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Spanish Colonial Period

1521 is the year when the Spaniards arrived at our country, Philippines. The Spaniards used

art as a tool to let the Catholic religion and faith reign in our country. Spanish colonial period was

composed of printmaking, sculpture, painting and fiesta décor. As shown in the picture, we can

say that this was Spanish Colonial Period just by looking at the clothes, background used and the

tradition that was shown. Just by looking the art, you can already see how they painted it not just

by using hand and eyes but also the heart and soul dedicated to it. The art looks realistic, the dress

worn by the young lady was inspired/influenced by the Spaniards, the texture of the clothes is fine

and can be really seen thoroughly, the effect of the background; the native hut, wide windows and

the utilization of the ground floor. And that is the time where ladies are being "harana".

The colonial period of Spaniards helped us to developed, as of today in our country. During this

period, they established they’re being a Christianity on us. The religion itself gave our country a

huge impact that change our ways and beliefs that converting us to worship their religion artworks

they were made.

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