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FS 4


Learning Episode

My FS Learning Episode Overview

This episode emphasizes the importance of curriculum development. It vividly describes how the
philosophical, historical, psychological and sociological foundations of curriculum are interrelated.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

 describe the different foundations of curriculum
 explain how those foundations reflect the development of curriculum in the 21st century classroom
 accomplish the template on the foundations of the curriculum

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
 quality of my observations and documentation,
 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio

My Learning Essentials
Curriculum development is anchored on a very solid foundation. What philosophical, historical,
psychological and sociological influences from the current school curriculum? Who are some of the
identified curricuralist with these foundations?


Philosophical of the curriculum The historical foundations
answers questions like: What shows the chronological Psychology provides basis to
are schools for? What subjects development along a timeline. understand the teaching and
are important? What outcomes Some of the many whom we learning process. Questions
should be achieved? Why? consider to have great which can be addressed by
There are many philosophies in contributions are: Hollis Caswell psychological foundations of
education. An example’s (1901-1989) who believed that education are: How should
Perennialism curriculum, instruction and curriculum be organized to
Aim: To educate the rational learning are interrelated and enhance learning? What is the
person; cultivate intellect Hilda Taba (1902-1967) who optimal level of students’
Role: Teachers assist students to helped lay the foundation for participation in learning the
think with reason (critical diverse student population. various contents of the
thinking HOTS) curriculum?
Focus: Classical subjects, literary
Trends: Use of great books

FIELD STUDY 4 – Exploring The Curriculum 1|Page

My Map

1 2
Complete the timeline Interview an
and write your personal administrator or
insights. faculty and write the
contribution of each
Prepare your 4
portfolio. Evolve your own
philosophy based on
the existing
Cite specific
philosophies. example on how this
applied in daily life.

My Learnings Activities
Complete the timelines by indicating the significant contribution of each person
Activity 1

Franklin Werret William Harold

Bobbit Charters Kilpatrick Rugg
1876 – 1956 1875 – 1952 1875 – 1952 1886 – 1960

Hollis Ralph Hilda Peter

Caswell Tyler Taba Oliva
1901 – 1989 1902 – 1994 1902 – 1967 1992 – 2012

FIELD STUDY 4 – Exploring The Curriculum 2|Page

Interview an administrator, a faculty and cite specific examples in each of the
Activity 2
items given below. Complete the Table.

Foundations of Curriculum Samples/ Situations

1. Philosophical Foundations

2. Historical Foundations

3. Psychological Foundations

4. Social Foundations

My Personal Insights

FIELD STUDY 4 – Exploring The Curriculum 3|Page

Evolve your own philosophy based on the existing philosophies of education.
Activity 3 Illustrate through a graphic organizer. Explain how this will be applied, if you are
going to put your own school.


FIELD STUDY 4 – Exploring The Curriculum 4|Page

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