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K: Hi David, I am really exhausted

K: My house is cluttered. My mother asked If could help her to clean the house but I didn´t
think that one was very dirty and messy

K: I think so, because When I was a child, My parents make me do many chores, for example I
had to clean my room, the kitchen and the bathroom. I had to throw away the trash. However
my cousin and I were allowed to get together with friends and play video games and board
games most evening. It was a wonderful time.! On the other hand. I totally agree with you,
thanks to my parents, I like to be efficient, I always know where everything is. My apartment is
always clean, clear, uncluttered. I hate the chaos, I have a schedule for everything and I stick
to it.

K: what interesting, what rules did you have when you were a child?

K: Which one were the most difficult to do?

K: In my view, the first one is the most difficult………………………..

K: But the way where are you going?

K: Why do you take a guieded tour?

K: Are you crazy? I my opinion, Only American people take a guided tour, in my experience
travel independently is cheaper and more fantastic than take a guided tour. For example I
recommend exploring Cusco backstreet, because If you spend a few hours bargain hunting in
the local stores, you can pick up some amazing souvenirs. You can do plenty of sightseeing do
without restrictions. In my last vacation I felt stressed when the bored guide told me not to
visit all places.

K: what’s on your mind? It’s not allowed to travel by plane with pets and you must buy the
food within the plane.

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