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Treasures in Heaven

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”Matt 6:21

Where is your treasure? So many things come to mind when we think of what Jesus is saying in
this verse that begin our passage. Are you earthly-minded or heavenly-minded? Are you
investing in the future eternity to come, or are you investing in the here and now? Are you
enthralled with the temporary versus the permanent? Jesus uses examples to show how the
things we deem most important are only temporary.

What do you deem as valuable, because what you deem as valuable shows you where your
heart is? Maybe it is money and wealth; maybe it is power and the desire to be recognized as a
leader; maybe it is looking spiritual on the outside so that people think you have it together.
Maybe it is popularity and acceptance through nice clothes, a home, or an X-box gaming
console. Maybe it is your family and how you will raise great kids. Here, Jesus is calling us to
change our minds from the temporary to the eternal, from the things that are passing by to the
things that are permanent.

What an awesome thing to know that as believers our inheritance is waiting for us, that as
children of God, we will inherit eternity! Being with Christ that is our reward! Those who strive
to store up treasures here on earth will be disappointed because those treasures will only fade
away. But if we are serving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and if we share our
blessing to those in need, we will not be disappointed.

Discussion Guide:
How am I managing my treasure to serve God and share to those in need so as to gain treasures
in heaven?

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