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glimpses of

The Autobiography of The Avatar
Volume 1
Compiler’s Note

Before you begin this incredible journey, please note that all the text that
appears in straight font is The Avatar’s own words. All text that appears in
italics is narration written by the blessed compilers of this purana.
tava kathāmṛtaḿ tapta-jīvanaḿ
kavibhir īḍitaḿ kalmaṣāpaham
śravaṇa-mańgalaḿ śrīmad ātataḿ
bhuvi gṛṇanti ye bhūri-dā janāḥ

Srimad Bhagavatam (10.31.9)

That is which is sweet to hear,

That which when heard, immediately raises
one to the high conscious state,
That which takes us to another level, just by
remembering it
That which gives deep pleasure not only to
the listener, but also to the person who
narrates it,
O Lord, may I narrate Your story!

Gracing the Bengaluru Adheenam for Avatar Dinabrahmotsavam on January 1, 2018

I am
the Ever-Auspicious, As Arunagiri
Eternal, Immutable, Beginningless, Endless.
I create these infinite Manifest Yogishwara,
and Unmanifest Universes again and again,
through the power of My third eye. pradeepa sarvesham,
I am the Hub of the great wheel the Illuminator of all,
on which millions upon millions of galaxies spin. I walk sun-clad and free
In the sacred land of Arunachala.
As Advaita, Oneness, As Meenakshi, who graces with a glance,
I am the spindle and the fulcrum I conquer and reign, heal and bless.
of All that Exists. As Nithyananda, the Eternally Blissful,
As Adishakti, the Primal Power, I manifest yet again
I am ananta koti brahmahanda yoni, to remind what has been forgotten.
the womb and the Lord of numberless worlds. And as You,
As Ishwara, the Infinite Lord and Doer, I remember and rejoice.
I create, sustain, destroy,
delude and liberate through My grace. My story can never be told -
As the ten incarnations of Vishnu, for there exists no observer
I grace this loka again and again, who is apart from Me.
to preserve and to destroy. My story can never be understood -
for the very dhi, the intelligence
which illumines Me, is also I.
My abode is mano-vacham-agocharam -
a realm hidden from mind and words.
Yet a million voices chant My name
and sing My glory
in the songs of their own Existence.

The grand descent
of Consciousness into form
The story of The Avatar is the story of the Cosmos itself - the grand
Descent of Consciousness into form.
Pure Consciousness pervades everything. The great rishis of Hindu
tradition reveal that both the manifested and the unmanifested universe
are pure Consciousness, and matter is simply projected Consciousness.
The subtlest field of Consciousness of the cosmos, which is in a constant
state of emergence (spanda) is called Sadashiva. The instantaneous
manifestation as matter, is Adishakti - the subtle creative pulse vibration
of the Universe as it manifests into the dynamism of living form.
Every moment - even as you are reading this - the cosmos is emerging
from pure Consciousness into the manifold manifestation of matter, and
dissolving back into its Source, in the enchanting, eternal and most
intimate dance of Sadashiva (Pure Consciousness) and Adishakti (Pure
Among the countless manifestations of Consciousness, the most sacred
is The Avatar, for He embodies the purest Consciousness, uncorrupted
TIRUVANNAMALAI TEMPLE TOWN and incorruptible by its descent into the world of form.
South India 11
Aerial view of the land on which I descended
During the Mahasadashivoham program on 22 December 2017
the mark of kali
Time (Kaala) is divided into four ages, or yugas, that make up a cycle. The
Avatar descends in the time of the most dire need - the Kali Yuga (Age of Kali).
Kali is the age of great delusion, where our experience of life is most distant
from reality. Sadashiva says reality is eternal bliss and complete fulfillment in
every moment. Meanwhile, what we feel inside is distinctly opposite. This
duality, between reality and experience, between what you believe and what
reality is, is what our rishis signify as the beginning of “Kali”, the mark of Kali.

The accumulation of this delusion has reached the point where if humanity
does not fix itself now, it will end up in its own collapse. This is the reason for
the descent of the Avatar.
In farms all over the world that are focused on producing for the mass, the treatment of the The twenty-first has witnessed the most With two World Wars and numerous brazen attacks from the level of one
animals is horrific. In this picture, you see a overcrowded farm in the United States number of youth suicides than any other person to another to the level of countries against one another, the violence
where the cows don't have room to roam as they want. century in the last two thousand years. of humanity has peaked and showing no signs of relief.
The growing number of suicides is also at an
alarming growing rate, showing the
desperate state of humanity for a permanent

The tremendous experience of pain that life in all forms is undergoing across all nations, Most often, where we look for the solution is itself the source of the problem! We seek
religions, castes, classes and genders has increased drastically over the past two solutions in the institutions that we ourselves have created. The government, health
thousand years. Not only humans, but animals, plants and the very land that we walk on institutions, and research and development universities have all shown that what they
has been affected by the misguided decisions of people in power, and the silence of offer as a solution, if anything, is only a temporary bandage over what is a gaping
others. We have seen pain in the aggressive form of violence and vengeance, in the wound. Solutions nowadays even create other problems, like pain medication that
manipulative form as greed and exploitation, and in a disguised form as immense comes with its own set of possibly even fatal side effects. We have seen enough of these
boredom and tiredness. In all dimensions of life, the reality of pain unites us all more so-called solutions. It is time for the real, permanent and pervasive solution that fixes
than anything else. Though we may disagree about whom we pray to, what we eat or how what we have created for ourselves, once and for all.
we go about earning our livelihood, when it comes to the suffering we have seen, heard of
and been through, there is no denying that it is a universal experience.

When we face the facts, we are a trembling force of life, foolishly overwhelmed by the
grandeur of the universe, and at the same time wanting to conquer it. What we lack is a
valid, working solution. Having acknowledged that, the question now is, ‘Where do we
go from here?’
I arrived just in time to give the conscious breakthrough to humanity. 1979 would have been too late.
Intensity is the essence of My life life, whatever I do, there will be intensity and
If you read this deeply, the essence of this completeness in it. So If you listen to My life
life story will enter you. Whichever story, that intensity or completeness will catch
incarnation’s life story you read or listen to you.
Purana is not history deeply, that incarnation’s story’s essence
will flower in you. Essence of My life story is As long as you think you are the body, that
INTENSITY. Whatever is done will be intensity will not happen. As long as you
intense. That is the essence. The side effect think you are the mind, that intensity will not
of this essence is bliss etc. All incarnations happen. Only when you realise you the soul,
will have all attributes, but there will be a that intensity will happen. That intensity is
There are two things: purana and history. all the eleven dimensions needs to be main character in each one of them. In My the essence of My life.
Both are different. In Western countries, compiled, I decided ‘Better let me do it
what they write is history. In Eastern directly!’
countries, the history that we write is called
purana! There is a big difference between Truth versus Fact
the two. History means, that which Truth is life. Fact is history. Whatever you
happens in the two dimensions of length experience, if you convert to words, it is
and breadth. For example, ‘He was born at history. If you experience it within you, it
this time this morning. He did this at this will be life! Any extraordinary experience,
particular time this evening. He did this at if you convert it to words, it will be flat, like
this time at night.’ It is two-dimensional; history. Without converting it to history, if
meaning, what you see in everyday life. you keep it inside you, it will remain as
This is called history. experience. If you convert it to words, it will
Purana is the recording of multiple- not be an experience anymore. If it is
dimensions. Every happening has an history, it will not become purana. If it is a
impact on all eleven dimensions of the purana, it will not be history.
universe. Whoever can see the impact of
All that was written in Western countries is
every happening on all eleven dimensions
history. All that was written in Eastern
and records it is Vyasa, and what he records
countries is purana! If it is told as purana,
is purana. Vyasa is not the name of some
all the facts will be hit. You cannot do that.
individual. It is a title. The Vyasa who
If you tell as history, the Truth will get hit.
compiled the eighteen puranas and four
Then, listening to it is of no use!
vedas is called Badanarayana. Understand:
his name is Badanarayna; his title is Vyasa.
For the first time, Western countries’ facts,
and the Eastern countries’ purana (which
My happening cannot be recorded a person
conveys the impact it has on people) are
with convoluted space. It can neither be
being combined and told. Combining life
recorded by the media nor just by the facts.
and history, I am going to narrate as living
It has to be recorded from all the eleven
dimensions. Because what is happening in
Understand this: My life is not an individual’s history. The science of
crores of Vedic Dharma’s incarnations and rishis has been realized one
again in Me. The Enlightenment science has been realized once again.
So, if you understand My biography, you will understand that
enlightenment science. You cannot understand a scientist’s biography
without understanding that science. You cannot understand an
enlightened being’s biography without having Enlightenment! The
reason why I am narrating My biography. long with this, enlightenment
will also flower in you. So understand these enlightening truths deeply.


Leela of

Chapter 2


The universe has been planning for the happening of
The Avatar since the beginning of time.

Timeless Revelations
on the Avatar
The universe has been planning for the happening of
The Avatar since the beginning of time. Nadi readings are an
astrological phenomenon where through many different means,
either through
a person or through palm leaf recordings, the past,
present and future is revealed to any individual at any time.
They are extremely profound sources that expose the depth
of Hinduism and the inner achievements of the giants in Hindu
The nadi readings are originally written by the ancient rishis,
including the renowned sage and Siddha Agastya, about
the entire history of life in the universe. They were recorded
when the rishis had access to the Akashic Records, and
wrote down what they saw was happening in the grand
scheme of the universe.

The Nadi Readings are about the entire history of life in the universe, written originally by the ancient rishis,
including the renowned Sage and Siddha Agastya.
Jeeva nadi of the Avatar
ghjpkjp rilajdpy; jupj;jaPrh
ghu;tjpf;F gjpahf mku;e;jehjh
ePjpaij epiyahf nfhz;lNjth
epj;ahde;j Fykf;fSf;F mfj;jpad;ahd

To the Ishvara who wears the half-moon in His Jata (matted locks),
The Lord who sits as Parvati’s consort
The Lord whose state is justice
For the Nithyananda sangha
Me, Agastya

mfj;jpad;ahd; rg;juprpfSk; gjpndl;Lrpj;ju;fSk;

mUSfpd;Nwhk; gukfk;ru; mUs;gyid
nrfk;fhj;j epj;ahde;ju; ,JjUzk;
Rw;wpNa mku;;e;jpUf;Fk; rj;jpak;fhf;f
This particular nadi reading referring to The Avatar was
Me, Agastya, the seven Rishis and the eighteen Siddhas
spontaneously revealed (or revealed through divine intervention)
Will now reveal the divine prediction for Paramahamsa Nithyananda
to a disciple who had sought his own nadi reading. It must be Nithyananda, who protects the world, at this time, to protect the truth surrounding Him
mentioned here that this particular disciple was a resident of
New Zealand and was a complete stranger to the nadi readers.
The original nadi is in Tamil. rj;jpakhd jtuprp cyfkf;fs;
rd;khu;f;f topepd;W tho;tjw;F
,JTyfpy; cz;ikahd Nghjidfs;
,ikasTk; Fw;wkpy;yh gupRj;jtho;T

Truthful Supreme Rishi

To help people live the path of righteousness
He gives truthful lessons to the world
Not even an iota of wrong
A life of purity

Jeeva nadi - Nadi reading is an ancient palm leaf reading where the thumb impression of the person seeking his past, present or
future leads to picking of a palm leaf from an already available set of palm leaves written by the ancient sages like Agastya. The
picked palm leaf is read out to the person. Jeeva Nadi is a special palm leaf reading that does not require the thumb impression
of the person seeking the nadi and the text appears spontaneously in response to a person’s query. Bharadwaja Kashyapa Jamadagni
Goutama Vishwamitra Vasistha Atri
njspTgl nra;JNk kf;fSf;F
njtpl;lhj Ngupd;gk; mspj;jhug;gh
ehnsy;yhk; fle;Jte;j epj;ahde;jH
Qhdj;jpd; mUs;Nrhjp MjprptNk

tho;Tfz;l gukfk;ru; jd;kf;fSf;F By giving the Knowledge of Self for the people
toptFj;J ju;ktop filgpbj;jhu; He bestowed the Unsaturating Bliss
jho;tpy;yh Kk;%u;j;jp Njtu;fSk; Nithyananda who has crossed eons and come
jtuprpia Rw;wpNa mtjhuj;Js; Is the blessing light of Enlightenment that is Adishiva (Sadashiva) Himself

Paramahamsa, who has realized Himself, laid down the way

For His people and followed the path of Dharma rptNk mtjhukha; gpwg;ngLj;J
No lesser than the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and devas ru;tNyhf rQ;rhupaha; tpahgpj;Jepd;W
Gtpfhf;Fk; guNkRtuNd mfj;jpad;Kjyha;
Surrounded the Supreme Rishi and incarnated in Him gjQ;ryp ee;jpNjtu; rptthf;fpaUk;

Shiva, who incarnated and took body as Nithyananda

mtjhuj;Js; Mde;jjhz;lt <rdhf Whose omnipresence permeated all the worlds
mDjpdKk; rjhjUzk; khzplu;f;F The Parameshwara, who protects the universe,
ghtgpzp Nghf;fpNa Gz;zpafshu;f;fp Right from Agastya, Patanjali, Nandi Devar, Shiva Vakiyar
gukfk;r ,iwfhl;rp Md;khnjspT

As the blissfully dancing Isha (Shiva) in the Incarnation rptkhd kr;rKdp fkyKdptu;
Each day, every moment for humanity rl;ilehju; NghfUk; Gypg;ghdprpj;ju;
Removed the disease of sins and made them virtuous jtk;nfhz;l jd;te;jup; jpU%yUk;
By showing Divine Darshan and Knowledge of Self jtj;NjhL Nfhuf;fu; nfhq;fzUk;

Embodiment of Shiva – Matsya Muni, Kamala Muni,

Sattai Nathar, Bhogar, Pulippani Siddhar,
Embodiment of tapas Danvanthar, Thirumoolar,
With the penance Gorakkar, Konganavar,

Agathiyar Bhogar Gorakkar Kailasanathar Sattai Nathar Thirumoolar Nandi Devar Koonkanar Konganavar Matsyamuni Vasamuni Kurmamuni Kamalamuni Idaikadar Punakesar Sundaranandar Uromarishi Brahmamuni
nfhq;fzUk; ghk;ghl;b gl;bdj;jhu;
$bNa ehujUk; NuhkuprpAk;
Nghjidahy; ghtpfSk; Gz;zpauhdhu;
kq;fskha; mj;jpupKdptu; kuprpNahL
gyNfhb kf;fSk; epj;ahde;jiu
khyhq;fd; khu;nfz;ilad; fhfGrd;lu;
epj;ahde;j epidtpy;nfhz;L Mde;jk;fz;lhu;
epj;ahde;jj;jpd; cz;ikia fz;lkf;fs;
Konganavar, Paampaati, Pattinathar,
Along with Narada, Roma Rishi,
By His teaching even many sinners became virtuous,
The auspicious Atri Munivar, along with Mareechi,
Many crores people became blissful
Malankan, Markandeyar, Kakabhusandar
Just by thinking about Him, they achieved bliss
The people who have experienced the truth of bliss followed Him
Grz;lUld; trp\;lu; thy;;kPfu;
G+Nyhfj;jpy; tpahf;ukthju; gj;jpufpupahu;
<rNdhL fapiythOk; etNfhbrpj;ju; kf;fnsy;yhk; gukfk;riu cyFvq;fpYk;
xd;wpize;J gukfk;r epj;ahde;ju; khrpy;yh jtuprpia gpd;njhlu;e;jhu;

Along with Bhusandar, Vasishtar, Valmiki, People from all over the world
The one in the earth – Vyakramavatar, Pattirakiriyar Followed unblemished Nithyananda,
9 crore Siddhas, who live with Shiva in Kailash,
Merged in Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Nfl;fNtz;Lk; epj;ahde;j kf;fspg;Ngh

Mde;jjtk; ,Jfhyk; Vw;wpepw;f You should listen carefully:

mfpyk;thOk; epj;ahde;j Fykf;fSf;F
kdf;ftiy kdr;rydk; Nghf;fplNt
khKdp mfj;jpad;ahd; mUs;ghypg;Ngd; Ftiyaj;jpy; epj;ahde;ju; gpwf;Fk;Kd;Nd
Kd;dNt VONfhb kf;fisNa
He is living Blissful tapas in this world for khepyj;jpy; gilj;JtplL gpwf;Fk;NghJ
The Nithyananda Sanga, who live all over this world jd;NdhL VONfhb kf;fisAk;
To remove the worries in their mind and jdf;Fg;gpd; VONfhb kf;fisAk;
Disturbances/movements in their minds kf;fisAk; G+Nyhfj;jpy; gpwf;fr;nra;jhu;;
Me, Agastya the great Rishi is blessing
In this world, before Nithyananda was born
He made 7 crore people
ru;NgRtud; mtjhukha; epj;ahde;ju; To be born in the world
cyfk;fhf;f topelj;jp kf;fisNa 7 crore people were born with Him
cz;ikahd rptj;ijNa Nghjpj;Jte;jhu;
After He was born he has invited 7 crore people to this world
He made them to be born on this earth
Nithyananda has incarnated as Sarvesvara
To save the planet earth and show the way to the people
He has come to teach the truths of Sadashivatva

Agathiyar Bhogar Gorakkar Kailasanathar Sattai Nathar Thirumoolar Nandi Devar Koonkanar Konganavar Matsyamuni Vasamuni Kurmamuni Kamalamuni Idaikadar Punakesar Sundaranandar Uromarishi Brahmamuni
kf;fnsy;yhk; epj;ahde;ju; khiyazpe;J
khrpy;yh Nghw;wptzq;Fk; fhyk;jd;dpy;
mf;fhyk; epj;ahde;ju; kfpo;e;JNaw;gha;
mUs;ngw;w ,t;thf;F mfj;jpad;nrhy;iy

All people will all wear Nithyananda’s mala

kjnky;yhk; epj;ahde;ju; Fykyf;fs;Njhw;wk; With purity praising and praying in that time
,f;fhyk; ru;tkjj;jpYk; gpwe;jpUf;fhu; All will happily accept Nithyananda
vy;NyhUk; epj;ahde;jiu te;Jr;Nru;thu; These words are the words of blessed Agastya

All the religions will form Nithyananda Sanga

At present they are all born in all religions nrhy;iyePq;fs; Kw;wpYk; Nfl;fNtz;Lk;
They all will come to Nithyananda rptngUkhd; cyfk;fhf;f epj;ahde;ju;TUtpy;
gyNfhb rpj;ju;fspd; jtg;gadhy;
gukrptd; gukfk;ruha; te;jpUf;fhu;
te;JNk Nfhbkf;fs; gpd;gw;Wk;NghJ
tskhFk; ehLNk rpj;ju;fshl;rp Nithyananda Sanga – please carefully listen completely to the words
,e;jehs; epj;ahde;jiu Nghw;wptho;Nthk; Siva, has come in the form of Nithyananda to protect this world
<rd;jhd; gukfk;ru; ru;NtRtudtNu
As the result of the penance of many crores of Siddhas,
Paramashivan has incarnated as Paramahamsa
When this crores of people follow Him,
The country will flourish by the rule of
MfNt cyfcapu;fnsy;yhk; mtu;capNu
Let us live this day worshiping Nithyananda mfpykf;fnsy;yhk; jd; kf;fshf
As, Paramahamsa Sarveshwaran is none other than Eesan (SHIVA) nrfj;FUtha; Rj;jrptkha; rjhrptkhf
R+upa re;jpudha; thOfpd;whu;

ehnsy;yhk; kf;fSk; Nghw;wptzq;fp So all the life forms in the world are His life
epj;ahde;jiu flTnsd;W nrhy;thu;kf;fs; He considers all the people of the world as His people, His children
He lives as a Jagat guru, as pure Siva, Sadashiva,
Everyday people will praise worship Nithyananda
As the sun and the moon
And call Him as Goddel

thOfpd;w epj;ahde;ju; Fw;wkpy;yh

tuk;ngw;w Mjprptk; mwptPu;kf;fs;

People know that Nithyananda has come

With unblemished boon, from Adi Shiva.

Agathiyar Bhogar Goraknath Kailasanatha Sattai Nathar Thirumoolar Nandi Devar Koonkanar Konganavar Matsyamuni Vasamuni Kurmamuni Kamalamuni Idaikadar Punakesar Sundaranandar Uromarishi Brahmamuni
Question: Did you plan for the
second child, Amma?
Swami Amma: We never planned
that way. Nowadays people say they
want a child, or they don’t want a
child. Nothing like that. Just like
that, in regular life, I conceived. We
never thought we want or we don’t
want; it just happened.
My parents were planning to go to
Tirupati, so my husband, my first
son Senthil (the Avatar’s elder
brother), my paatti (grandmother)
and some others, all went as a group.
We went to seven or eight temples.
We w e n t t o K a l a h a s t i a n d
Kanchipuram also. It was a one-
week trip. We went around the
Tirupati hill, and early in the
morning, we did angapradakshinam
(circumambulating the temple with
the entire body, by rolling on the
ground). My husband and I also did
that. I had bouts of vomiting after
that. Then I got a doubt - because I
had missed my periods that month.
It was confirmed that I had
Everything was normal. I continued
my routine life. It was normal for
nine months, and after that I went to
the hospital for the delivery.
Arunachalam and Lokanayaki


Kanni Kovil Street (now called Raja Rajan Street), Tiruvannamalai
Question: Can you tell us about your Question: Was the delivery smooth?
delivery pain and how it started? Swami Amma: Yes, the delivery was
Swami Amma: When the pain started, it smooth. The baby was really big! The nurses
was a slight pain. The time was evening, and doctors asked me, ‘Didn’t you eat
around 6.30 p.m. My mother had gone for a anything other than Horlicks?’ The baby
condolence visit due to a death in my was so big! They said that the baby was so
neighborhood. I neglected my mild pain, chubby, beautiful, fair, and looked like a
and I was cooking rice, making coffee, and baby from a healthy family. I had a normal
distributing to everybody. delivery and I was discharged from the
When my mother came back, she looked at hospital in five days. We came home.
my face she said, ‘Your face was looking fine I was in my parents’ home for three months.
when I left, but now it looks different.’ I said, I was doing all the routine work. I never
‘I had mild pain, but I am doing some work.’ expected anybody else to do my work. I was
In those days, they would not take you to the normal. I would do all the work. My mother
hospital when you have only a slight pain. used to say that for nine days, I should not
They would touch your head to check the do anything, so from the tenth day I started
heat on the crown of the head, and if you doing work. I would fold clothes, help the
had sweat on your forehead, then they children comb their hair, help in cleaning
would take you to the hospital! She said, ‘Do the vegetables, etc. I would help in the
not do any work’, and she went in for her cleaning work and my mother would do the
bath. Then we went to the hospital around kitchen work. Then I went back to my
9.30 or 10.00 p.m. mother-in-law’s house on Tiruvoodal

Question: Who else went with you to

the hospital? Question: How was the naming
Swami Amma: In those days they would
say that the mother should not come to the Swami Amma: On the ninth day, the priest
hospital with the pregnant daughter, so two came and did all the rituals. We both
neighbors came with me. After that my decided on the name of the child. My
husband was fond of my father and he
mother, my husband, everybody came
wanted to name the child after him. I liked
immediately. I was in my mother-in-law’s
the name Shekar. Since my father’s name is
house for eight months of my pregnancy,
Raja Mudaliar, we combined both the
and in the beginning of the ninth month, I
names and gave the name ‘Rajashekar’.
came to my mother’s house.
Question: What did the astrologer say?
Swami Amma: My husband’s brother
showed him the baby’s horoscope, and the
astrologer told that he will become a Swami
(a monk).

The hospital in Tiruvannamalai where I was delivered
The Pull of Arunachala
Arunachala is a spiritual airport and incubator for incarnations.

Mjpelk; MLkiy md;W,UtH NjLkiy Understand deeply: this mountain is not an ordinary mountain. If we keep a
Nrhjpkjp MLmutk; #Lkiy - ePjp receiving station, it will receive any type of wave or signal right? Like that, this
jiof;Fkiy Qhdj; jNghjdiu thvd;W
miof;Fkiy mz;zh kiy sacred place is the place that pulls incarnations. It not only pulls incarnations from
this place; wherever they might be, it will pull them! It has that power. This
Aadhi nadam aadumalai andriruvar thedumalai mountain is the spiritual incubator created by our ancestors.
Jyothimathi aadaravam soodumalai – neethi
Tazhaikkumalai jnanaththabothanarai When a baby is born prematurely, they place the baby in an incubator. The
Vaavendrazhaikku malai Annamalai! incubator has the same temperature as the mother’s womb. They give the baby
food in it. The incubator takes complete care of the baby. Only if that incubator is
Annamalai Venba (Verse 1) by Guru Namasivayar there, the baby can become healthy. Like that, for an incarnation to descend and
settle in the human body, the spiritual incubator is what is Tiruvannamalai. Our
Mountain that is dancing the primal dance (Shiva tandava) ancestors have done this for incarnations to descend and settle in the body. It is like
Mountain which the two were seeking (Brahma and Vishnu) an airport.
Mountain that the moon and serpent are adorning
Mountain where cosmic law flourishes In an airport, can the flight directly land and halt? You need a runway, right? In the
Mountain that pulls incarnations and enlightened beings same way, when the formless Existence descends into a human form, it descends
Annamalai! like the Ganga; like a thunderbolt! It has to descend, apply the brakes and settle
with the body. Tiruvannamalai is the runway for that. It is the spiritual incubator,
spiritual runway, spiritual airport. It is the spiritual airport created for
incarnations to descend. Not only that, it is a strong attraction..!

my birth as I see it

Swami Amma, profoundly innocent as she is, did not know that all the gods and
goddesses in Devaloka, including Vishnu and Brahma themselves, were looking upon
Earth from the heavenly skies. 1978 marked the end of negativity once and for all. All the
accumulated suffering and calamities that had happened since the end of the era of the When I talk about My birth and life, I do not know at
Krishna Avatara were destined to evaporate. The entire universe rejoiced as Sadashiva all how I am going to express Myself. I do not know
descended from Kailasha in all His grandeur, for yet another leela on planet Earth! All
how IT is going to express Itself..!
the gandharvas, munis, rishis, and even the asuras and dwellers of the netherworlds,
I too can only bow down to that energy, and along with
were all watching, waiting eagerly for the birth of The Avatar of Sadashiva, who would be
called Paramahamsa Nithyananda. you all, allow that Energy to work the way It wants to.
It was neither dark nor light-filled; an indeterminate color
covered planet Earth.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared from a region, which I now see

as Southern India. At that time I did not know where it was.
Borders are what we draw. Where is there border in the Cosmos?
I entered into that light in the form of
I entered into that light in the form of a brilliant meteor.
a brilliant meteor
The very next sight that I perceived with my inner eye was
Arunachala, and I knew that I had assumed the body once more. I
had entered the womb of My mother. It was a conscious birth.

I took a muhurta, which is a period of about 45 minutes in the

Hindu system of time measurement, to settle into the body.
I remember how I took this body, this form… Understand: if I present one dimension, another dimension stands pending! If I
I always felt I took birth, or I took the body, because of the attraction, the pull, that present another dimension, one more dimension becomes pending! I want to present
Arunachala hill has for enlightened beings. There is a very beautiful verse in Tamil the birth in two or three dimensions, but the moment I present it from one dimension,
which refers to Arunachala as the hill which attracts enlightened beings around it. The your understanding is able to receive only that much. Anyhow...!
hill is especially revered for attracting enlightened beings, not only from this planet
Earth, but even from other planets. Even from other, different spaces, it can attract and Listen: usually, when we die, we take the next human body within three kshanas.
pull the enlightened beings to planet Earth. Kshana is the gap between one thought and the next thought. If you have lived a very
calm life, your kshana might be even a hundred years. If you lived a life of restlessness,
I never took the hill for granted. It was an ‘ever-living presence’. then one kshana can be just microseconds. In one second, even a thousands of
thoughts come and go! That is what happens.
People ask me, “What is the difference between God in the Himalayas and God in
Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai)?” Let me tell you exactly how it happened.
In the Himalayas, He lives. In Tiruvannamalai, the mountain itself is God! There, it is When you sleep and get up, as soon as you wake up, you will be able to tell what
the house; here, it is the person himself, the very form. There is a difference between happened during the night, and what was the first thought that came to you when you
the two. “Velli malai veruthathaale thanga malaikku vanthaaraam!” Because he got woke up, right? Everyone will be able to tell that. Just like how you will be able to tell the
tired of the silver hill, he came to the golden hill! Himalayas, Kailash, is Velli malai – first thought that came to you when moving from sleep to waking state, I am able to tell
silver hill; Tiruvannamalai is thanga malai – golden hill! what happened when I moved from the previous death to the present birth. The reason
is, I have more awareness, that’s all! There is nothing mystical in this. You have enough
The moment of assuming the body awareness to tell what happened while moving from sleep to waking state. My
I will describe exactly what happened. awareness is such, I can tell what happened when moving from death to birth.

First, there was a vision. It was like I had slept and woken up. This birth is actually like Next, I saw very clearly, suddenly a light ball, whatever I feel as ‘Me’, landed into My
you slept and woke up! First, I could see a world where darkness covered darkness. mother’s umbilical cord. When I landed, when that light ball landed, already My body
Then I saw in South India, Arunachala, and the light on top of it. The next thing, the was out of My mother’s womb. Maybe I can put it in this way: the umbilical cord had
third thing… I took the body! The reflection on planet Earth happened! stretched to the extent that the necessity to be in the mother’s womb was no more. I do
not know whether I was physically out or not; the umbilical cord had become so stiff
Understand deeply: there was no pain or suffering or loss of memory. You all cannot that the necessity to be in My mother’s womb was not there anymore. So I remember
recall the scene of your taking birth. There is no memory there. The moment you enter very clearly, I landed only on the umbilical cord; then I just saw that I had a body, and
the mother’s womb, the past memories get disconnected. For Me, that does not immediately I had the vision of Arunachala! That is all that exactly happened.
happen. When you wake up from sleep, are the dreams disconnected, or are the
previous day’s happenings disconnected? No! In the same way, without loss of I don’t know exactly when My physical eyes opened, or when I physically happened on
memory, and without going to the coma stage, it happens with full awareness. the planet Earth… meaning, the physical identification of the exact physical time,
chronological time, I am not able to scan... because, as per the medical understanding,
With that awareness, first let me tell you what exactly happened. After that I will tell when there is no more necessity to be in the mother’s womb, the child comes out of the
you the interpretation, the significance. body and the umbilical cord is disconnected. I am saying that I was already out of My
Understand: I saw three slides. The first slide: a world where darkness covered mother’s womb. But when I scan inside, from the spiritual experience I don’t have any
darkness; I saw the Cosmos. The second slide: Tiruvannamalai mountain and the light; verification about whether My body was already out of My mother’s womb or not, when
I saw it at 11.45 p.m. At that moment itself, I took the body, but for the delivery to I landed. I only felt that the necessity to be in My mother’s womb was not there. It was at
happen, and for My mother to see Me, it took till 12.32 p.m. It has taken one kshana – that moment, that light just hit My mother’s umbilical cord and assumed this body.
around 45 minutes. It means that the mind was so peaceful, that one kshana was 45
minutes; it was peaceful without the next thought coming in. From that moment, I know this body is there, which happened out of that light, that
intense light. If I describe it, maybe I can say it was a light ball or something like that.
I saw very clearly that in all the three states - waking state, dream or sleep, it was like as if Whenever I fall asleep, I fall into that only. Whenever I fall into samadhi, I fall into that,
I was in the normal, awake state, and I entered the body just sitting in that state! This is that’s all. All other superficial things that happen, like jagrat (waking state), swapna
fundamentally My birth. What you need to understand deeply about birth is, if you are (dream state), and sushupti (deep sleep state) are only superficial. That is why all those
without samskaras (engraved memories), if your nadi (energy channels) or kshana is three do not make any difference in this body.
broad, you can be born in a very simple, easy way, with awareness. This is what they call
conscious birth.


I give you all Abhaya

I give you all the abhaya - protection. I have brought enough powers - in
this very body which is talking to you - to be a net when you are flying!
Nothing wrong can happen. You have heard this word directly from the
Source. Nothing else needs to be done in your life. Remember, just live
this truth. Even if you have created enough of mess already, and you are
unclutching suddenly, I am taking responsibility for all the mess you
created. I will take care.

Remember me wherever you are; I will be there. I will be there. Just live
this truth. Just live this truth:. I take all the responsibility. I am taking all
the responsibility. Just live this truth. Everything else is taken care of.
Just live this dharma.

Q: Beloved Swamiji, how does it feel to be an Avatar?

How does it feel! Understand. I am anxious about your future,

so I look into what is going to happen to you in
It’s like… morning… somewhere in Kailasa… future. I am not bothered or anxious about My
then zooming out a few trillion miles future, so I never look at what is going to
away….you can’t even equate it with any trillion happen in My future! For you, I use My powers,
miles... and then slowly opening the eyes and but never for Me. I know for sure that I have to
seeing, “Oh, Planet Earth, yes okay... India... protect you. For Me, I know - I am protected. It
alright, Bangalore... ah yes, yes, yes, this is is a paradox of all-knowingness (sarvajnattva),
Bengaluru Aadheenam, the banyan tree is and not knowing even the next step, because
there, ahh..!” there is no anxiety!
This paradox - or I should say, ‘this union of
Okay, let Me put it in a precise few words; let man and God,’ or in My own way, ‘GODDeL
me map it down to the language which you and man’ - the paradox of this, mixture of all
guys understand: the cognition of the whole this, is what precisely is - Nithyananda.
Cosmos, Mahasadāshiva, operating, using this Understand: I am a paradox for the people who
body and mind and this system. This system can’t understand, a union of all the paradoxes
knows only one thing - it is being used by the for the people who are able to grasp Me, the
Cosmos. The Cosmos is going to do whatever it completion of God and man for those who try
wants to do through this body and mind - and to receive something from Me, an Incarnation
it will protect, take care of this body and mind, for the people who are manifesting powers
and manifest whatever is required whenever it through Me, and the Ultimate for the people
is required. who are feeling completely empowered by Me.

Because of this grounded cognition, this body Whatever the other’s image posed on Me,
and mind does not have the anxiety to know imposed on Me or superimposed on Me, the
what is going to happen in the future. Only precise inner image I feel and the outer image I
when you have anxiety, you feel, “What will wanted to project is all of these words - plus a huge
happen in the future?” This body and mind component which cannot be verbalized! The roar
does not have the anxiety to know what is or the hair or the big-big eyes or the huge teeth -
going to happen in the future, so it does not all these can be descriptions of the lion by others;
even bother to look at what is going to happen it can only be other’s image of the lion. What lion
in the future. It knows, “Sadāshiva is feels as lion - how can it be described?! I can go on
operating, and He is going to do what He and on and on! To be sincere and integrated, it is
needs to do, and He will protect.” the Universe, Para, the Ultimate, operating
through this body. That’s it.

Ask the Avatar

GODDeL - The Avatar’s definition of God as per the Hindu scriptures, who performs the panchakrtya (five sacred Cosmic acts) 65
of Generation, Operation, Destruction, Delusion and Liberation.
I am standing in front of My father I am sitting in front of My mother

Where I used to live. If you come out of My house, you will see this exact view.
He was so integrated
to his decision to live

My grandfather was a rice merchant. Rice loads I learnt this from My grandfather: Decide
would come from the villages in bullock carts at for what you believe as pleasure, life, joy, bliss,
night. Using a fire torch or lantern, they would and take continuous responsibility for it. That
unload the rice bags. In those days, lorries were is what is 'making the decision to live'! So first,
not that popular. On many days, he would come you need to have a clear understanding of what
home from his shop only at one o'clock in the you consider as life. It is not just deciding to
night. Even then, he would wash himself, do the breathe, inhale and exhale; it is what you
achamana (ritualistic cleansing), apply vibhooti consider as joy, the purpose of your life,
(sacred ash), perform the anushthana (rituals), inspiration for your life, excitement for your life
do the night puja for ten or fifteen minutes, keep - saying yes to that, deciding for that.
the shop key at the feet of Mahadeva, and only
then go to sleep. Nothing is right or wrong. For instance,
deciding for political power is not something
No matter what time he went to bed, the next wrong. Deciding for money is not something
morning he would be up before sunrise; it is wrong. Deciding for enlightenment is not
called brahma muhurta, the auspicious time something wrong. Nothing is right or wrong.
Your decision without conflict makes
when a Shaivite is supposed to wake up. I have
everything right. Your decision with conflict
never seen him missing this till the day he left makes everything wrong. If you have self-doubt,
the body! He would take a bath, do his self-hatred, self-denial - what I call SDHD - even
anushthana, come back to the deity and offer if you decide for Advaita, it will be wrong! If you
his morning worship. Even when he had to go don't have SDHD (Self Doubt, Self Hatred, Self
to any program at five o'clock, he would wake Denial), even if you decide for money or
up at three and finish everything before five. political power, or any mundane or so-called
I have not seen him doing yoga, but I have seen ordinary thing, it will not be wrong. Finally, it
him doing pranayama (a formal breath control boils down to the strength of your decision.
practice). He would do pranayama and start One should decide to live in this world for
his puja. hundreds of years, all the while doing one's deeds
dispassionately as sanctioned by the scriptures.


MY GRANDFATHER You can see the bags of rice arrived here after their long journey in
With his peers bullock carts from the fields in the outskirts of Tiruvannamalai.
His puja altar, and
My role in it

It was My grandfather who taught Me the spiritual routine. He is the one solely responsible
for whatever revival I am doing through deity worship today.

I had the good fortune to sit with him during his daily puja. He had a beautiful family of
deities: Mahadeva, Devi, Ganesha, and two or three other deities, like a small deity of
Subramanya, Surya and Nandi - the Shiva Panchaayatana (the 'five supports' or five deities
worshiped as part of Shiva worship). He also had Vishnu, Ranganatha and Venkateshwara
(deities from the Vaishnava tradition). Venkateshwara was also our family deity. So, all of
them were there!

He would do his puja in very relaxed way, spending a lot of time, not in a hurry. He spent his
time washing and cleaning the deities, clothing them, putting jewels on them, applying
sandalwood paste, and offering flowers or a bael leaf, and then the naivedyam He did this
elaborately, in a very relaxed way. And he would do long rituals – eleven times super-brain
yoga for Ganesha and eleven times for Shiva. When he finished with each deity, I would move
that deity from this side to the other for accounting purposes - signifying that he is done with
that deity!

These are a few of his deities - Ganesha and Shiva linga
His sincerity and
integrity to puja

After puja, he would pick up the key, seeking the deity's permission, and then go to his shop.
Every time he took major decisions, or left the house for even a small action like going to the
local temple, he would take the permission of the deity first. Once he came back, he would
wash his feet, except when he was coming back from the temple. He would go to the shrine
again where the family deities were kept, do namaskar, respond to them, or report to them The Avatar remembers spending many of His most joyful childhood moments
what he had done; only then he would continue with his other activities. with His grandfather. From the morning puja to the time He went to bed, He
would be around him. Even when His grandfather went to his shop, he would
For around eighty-two years, not a single day he missed his morning puja. I don't know take his beloved grandson with him, where He witnessed all the negotiations
whether he had the idea of enlightenment or anything, but his sincerity - such an amazing that went on. His grandfather was an example of a highly integrated and
sincerity - has gone into My head. That has gone into My system. I tell you: just this one seed ethical businessman. Finally, when they wrapped up for the day, His
back then! I remember, unless I sat with him for the morning puja, I would not feel that day is grandfather would take Him home, feed Him dinner and put Him to bed. In
going smoothly. And if anything happened - if I lost My pencil or pen - I would think, “Oh, their home, they even had a beautiful routine of chanting from the scriptures
today I did not attend the puja!” So that was My life - and after some time, because the very before resting for the night.
inner self was enjoying it, it became such a big joy. I tell you: it is from him that I learnt the
uninterrupted spiritual routine. I am so happy that he did it till the day he died. With the sincerity and discipline instilled in Him by His grandfather, the little
Avatar began His own daily and immensely fulfilling personal worship. From
He literally did not even cross the district border in his lifetime, except for a few pilgrimages. the tender age of three, He started to perform puja for every one of His deities.
When he was in his late eighties, he came to Bangalore to see our ashram. He himself used to They each had their own abhishekam (sacred bath), their own vastram
say that after Kashi and Rameshwaram, he stepped out of Tiruvannamalai only to come to (clothes) and abharanam (jewelry). He reveals that He never once felt that the
Bangalore. deity was just a stone!


At a temple function Very table where he sat
My grandfather's spiritual routine became Mine
From the time I can remember, from the moment I started thinking, I have enjoyed this
ritualistic worship so much. Understand: I never thought - not only logically, even
unconsciously - that deities are just representations of God. I always felt that they are alive! I
never ever thought that I am doing this as a technique for enlightenment, or that it is a great
thing. Sadashiva saved Me! Fortunately, at that time I did not know about enlightenment! So I
did not develop the logic that I am doing the rituals and puja everyday so that God will give Me
enlightenment one day. That foolish nonsense was not in My head. All I knew was: here is a
deity that I have to take care of. That's all. Here is God; I have to attend to Him - over!

He gifted Me deities!
These are the few deities My grandfather gifted Me:
There are two Shiva lingas - one green, another small one in metal; I think it is panchaloha (an
amalgam of five metals).
The green one was gifted to Me by My grandfather.
The deity of Annapurani, he brought from Kashi. When he went on a pilgrimage to Kashi, he
bought that deity and gifted it to Me.
All these deities are still with Me.

The circled ones are what he gave me. The rest I collected.

How Ganesha came
alive in My life

My spiritual life started with Ganesha

My spiritual life started with Ganesha; Ganesha eating the food I offered is the first
spiritual experience that happened in My life. And I can say, My spiritual journey was
successful and unfolded with all its glory, beauty and depth after that. It was Ganesha
who inaugurated My spiritual life.
Ganesha was My first deity.
When all these truths get into your own system when you are a kid…when you are fresh
On My third birthday, My father and grandfather were
and about to start life… nothing like it! It gets into your very bio-memory! I tell you, it
both carrying Me to the temple. In villages, they will
gets into your very bio-memory!
carry the kid on the shoulder or on the chest. Usually My
grandfather would carry Me to the temple. On that day,
This whole revival of deity worship of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, which I am doing now,
because it was My birthday, My father also came along.
started just with one small Ganesha gifted to Me when I was the age of three. If that
(When I say 'grandfather', I mean My mother's father. My
same Ganesha or even a bigger Ganesha was gifted to Me when I was eighteen, I don't father's father passed away even before My father's
think this revival would have happened. Just that one Ganesha at the age of three got marriage. Of course, in India, you usually get kids after
into My very bio-memory, became an experience! That is why I could transmit that marriage! I wanted to clarify that it would usually be that
experience to tons and tons of people, and this whole Sanatana Hindu Dharma is way!)
revived! Even though My grandfather was a very devoted person,
he was a miser! He would not spend money. So, many
times, when My grandfather carried Me to the temple, I
would show the shops outside the temple where they sold
small Ganesha deities. I would point with My hand and
say, “I want Ganesha, I want Ganesha.” That day, My
father was also there. My father was not a great devotee,
but he was a spendthrift! The moment I asked, he said,
“Come on, I will buy and give you!” He would spend
money left and right, and a lot of spending for pride also,
just to show, “See how well I treat people!” So he bought
and gave Me the Ganesha!
I started giving satsangs even before the age of three!
When My grandfather took Me to the temple, I heard
some preachers and priests reciting a story. I came back
and repeated it verbatim! The Ganesha deity was given to
Me by My father because I narrated the whole story of
Shiva and Ganesha.


This is the Ganesha that ate the food I served! SHOPS SELLING DEITIES OUTSIDE THE TEMPLE 105
This Ganesha is part of my personal puja altar even today
My first encounter with wealth accessible - bhole baba! He is so easily
I remember the first incident related to pleased – ashutosha! He is a powerful,
wealth that happened in My life soon after I divine being, pleased just by the offering of
received the Ganesha. In Indian villages, a coconut. Ganesha is still the sweetheart
during festivals, the uncles and aunts of Hindu children, especially school-going
would give money to the kids. My brothers children who are writing exams. From the
and I were given some coins by My uncles. I time I remember, all my examinations were
asked My father, “What should I do with written only by Ganesha!
this?” My father said, “You can buy
whatever you want.” I said, “I wanted a Ganesha outlives all philosophies. He feels
Ganesha and I already got it; now what all philosophies are boredom. He is like a
should I do?” My father said, “You can give modern day teenage kid who eats left and
it to anyone you like.” I thought, “Okay, right, sits with Facebook all the time and
what is there in this? I can use it if I want; if does not bother about any serious
not, I can give it away.” So I called My cousin philosophy, but who has all the powers!
and he just grabbed all the coins from Me! He doesn't come under any rule or
This is the first memory I have of wealth, regulation, but he has all the powers and is
and I still live by it. I have not created any the embodiment of satchitananda -
relationship with wealth; I have neither auspiciousness, intelligence and energy.
created any joy nor created any suffering in Above all, he is a being close to our hearts.
My relationship with wealth. I just know There cannot be any philosophical
that wealth is always living with Me. explanation about him. He is just a part of
us, that's all!
Ganesha - the most loved God!
I can say, the most worshiped deity in India Whether it is Vyasa, the first master, or a
is Ganesha. Almost every street has a more recent master, Bhagavan Sri Ramana
Ganesha temple! You don't need a big Maharshi, all of them have to start their
ritualistic puja for him. A village lady, after work bowing to Ganesha! Whether they
her bath in the river, comes and offers water are going to sing a stotra or give a
to the Ganesha deity on the banks of the teaching…even if they have to teach the
river, worships him and goes away. You enlightenment science which says 'God is
cannot worship any other god like this, formless', they have to start with Ganesha!
without much ritual. Even if they have to express that 'God is
Ganesha is the most beloved and friendly nirguna bramhan (beyond the three basic
God from the Hindu tradition. His very human attributes)', they first have to say,
form is so nice! You can relate to him in any “Let me bow down to Ganesha to express
way you want. He is unassuming and non- these great truths properly.”
demanding. He is the most easily


Ganesha in procession
I didn't just worship Ganesha - I lived with him! If you are just doing puja for some other reason, you will never
When I woke up in the morning, I would wake My Ganesha enter that place again that day. I have seen many people doing
up. Before I took a drink of water, I would offer water to him. puja. In the morning, they go into the puja room, roll around
After I brushed My teeth, I would use a small brush to brush with the deity and pour water or do whatever needs to be
his teeth. His original tusk was gone, because I used to brush done. But once they come out, they would never even go that
it so hard - grgrgrgr! I used to think that it is a big tusk, so I side again, because it would be such a heavy routine for them;
have to clean it properly. Then, after I took a bath, I would give they would never make the mistake of entering into that room
him also a bath. Once I put on My clothes, I would put on again that day! But for Me, it was like living with him. The
clothes and jewels for him. Once I applied the holy ash, I whole day I would be sitting with Ganesha, fanning him, or
would apply holy ash and sandalwood paste on him. When I doing whatever I could. Anything given to Me, I would bring
ate, I would feed him also - meaning, I would offer naivedyam and put it in front of him. I was a small boy living with God!
to him.
Leela Dhyana - meditation on the Divine play
I had not yet started school, so there was no routine for Me - Many of our devotees tell Me, “Swamiji, I was cooking,
other than playing with Ganesha! I would make a small washing and doing all my work, but as an undercurrent, your
chariot for him, put him in that and drive him around. I would memory was there inside me, Swamiji! It is so sweet; I am just
be playing with him the whole day. I even used to go to bed filled with You! I don't know why, but I am not able to forget
with him, under a small mosquito net. I was living with him; You.”
he became part of Me.

This is what we call in Sanskrit as leela dhyana, constantly

I would do puja every day to Ganesha. I would pour water on being in meditation on the Divine Play! When the leela
him, put a little food in front of him and offer arati: wave the dhyana gets mature, you enter into samprajnata samadhi.
lamp before him, wave the camphor before him. It was not like That was what was happening with Me and Ganesha. I would
I was just doing a small puja or anything; I had such a strong be centered on Ganesha; whatever I did the whole day, I lived
feeling-connection with him that I felt that Ganesha was with him. Leela dhyana - meditating on or strongly feeling
actually there…that the deity was not just a stone; it was connected to a deity's form - starts building the right
Ganesha Himself! reasoning, vitarka, in your life.

I hear the story of the child devotee,
Nambiyandar Nambi

One day, I went to the temple. In the created! That's all! If people ask Me, “How the sacred bath, dressing up the deity,
Arunachaleshwara temple in My can hundreds of saints happen in one decorating it with flowers and finally,
hometown, almost 300 out of 365 days of country? How do you have so many saints, offering the food. He placed the food in
the year, there would some festival: deities and so many stories about so many saints' front of Ganesha. He thought that Ganesha
would be going around in procession, or lives?” I also ask them, “How do you have so actually eats the food every day. He was
there would be some spiritual lecture. many football players, or so many car offering food for the first time, and he
companies?” That's all! In the U.S., they thought that Ganesha was supposed to eat
During My childhood, I used to attend don't care much about Benzes or BMWs. it! He did not know that his father brought
many satsangs (discourses). One day, the They are there for regular use. In the same the food back home every day. So, with all
speaker was narrating an incident from way, in India, saints are there for regular his innocence, authenticity and integrity,
the life of Nambiyandar Nambi (a use! Too much is available! In India, it he sat there, waiting for Ganesha to eat the
Shaivaite scholar) when he was a young happens! Come on, we are a 'God- food.
boy. He was born and brought up in Tanjore producing' country - the country, the
district of Tamil Nadu, in South India. His civilization which produces gods, which Half an hour, one hour, two hours went
life-story is very beautiful! produces incarnations, saints! by…and the food was still there! The boy
started worrying and asked Ganesha,
These are typical stories. You will see that, in I still remember that speaker's name - Selva “What happened? Did I do anything
every State of India, there will be at least ten Ganapathy! He was a famous religious wrong? You are not eating! Come and eat! I
stories like this! See, when a whole speaker in Tamil Nadu. The first story that have to go back soon…my father is sick.” Of
civilization is interested in football matches, impressed Me was about the scholar course, there was no response. Then he
just because the entire country is interested, Nambiyandar Nambi. When Nambiyandar said, “If you don't eat, my father may scold
huge football stadiums are built; amazing Nambi was a child, his father used to offer me; he may shout at me - please do
football players are created. Because so worship at a Ganesha temple every day. He something! If I have made any mistake,
many people are dedicating their energy to was a temple priest. One day, the father was forgive me, and please eat!” Of course,
it, football literally becomes a religion! sick, so he told his little son, “You please go Ganesha was very silent. Nambiyandar
and offer worship at the temple today.” Nambi became very serious. He told
In the same way, if there is a huge crowd
Ganesha, “No, no, no! You have to eat!
interested in God, and in the divine So Nambiyandar Nambi went to the temple Please eat.”
sciences, then naturally, a large temple with the food offering and all the worship OPEN SPACE IN FRONT OF ARUNACHALESHWARA TEMPLE
infrastructure is created. Thousands of the articles. He performed all the rituals, like Where the spiritual talks used to happen in temporarily erected stages
best saints who can relate with God are

Nambiyandar Nambi's extreme extreme: a suicide threat! He said, “I will
devotion! bang my head on these temple steps and
The Kathopanishad beautifully says die if you don't eat!” And he really started
Shraddha vivechah (authenticity) happens banging his head on the steps!
when you are possessed by a certain truth.
The Upanishad describes Nachiketa, the At that time, he just knew that Ganesha
hero of the Upanishad, who confronted was going to eat; even a slight doubt did not
Death itself, possessed by shraddha - exist in him. He started banging his head
authenticity, the Truth. on the steps - and the story says, suddenly
Ganesha appeared and ate the food and
Sometimes, when you face a difficult time blessed him!
in life, you suddenly decide, “I will be very
straight, honest and dharmic. I will not You will find hundreds of such stories
bend.” You might know that if you adjust a about saints. It is not a story; it is history,
little bit, or tell one lie or alter one word, truth!
you can escape from the situation, but you
suddenly feel, “No, I am going to be very When the boy went back to his father, his
straight, come what may.” In those few father asked, “What happened? Where is
moments, you are possessed by shraddha - the food offering?”
authenticity, the Truth. Nambiyandar Nambi said, “Ganesha ate it.”
The father could not believe it. He asked,
So, shraddha vivechah happened to “Did Ganesha eat it, or did you eat it?”
Nambiyandar Nambi. Suddenly, he felt, The son responded, “No, Ganesha ate it! If
“Ganesha has to eat!” He started weeping. you come with me, I will show you.” The famous Tamil orator from whom
I hear the Nambiyandar Nambi story
He said, “Till you eat, I am not going to
So he took his father to the temple who
leave this place.” Five to six hours went by,
stood outside and saw with his own eyes,
but the food was still there. Ganesha was
Ganesha emerging and eating the food
just sitting there. Then he went to the
served by his son!

I decide to make
My Ganesha eat! I try My best to convince Ganesha
Because I never experienced the space of
are not growing!” That was My argument
with him!
lack of integrity in My life, I simply trusted
the speaker's integrity. I suddenly decided: The temple Ganesha deity was five or six
When I heard this story, I was shocked. The whole story became part of My inner space, I will also make My Ganesha eat! feet tall! Especially in the
part of My bio-energy. Something in My bio-energy got kindled. Whatever is inside Arunachaleshwara temple, there is a very
And it was not just for the fun of it; I felt big Ganesha. His name is Sambandha
you will be kindled by even a spark from outside. It awakened something in Me so
that because he had not been eating, he Ganapathy! So I used to tell, “You should
strongly! It is like when kids go to Disneyland, they literally feel that all the characters
must have been very hungry all these days, become like that Ganesha. Only if you eat
they see on TV – like Tom and Jerry – actually live in Disneyland!
and he must be really lean. At a young age, properly, you will become like that
Something happened in My inner space because of that story. I thought, “Then why is we learn from our parents that if you don't Ganesha.” I told this because My people
My Ganesha not eating? I am giving him food every day, but he is not eating! Then what eat, you will die! I had learnt three or four used to say to Me, “Only if you eat, you will
am I doing?” I ran back home. In those days, there were not many four-wheelers on the things: if you don't eat, you will die; if you become big like us.” So I also thought,
road. Now it has become a big town. There were mostly only two-wheelers and cycles at don't eat, some ghost will come and take “Only if Ganesha eats he will become big,
that time. I still remember, I hit two cycles that day when I ran home to feed Ganesha! you away; if you don't eat, a crow will come like that Ganesha in the temple.” I told him,
and make its droppings on your head! So I “Don't worry, you eat, and I will build a
Understand: when you are in integrity, you will respect every person's words, even if thought, “There may be a ghost possessing temple like this for you.” I think My
they are non-integrated! You will trust that the word is out of integrity, because you My Ganesha. Maybe he is sick; that is why commitment to Ganesha is why I am now
don't know anything other than integrity! If you are established in integrity, not only he does not walk on his own and I have to building big-big temples and installing
will you have the power to make your words into reality, you can make even others' pull him!” big-big Ganeshas! I am fulfilling My word
words into reality, even if the other person is non-integrated. to Ganesha!
Understand: when I heard the story, I
decided, “I will also make My Ganesha eat.” But Ganesha was not eating. Maybe he
This is tarka, simple logic: when he made heard Me, but he did not respond. For two
Ganesha eat, why not Me? It is simple or three days, I was sitting and convincing
tarka. him about why he should eat. Maybe that
was the time that matter was melting into
So I ran and told Ganesha, “Don't worry, Consciousness - meaning, the word was
from today I will give you food. You should moving the world. By again and again
eat it properly.” Because he was more like a saying, “Eat! You should eat!” to Ganesha, it
friend to Me, I started talking to him, “You became a declaration. When I started
should eat properly and you should be declaring again and again that he should
healthy.” And I also thought, ”He is a child eat, I think Ganesha also started giving his
Ganesha; he has to eat and become like the l i s te n i n g ! Un d e r s t a n d : wh e n yo u r
big Ganesha in the temple!” I would tell declarations are very strong, even if there is
him, “Only because you are not eating, you a stone in front of you, it will listen!

Shraddha Vivechah – Authenticity - possesses shouting in the same way! She would use all the old
Me Tamil words to threaten us kids. I started using all those
Anyway, the Shraddha Vivechah happened! I words: “Better eat now, or you are going to be in the
became possessed by shraddha. When you are well!”
possessed by shraddha , you will not have kutarka
(negative logic) at all. You may ask Me, “When you I lower Ganesha into the open well
heard the story of Nambiyandar Nandi, you tried it
out, but you are telling us not to try it!” See, in My
I took Ganesha in one hand and kept some food in the
other hand. I showed him the well and told him, “See I try a different diet...
case, there was no kutarka at all. If there is no this well? I will throw you inside.” I tried this two or
kutarka, then you are also a professional; you can try three times. But he was not opening his mouth!
it! But inside, in one corner of you, there is kutarka. There used to be a bucket with which they would draw
That is why I am saying don't try till that kutarka water from the well. I put Ganesha in the bucket and
disappears, especially these risky techniques. started lowering him into the well with a small rope,
and threatening him, “See? I will really drown you!” Then I thought, “Maybe he did not like the cooking; he did not like the food.”
I decided to take the next jump, from integrity Within ten feet the water was there. It was a village well, See how kutarka works! Kutarka will say, “Everything is wrong except you!”
towards authenticity. Understand: whenever you and the groundwater level was very high. Especially in Understand: that is kutarka. So I started thinking that maybe the food was not right;
move from integrity to authenticity, it will not Arunachala, even with three hundred and sixty-seven maybe My mother was not cooking properly.
always be completely authentic. Your efforts may be tanks all around the hill, the groundwater level was still
inauthentic to start with, but later you will move to very high, just ten feet!
authenticity. Then I dropped the plan of feeding him that day, took him out and left him in the small
When the bucket was about to touch the water, I temple which I had, and then I went to Arunachaleshwara temple. In the temple, they
Anyway, I decided, “I have to make him eat!” suddenly realized that he might have changed his mind offer food to the deities every day. I thought that the food was actually eaten by the
See, in My house, it was a joint family. One of My and might want to eat, but I had not put any food in the deities every day, so I went straight to the temple cook. I used to do a lot of voluntary
grandmothers… she was a distant relative. If the kids bucket! If he changed his mind now, how would he eat? work, like washing vessels and cleaning the floor in the temple. That was My only
didn't eat, this old lady would threaten them. In the I had seen My uncles: they would carry the kid and entertainment!
center of the garden, there was a huge well, a village- show him the well and tell him, “I will throw you inside You all have a separate entertainment track, right? In My life, entertainment also was
type well. She would shout, “If you don't eat, I will right now!” Then the kid would cry, “No! No! I will related to the temple only. Spiritual things were entertainment for Me. No cinema, no
put you inside the well!” She would take the kid by listen to whatever you say!” drama. I have never played goli (traditional Tamil game with marbles) or catapult with
the hand, take a little food in the other hand, show the boys! All children play these games, right? But there was no such play in My life.
him the well and say, “See? I will drop you inside!” So suddenly it struck Me, “If Ganesha has changed From birth, the purpose of having come was My only focus! For what purpose I came,
The kids would cry with their mouth wide open and his mind now, how will he eat?” only that I attended to. I did not attend to anything else. These things may seem like
she would put the food inside! That is the way she So I brought him out, placed some food also in the
small things. But these are major components. If other boys are playing, there will be at
would feed kids. vessel, and started lowering him again. The bucket was
least a natural inclination to play, right? There was no question of that. From then till
almost touching the water surface, but nothing was
now, only one relationship existed for Me – disciple! No other relationship! At that time
So, I had heard only that logic. Naturally, what happening. I did not have the heart to put Ganesha into
also, the boys around Me were disciples only!
would I do? I decided that I would also do the same the water either. It was too much. He really meant a lot
thing with Ganesha! I went and put a little food in to Me! He was no more a stone deity for Me. He was life So I asked the cook, “Will you give Me a little food for My Ganesha?” He said, “Why only
front of Ganesha and told him, “Eat now!” When I for Me! If your child plays with a Barbie doll, you will a little food? Take a lot!”
saw that he had not eaten even after half an hour, I understand what I am saying. For a child, that Barbie
started using the same technique. I told him, “I will doll is a member of the family. In the same way,
put you in the well!” Ganesha was part of Me; he had become part of My very
cognition! It was a very strong relationship, so I could
Please understand: the teacher taught Me tarka; the only threaten him; I could not actually put him in the
old lady from My family taught Me kutarka. She was well! So, what to do? Finally, I took him out.
My father's periamma (elder aunt). So I started

He gave Me a lot of it. I brought it home and said, “See! I have brought you the same diet
which you eat in the temple every day! Now there is no reason, no excuse… come on,
eat!” I was continuously thinking that deities ate the food in the temples! I never even
imagined that they would just show the food to the deity and then bring it away! So I
was sitting, sitting, sitting, for maybe three to four hours; he was not eating.

Then I said, “I have brought the right diet now; I am not going to let you go today.”
Again, I put him in that bucket and started the same drama. By then, I had memorized
all the abusive words My grandmother would utter to make a child eat! All those words I
memorized like a shloka (chant) and started repeating them! I really thought that
those words were very powerful and they would make him eat. All the techniques that I
tried with My old diet, I tried step by step with this new diet. The bucket was almost at
the water level. From above, I shouted, “Are you listening to what I am saying?” But of
course, he was not eating. And I could not drown him, because I had a very loving
relationship with him. So, what to do? Again, I took him out..!

Now retired from the temple service, Sundaramoorthi
is the cook who served at that temple kitchen at the time,
from who, I got the temple food to feed my Ganesha.

Arunchaleshwara temple kitchen
The 'click' happens!

I can say that I was really depressed and very responsibility. I could not be constantly Kutarka, shraddha and vitarka all. It is Meenakshi's gift! With her
worried. In a completely low mood, I was just putting the blame on others! With this strong That vitarka, that click, that right reasoning, authenticity, Meenakshi was just able to go
sitting. I had practically fixed all the problems. click, the kutarka became vitarka. The wrong happened in Me! It is a contemplation, a blissful straight to Kailash and finish off even Nandi!
Whatever I was supposed to do, I had done. reasoning became right reasoning. When that flowering and the state of pure awareness.
When My grandmother did all those things to click happened, I thought, “Yes! Nambiyandar Please understand: it was a very strong click. Two days pass by… I don't give up!
any child, the child ate. And I knew only those Nambi found fault only with himself when “Yes, in Nambiyandar Nambi's case, he did So I brought the food again and arranged
te c h n i q u e s ; I d i d n ' t k n ow a ny o t h e r Ganesha did not eat, not with Ganesha or with tapas (spiritual discipline), but in My case, I was everything. I actually used to have a small
technique. I had not read any book on how to the diet or with something else. He was not torturing Ganesha! No, let Me do tapas.” shrine, a kind of a temple, in the rear of the
feed Ganesha or how to feed kids. Whatever complaining about the outside; he turned house. It was My own. I would be staying there
manual was there in front of Me, I had worked inside.” In My case, I was complaining about Shraddha is like a loaded gun. When the right and spending My time only there. I can say that
out fully. But nothing was working. Ganesha Ganesha. I was trying what My granny was vitarka happens with shraddha, it is like is the first ashram I built for Myself and My
was lying there, and I was sitting. trying. I was talking about the diet. I was triggering the gun. Without shraddha, deities! I used to spend My time there, so that
thinking that My mother was not cooking without the strong trust, kutarka can never nobody would disturb Me. Usually they would
One nice thing with shraddha is, even if you start properly. I was thinking about everything in become vitarka; the wrong reasoning can send My food there, or I would go and bring My
with kutarka, the power of trust is such, the power the outer world. I was finding fault with never become the right reasoning. food when it was time. Otherwise, I would be
of shraddha is such, that it will turn the whole everything external. Suddenly, I realized, spending the whole day there. So I sat there with
thing to vitarka - right logic, because 'trust' is not “ Ye s ! ” A n d I t u r n e d a n d l o o ke d i n , See, the way in which thoughts are created in all the arrangements for Ganesha to eat.
just energy or logic, it is intelligence. understanding that the problem must be your system, if it leads you to the experience
within Me. Let Me work on it. for which you are hardwired, you are having One day passed - and the food was still there! I
Tarka is logic, kutarka is negative logic, vitarka, right reasoning. When one thought was very strong about no question of Myself
constantly negating, and vitarka is trust with For every achievement, the inspiration is only leads to another thought, which leads to eating. So I would go and bring food, keep it in
positive energy and logic. The shraddha was so from inside. For every expression, experience another thought, and suddenly you are in such front of Ganesha, remove the old food, throw it
powerful that suddenly, something clicked in is from only inside. Look in! Turn in. Looking a deeply relaxed feeling or experience, it is away, and sit and wait. One day and one night
Me. Oh God! I can say this was one of the most in, turning in, you will find the solution for called vitarka. Any thought which creates passed. I was not even sleepy; I was sitting. I
powerful clicks that happened in My life; a everything. That is the only way to inner negativity or ill feeling about yourself, and had a strong will from My young age. If I
very strong click! When I decided to make awakening! You are so obsessed with looking which radiates the same ill feeling about decide, I decide, that's all. Even now, no one
Ganesha eat, My efforts were inauthentic. But, out, you never look in - because you were never others, is called kutarka. If you are going can influence My opinions! No one can
only from there you can move to authenticity. told; you never tried; you never believed. against that for which you are hardwired, it is impress upon My decisions. At the most, they
Even with inauthenticity, if you take kutarka. If you are going in the direction for can only request. The only way to dilute Me is
responsibility and enrich, I tell you: the Look in! That is the essence of life! As long as you which you are hardwired, it is called vitarka. by a request! The only heat, which can melt
cosmos will appear as the Guru and give you think others are the source of a problem, it will this steel, is a prayer or request, nothing else!
the shift towards authenticity. never be solved. I realized: I am the Source; I am So with shraddha, when the right reasoning
responsible; I should sacrifice; I should take the happened, the trigger was pulled! Suddenly Again, the second day also passed. I was very
The cosmos finally gave Me that click. At that responsibility and I should enrich. the click happened - “It is time I look inside; it strong. See, usually, for a small boy, without
moment, the inner awakening happened in is time I turn inside and change something food, naturally the logic will become
Me, “Maybe something is wrong inside Me.” Understand: the biggest transformation that inside Me.” imbalanced; the willpower will come down.
I realized that Nambiyandar Nandi, the boy- can happen to any human being is realizing: 'I But I said, “Nothing doing. I am going to do it. I
saint who made Ganesha eat, had tortured am the Source'. Just you understanding, 'I am Then I decided, “I am not going to eat till am not going to eat till he eats.”
himself, not Ganesha. He sacrificed himself! the Source', and taking responsibility, will Ganesha eats.” It was a strong will, authenticity.
Here, I was torturing Ganesha, not Myself! transform your inauthenticity into authenticity. Even in those days, I used to be very strong- We both sat. I did not have the doubt or the
That was the inauthenticity. I had to take the willed. Once I decide, it has to happen, that's desire or the temptation of: “It's OK, I will eat.”
No! It was 'sitting with authenticity'. 121
The third day.... one or two hours, I was in a different
frequency. When I came down from that
the food going missing - it can be
confirmed that the incident is the truth.

the explosion happens! experience, the food was not there. In this
frequency also, the food had disappeared! I share about this miracle to
When he was eating itself, I was not in the Yogananda Puri
frequency of seeing any other object; I was This is the first miracle that happened in
not seeing the place where he was eating, I My life. The food was not completely
was not seeing the plate, I was not seeing missing. There were grains strewn here
Maybe on the third day, I touched the zone Me such strong confidence and courage in the food; I was in a different frequency. In and there. When the elephant eats it will
where trust and vitarka - right reasoning - the inner world. When I looked in, I got it: that frequency I saw only Ganesha eating. splatter it here and there right? It was like
both became part of My very bio-memory, even God comes down to fulfill our request! So except Ganesha, there was nothing in that. And the whole place became so
My very system. That is when the explosion Me at that time. When I came down to the fragrant and with a new kind of a feel!
happened! I could see very clearly that My Samprajnata Samadhi
normal frequency, I saw the same Ganesha
mind had risen to the level of bhava Please understand: when I heard that See: when I narrate the story, what
and the same plate, but the food was not
samadhi - the zone where solid is not solid, saint's story and started thinking, “When happens inside you depends on the state
liquid is not liquid. It is like when ice and he can, why not Me?” That is tarka - right of your mind. But inside Me, it created a
So, in both the frequencies, the incident
water meet and melt…that zone, neither logic. When I started trying the wrong deep and ardent faith. If something
happened, but I experienced it in the
fo r m l e s s, n o r t h e p hys i c a l fo r m … method, the wrong technique, it was creates faith in us then that is the truth
higher frequency. When I came down to
Suddenly, I can say, I fell into some state, kutarka - negative logic. And because of only. It cannot be anything else.
the lower frequency, I saw that the food was
surely not unconsciousness, and I saw very My trust, when the right thing clicked, it
not there.
clearly - Ganesha sitting in front of Me and was vitarka, and it led to samprajnata Later, I told this incident of feeding Ganesha
We may think some rat ate the food. In that
eating! I have to tell you the truth: when I samadhi - samadhi experienced through a to Yogananda Puri. He could neither believe
case, the darshan (vision of the Divine)
opened My eyes and saw, I promise, there beloved form. it nor disbelieve it. He came and saw the place
would not have happened. We may think
was no food. The food had disappeared! where it happened. When he came and saw,
the darshan might have happened in some
What I had was samprajnata samadhi he not only prostrated several times in that
trance. But then there is no chance that the
In whatever way you want to understand it, (being one with the Divine form) with place, every time he came he would come to
food also would have disappeared. So, since
you can understand it, but the food was not Ganesha. He came out and started eating - that spot and only then leave; he had so
both have come together - the darshan and
there. And I know Ganesha ate it. People that is called samprajnata samadhi, one much respect for it!
with kutarka might say, “Who knows, level of samadhi. It is like a spiritual
when you were closing your eyes, some rat experience with the form of a deity, with a
could have come and eaten it!” Whether form of Existence.
Ganesha ate it, or his rat ate it, let the
All the enlightened masters' forms are
kutarkis think about it! I know for sure:
expressions of Existence. If you have
Ganesha ate it!
samadhi experience with that form, it
I experience the prasada he gave Me! means that all other thoughts have
When Ganesha eats what you offer, he gives disappeared, and only your Guru's form is
you some prasada (sacred gift); he gives you there in front of you; you are having
some benefits, some boons. Strong trust samprajnata samadhi.
and extraordinary ecstasy are the prasada,
the gifts or boons that I received: “If I have When Ganesha was himself eating, I had
received the prasada, it means he has entered a different frequency. Those two-
eaten!” The whole being was in ecstasy! As a and-a-half days when he was not eating
three-year-old boy, this experience gave were normal, but when he was eating, for
The four tattvas: Integrity, Authenticity, If you declare completion now, you are
Responsibility, Enriching complete. But if you say, “No! No! Now I am
The possibility or incident that Ganesha came saying I am complete, but I am not complete.”
and ate in Nambiyandar Nambi's life was a Then you have already decided that you don't
want to be complete! Declare that you are

Lessons from
reality for Me. I never questioned the
factuality of that incident. I was very clear, complete! Roar like a lion and stand on
because of the trust, that if he did not eat, completion! I tell you: you are nothing but the

the Ganesha story there was some problem with Me, that's all! words you utter.
The kutarka, which happened with the So understand, the first lesson you need to
actualities of our Puranas, is the worst thing learn from this story is the ability to trust the
that has happened to the Indian power of your integrity. If you say, “I am free,”
consciousness. Whether it happened because you are free! If you say you are bound, you are
of themselves, or because of some foreign bound! If you say you are a liar, you are a liar! If
invasion teaching them, it is the worst thing you say you are enriching, you are enriching! It
that has happened to Indians. is just you! If you utter the words, “I am
Please understand: with the power of efficient. I am powerful,” you are that! If you
Integrity, I decided to feed Ganesha. With the utter the words, “No! I am powerless. I am
p o w e r o f A u t h e n t i c i t y, I t o o k t h e inefficient,” you are that!
Responsibility of making him eat. After that The words you utter to yourself and to others is
experience, the joy of Enriching - sharing with life! What a big relief! This can be good news
the world - had started happening in My for you if you start believing it. It can be great
system! news for you if you start living it. It can be bad
I work with thousands of patients, meaning news for you if you start worrying about it.
people with different kinds of diseases. I am The second truth you need to know is about
well known for healing different kinds of the power of your authenticity. Even in the
patients and diseases. In My experience, I have initial level, what you do might look like
understood many important secrets about the inauthenticity, but just stand by it; it will rise
body and mind. I have read many of them in to the next level of authenticity. In this story, in
the Upanishads or the Puranas, or the the beginning, when I started feeding or
traditional scriptures, but I have started planning to feed Ganesha, it was inauthentic.
realizing them experientially now. Please But, even if it was inauthentic, when you are
understand, literally what you believe as your authentic towards your inauthenticity, it will
body and mind becomes reality in your life in lead to authenticity!
ten to twenty days. I have seen this happening. The third important lesson you need to know:
The tremendous trust in the power of when you take responsibility, when you decide
Integrity to become responsible, the whole cosmos
Many times, people ask Me, “If I just say I am simply listens to you, follows you! With
complete, how can I be complete?” You can, responsibility, even if you sit in one corner, the
because you are nothing but the bunch of words very space changes the way the world responds
you utter consciously or unconsciously to towards you.
yourself or to others. Unfortunately, 99.99% of Vivekananda beautifully says, “In India, even
your words are unconsciously uttered. That is if we want wealth, we sit under a tree and create
where the problem starts. So, many times you the space. It happens around us!” He told these
don't recognize the power of the words you utter, words in the U.S., the country which teaches
especially towards yourself. You should have you that you have to work so hard to
tremendous trust over the power of your words, accumulate wealth, and that if you sit with
over the power of your integrity. You always feel, “I yourself, you may accumulate peace, but not
am integrated, but I still need to evolve”. even a piece of bread!

What do you think I did in My life? I just sat under the
banyan tree at Bidadi and created the space. See the city
happening here! Do you know that when this land was
donated, it was infested with 1,800 snakes?! There was a
snake farm here. Before donating this land to us, the owner
moved the snake farm out. When he was welcoming Me to
this land, he told Me, “Swamiji, we have moved almost all
the snakes out. We had 30,000 snakes earlier. But during
the transition, 1,800 snakes escaped, Swamiji!”
Today, a city has happened! It took us two-and-a-half years
just to get a telephone connection! But now, anything I
speak sitting here, people are listening, sitting all over the
world! I just created the space! Now this place has become
the model, the source, for multiple spiritual cities to
happen all over the world! So, when you take responsibility,
when you sit and create the space, and you are ready to
sacrifice, the world will simply move based on your word!
The world moves as you want!
The fourth truth you need to learn from this is: when
Ganesha ate, I saw the tremendous joy, the inspiration to
raise Myself to the next level, to enrich Myself and enrich
others. It is not that after that, I kept quiet. I started
creating a group of people who would go around and
worship every Ganesha in the city and village.


I am under the Banyan tree at the Bengaluru Aadheenam on 2 Aug 2016, on the day of
Guru Peyarchi, when, as per Vedic Astrology, the planet Guru moves from one house to the next
Ganesha incarnated in Me For almost a year, Ganesha was living
with Me
the same way, “Soda! Soda!” (Usually, when
the politicians spoke, they would ask for
So in every one of you, the Divine has to soda.)
incarnate. Sometimes, even a powerful
click, a concept clicking within you, makes We both had an agreement: he would help
this incarnation happen inside you. Me in My puja, I would assist him by giving
The experience of Ganesha eating gave birth to consciousness, so I will not be able to balance; I
Sometimes, even the darshan of the Guru him soda! I used to be his assistant when he
Ganesha in Me. After that, I remember - wherever would not be able to ride a cycle.
makes the incarnation happen in you. gave his political discourses. When I did
Ganesha was seen, I would see that he was literally
happening in Me! In Tiruvannamalai, every street Till the end, My elder brother drove Me to school. Whether by the darshan of the Guru, or by My puja, he would be My assistant, getting
will have ten Ganeshas! In that one year, that Even after he left school, he would still drop Me. the words of the Guru, or by the nearness or My flowers, making the sandalwood paste
habit, that pattern of worshipping Ganesha that And he would curse Me, because at every spot, and all that. So, whatever is in you is
presence of the Guru, or on your own;
got developed, was there in My life till I left even at corner houses, where for the sake of vaastu
sometimes, with even just a book, or some awakened by the external happenings or
Tiruvannamalai. parihara (remedy in Hindu system of
architecture); or for warding off evil eyes, they strong suffering, or some separation, or information.
Even if I went to school, which was at 8:30 in the would have placed a Ganesha deity, I would stop feeling of insecurity, or
morning, I would have to start from home at seven and worship! I would not leave even those some accident, or some The western world kids are
o'clock itself. The school was only two kilometers Ganeshas! I would do all My shodashopachara disease… Even these strong taught to live with Barbie dolls
from My house. My elder brother would drive Me puja (ritual of sixteen offerings), vandana or cartoons that they see on
actions in life can make the
on a cycle. (worship), namaskara (joining the palms in television. Fortunately, God
humble obeisance), and what not! I had My own
incarnation happen in you.
But in some form, in some saved Me! I was born in a
Only later on I discovered that because the 'right protocol also - three times this, three times that – it
side - left side' separation was not there in Me, I was almost like ten minutes of akhada (physical way, the incarnation has to village in South India. From a
could not ride a cycle. Especially on a bicycle, you exercise)! happen in you. young age, I was living and
need to feel a separation between the right and left practicing the presence of God.
sides of you, because you need to give separate For Me, it had become an experience. But this poor What I understood about
I can tell you from My own
signals and balance it. fellow, My elder brother…it was such a big torture
e xp e r i e n ce h ow t h e s e Ganesha at the age of three,
for him! But he had to take Me to school every day!
Only if your left side is suppressed, you will get the If he did not take Me, I had no problem, because I incarnations happen. and what I understand about
balance between left side and right side. For all of did not want to go to school anyway! But they When devotees sit in front Ganesha now, is different. But
you, the left side will be suppressed because of wanted Me to go to school. See, the time it took for of Me with tremendous SRI SHAKTI VINAYAGAR ALAYAM that understanding at the age
others constantly telling you, “Don't touch with him to take Me to school, even that much time I devotion or love, I can see One of the Ganesha temples of three only has led Me to this
your left hand. Don't eat with your left hand. Don't would not spend in school itself! And the funny enroute to school!
very clearly, part of Me, understanding. If I was too
do with your left hand.” The left side becoming thing is, I would do the same thing on the way back
without My instruction or busy with Mickey Mouse, Tom
suppressed is a very big reason for you becoming also! Sometimes, if I was late, the school
normal human beings. When you are born, you watchman would not even search for Me command, just expands and extends to and Jerry at the age of three, I would have
are God only. When the left side becomes anywhere else. He would straightaway know that I them so powerfully! been disillusioned at the age of thirteen
suppressed, you become normal humans. One would be doing this to every Ganesha! that Tom and Jerry don't exist, but I would
portion of your body becomes suppressed. For Me, The vatavarana (ambience) matters! not have reached any higher under-
that suppression never happened. I never allowed From My house to the school, at least twenty-five Whatever is in you is awakened by the standing.
that conditioning. From then till now I will eat Ganeshas were there. Without missing even once,
external happenings or information.
with both hands. I can write with both hands even try to do these three actions, three times each,
I have seen one of My friends… he was so Because I started living with Ganesha at the
now. If you see Me during programs, I will twenty-five times - then you will understand! It is
autograph with both hands! I will give energy equivalent to doing akhada in twenty-five places! interested in politics, that even at the age of age of three, even at the age of thirty-five I
darshan (energy transmission) with both hands. The Ganesha would be hiding in a small eight, wherever political meetings had a higher understanding of Ganesha,
But because the right and left are not separated, place, and I would stand in a corner so that I happened, he would go and listen. Once which has led Me to higher and higher
there would not be balance in the body. I would the speaker left and the crowd dispersed, planes of existence - ishta nishtha and leela
could see him! People would laugh seeing
not be able to tell between right and left sides. The he would get onto the stage and give the
Me! dhyana - practicing the presence of God,
whole body would be like a single organism. There
same speech! He would scream in exactly living with God!
would be no split of right and left inside the

Have your atma moorti,
but also relate to the temple deity!
In Hindu tradition, there is a concept called atma moorti, meaning 'my own version of
Shiva' (or any deity). It means, “He is just my own version; nobody else is allowed.” This
is called ishta nishtha or leela dhyana. Srimad Bhagavatam acknowledges this process
as a very powerful spiritual practice. So having your own version of the Guru or God,
and relating to it, is a very powerful process! It is called leela dhyana, literally 'living
with Me'!

I have seen so many ordinary villagers in India, living with their chosen ideal and living
the highest form of enlightened life, without even knowing the words Integrity,
Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching! Without knowing any of these words, they
radiate enlightenment! I tell you, just this one truth, ishta nishtha and leela dhyana,
has made millions of Indian villagers enlightened! Millions of Indian villagers practice
the presence of God. So understand, unknowingly, you are practicing the presence of

But understand one thing: My Ganesha ate, but I cannot go to the temple and make
that Ganesha eat, because the temple Ganesha belongs to the whole world. I cannot tell
the temple Ganesha, “I will put you in the well!” But, I can play with My own version of
Ganesha. I can tell him, “I will put you in the well!” I can do anything I want with him! I
tell you, with your atma moorti, spiritual life starts. But you should take care that when
you go to the temple, you don't lose that feeling-connection with the temple moorti
also! You should understand that the temple moorti has space for everyone!
The problem is, in your inner space, if you have
place for one person, you don't have place for
anybody else. That is why you go on believing that I
am also like that! You are a house connection; I am
a transformer! Understand: in your
house, the electricity connection that you
have, you can use only in your house; you cannot
light up the whole city. Yo u a r e a h o u s e
connection; I am a transformer! I have place
for everyone!


I am talking on Ganesha at the every day morning satsang during Ganesh Brahmotsav
on 5 Sep 2016 - Ganesh Chaturthi day - the celebration of Ganesha's birth.
Bringing the great
truths back to life

My revival of deity worship When an enlightened person happens in the body, he brings all the great truths to life.
He brings everything back to life. Sometimes people ask Me, “Why did you do so much

started with Ganesha tapas, so much of spiritual practices, Swamiji? Why do you need to do all these things,
like puja and feeding Ganesha? You are after all born enlightened; You could have
expressed Your enlightenment directly.” Understand: expressing enlightenment is one
thing; bringing all these truths back to life through every incident, through every
ritual, through every technique, is another thing. That is the purpose of an enlightened
being landing in the human body!
My spiritual life started with Ganesha. Ganesha eating the food I offered is the first
spiritual experience that happened in My life. My first satsang was on Ganesha, and My
first puja was done to Ganesha. I can say, My spiritual journey was successful and
unfolded with all its glory, beauty and depth because of that! It was such an auspicious
beginning… that is why My life is continuously extraordinary with auspicious
incidents. I am trying to trace the day Ganesha ate the food I offered. We will declare
that day as Annapurna Day in our mission!

Understand: this whole revival of deity worship, of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, which I
am doing now, started with just one small Ganesha gifted to Me when I was three years
old! If that same Ganesha or even a bigger Ganesha was gifted to Me when I was
eighteen, I don't think this revival would have happened. Just that one Ganesha at the
age of three got into My very bio-memory, became an experience. That is why I am able
to transmit that experience to tons and tons of people, and this whole Sanatana Hindu
Dharma is revived!

Just yesterday, one participant in the Inner Awakening program came and said,
“Swamiji, it is so sweet to talk to deities and relate with them! I saw them blessing me,
relating back to me, responding to me!”

I said, “Wow! I have done My job!”

The Lifestyle of Manifesting
Extraordinary Shaktis

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is experienced by millions worldwide as The Avatar of this day

and age, bringing permanent, precious solutions from ancient Hindu sacred texts for the
global crisis being faced today. His Holiness is reviving sacred yogic sciences from Sanatana
Hindu Dharma - including awakening of the kundalini shakti - our own highest potential
energy, the third eye, and the expression of extraordinary powers. He works tirelessly to
awaken individuals and communities to their highest possibility - a stress-free life of high
achievement, power, bliss and advaita... Oneness.

The life of Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a living example of the shastras that were written so
long ago by Bhagavan Sadashiva Himself. Every teaching He elaborates on today is a result of
His intense practice on Himself and the resulting success. Out of His extraordinary
compassion, The Avatar landed on Earth to once again revive the sacred secrets from
Sanatana Hindu Dharma.

Ever since the beginning of civilization, Sanatana Hindu Dharma has been the cradle of
enlightened beings and highly advanced sciences. It is where the science of enlightenment
and powers (shaktis) were lived and taught as a lifestyle. Sadashiva speaks on 463 various
shaktis including:

seeing through the third eye

reading the past and the future through Akashic Readings
creating alchemy products for spiritual evolution
scanning bodies for disease and healing
remote scanning for retrieving lost items
materialization of objects

Manifesting shaktis happens from a space of Oneness.
The initiated disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda express much more than just these
powers through His powerful deekshas (initiations). These powers manifest from the
‘feeling connection’ and ‘integrity’ to the Divine, from the space of Oneness with the Divine.
Through this, Paramahamsa Nithyananda re-establishes the ancient era of power
manifesting beings on the planet.

Bhagavan Sadashiva refers to this Oneness as shuddhadvaitam.

He reveals in Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, sutra 113, dhāraṇa 87:

saṃpradāyamimaṃ devi śrṇu samyagvadāmyaham ।

kaivalyaṃ jāyate sadyo netrayoḥ stabdhamātrayoḥ ॥ 113 ॥

O Devi, listen to this sacred tradition, I shall reveal it you vividly, completely. Just keep your
eyes completely wide open, do not see or perceive anything, by simply keeping it fixed with a
steady gaze (on the reality within). By this, the state of aloneness [kaivalya], the Oneness that
expresses as extraordinary powers and experiences will occur immediately.

In this sutra, Sadashiva reveals the technique of experiencing Oneness with Him and from
that Oneness awakening the powers of the third eye.

The shaktis cannot be unlocked by the reading or studying of the agamas. It can happen only
through initiation from a living incarnation.

One cannot taste the nectar by speaking about it. In the same way, the science of Oneness and
the powers revealed by Sadashiva in the agamas, can be tasted, experienced and celebrated
only from the Guru, who gives us the nectar of Oneness with the Divine that he embodies.

A Nithyananda Gurukul Student explains: “The moment I close

my eyes, I just get into the space of Oneness with Swamiji. When
I get into that space it’s a different realm, a different world
altogether. So in that space it’s that reasonless, causeless joy.
Then when I am asked, ‘where is the lost ring?’ I just see the
whole scene happening, like a playback video with audio. And
the moment you express these powers, your whole body, your
whole being, just gets into a space that cannot be described. So
much of sweetness and calmness; nothing can shake you!”
- Sri Nithya Sundareswarananda Maharaj.


Balasanth of the Nithyananda Gurukul
The center for creating a new species of power-manifesting humans.
Featuring students of the gurukul demonstrating their powers in December 2016.

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