, the
1. -1, 2, 3 2.-1,-1,-1 3.1,2,3 4.1,1,1 value of resistance with its percentage error is
381. If dimensions of length are expressed as
where G x C y h z where G, C and h are univer- 1)  4  16.25%   2)  4  2.5%  
sal gravitational constant and speed of light and 3)  4  0.04%   4)  4  1%  
Planck’s constant respectively, then
a) x  1/ 2, y  1/ 2 b) x  1/ 2; z  1/ 2
c) y  3 / 2; z  1/ 2 d) y  1/ 2; z  3 / 2
387. In an experiment, the values of refractive indices 393. In the formula x  3 yz 2 , x and z have dimensions
of glass were found to be 1.54, 1.53, 1.44, 1.54,
1.56 and 1.45 in successive measurements i) of capacitence and magnetic induction field
mean value of refractive index of glass ii) mean strength respectively. The dimensions of y in
absolute error iii) relative error and MKSQ system are
iv) percentage error are respectively, 1. M 3 L2T 4 Q 4 2. M 2 L2T 2 Q 2
1) 1.51, 0.04, 0.03, 3% 2) 1.51, 0.4, 0.03, 3%
3) 15.1, 0.04, 0.03, 3% 4) 15.1, 0.04, 0.3, 3% 3. M 3 L2T 4 Q 4 4. M 2 L2T 3Q 1
388. In an experiment to determine the value of 394. The rate of flow of a liquid Q through a capillary
acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ using a simple tube depends upon the pressure gradient,
pendulum, the measured value of length of the (P/l), radius of the capillary (r) and coefficient
pendulum is 31.4 cm known to 1 mm accuracy viscosity h and constant of proportionality is
and the time period for 100 oscillations of  / 8 .The equation for the rate of flow of the liquid
pendulum is 112.0s known to 0.01s accuracy. Q is given by
The accuracy in determining the value of ‘g’ is.
 pr 2  pr 4
1)  25.03  0.58  cms 2)  25  0.58  cms
1. Q  2. Q 
8l 8l
2 2
3)  25.3  0.1 cms 4)  25.5  0.3  cms  8l
3. Q  . pr 2 . 2 .l 4.  pr 4
389. A rectangular metal slab of mass 33.333 g has 8
its length 8.0 cm, breadth 5.0 cm and thickness
395. The frequency 'n' of a vibrating string depends
1mm. The mass is measured with accuracy up
to 1 mg with a sensitive balance. The length and upon its length ' l ' linear density 'm' and tension
breadth are measured with vernier calipers having 'T' in the string. The equation for the frequency of
a least count of 0.01 cm. The thickness is
measured with a screw gauge of least count 0.01 the string is (given the constnat of proportionality
mm. The percentage accuracy in density as 1/2)
calculated from the above measurements is
1) 13% 2) 130% 3) 1.3% 4) 16% 1 T 1 m
1. n  2l . m 2. n  .
390. Two physical quantities are represented by P 2l T
and Q. The dimensions of their product is 1 l T
M 2 L4T 4 I 1 and the dimensions of their ratio is 3. n  . T .m 4. n  .
2l 2 m
I 1 . Then P and Q respectively are 396. If kinetic energy 'K', velocity 'v' and time 'T' are
1. Magnetic flux and Torque acting on a
Magnet. chosen as the fundamental units, the formula for
2. Torque and Magnetic flux. surface tension S=
3. Magnetic Moment and Polestrength v 2T 2 v2 AKT 2 AK
4. Magnetic Moment and Magnetic 1. 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 2
permeability. 397. If P represents radiation pressure 'C' represents
V speed of light and Q represents radiation
391. A quantityX is given by X= 0 L where 0 energy striking a unit area per second then
t non-zero integers x, y and z such that
is the permitttivity of free space, L is a length. P x .Q y .C z is dimensionless are :
V is a potential difference and  t is a time 1. x =1, y =1, z = -1 2. x=1, y=-1, z=1
interval. The dimensional formula for X is the 3. x = -1, y =1, z =1 4. x=1, y=1, z=1
same as that of 398. If the unit of power is 1 million erg per minute,
the unit of force is 1000 dyne and that of time
1) resistance 2) charge 3) voltage 4) current
392. A gas bubble from an explosion under water 1
is s, the unit of mass in the new system is
oscillates with a period 'T' proportional to 10
p a d b E c where p is static pressure, d is 1. 6 g 2. 60 g 3. 106 g 4. 1 g
399. The initial and final temperatures are recorded
density of water, E is the total energy of the
0 0
explosion. The values of a, b and c as  40.6  0.3  C and  50.7  0.2  C . The
respectively are:
rise in temperature is
5 1 1 5 1 1 0
1. , , 2. , , 1) 10.10 C 2) 10.1  0.3  C
6 2 3 6 2 3
0 0
5 1 1 1 5 1 3) 10.1  0.5  C 4) 10.1  0.1 C
3. , , 4. , ,
6 2 3 2 6 3
400. In the measurement of a physical quantity 406. The radius ( r ) , length ( / ) and resistance ( x )
2 of a thin wire are
X . The percentage errors introduced  0.2  0.02  cm,  80  0.1 cm, and
C1/ 3 D 3
in the measurements of the quantities A,B,C and  30  1  respectively . The percentage error
D are 2%, 2%, 4% and 5% respectively. Then
the minimum amount of percentage of error in in the specific resistance is
the measurement of X is contributed by 1) 23.2% 2) 25.4% 3) 26% 4) 27.5 %
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 407. The formula for the capacity of a condenser is
PRACTICE QUESTIONS given by C  when A is the area of each
401. Two resistances are expressed as
plate and d is the distance between the plates.
R1  4  0.5%   and R2 12  0.5%   . The Then the dimensions of missing quantity is
net resistance when they are connected in series 1. 0  M 1 L3T 4 A 2 2. 0  M 1 L3T 4 A2
with percentage error is (In series R  R1  R2 ) 3. 0  M 1 L3T 4 A2 4. 0  M 1 L2T 4 A 2

1) 16  1%   2) 16  6.25%   8   0 kx

408. Q2
is a dimensionless quantity,,
3) 16  22%   4) 16  2.2%  
 0 -permittivity of free space. K - energy;
402. There are atomic (Calcium) clocks capable of
Q - charge. Then the dimensions of x are.
measuring time with an accuracy of 1 part in
1. MLT2 2. MLT-1 3. M0LT0 4. ML-1T-1
1011 . If two such clocks are operated to precision,
then after running for 5000 years, these will record 409. If F is the force,  is the permeability, H is the
a difference of intensity of magnetic field and i is the electric
1) 1 day 2) 1 sec 3) 1011 sec 4) 1year F
403. If the length of a simple pendulum is recorded as current, then  Hi has the dimensions of
 90.0  0.02  cm and period as 1.9  0.02  1. mass 2. length 3. time 4. energy
sec, the percentage of error in the measurement 410. A quantity x is defined by the equation
of acceleration due to gravity is x  3CB2 . where C is capacitance in farad, B
1) 4.2 2) 2.1 3) 1.5 4) 2.8 represents magnetic induction field strength in
404. In the determination of the Young’s modulus of a tesla. The dimensions of x are
given wire, the force, length, radius and extension 1. ML2 2. ML2T 2 3. M 1 L2T 2 I 2 4. L1 I 1
in the wire are measured as 411. The electrical conductivity,  is given by
100  0.01 N , 1.25  0.002  m, ne 2 .T
 = where n is equal to number of free
 0.001  0.00002  m, and electrons per cubic meter. C is charge on
 0.01  0.00002  m, respectively. The electron T is relaxation time m and is mass of
electron. The dimensional formula for  is
percentage error in the measurement of Young’s
1. M 1 L3T 3 A2 2. M 1 L3T 3 A3
modulus is
1) 4.37 2) 2.37 3) 0.77 4) 2.77 3. M 1 L3T 3 A2 4. M 1 L2T 3 A2
405. In an experiment, the values of two resistances 412. The number of particles crossing unit area
perpendicular to X-axis in unit time is given by
were measured as R1   5.0  0.2   and
 n2  n1 
R2  10.0  0.1  , their combined N =  D x  x where n1 and n2 are number of
 2 1
resistance in parallel is particles per unit volume for the value of x meant
1)  4.4  6%  2)  3.3  7%  to x2 and x1 , D is the diffusion constant. The
dimensions of D are
3)  5.5  5%  4)  3.3  5%  1. LT-1 2. L2T-1 3. LT 4. L-1T
413. A small steel ball of radius r is allowed to fall 419. The period of a body under S.H.M. is represented
under gravity through a column of viscous liquid
by T  P a D b S c , where P is the pressure, D is
of coefficient  . After some time the velocity of
the ball attains a constant value known as terminal the density and S is surface tension then the
values of a,b and c are
velocity, VT . The terminal velocity depends on
mass of the ball 'm', coefficient of viscosity '  ' ,
3 1
1) 1,3, 1/3 2) , ,1
the radius of the ball 'r' and acceleration due to 2 2
gravity g. The relationship between terminal
velocity and other factors given is :
1 3 1
3) 1, 2,3 4) , ,
mg r mgr 2 2 2
1. VT  r 2. VT  mg 3. VT   rmg 4. VT   420. The moment of inertia of a body rotating about a
given axis is 12.0 kg m2 in the SI system. What
414. If the period of vibration of a tuning fork depends is the value of the moment of inertia in a system
upon the density 'd' Young's modulus of the of units in which the unit of length is 5 cm and
material 'y' and the length of the spring 'L' then the unit of mass is 10 g
time period T is proportional to (I.I.T) 1) 2.4 x 103 2) 6.0 x 103
1 1 1 3) 5.4 x 105 4) 4.8 x 105
1. Ld 2 y 2 2. Ld 2 .y 2 421. The density of a material is 8 g/c.c. In a unit
3 3 3 3
system in which the unit length is 5 cm and unit
3. L.d 2 . y 2 4. L.d 2 . y 2 mass is 20 g, what is the density of the material?
1) 0.02 2) 50 3)40 4)12.5
415. The unit of Mass is  kg. The unit of length is 422. The velocity of water waves may depend on their
 metre and the unit of time is  second. The weavelength  , the density of water  and the
magnitude of calorie in the new system is [1 acceleration due to gravity g. The method of
calorie = 4.2 Joules] dimensional analysis gives the relation between
1. 4.2 2  2 2 new units these quantities as:
2. 4.2  1  2 2 new units 1) V 2  K  1 g 1 1 2) V 2  Kg
1 1 2 2 3) V 2  K  g 4) V 2  K  3 g 1 1
3.  1  2 2 new units 4.    new
4.2 423. In a system of units in which the unit of mass is
units a kg, unit of length is b metre and the unit of time
is c second, the magnitude of a calorie is
416. When a current of  2.5  0.5  ampere flows
through a wire, it develops a potential difference 4.2c 4.2c 2 abc 4.2
1) 2) 3) 4)
of  20  1 volt, the resistance of the wire is ab 2 ab 2 4.2 abc
424. The formula , W   F  2Ma   , where W
1)  8  2   2) 10  3 
is the work, F is the force, M is the
3) 18  4   4)  20  6   mass, a is the acceleration and  is the
velocity can be made dimensionally
417. Two objects A and B are of lengths 5 cm and 7
correct for
cm determined with errors 0.1 cm and 0.2 cm
1) n =0 2) n = 1
respectively. The error in determining (a) the total
3) n =-14) no value of n
length and (b) the difference in their lengths are
 0lV
1) 12  0.3  ,  2  0.3 2)  7  0.3 ,  2  0.3  425. A quantity is given by X  where, V is
3)12  0.3  , 12  0.3  4)12  0.3  ,  2  0.6  the potential difference and l is the length.
418. In a new system of units, unit of mass is 10kg, Then X has dimensions same as that of
unit of length is 1 km and unit of time is 1 minute. 1)resistance 2) charge
The value of 1 joule in this new hypothetical 3) voltage 4) current
system is 426. The frequency (n) of a turing fork depends upon
the length (L) of its prongs, the density (d) and
1) 3.6 10 4 new units 2) 6 10 7 new units Young’s modulus(Y) of its meterial. It is given
3) 1011 new units 4) 1.67  104 new units as n La d bY c . the values of a,b,and c are
1) 1, 1/2 , -1/2 2) -1 , - 1/2., 1/2
3) 1/2., -1, -1/2 4) 1/2, -1/2, 1
427. If the unit of force, energy and velocity are 10N,
100J and 5 m/s , the unit of mass LEVEL-IV
1) 1 kg 2) 2 kg 434. In a system of units, the Planck’s constant (h),
3) 3 kg 4) 4 kg the gravitational constant (G) and the speed of
428. The value of 60 joule/ min on a system which has light(c) are taken as the fundamental units. The
100g, 100 cm and 1min as fundamental unit is dimensional formula of force in this system of
1) 2.16  10 6 2) 2.16  10 4
1) h 0 G 1c 4 2) h 1G 0 c 4 3) h 1G 4 c 0 4) h 4 G 2 c 2
3) 2.16 103 4) 2.16 105
435. Let us assume that the acceleration due to gravity
429. The velocity of sound in air is 332m/s. If the unit be 10 m/s2. If acceleration due to gravity (g), the
of length is km and unit of time is hour, then the velocity (v) acquired by a body after falling from
value of velocity is rest for 5 seconds and the momentum (p) acquired
1) 1146 km/h 2) 1195 km/h by a mass of 1 kg in falling freely from rest for 10
3) 1086 km/h 4) 1218 m/h seconds are taken as the fundamental units, then
430. A highly rigid cubical block A of small mass M the value of the unit of time in terms of second?
and side L is fixed rigidly on to another cubical 1) 1 s 2) 2 s 3) 5 s 4) 10 s
block of same dimensions and of low modulus of 436. Let us assume that the acceleration due to gravity
rigidity such that the lower face of A com pletely be 10 m/s2. If acceleration due to gravity (g), the
covers the upper face B.The lower face of B is velocity (v) acequired by a body after falling from
rigidly held on a horizontal surface.Asmall force rest for 5 seconds and the momentum (p) acquired
F is applied perpendicular to one of the side face by a mass of 1 kg in falling freely from rest for 10
of A.After the force is with drawn, block A executes seconds are taken as the fundamental units, then
small oscilla tions, the time period of which the value of the unit of mass in terms of kg?
is given by 1) 1 kg 2) 2 kg 3) 5 kg 4)10 kg
437. The velocity of a spherical ball through a viscous
M liquid is given by v= v0(1-ekt), where v0 is the initial
1) 2 M L 2) 2 velocity and t represents time. If k depends on
radius of ball (r), coefficient of viscosity ( ) and
ML M mass of the ball (m), then
3) 2 4) 2 1) k = mr/ 2) k = m/r
 L
3) k = r  /m 4) k = mr
431. Conversion of 1 MW power in a system of units
having basic uints of mass, length and time as 438. Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge
10kg,1 deci metre and 1minute respectively is cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The
total number of divisions on the circular scale is
1) 2.16 1010 uint 2) 2  10 4 unit 50. Further, its is found that the screw gauge has
3) 2.16 1012 units 4) 1.26  1012 unit a zero error of -0.03 mm. While measuring the
diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main
432. A body of mass m, accelerates uniformly from
scale reading of 3 mm and the number of circular
rest to V1 in time t1 . The instantaneous power scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35.
(AIEEE 2004) The diameter of the wire is (AIEEE 2008)
1) 3.67 mm 2) 3.38 mm
mV1t mV12t mV1t 2 mV12t 3) 3.32 mm 4) 3.73 mm
1) 2) 3) 4)
t1 t12 t1 t12 LEVEL-V
  z / K 439. In two systems of units, the relation between
433. In the relation P  e ; P is pressure, K velocity, acceleration and force is given by

v1 2 2 F
is Boltzmann’s constant, Z is distance and  is v2  , a  a1 t , F2  1 where  and
 t
temperature. The dimensional formula of  will  are constants then in this new system
be (AIEEE 2004)
0 2 0 1 2 1 1) m2  2) m2   2 2 m1
1)  M L T  2)  M L T   2 2
0 1
3)  ML T 
0 2 1
4)  M L T  L1 3 L1 3
3) L2  4) L2 
3 3
440. Two objects have life times given by t1 and t2 . KEY
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 2
If t is the life time of an object lying midway 6) 4 7) 1 8) 4 9) 1 10) 2
between these two times on the logarithmic 11) 4 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2
scale then 16) 4 17) 1 18) 1 19) 2 20) 2
21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 3 25) 3
1 26) 4 27) 4 28) 4 29) 4 30) 2
1) log10  t    log10  t1   log10  t2 
2 31) 1 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2 35) 1
36) 2 37) 1 38) 1 39) 2 40) 3
t1  t 2 41) 3 42) 4 43) 2 44) 2 45) 4
2) t  46) 4 47) 3 48) 4 49) 2 50) 2
2 51) 2 52) 4 53) 4 54) 2 55) 1
56) 4 57) 4 58) 4 59) 3 60) 4
1 1 61) 2 62) 4 63) 2 64) 3 65) 4

66) 3 67) 3 68) 4 69) 4 70) 4
3) t  t1t2 4) 1  t1 t2
71) 2 72) 2 73) 3 74) 4 75) 2
t 2 76) 3 77) 4 78) 1 79) 1 80) 3
81) 3 82) 2 83) 2 84) 1 85) 2
1 86) 2 87) 1 88) 4 89) 3 90) 4
441. The quantity  0 E 2 has dimensional formula
2 91) 2 92) 1 93) 1 94) 2 95) 1
96) 4 97) 4 98) 1 99) 2 100) 2
same as
101) 3 102) 2 103) 1 104) 2 105) 2
1 1 2 106) 1 107) 2 108) 3 109) 1 110)3
1) CV 2 2) LI 111) 3 112) 2 113) 2 114) 4 115) 3
2 2 116) 1 117) 1 118) 3 119) 4 120) 1
121) 4 122) 4 123) 1 124) 2 125) 2
1 B2 126) 3 127) 3 128) 1 129) 1 130) 3
3) 4) Pressure 131) 4 132) 4 133) 1 134) 1 135) 1
2 0
136) 4 137) 2 138) 2 139) 4 140) 2
MATRIX MATCHING TYPE QUESTION 141) 2 142) 4 143) 3 144) 4 145) 1
442. Match the following 146) 2 147) 3 148) 3 149) 2 150) 1
Column-I Column-II 151) 3 152) 1 153) 1 154) 1 155) 1
156) 3 157) 1 158) 4 159) 2 160) 2
A. Pressure E. ML1T 2
161) 1 162) 1 163) 3 164) 2 165) 3
B. Stress F. Nm 2 166)2 167)3 168)3 169)3 170)1
171)2 172)4 173) 4 174) 4 175) 2
C. Energy per unit G. M 0 L0T 0 176) 2 177) 3 178) 4 179) 2 180) 2
volume 181) 4 182) 3 183) 2 184) 1 185) 1
186) 1 187) 2 188) 1 189) 2 190) 1
D. Strain H. Jm 3 191) 4 192) 3 193) 4 194) 2 195) 3
Read the passage and answer the following 196) 4 197) 3 198) 1 199) 4 200)2
questions 201)3 202)4 203)2 204)4 205)1
In a new system unit of mass is 10kg unit of 206)2 207)4 208) 2 209) 1 210)1
length is 5m and unit of time is 10s. 211)3 212)3 213)2 214)1 215)4
443. 10 Pa = 216)3 217)2 218) 1 219) 1 220) 1
1) 500 new units 2) 1000 new units 221) 1 222) 3 223) 3 224) 1 225) 3
226) 3 227) 3 228) 3 229) 4 230) 2
3) 1500 new units 4) 2000 new units
231) 3 232) 1 233) 2 234) 1 235) 3
444. 5N = 236) 4 237) 1 238) 3 239) 1 240) 3
1) 5 new units 2) 10 new units 241) 1 242) 1 243) 3 244) 4 245) 2
3) 15 new units 4) 20 new units 246) 4 247) 1 248) 1 249) 3 250) 1
445. 20 g/cc = 251) 4 252) 1 253) 1 254) 4 255) 1
1) 2.5 102 new units 2) 2.5 103 new units 256) 4 257) 3 258) 2 259) 3 260) 1
261) 1 262) 2 263) 2 264) 2 265) 3
3) 2.5 104 new units 4) 2.5 105 new units 266) 2 267) 3 268) 3 269) 1 270) 4
271) 4 272) 2 273) 2 274) 4 275) 4
276) 2 277) 4 278) 4 279) 1 280) 3
281) 4 282) 3 283) 1 284) 3 285) 1
286) 3 287) 1 288) 4 289) 2 290) 2
291) 4 292) 3 293) 1 294) 1 295) 3
296) 3 297)1 298) 2 299) 4 300)1
168. 100  1%; x  ?
301) 1 302) 1 303) 3 304) 1 305) 2 6mm
306) 2 307) 3 308)3 309) 2 310)1
311) 3 312) 1 313) 1 314) 2 315) 2 169. If last digit is 5, if the preceding digit is odd then
316) 1 317) 2 318) 1 319) 3 320)3 it should be increased by adding 1 and last digit
321)2 322)1 323)2 324)2 325)1 5 has to be ignored.
326)3 327)3 328)2 329)3 330)1 170. Use limitation of significant figures
331)3 332)2 333)2 334)2 335)2
171. V  l 3 and rounded off the minimum significant
336)4 337)4 338)2 339)2 340)4
341)4 342)1 343)3 344)3 345) 2 figures.(15.625)
346) 1 347) 2 348) 4 349) 2 350) 3 172 Conceptual
351) 2 352) 2 353) 4 354) 1 355) 4 173 Conceptual
356) 1 357)2 358) 1 359) 3 360) 2 174 Conceptual
361) 1 362) 2 363) 3 364) 4 365) 2 175 Conceptual
366) 1 367) 2 368) 1 369) 1 370) 3 176 Conceptual
371) 1 372) 4 373) 2 374) 1 375) 1 177 Conceptual
376) 2 377) 4 378) 4 379) 3 380) 4 178 Conceptual
381) 4 382) 1 383) 3 384) 2 385) 2 179 Conceptual
386) 1 387) 1 388) 1 389) 3 390) 1 180 Conceptual
391) 4 392) 2 393) 1 394) 2 395) 1 181 Conceptual
396) 4 397) 2 398) 1 399) 3 400) 3 182 Conceptual
401) 2 402) 2 403) 2 404) 1 405) 2 183 Conceptual
406) 1 407) 1 408) 3 409) 2 410) 1 184 Conceptual
411) 1 412) 2 413) 1 414) 2 415) 2 185 Conceptual
416) 1 417) 1 418)1 419)2 420)2 186 Conceptual
421)2 422)2 423)2 424)4 425)4 187 Conceptual
426)2 427)4 428)1 429)2 430)4 188 Conceptual
431)3 432)2 433)1 434)1 435)3 189 Conceptual
436)2 437)3 438)2 439)1, 3 440) 1, 3 190. 1 pascal = 1N / m 2
441) 3, 4
442) A - E,F,H :B - E,F,H : C - E, F, H, D - G 1N  105 dyne
443) 1 444) 2 445) 4
1m  102 cm
192. E , q   IT 
193. ma 2 2  Energy   ML2T 2 
d 0.01 1010 1 dp
163.  10

d 1.06 10 106 194. pressure gradient =
164. a b c
X M LT dA
X M L T 195. Areal velocity =
100  a 100  b 100  c 100 dt
196. Conceptual
165. 0.01cm is the least count. 2 2
8 2 E2 M 2  L2   T2 
c 0.0110 10 1 197.     
166.  100  8
 % E1 M 1  L1   T1 
c 3  10 3
a 2b
198. h E a LbG c
167. y 3 199 Conceptual
c 200 Conceptual
Y 2a b 3c 201 Conceptual
 100   100   100   100 202 Conceptual
Y a b c 203 Conceptual
204 Conceptual 233. Substitute D.F. of quantities
205 Conceptual
1 2
206 Conceptual 234. Li   ML2T 2 
2 2
207.Dimensional formula of  velocity   radius 235. Use dimensions of M and K
2 1
  M 0 LT 1  / M 0 LT 0 236. 0 E 2 is energy density
 M 0 LT 2  [Acceleration] V
208.Here [k] = force/ length = ML0T 2 A
1/ 2 1/ 2 V
M   ML0T 0  237. B
Hence     0 2   M 0 L0T T
k   ML T  C V
209 Conceptual
210 Impulse / area = viscosity 238. C = T,
1 b  V .T
211.  [frequency]=[velocity gradient]
2 T
212.(Latentheat) = Q / M  m 2 s 2   velocity 
239. S  L

N   105 dyn  Ut   L 

213.  pascal =  2     2 
m   100cm   at 2   LT 2T 2 
240. Use Principle of homogeneity
= 10  F
cm 2 a
214. Conceptual T
215. Conceptual 241. F
216. Conceptual b 2
217. Conceptual T
218. Conceptual 242. Substitute D.F. of quantities
219. Conceptual 243. Substitute D.F. of quantities
1 2  2 2
220. U  Li  Energy stored 244. x
 a  b  .h a, b, h  are Lengths.
221.Conceptual  x  L2 .L  L3  Volume.
223.Conceptual Dyne N
245.  10 3
V cm m
224. Electrical resistance R  2 2 2 2
I 246. n1[ M 1 L1 T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2 T2 ]
225. J  ML2T 1 247. F MLT 2
E  ML2T 2 248. Power  P aV b
226. Substitute D.F. of quantities 249. Energy = Force x length.
227. Substitute D.F. of quantities
228. Conceptual N  m2 3 Dyne  cm

229. Substitute D.F. of quantities 250.  10

Kg 2 gm 2
F MLT 2 251. kg / m3  103 gm / cm3
230. B  
m IL
231. Conceptual kg gm
252.  10
232. Substitute D.F. of quantities m  sec cm  sec
N Dyne 1/ 5 25
253. 2
 10 292. T  and T 
m cm 2 20 20
F T
254. p % error   100
1 1
255. n1[ L1T1 ]  n2 [ L2T2 ] 293. x3  x3  xmean
256. n1u1  n2u2 dX dM dL dT
294.  3 2
257. n1u1  n2u2 X M L T
258. n1u1  n2u2 Q 2i R
295. 100  100  100
259. n1u1  n2u2 Q i R
2 2
n1[ M 1 L1 T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2 T2 ]
2 2 t
 100
261. P [ F ][ L ]
262. E = F X L g l 2T
296.  
F g l T
263. M  1-(-3X2)= 7%
LT  2
264. n1u1  n2u2 x a 2 b
297.  100  100  100
2 2 x a b
265. n1[ M 1 L1T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2T2 ]
266. n1u1  n2u2  100
268. Substitute D.F. of quantities 298. K.E  mV2
269. Substitute D.F. of quantities
270. Substitute D.F. of quantities E m 2V
271. Substitute D.F. of quantities
 100   100   100
E m V
272. E F a AbT c
273. PV a D b Q 2i R
299. 100  100  100
274. T  M a K b Q i R
275. TO 281- use the application of D.F to derive
relationship between verious physical quantities
 100
dA t
282.  wa r b
dt d  dM dL
283. TO 287- use the application of D.F to derive  3
relationship between verious physical quantities  M L
288. M  F a LbT c A l b
289. a b c 301.  
L F M T A l b
290. Surface tension ( S)  V a k bT c a = -2 L T
1 a 2 b
302. Maximum possible error = 2
MT 1 2
 LT 1
 . M 1 2
LT  .T c
b=1 L T
= M b .La  2b .T a  2b c c= -2
find a, b, c 303. 30 Crore = 30 10 7
LEVEL - II  300 106  3.00  108 m / s
304. V  lbh and rounded off to minimum significant
L T figures
291. 2
L T 305. V   r 2l and rounded off the minumum
significant figures.
4 = ML2T 1
306. V   r 3 and rounded off the minimum
3 [Impulse  distance]=  MLT
  M 0 LT 0 
significant figures.
307. Rounded off to minimum significant figures. = ML2T 1
309. Use dimensions method.
1/ 2
310. R.h.C. = L1 M 1 L2T 1 .LT
1 1
= M 1 L2T 2  Energy 329. T  2  I / Pm B   time period
M  vd 330.
M L 3
 KC 2    ML2T 2   M 0 L2T 2   M
M 1 L1 T1 1
312.    331.Here  A  IT 2 and [B]=kT
M 2 L2 T2 3
2 3 2 2
313. Use dimensions 332.  ml / t i   ML T / IT

314. Musculer strength = Force 333. Substitute D.F. of quantities

334. Substitute D.F. of quantities
315. is energy per unit mass 335. a  S 2t 4 . Hence unit of ‘a’ is m 2 s 4

316. Use dimensions of L & C 336.In cos  t / p  qx  , the expres-
317. Apply dimensions method.
sion cos  t / p  qx  , is dimensionless. Hence t/
mg  MLT  p is also dimensionless.
318.    MT 2 
r  L 337.Here (2  ct /  ) as well as  2 x /   are di-
319. Use dimensions of e,0 , h and c mensionless. So unit of ct is same as l. Unit of x
is same as that of  .
V ML2T 3 A1
320. R    ML2T 3 A2
I A  2 ct   2 x 
since      M 0 L0T 0
ne      
Use h  ML2T 1 and I  T  2 c   2 x 
Hence   .
 e  AT      t 
321.Substitute D.F. of quantities In the option(d), x/  is unit less. It is not the case
322. Conceptual
323. Conceptual with c/  .
338.Here dimensions of a are same as that of x. Since
M the left hand side is dimensionless and t -ratio are
324.  pnvm
tA dimensionless there fore a n should be
M n m
dimensionless.This is possible if n =0
or   ML1T 2   LT 1 
TL2 339.Here [A] = M 0 LT 0 ,  B   M 0 L1T 0
325. Substitute D.F. of quantities
326. Substitute D.F. of quantities [C]= M 0 L0T 1 ,  D   M 0 L0T 0
327. v     g 
There fore LT 1  L M  L3 L T 2 .
 k    / L   ML2T 2  /  ML2T 1   T 1
This gives   0, 2  1, hence   1/ 2 and [M] =  / I    ML2T 2 T 1  / ML2  T 3
Also I    3   ,which gives   1/ 2 . 341. Substitute D.F. of quantities
 X 
[Energy  time]=  ML T
2 2
  M 0 L0T  342. F      Y 
 linear Density 

 MLT 2 
X     RT   RT 
357.Here P   
ML 1
V  b   V 
2 2
  X   M 2T 2 358.
n1[ M 1 L1 T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2 T2 ]

2 2 2 2
359. n1[ M 1 L1 T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2 T2 ]
Y   MLT 2
343. Conceptual 360. F = M 1 L1T 2  100 dynes ---------(1)
344. Substitute D.F. of quantities V = L1T 1  10 cm.s 1 --------------(2)
B E = M 1 L2T 2  500 ergs--------------(3)
345. W = Ax  2
c  x E
 L  5cm ;

T 
 0.5
Since x is displacement, C must be F V L.T 1 10
F 100
2 M   5gm
c  x  L2 LT 2 5   0.52
B 361. h1d1  h2 d 2
 W  M 1 L2T 2
 c  x 2 hMercury  d Merc  hw .d w ; 76 13.6  hw 1
B  M 1 L2T 2 .L2  M 1 L4T 2  hw  1033.6 cm = 10.336 m
2 2 2 2
 x 362. n1[ M 1 L1 T1 ]  n2 [ M 2 L2 T2 ]
346. [ kt ]   
  3
363. 8 gm cm-3 = n2  20 gm    5cm  
RT RTav av
347. P .e ;  Number gm Cm 3 1
vb RT n2  8  . = 8  125  50
20 gm  5cm 3 20
RT M 1 L2T 2
av = RT  a  a
1km 1 m
V L3 
364. 2
aM L T 1 1 2
 P ( Pressure) hr 36  36  10 sec2
2 1 2 1
348. Bx 2  c  Cons tan t 365. n1[ M 1L1 T1 ]  n2 [M 2 L2 T2 ]
l  b  L3  l  b  L3  Work
366. Power =
A time
BL2  1 P 
 A  P .B
B work 100 1
349. Use principle of homogenity time = power =   101 s
1000 10
a  pv 2 367. L1 : L2  2 : 3 ; M1 : M 2  2 : 3
bv T1 : T2  2 : 3 Surface tension = S = M 1T 2
351. [Bt] =1 2
S2 M 2  T2  3 3 3 22 2
352. [ t ]  1     =      2 
353. [AT] =1 S1 M1  T1  2 2 2 3 3
354. Use Priniple of homogenity  S1 : S2  3 : 2
355. V = A Sin Bx. Cos CT 368. Compare the dimensions in two systems.
L1T 1  A B  L1 ; C  T 1
1 1 1 V
AB LT .L 369. a
  M 0 L0T 0 T
C T 1
370. F  M 1 L1T 2
 z 
356.  1 F K .N 2

 k  M  2
 2
 1000 kg .m.4s 2
LT K .m.  100s  1000 m.10 .s
 104 kg  R 
Resistance =  R   100

 16 m .s 2  R 
371. F = ma;
M 1
387.  mean    ;  
 mean  i 
L 2 L 4 1 6 6
1 2
LT  16ms 2 ; 2  16  T    ;
T 16 16 4  mean
relative error
T  s Velocity=
 mean
2 % error in  = 0.03×100
1 388. l  0.1cm
LT 1  4     4  2  8 ms 1
2 T  0.01sec
372. TO 379 Substitute D.F. of quantities and check
the correctness of given equation l
g  4 2 2
380. F  x .a y .v z T
 k .  ML1T 1  . L1  .  LT
y z g l  T 
1 2
M 1 LT 1 1
   2  = (0.023)
1 2
g l  T 
M 1 LT  M x .L x  y  z .T  x  z
% error = 0.023×100 = 2.3%
x =1 ; ................(1)
-x + y + z = -1 ..........(2)  -1+y+z = 1 l 31.4
-x -z = -2 ...(3)  y+z=2...............(4) 2
 2
 25.03cms 2
From 3 & 4 y + z = 2; -1 -z = -2; z=
T  
1 The value of 2.3 % of 25.03 is
From 2 -1+y + 1=1 y = 1
x = 1; y = 1 ; z = 1 25.03  2.3
 0.58
381. L G x C y h z 100
382. T  s a r b  c L
 2   25.03  0.58 cms 2
383. M  C a .G b .hc
389. Percentage error gives percentage accuracy
1 a 2 b 1 c
M L T  K  LT
1 0 0 1
 . M 1 3
LT  . M L T  1 2
M LT  M1 0 0 b  c a  3b  2 c
.L .T  a  2b  c
 b  c  1 --(1) a  3b  2c  0 ---(2) d m l b h
relative error,    
 a  2b  c  0 ------(3) d m l b h
1 1 1 d
Solving above equations a  b c
100  0.003 + 0.125 + 0.2 + 1.0 = 1.328
2 2 2
 1 1 1  which is rounded off to one decimal place due to
M  C 2 G 2 .h 2 
0.2 value
 
LEVEL-III 100  1.3
P  m V 
384.  100    100 390. P  Q  M 2 L4T 4 I 1 ------(1)
P  m V 
P 1
 D h g   I -------(2)
T Q
 100      100
g 
T  D h 1 2  P 2  M 2 L4T 4 I 2
V 8 = P  ML2T 2 I 1 ( Magnatic flux)
386. R ; R 4 2 4 4
I 2 2
1 2  Q  M L T Q  ML2T 2 (Torque)
R  V I  391. Use dimensions of 0 ,V
100     100
R  V I 
392. T  P a .d b E c By soving a   1 ; b  2 ; c  1 ; M  p 1 .F 2 .T
a b c 2
M 0 L0T 1   M 1 L1T 2  . M 1 L3  . M 1 L2T 2  F 1 .T 1000  1
M   60
a+b+c=0 P 106 10  106  6  101 =6 g
-a - 3b - 2c = 0 - 2a - 2c = -1 10
5 1 1
Solving we get a  ; b ; c 399. t2  t1   50.7  40.6    0.3  0.2 
6 2 3
393. x  3 yz 2 X A B
400.  100  2  100  100
x Capacitance X A B
y 
3z 2
 Induction field Strength 2 1 C 3D
  100   100
3 C D
M 1 L2T 4 I 2
  M 3 .L2 .T 8 .I 4
2 1 2  R 
M 1 0
LT I  401. R    100 Where R  R  R
 R  1 2
but I   M 3 L2T 4 .Q 4 R R1  R2
T 
a R R1  R2
 p
394. Q   .r b . c
l  1
402. t  5000  years rounded off to minimum
 M 1 L1T 2  b
a 1011
1 1 1 c
L3T 1  k .  . L . M L T  significant figures
 L 
g l 2T
M 0 L3T 1  M a  c .L2 a  b  c .T 2 a  6 403. 100   100   100
g l T
a  c  0 ---(1) 2 a  b  c  3 ---(2)
2a  c  1 -------------(3) Y  F L A e 
404.  100        100
from 1 & 3 adding a = 1; Y  F L A e 
from 1C = -1
from 2 ; -2(1) + b-(-1)=3 b=4 R1R2
405. R= for maximum error
 p
 pr 4
R1  R2
Q    .r 4 . 1  Q  .
l  8 l
 R   R1 R2 R1  R2 
395. n  La .mb .T c  R  100    R  R  R  R   100
 1 2 1 2 
M 
M 0 L1T 1  k .La .   .T c  r2x
 L  406. Specific Resistance 
 1
Proceed  Put k    2r L x 
 2     100
Total error is 
 r L x 
396. S K aV bT c
397. P x Q y C z  M 0 L0T 0 0 A
407. C
Y d
 ML2T 2 
( ML1T 2 ) x  2 1 z
 ( LT )  0 qq
 L T  0  1 22
398. M  p a .F b .T c
  0 .kx
a b  M 0 L0T 0  1
M 1 L0T 0   M 1 L2T 3  .  M 1 L1T 2  .T c 408.
a  b  1 ---(1) I 2T 2
2 a  b  0 --(2) x 1 3
M 1 L2T 2
M L T 4 I 2.
3a  2b  c  0 --(3)
x   M 0 L1T 0  V dim ension of C  dim ensions of V
0L 
[   0  M 1 L3T 4 I 2 t time
k = energy M 1 L3T 2 ] dim ension of Q
409. use dimensions of F ,  , H & i =
 Q  CV 
q F 426. n  La d bY c
410. C ; B
v m b c
411. ;
e  IT n  L 3 T 1  La  ML3   ML1T 2 
N  x2  x1  Number L Solve for a, b and c.
412. D   3   L2T 1 
n2  n1 L2T L 427. MLT 2  10 N ; LL2T 2  100 J

413. VT = (2/9) r2g (r - d) / h = 2/9 r2 g / h x m/V

LT 1  5m / s ;L = 10m
From above equations
= 2/9 r2 g/h x m/(4/3pr3); VT µ mg/hr T =2 sec and M = 4 kg
428.p= 60J /60 sec = I watt
414. T  La d b y c
a b c
415. 1Cal = 4.2 J = 4.2 Kg, m2 S-2  m1   L1   T1 
= n2   kg   m  .  s 
2 Use n2  n1      
 m2   L2   T2 
1 1 1
n2  4.2  . . 1 2 2 2 3
  2  2  4.2     1kg   I m   IS 
 I  1     
V  V I  10 kg   I m   60 S 
416. R  R    R
I  V I  n2  101 1 60  60  60  2.16 106
417. X  a  b  a n d x  a  b
429. n1u1  n2u2
X   a  b  and x  a  b 430. T  M a n b Lc
418. n1u1  n2u2
431. n1u1  n2u2
419. Substitute D.F. of quantities
433. Substitute D.F. of quantities
420. n1u1  n2u2 434. Substitute D.F. of quantities
421. n1u1  n2u2 435. n1u1  n2u2
422. Substitute D.F. of quantities
436. n1u1  n2u2
x z
 M 1   L1   T1  437. Substitute D.F. of quantities
423. n2  n1     
 M 2   L2   T2  439. n1u1  n2u2
= 441. Substitute D.F. of quantities
442. Conceptual
x y 1 2 z
 1 kg   1m   1s  1 1 1 443. n1u1  n2u2
n1       =4.2      
 a kg   bm   cs  a b c 444. n1u1  n2u2
4.2c 2 445. n1u1  n2u2
= ,which is choice (b).
ab 2
424. Substitute D.F. of quantities
425.The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is given
by C=  0 A / d . Hence the dimensions of  0 L are
the same as those of capacitance.
 Dimension of

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