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<title>Baguio's Coldness</title>
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<img src="Baguio.jpg">
<h1>Baguio's Coldness</h1>
<p>During our Grade 8 Summer Vacation, me and my family went to Baguio to have a
family bonding. We stayed in the Pineridge Hotel where my uncle works at. The condo contained an
overlooking balcony, 3 rooms and 4 bathrooms, a large kitchen area and a laundry space. In one room I
was staying with my mom, dad, sister and grandfather. Me and my sister shared a bed, my mother and
father shared a bed while my grandfather was only on one bed. While my cousins and their parents were
in the other room, with our great grandmother, while my aunty and uncle were staying the other room.
While my other grandparents were in another hotel room since it crowded already.</p>
<p>Our vacation there was only for one week, but since my mom and dad had many
things to do when they go back in Morong, Rizal we only cut our vacation there for only three days, while
my other family relatives were left behind to enjoy the remaining 4 days. When we were there, I was in
charge of the itinerary or where we would go that day. We went to Strawberry Farm, The Mansion,
Butterfly Garden or Botanical Garden, a Grill House, Mines View Park, another park which I saw in the
tourist spots of Baguio and then we went to the place that sells the ube jam. There were so many places
where we went in those 3 days but I couldn't remember those places anymore. </p>
<p>Then when we were about to go home, I saw an old friend from the time when I was
studying in abroad. I greeted her and reminisced about our memories of our younger days. After the
brunch we went back home in Morong, Rizal. We arrived home at night and I unpacked my clothes from
my luggage and immediately went to sleep.</p>
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<title>The Islands of Marinduque</title>
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font-family: Elephant;
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<img src="Island.jpg">
<h1>The Islands of Marinduque</h1>
<p>During our Summer Vacation in Grade 9, my family and I went to my grandfather's
hometown in Marinduque. We travelled and I was so sleepy that time that I didn't notice that I didn't
brought my luggage into the car. If it weren't for my mom who scolded me to bring my luggage I
wouldn't have clothes to wear. During the whole trip to the docks I slept and didn't wake up till my mom
woke me up. When the car was inside the ship, we went upstairs to sit down. It was 1 am and my body
was tired from sitting down too much in the car. The boat contained red seats and there were many rows
of the sits and three columns. We occupied the second and the third sits but I slept the whole trip.</p>
<p>When I woke up it was 4 am in the morning and we would be there by 5 am, so I
walked out of the sitting area and I joined my grandfather by the overlooking sides. I saw the moon that
was over the ocean and its light reflecting on the waters and it was a magnificent sight to see. And I was
excited because of the sunrise that was near. We reached the docks and waited for the other cars to go out
so after minutes we went out and then we travelled to my grandfather's house and checked into a hotel.
<p>We were only there for 3 days so we maked the most out of our time there. I swam at
the Gasan beach and at the Poctoy White Sand Beach. We ate at the restaurants that served delicious
foods. I got a tanned from hours and hours of swimming at the beach, plus I got sunburneds and my body
was aching from swimming but all in all I enjoyed swimming and I enjoyed the stories of my relatives
there. Soon it was time to go home and we said our goodbyes to our relatives there and we left for our

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<title>The Trip to the Lands of Koalas and Kangaroos</title>
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background-color: violet;
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color: black;
font-family: Elephant;
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<img src="Aussie.jpg">
<h1>The Trip to the Lands of Koalas and Kangaroos</h1>
<p>When I was young, my family had a vacation for a month in Australia, during the
month of December. It wasn't snowing but the fog and coldness of the wind crept into my skin that made
me shiver in my jacket. We were in the car on the way to a family friend's house, so as child at that time I
was just staring out at the window with my breath fogging up the glass.</p>
<p>Once we reached the house, it was night at that time so I was sleepy, but I still had
the energy to walk inside the house. It was cozy and warm in the house and I saw a real fireplace, with the
woods burning and the fire crackling. The house was full of christmas decorations and a tall chritmas tree
that had an angel at the top of it. There were many foods that were from the different cuisines of the world,
since the husband of my aunty there was a chef in Australia. We had a fun memory there because my
cousins there were playing with me. </p>
<p>The next morning we went to the mall and it was bustling with tons of people. With a
Christmas theme ringing in our ears and families holding each other's hands I could tell that it was a fun
day there. We went into a department store that sold cds and books, it was Christmas so naturally the
things sold there was on sale. My grandmother had bought me cds and books that were an early christmas
gift to me. Days passed and it was time to go home, we said our farewells to our relatives and then we
went home. </p>

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<title>The Magic of Disneyland</title>
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font-family: Elephant;
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<img src="lololol.jpeg">
<h1>THe Magic of Disneyland</h1>
<p>When I was young, my grandfather and grandmother took me to Hong Kong. The
whole flight I was staring outside the window and saw the clouds that made the plane a little bit shaking.
The food there was okay but what I loved the most was what the female flight attendants gave me. It was
a vanilla frosted cupcake with a blueberry on top. It was delicious but sadly I couldn't ask for one since
they were giving it to the other kids also, but it was fine, one is enough.</p>
<p>When we got there, we checked into a hotel and our room was at the 16th floor. We
got a bunk bed that had railings that were gold, a bed that was for two. I took the top spot while my
youger cousin was at the bottom, while my grandparents took the double bed. There was a small kitchen
where my grandfather cooked porridge because it was freezing cold since it was January and the fog was
fogging up the glass window. We slept because the next day we were going to Disneyland.</p>
<p>The next day I wore a white fur coat, because I liked the feeling of the warmness it
brought to me. My cousin also wore a fur coat but it was brown in color. When we went to Disneyland, I
immediately bought some princess figurines and a panda stuffed toy. I took a picture with Cinderella,
Belle and Snow White. I didn't took any pictures with the othewr princesses because the staff told that
they were sleeping inside the castle. When it was nighttime, we went inside the theater and watched a
play there then we went to the castle and watched the fireworks display and projection on the castle. It
was so magical that my mouth formed an 'O.' After spending days there we eventually went home to the
Philippines. </p>

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<title>My High School Life</title>
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<img src="highschool.jpg">
<h1>My High School Life</h1>
<p>This was listed in my top 5 Happiest Moments because this was memorable for me. The
memories that I experienced in the four years were memorable and the memories are a part of my being.
The moments may not last forever but it will forever be a memory. In Grade Seven (7) I was nervous
because of the new faces I saw everyday, but as the days passed by, I became used to the faces because
they were the people who I was gonna spend my High School Life with.</p>
<p>In Grade Eight (8) I can say that this was a turning point in my life. I realized that not all
people will stay and not everyone will stay and remain with you untill the end. The friendship and
closeness will not be brought back but atleast we don't have any grudge against each other. In my Grade
Nine (9) years this was the moment I will cherish, the people who cared for me, and I am thankful for
<p>Now as a Grade Ten (10), my final months of being a Junior High School Student are coming
to an end and the next chapter of my life is a life of a Senior High School Student. I will forever cherish
the moments, the memories, the lessons and to be grateful for the people who became part of my High
School Life.</p>

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<title>Top 5 Happiest Moments in My Life</title>
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<p>Top 5 <br>Happiest Moments <br>of My Life</p>
<span><ins><i>My Precious Memories...</i></ins></span>
<table align="center">
<td><a href="jocellecute.html">Baguio's Coldness</a></td>
<td><a href="jocellekyeopta.html">The Magic of Disneyland</a></td>
<td><a href="jocelledyosa.html">The Islands of Marinduque</a></td>
<td><a href="jocellesonrisa.html">My High School Life</a></td>
<td><a href="jocelleganda.html">The Trip to the Land of Koalas and
Saint John-Hill Academy
Calero Morong Rizal

Assignment in


Submitted To:

Sir Cedie Patag

Submitted By:

Jocelle Marie O. Tibayan

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