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225 Positive End-Expiratory

Pressure Ali A. Hamdan
Peter J. Papadakos

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) refers to pres- 2. Stabilizes and recruits lung units
sure in the airway at the end of passive expiration 3. Increases functional residual capacity
that exceeds atmospheric pressure. The term is appli- 4. Improves lung compliance
cable to patients receiving mechanical ventilation. For
5. Shifts tidal deflections to the right along the
spontaneously breathing subjects, the term continuous
inspiratory pressure-volume curve (Fig. 225 – 1),
positive airway pressure (CPAP) is used when inspira-
minimizing potential for ventilator-induced lung
tory and expiratory portions of the circuit are pressur-
injury by preventing repetitive collapse of lung
ized above atmospheric pressure. Positive end-expira-
units at end-expiration followed by re-opening
tory pressure is used mainly to recruit or stabilize lung
during inspiration
units and improve oxygenation in patients with hy-
poxemic respiratory failure. 6. May decrease the inspiratory work of breathing
due to auto-PEEP in patients with obstructive
airway disease
Key Indications C. Hemodynamic effects of PEEP-induced increases in
intrathoracic pressure
● Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress
1. Increases intraluminal central venous pressure
2. Decreases venous return
● Cardiogenic pulmonary edema 3. Decreases left and right ventricular preload
● Diffuse pneumonia requiring mechanical (end-diastolic volume)
ventilation 4. Increases right ventricular afterload
● Atelectasis associated with severe hypoxemia 5. Decreases cardiac output, as a result of the
above effects
● Other forms of severe hypoxemic respiratory a. Hypotension and organ hypoperfusion can
failure occur.
b. Reduction of both cardiac output and blood
pressure is particularly likely in the presence
Key Contraindications of hypovolemia.

6. Decreases left ventricular afterload
Pneumothorax without pleural catheter
7. Decreases ventricular compliance
● Intracranial hypertension 8. Increases intracranial pressure, by increasing
● Hypovolemia (unless concomitantly treated) central venous pressure

● Bronchopleural fistula
● Recent pulmonary resection surgery Key Effects of PEEP
Beneficial Adverse
Effects and Mechanisms ● Usually improves ● May worsen gas
oxygenation exchange
A. Gas exchange
● Stabilizes and recruits ● Decreases cardiac
1. Redistributes fluid within the alveoli and re- lung units output
duces intrapulmonary shunting
2. Improves arterial oxygenation (PaO2) ● Improves lung ● Can cause barotrauma
3. Reduces FIO2 requirements and risk of oxygen ● Interferes with
toxicity ● Minimizes potential for assessment of
B. Lung mechanics ventilator-induced lung hemodynamic short
injury pressures
1. Helps prevent alveolar collapse standard
815 long

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816 ● XVII Respiratory Care and Mechanical Ventilation base of RH
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2. Level of PEEP associated with maximal lung base of text
Alveoli 3. Level of PEEP associated with maximal sys-
temic oxygen delivery
800 4. Level of PEEP associated with minimum pul-
Upper inflection point
monary venous admixture (intrapulmonary
600 shunt)
Volume (mL)

600 Monitoring
400 A. Observe for development of barotrauma.
1. Manifestations include pneumothorax (includ-
200 ing tension pneumothorax), subcutaneous
Lower inflection point emphysema, pneumomediastinum, interstitial
emphysema, pneumoperitoneum, pneumoperi-
0 10 20 30 40
cardium, gas cysts, and systemic gas embolism.
Pressure (cm H2O) 2. Associated with plateau airway pressures
greater than 35 cm H2O, particularly in later
Figure 225– 1. Lung inspiratory pressure– volume curve in a pa- stages of acute respiratory distress syndrome
tient with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The outlines at the
top of the graph indicate the state of alveolar inflation relative to
(ARDS) with lung remodeling
maximum physiologic distention (dashed circles). The central lin- B. Monitor pulmonary function.
ear portion of the curve demonstrates that large volume changes
result when pressure changes occur between the two inflection 1. Monitor gas exchange by pulse oximetry or ar-
points; i.e., when lung compliance, represented by the slope of the terial blood gases.
pressure– volume curve, is maximal. At airway pressures above
the upper inflection point, compliance decreases, the limit of lung 2. Monitor airway plateau pressure and inspira-
distention is approached, and the risk of barotrauma is high. tory:expiratory (I : E) ratio.
Airway pressures below the lower inflection point are associated
with low compliance, alveolar collapse, and atelectasis. A pro- 3. Assess effects on lung pressure – volume rela-
posed strategy for optimizing mechanical ventilation and PEEP tionship (see Fig. 225 – 1).
is to select a PEEP level just above the lower inflection point,
and maintain plateau airway pressures below the upper inflexion C. Monitor hemodynamic effects of PEEP.
point. 1. Assess for changes in heart rate, blood pressure,
and indicators of organ perfusion (e.g., urine
output, sensorium, and blood lactate concentra-
2. If available, monitor for changes in cardiac out-
Procedure (Initiation and Titration of PEEP) put and SvO2.
3. Consider fluid challenge if hypotension or signs
A. Begin PEEP at 5 cm H2O.
of hypoperfusion manifest.
B. Increase or decrease in increments of 2 or 3 cm
4. Positive end-expiratory pressure complicates in-
terpretation of central venous pressure (CVP)
C. After each adjustment of PEEP, assess effects on and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
pulmonary function, pressure – volume relation- (PAOP).
ships, oxygenation, and hemodynamics (see Moni-
a. Positive end-expiratory pressure increases
toring section, below).
measured (i.e., intraluminal) values of CVP
D. Goal of titration is to achieve optimal PEEP, and PAOP by increasing intrathoracic pres-
which may be defined as the level of PEEP that sure. Preload, however, is decreased.
allows the lowest FIO2 (or FIO2 less than 0.50, if b. Right and left ventricular preload are depen-
achievable) while maintaining adequate oxygena- dent on transmural end-diastolic ventricular
tion (PaO2 greater than 60 torr, SaO2 greater than volumes (or corresponding pressures at a
0.90) and avoiding uncorrectable adverse effects given level of ventricular compliance), and
induced by PEEP. PEEP can increase the pressure on both sides
E. Alternative proposed definitions of optimal PEEP of the cardiac chambers and intrathoracic
1. PEEP set to 2 cm H2O above the lower inflec- veins.
tion point of the inspiratory pressure – volume c. Increased intraluminal venous pressure op- short
curve (see Fig. 225 – 1) poses venous return to the right and left standard

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225 Positive End-Expiratory Pressure ● 817 base of RH
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heart, resulting in decreased ventricular fill- base of text
ing and preload.
Key Treatment Strategies for Minimizing
d. The degree of transmission of PEEP to intra- Auto-PEEP
thoracic pressure varies with the degree of ● Aggressive bronchodilator therapy
lung injury and its effect on lung compli-
ance. ● Pain control and treatment of fever, to decrease
minute volume
D. Monitor for auto-PEEP.
● Adequate sedation; consider selective use of
1. Auto-PEEP, or intrinsic PEEP, is due to inade- neuromuscular blockade
quate time for lung emptying in the setting of
increased airway resistance and expiratory flow ● Minimize I : E; e.g., increase expiratory time and
limitation. inspiratory flow rate, reduce tidal volume, reduce
respiratory rate.
a. Can be caused by expiratory flow limitation
● In some cases, judicious application of (extrinsic)
(e.g., bronchospasm), severely decreased
PEEP will counter intrinsic PEEP and decrease the
compliance (e.g., ARDS), and very high min-
work of breathing.
ute ventilation (e.g., hyperventilation or
b. Adverse effects include increased work of
breathing, risk of barotrauma or volu-
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b. May be manually determined by placing pa- Richard J-C, Maggiore, SM, Jonson B, et al. Influence of
tient on assist-controlled mode, occluding tidal volume on alveolar recruitment. Respective role of
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sive increase in airway pressure Vieira SRR, Puybasset L, Richecoeur J, et al. A lung com-
puted tomographic assessment of positive end-expiratory
3. A goal of therapy should be to achieve the pressure-induced lung overdistension. Am J Resp Crit
lowest practicable level of auto-PEEP. Care Med 1998;158:1571– 1577.


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