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CY 2019-2020

“Once a Scout Always a Scout”

It has been reiterated that “Once a
scout always a scout!” Scouting aims to
develop good Filipino citizens who are
manifest traits of being “makadiyos”,
“makatao” at “makakalikasan”. That is
why scouting designed activities that
will establish good character traits of
young KAB like being trustworthy,
honest, helpful, friendly, respectful,
kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave,
clean and God-fearing at an early age.

August 24 ,2019 when Balayan East KAWAN

delegates joined the parade and showcase their
talents in their dance presentation in Calaca
Central School.

Through the collaboration of the

school, district, and the council,
Balayan East District KAB Scouts and
Adult Leaders experienced the scouting
activities by means of different contest
such as District Search for That’s My
KAB, KAB Olympics and KAB Palabas
where our youth showcase their skills
and talents.
CY 2019-2020

Boy Scouts of the Philippines is an

effective program in the leadership and value formation of
every child. The main objective of this program is consistent
with the Department of Education’s mission to develop boys
and young men into well-rounded individuals with
exemplary character worth the emulation of schoolchilren.
With its impressive track record on youth development, the
Department of Education recognizes the significant role of
the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in aiding the school
system mold pupils and students into responsible and
responsive citizens of the country and in contributing to
efforts to achieve quality education. As a co-curricular
program, Scouting helps stem away vices and bad influence
of drugs and peers. As such, membership and participation
in Boy Scouting and its programs, projects and activities
should be highly encouraged and supported in the schools.
In view thereof, Balayan East District composed of 14
elementary and two secondary schools fully support the
revitalization of the Scouting movement and the activities

Scouters are the center of

boy scouting that developed
imposed for the benefits of its members.

physical, intellectual,
character, emotional, social
and spiritual development.
Hence, Balayan East
district scouts continue to
support and strengthen
scouting programs,
activities and projects that
have helped them to be a
good leaders of the future
and gain confidence, learn
valuable skills like
teamwork, communication,
and become a role model of

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