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Title Page
Level Of Satisfaction Of Canteen Services as perceived by the Junior High
School Students in New Era University Pampanga
(S.Y. 2019 – 2020)

A Practical Research Presented To The

Faculty Of The Senior High School Of The New Era University
Pampanga Branch

In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement

For The Senior High School

Bondoc Justine Lance L. (Leader)
Peralta Haden D. (Assistant Leader)
De Leon Darlene S. (Member)
Estoque Princess Nathalie S. (Member)

January 2020

Title:”Level Of Satisfaction Of Canteen Services as perceived by the Junior High

School Students in New Era University Pampanga”

Researchers: Justine Lance L. Bondoc

Haiden D. Peralta

Princess Nathalie S. Estoque

Darlene S. De Leon

Teacher: Robert M. Mariano

School: New Era University Pampanga (NEU)

Grade And Section: 12 HUMSS B

Year: 2020

Purpose of the Study

Our research is about the level of satisfaction of canteen services by the

different students. This research aiming to answer the following questions. What

is the satisfaction level in terms of the Facilities, Cleanliness, and Price? What is

the level of service quality provided by the school canteen of New Era University

(Pampanga Branch) in terms of the Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance,

Tangibility, and Empathy? What is the best way in order to improve school

canteen services?


1. Table 1 show that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Excellent rating in terms of the facilities of the canteen. They get 44%

on Excellent rating, 40% on Good rating, 14% on Average rating, and

2% on Poor rating.

2. Table 2 shows that most of the Junior High School have a Average

rating in terms of the prices of the food. They get a 40% on Average

rating, 31% on Good rating, 19% on Poor rating, and 10% on

Excellent rating.

3. Table 3 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good rating in terms of the cleanliness of the canteen. They have a

41% on Good rating, 32% on Excellent rating, 23% on Average

rating, and 4% on Poor rating.

4. Table 4 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Responsiveness of the canteen. They have a

45% on Good rating, 35% on Excellent rating, 16% on Average

rating, and 4% on Poor rating.

5. Table 5 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Reliability of the canteen services. They have

a 51% on Good rating, 31% on Excellent rating, 13% on Average

rating, and 5% on Poor rating.

6. Table 6 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of the Assurance of the canteen services. They

have a 41% on Good rating, 35% on Excellent rating, 23% on

Average rating, and 1% on Poor rating.

7. Table 7 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Tangibility of the canteen services. They have

a 56% on Good rating, 27% on Excellent rating, 13% on Average

rating, and 4% on Poor rating.

8. Table 8 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Excellent and Good Level in terms of Empathy of the canteen

services. They have a 41% on Excellent rating, 40% on Good rating,

13% on Average rating, and 6% on Poor rating.


1. The Facilities of the school canteen is well maintained and they have a

Excellent ratings.

2. The Prices of the school canteen is not affordable for the students and they

have a Average ratings.

3. The Cleanliness of the school canteen impressed the students and they

have a Good ratings.

4. The respondents have been impressed about the Responsiveness of the

canteen and they get a Good Level.

5. They got a Good Level in terms of Reliability of the canteen.

6. The Assurance of canteen services impressed the respondents and they

have a Good Level.

7. The respondents did not experience any shortage on the services of the

canteen and they got a Good Level.

8. The respondents have been really impressed in terms of Empathy of

canteen and they have a Excellent Level.


1. Both canteen personnel and students should keep the canteen

facilities clean and well maintained. The students should always

keep the tables clean and should be careful while using the chairs.

The canteen personnel must always inspect the canteen facilities

and make sure to clean it when it gets dirty.

2. The canteen personnel should focus in serving the students fast

and with a smile to make them satisfied with their serving


3. The canteen should slightly lower the price of the products that

they sell.
III. Acknowledgement
I want to thanks Almighty God for he always guided to us and for he has been
center of our work. He give me strength to do our research and to bestowed knowledge
that I needed to complete my research.
I would like to mention my deepest gratitude to Mr. Robert M. Mariano for teaching
us the fundamental and methodology of a research, through his all knowledge,
patience, and power we could carry out a successful research that we have been
working for almost 1 semester. His patience has been maintained while having us his
students always amazes us.
I would also like to thanks to Haiden Peralta, Princess Estoque, and Darlene De
Leon for helping me to finish our research that have been working on resulting from our
blood, sweat, and tears. The patience and trust that they give to me. Also at a short time
we have bond together as a group and we didn’t too much pressure on our shoulder.
I would also thanks to our respondents Junior High School on New Era University
Pampanga Branch that they participate in to our research and in to help of them, we
finish our research.
Mostly I want to thank my family for always supporting me to do this. They give me
knowledge to do this. And to help of them I could improve and learn important aspect
into my life.



I would like to thank are Lord God for all his blessing and guiding me in all

aspects and for all the challenge ahead of me.

And to our teacher, Mr. Robert Mariano thank you for all your help with us

and all the lesson that you thought to us.

For my groupmates, Justine Lance Bondoc, Haiden Peralta, and to Darlene

De Leon, thank you for helping me to finish this research and for informing

me to know what to do.

Princess Nathalie Estoque (Researcher)


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Tr. Robert M.

Mariano as well as our school director Bro. Alberto R. Domingo Jr. Who

gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic

(Level Of Satisfaction Of Canteen Services), which also helped me in doing

a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things I’m really

thankful to them.

I would also like to thank my Justine Lance Bondoc, Princess Estoque,

and to Darlene De leon who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within

the limited time frame.

Haiden Peralta (Researcher)


I would like to thank God because of the success of the research

I would like to thank Tr. Robert M. Mariano to support at teach how to do

the research.

And also I would like thanks Justine Lance Bondoc, Haiden Peralta, and to

Princess Estoque because without all of you I cant do the research once

again thank you very much.

Darlene De Leon (Researcher)

IV. Introduction of the Research

A canteen is a place where they serve to food. At the canteen we can

eat here or drink. At canteen different meal, snacks, and drinks product are

sold. A school utilizes a canteen to meet food and Nutritional needs of its

students in order for them to have energy in to accomplish the task that

they would do for the day. The canteen staff and the personnel are the

people who run the canteen. They are the one who interacts to the student

and ask for their order. They are the one who serves to our foods. They are

so responsible to the facility so that the student make feel comfortable and

satisfied to their surroundings. The products that are commonly sold in the

canteen are junk foods, biscuits, burgers, pancakes, different kinds of

beverages, different kinds of meals. Food plays a big role in a student in

everyday. Without food we don't have energy to do activities. This is where

the students get their energy to have the ability to work their body and mind

and overcome school activities.

This study mainly focuses on the level of the satisfaction of the Junior

High School students of New Era University (Pampanga Branch) when it

comes to the food and services of the school's canteen. We have chosen

to study this topic because as a student we need a place where we are

able to feel comfortable and satisfied during our break times and lunch

times. Therefore, we thought that studying the canteen's food and services

is very relevant and beneficial to whoever may come across our research.
V. Literature Review

This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies both local and

foreign. It is also present the importance of food into our body and canteen

services. This information would be useful in development of the research.


This part presents a review of some literature undertaken in the local setting

and other place in which gave the researcher the proper information on the topic

under study.

Local Literature

As we all know, food is a basic necessity for a person. Food is one of

the basic needs that we must obtain in order to fulfill our hunger. Food does

not only end the hunger but it also gives the much needed vitamins and

nutrients for our body to function and develop properly. In running a

canteen, there are certain rules to be followed. There must be a potable

drinking water and facilities for washing, a clean and ventilated

environment, food covers and containers to maintain its cleanliness and for

safekeeping. These rules would help in making students comfortable and

satisfied especially when it comes to food safety standards.(DepEd, 2007).

A canteen is a reflection of how the university valued its people. The

canteen reflects how well the universities, in this case how the schools

gives importance to the people that has a connection to it. The more the

canteen grows and develop, means it holds much more value to the people

under its grasp. The canteen is not just a place to eat, it is a place to

socialize, to study, to relax and take a break from work. A canteen not only

matters in its function to sell different kinds of food, but its ability to make

students socialize and develop friendships, to be a study place for people

where they can maintain mental power, and a place to just sit back, relax

and take a break from all the school works. (Adel Tamano , 2011).

According to Ginger Arboleda (2010), she said that food industries are

inevitable especially in a country of endless works. We need a place where

we can eat while we work and study. A school is a place where there are

many activities that uses up its student’s energy. A school provides a

canteen as a place where students can eat and relax and regain the energy

for the rest of the day. She also said that ambiance and atmosphere is a

very important attribute that a canteen must have.

Foreign Literature

Customer satisfaction is related to customers’ fulfillment response i.e.

pleasurable fulfilment by which consumers perceive that “consumption

fulfils some need, desire or goal (Lengnick-Hall, 1996; Oliver, 1999).

Customer satisfaction is influenced not only by service quality perceptions

but also by personal and situational factors and price (Aldridge and Rowley,

1998; Patterson and Johnson, 1993; Robinson, 1999; Rowley, 1997;

Zeithaml et al., 2008). Food quality is related to customers satisfaction with

the quality of fast-food served to them (John and Howard, 1998; Law et al.,

2004; Kivela et al., 1999). Furthermore, Hwang et al. (2003) and Qin and

Prybutok (2009) noted that food properties were found to be the best

predictor of customer satisfaction as compared to reliable interpersonal

service and environment presentation.

Students can enjoy a wide variety of fresh food selections when local

area vendors frequently provide fresh food for the students’ monthly menu

(Cohen, 2009). The degree of satisfaction with univers[ity cafeteria

depends mostly on the quality of meals, diversity of food, food hygiene and

environment (Kim & Kim, 2004).

Employees’ behavior (i.e. reliable, responsive and competent service

rendered by the staff) affects customers’ perceptions of service quality

(Hensley and Sulek, 2007; Herrmann et al., 2007). The interaction between

the cafeteria staff and students, such as friendly gestures e.g. smiles and

greeting and high levels of responsiveness, cleanliness and quick service is

important as it influences student satisfaction with the service quality

(Barlett and Han, 2007).

The State Government of Victoria (2016) said that school canteens

and other school food services are important educational resources. They

have an important role in the provision of food to students and the school

community as well as being an integral part of the school environment .The

school canteen should reflect the educational goals of the school and

support and complement student learning. When consumed daily, the food

provided through the school canteen may comprise a third of a student’s

total daily intake and have a significant influence on their health and

nutrition. This shows how important the school canteen is and how it plays

its role on the students’ daily lives. It is said the canteen reflects the

educational goals of the school, so it means the more the canteen is well

manage then the more its goals and values Having a large array of goods
can easily attract customers. “Wide Variety” is a type of merchandising

strategy where a retailer stocks a large number of different products and

offers many choices which may become a motivation for consumers to buy

products. (Investopedia)

According to Sally Santa Cruz (2016), food storage is extremely

important, the food stored that are waiting for use can be breeding grounds

for bacteria if they are not properly stored. Sealed containers should be

used when keeping items and properly refrigerated before they reach

temperatures in the danger zones.

4000 students were surveyed across 10 community colleges

nationwide found that more than half suffered from some level of food

insecurity. A full 22% said that they limit and skip meals because they

could not afford to eat. (EAB, 2016)

According to the State Government of Victoria (2016), the proper ways

of managing a school is by properly determining the product, price, place

,and promotion . Place means it is the environment of the canteen in which

the foods and drinks are arranged in order to be sold properly. The

demeanor of the canteen must be properly upheld in order to maintain the

canteen’s image in a positive or good way. The canteen must be an

attractive place. It must be appealing to the people in order to attract more

customers. It must be well maintained in order to remain it’s ambiance and

make the people who visits it enjoy their time. In creating the layout, design

and appearance of the canteen, consider if it has plenty of room and space,

it is easily accessed by the people, and must be well maintained. One of

the most looked factor of a canteen is the price. Price is the amount of

money expected, required, or given in payment for something. The

canteen must ensure that they offer a selection of low-cost items that can

fill the hunger of the students and ensure their vitamin needs. They must

offer students products that they can buy with their small change/pocket

money. Promotion is the further development or growth of something .The

school canteen must promote by properly communicating with the

customers and encourage them in buying foods that are healthy.

Promotions can be simple and positive that is concerned only with the

health of the students. When we consider a certain product, we must also

include the image of the canteen as a whole and not just the sold item

itself. We consider the canteen’s environment, way of product promotion,

and the relationship of the canteen to the school community.

According to Dana (2016) she stated that Nutrition is very relevant in

improving a student’s ability to learn. It is very important to choose the right

and proper equipments to be used in preparing the food for the students as

well as the equipments the students will use. Having properly prepared

food will boost the satisfaction of the student.


This part present a review of some studies undertaken in the local setting and

other place in which gave the researcher the proper information on the topic under


Local Studies

Gadais (2004) conducted a study on the comparative level of

satisfaction in relation to customer service between Jollibee and

McDonalds. The descriptive type of research was the method use in

evaluating the level of satisfaction of the customers. Survey questionnaires

were distributed to 100 randomly selected HRM student’s at a College in

Result showed the following:

1.) on the number of times of visits at the two establishments at least

twice a week.

2.) On what made the respondents decide to eat at either of the two

establishment, it showed the 53% on Jollibee and 49% on McDonald’s for

accessibility, good service, and affordability, 24% and 23% respectively for

accessibility alone; 15% and 19% respectively for good service alone; and

8% and 90% respectively for affordability alone.

3.) When it comes to level satisfaction of the customers in relation to

customer service, it was found that for both establishments, respondents

are satisfied. Sanitation is ranked as number one. However, cleanliness of

table and comfort rooms were least ranked (fairly satisfied). To offer fast

and efficient service was ranked number one suggestion by the

Foreign Studies

Narayana Murthy (2000) has studied socio-economic profile of the

work force and employee welfare activities in Indian Industrial

Organizations. It is found that majority of the employees in co-operate

sector units are satisfied with the existing welfare, canteen and health


All these studies help the management, unions and governments to

improve the existing state of affairs mainly by emphasizing on functional

areas of Human Resources Management and existing welfare amenities in

a single unit or two units or more with a comparative study in the same

sector like private or public or co-operative. There have been very few

comprehensive studies in the field of work environment and less

concentration on the provision of welfare facilities and amenities provided

by the Government and the management of the undertakings as well.

However, surprisingly very few attempts have been made by the

researchers to study the extent of canteen facility to the employees of any

unit. The study shows the gap and also furnishes the reasons between the

practice and precept.

VI. Research Questions

This study is set out to address this following question:

1. What is the satisfaction level Junior High School in the school

canteen as to the following:

1.1 Facilities

1.2 Price

1.3 Cleanliness of Canteen

2. What is the level of service quality provided by the school canteen

of New Era University (Pampanga Branch) in terms of the following:

2.1 Responsiveness

2.2 Reliability

2.3 Assurance

2.4 Tangibility

2.5 Empathy

3. What is the best way in order to improve school canteen services?

4. What enhancement can be proposed by the researcher to the

handbook as output of the study?

VII. Scope And Limitation

This research is attempted to determine the student satisfaction in the

terms of the canteen services provided: such as Foods, Facility, Price of

Foods, and cleanliness of the canteen. Also attempts to describe the traits

of the Canteen Staff to the students. This is also attempts to identify the

best action to be undertaken to improve New Era University (Pampanga

Branch) canteen services.

The researcher limited this research to the Junior High School students

of New Era University (Pampanga Branch) who were randomly chosen to

answer the researcher's questionnaire.

VIII. Research Methodology

This Chapter discuss the different methods And Procedures involved

In Conducting this study. The Participants involved in the study are the

Junior High School students in New Era University by questionnaire survey.

The target of this study is to know the level of satisfaction of the students

on canteen services by it present the method used, observation, survey

and analysis of the study.

A. Sampling:

The Researcher involved the Junior High School students to rate the

level of satisfaction of canteen services as perceived by the Junior High

School students in New Era University Pampanga Branch . The proponent

selected the Junior High School students of New Era University to be the

respondents of the study. Preferably the freshmen and sophomore

students. The proponent had come up with 80 students on as respondents

having 5 representatives by different section from Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade

9 and Grade 10.

B. Data Collection:

Regarding to data collection was gathered mainly through the use of

questionnaires supplemented by casual interviews from different section in

Junior High School.

To determine the level of satisfaction of canteen services as perceived

by the Junior High School students in New Era University Pampanga

Branch. Rating the level of satisfaction of canteen services, the students

were asked about it through a questionnaire.

From the result and the problems identified in students who are

satisfied or not satisfied about the services of canteen.






Attributes Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Facilities 35 44 32 40 11 14 2 2

Total 35 44 32 40 11 14 2 2

Table 1. Rating of the Canteen Facilities By The Junior High School


Table 1 show that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Excellent rating in terms of the facilities of the canteen. They get 44% on

Excellent rating, 40% on Good rating, 14% on Average rating, and 2% on

Poor rating.

Poor Excellent
19% 10%



Attributes Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Price 8 10 25 31 32 40 15 19

Total 8 10 25 31 32 40 15 19

Table 2. Rating Of The Prices Of The Canteen By The Junior High School

Student .

Table 2 shows that most of the Junior High School have a Average

rating in terms of the prices of the food. They get a 40% on Average rating,

31% on Good rating, 19% on Poor rating, and 10% on Excellent rating.

Average Excellent
23% 32%


Attributes Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Cleanliness 26 32 33 41 18 23 3 4

Total 26 32 33 41 18 23 3 4

Table 3. Rating of the Cleanliness of canteen by Junior High School


Table 3 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good rating in terms of the cleanliness of the canteen. They have a 41% on

Good rating, 32% on Excellent rating, 23% on Average rating, and 4% on

Poor rating .



SERVICES Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Responsiveness 28 35 36 45 13 16 3 4

Total 28 35 36 45 13 16 3 4

Table 4. Level Of Responsiveness Of The School Canteen By The Junior

High School Students.

Table 4 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Responsiveness of the canteen. They have a 45%

on Good rating, 35% on Excellent rating, 16% on Average rating, and 4%

on Poor rating.
SERVICES Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Reliability 25 31.25 41 51.25 10 12.50 4 5

Total 25 31.25 41 51.25 10 12.50 4 5


Average Excellent
13% 31%


Table 5. Level of Reliability Of The School Canteen By The Junior High


Table 5 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Reliability of the canteen services. They have a

51% on Good rating, 31% on Excellent rating, 13% on Average rating, and

5% on Poor rating.



41% Poor

Services Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Assurance 28 35 33 41 18 23 1 1

Total 28 35 33 41 18 23 1 1

Table 6. Level of the Assurance of the School Canteen By Junior High

School Students.

Table 6 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of the Assurance of the canteen services. They have a

41% on Good rating, 35% on Excellent rating, 23% on Average rating, and

1% on Poor rating.



56% Poor

Services Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Tangibility 22 27 45 56 10 13 3 4

Total 22 27 45 56 10 13 3 4

Table 7. Level of the Tangibility of the School Canteen By Junior High

School Students.

Table 7 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Good Level in terms of Tangibility of the canteen services. They have a

56% on Good rating, 27% on Excellent rating, 13% on Average rating, and

4% on Poor rating.


Services Excellent % Good % Average % Poor %

Empathy 33 41 32 40 10 13 5 6

Total 33 41 32 40 10 13 5 6

Table 8. Level of the Empathy of the School Canteen By The Junior High

School Students.

Table 8 shows that most of the Junior High School Students have a

Excellent and Good Level in terms of Empathy of the canteen services.

They have a 41% on Excellent rating, 40% on Good rating, 13% on

Average rating, and 6% on Poor rating.

X. Dissemination and Advocacy plans

The result of this study would enable the respondents and the students to know

the Level Of Satisfaction Of Canteen Services as perceived by the Junior High

School students in New Era University Pampanga Branch.

To students- This research would help to them to have a detailed analysis of

satisfaction of canteen and services. The results would give ideas and knowledge to
their classmate about the level of satisfaction and they would evaluate own.
To Parents - This research would give the knowledge and ideas about their
children's level of satisfaction in the canteen's food and service. And also they
would be aware of how the canteen staff treats their children’s and how affect to
their children when they consume food.
To School Administration - This research would help also to them to get
ideas and knowledge about the satisfaction of the school canteen food and services.
The result may give them ideas to do adjustment and to improve.
To Canteen Staff - This research would helped to them to provide

opportunities for reflective thought and thereby enhance professionalism among

members of the canteen personnel, so that they may improve efficiency at work

and offer delicious yet affordable food.

To Future Researchers - this study can be used as a reference in conducting

studies related to the problem.


Attributes Excellent Good Average Poor Total

1. Facilities 35 32 11 2 80

2. Price 8 25 32 15 80

3. Cleanliness 26 33 18 3 80

4. Responsiveness 28 36 13 3 80

5. Reliability 25 41 10 4 80

6. Assurance 28 33 18 1 80

7. Tangibility 22 45 10 3 80

8. Empathy 33 32 10 5 80
XI. Bibliography

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 Dana (2016, January 7) “The quality of cafeteria equipment is just as

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 Arboleda (2010, July 13) “Food Service Industry in the Philippines”

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 Anton(1996) “Customer Satisfaction” retrieved from

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