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Creativity Action Service


This form must be filled for each project/activity you hope to undertake.

Student Name : Nupur Divekar

Name & category of Activity : Karate (Activity)

Name and address of place/organisation. : Bawan bungalow, Old Panvel

Contact person/Supervisor(s) : Atul Bohra

Contact number of Supervisor 

(if outside the school) :

Date of commencement : 1st September 2018-20th May 2019

Ask yourself the questions in the following checklist before the start of your ac-
tivity and (if approved) while you are doing it. This gives you clarity regarding
your own expectations for the project:

1. What are your goals for this project/activity?

Ever since I was young I have always enjoyed karate, but due to school and other fac-
tors I stopped going which decreased my physical health and endurance. My goals in
this activity are to improve my physical fitness and also better my form and fighting

2. Is it a new role or activity for you?

No, this will not be a new activity for me as I have learnt the basics of karate before.
But in this CAS experience I aim to further improve my skills and learn more.

3. What new skills or skill levels you hope to develop?

I would like to learn to new movements and improve my fighting. Also, since karate
is a martial art form, discipline is a key part of the training. I would also like to learn
the art of focus and self discipline through this activity.
4. How will you be involved?

I will be training 3 times a week and giving the exam at the end of the year. Also, I
will be taking part in tournaments to gather experience and further improve myself. 

5. What challenges might you encounter?

Since I will be training after a very long time, initially I will find it difficult to cope
up with the rigorous training. Also I will need to put in efforts to regain my initial
level of fitness and skill. I will work with my sensei, and put in work to improve
these factors.

6. What resources will you need (e.g., transportation, materials, technology, etc)?

I will arrange my own transportation to reach classes, thrice a week. Also, I will need
to purchase the Karategi (uniform), and additional materials such as headgear and
gloves, that are required for combat.

7. How will you support in attaining those resources?

My parents will help me with the transportation and I will be buying the uniform
from the teacher.

8. Who/what will benefit from your actions? How?

I myself will benefit from this activity as I get to improve, both mentally and physi-
cally and improve my focus.

9. What ethical consequences might result from your actions?

This activity will help me develop self discipline and focus, which will definitely
help me further on in life.

10. Does it have real consequences for others?

Not directly but since karate is a great way to release stress for me, it will help me be
more productive and cheerful which in turn benefit my parents and my teachers.

11.What Learning Outcomes will be reflected and how?

This activity will help me understand my own areas strengths and weaknesses which
I shall be developing further. With learning new skills and techniques, I shall be step-
ping out of my comfort zone and facing new challenges. Perseverance and commit-
ment will also be observed as I will regularly attend training.

12. What things can I reflect on, regarding this activity?

I can reflect on how my habits and lifestyle have changed after this activity. Also
how my mental and physical health have improved and how effectively I have been
able to learn and execute the new skills that I have learnt.

Brief description of the activity.

I attended Karate classes for 2 hours, three times a week. Through regular practice
and training, I plan to improve my skills and hopefully take part in competitions held
in the future.

Supervisor Signature

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