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Blogspot (Blogger)................................................................................................................................... 2
Wordpress ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Install a WordPress plugin .................................................................................................................. 4
Insert Ads.txt ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Website ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Blogspot (Blogger)
1. Go to Blogspot Dashboard
2. Go to “Settings”
a. Choose “Search preferences”
b. Go to “Monetization” section
c. “Custom ads.txt” – Click “Yes”
d. Copy the code, pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (your own Google ID), (Smart Publisher ID), DIRECT, 47ea16374dff1d69, 3058, RESELLER, pub-2254427607846536, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

e. Click “Save Changes”

Dashboard > Settings > Search preferences

Monetization > Edit > Enable Custom ads.txt content > Yes

Paste code as provided.


1. Google ID – You may retrieve it from your Google AdSense account

2. Smart Publisher ID – You may reach out to Innity for the ID.

To insert ads.txt, you will need to download this plugin – Ads.txt Manager by installing and activate

Install a WordPress plugin

1. Go to Dashboard, choose Plugin
2. Click on the search bar, search “ads.txt”
3. Choose “Ads.txt Manager”
4. Download, install and activate it.

Insert Ads.txt
1. Go to “Settings”
a. Choose “Ads.txt”
2. Insert your code into “Manage Ads.txt” by pasting it.
3. Click “Save Changes”

Dashboard > Plugins

Search > “ads.txt” > Ads.txt Manager > Installed > Activate

Dashboard > Settings > Ads.txt > Paste code > Save Changes

Note: Don’t forget to replace pub-0000000000000000 with your own publisher ID.

1. Go to Notepad.
2. Paste your code.
a. Google ID – You may retrieve it from your Google AdSense account
b. Smart Publisher ID – You may reach out to Innity for the ID.
3. Save the file.
4. Open FTP
5. Drag and drop into FTP
Note: Ads.txt file has to be uploaded to the root domain
6. You have complete the steps.

Open Notepad > Paste Code > Save file

Open FTP > Drag & drop ads.txt file

Note: Ads.txt file has to be uploaded to the root domain.

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