Final Demo Ko To Wag Ka

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

Grade 7
Section: Copper
12:15 PM -1:15 PM

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the student shall be able to attain at least 80% level of proficiency
1. Identify terms and concept related to the greenhouse effect;
2. Identify different greenhouse gases that contribute to the increasing earth’s temperature;
3. Perform a tableau showing how to lessen the effects of greenhouse;
4. Recognize the importance of greenhouse effect.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Philippine Environment
Subtopic: Greenhouse Effect

Major Concept:

Greenhouse effect is the natural process that warms the earth’s surface by means of greenhouse
gasses such as carbon dioxides, nitrous oxides, and methane.


Greenhouse Greenhouse
gases effect


Instructional Materials:
Visual aids, Laptop, LCD Projector
References: Science 7 learner’s module
Skills: identifying, performing, recognizing
Valuing: recognize the importance of greenhouse effect/gases.

III. Teaching Procedures

A. Routinary Activities
1. Daily Prayer
2. Greeting the Class
3. Checking the attendance
4. Passing the Assignment

B. Developmental Activities
Teachers Activity Learners Activity
1. Review
Last time we had discussed about
layers of atmosphere, right?
Yes, sir
Okay let’s see if you still
remember our last topic. Let’s
have a game. This game is called
“fall on me unless you’re right”.
The mechanics of this game is, we
have two students holding
emoticons. Sad face and smiling
face. The smiling face will serve as
true while the sad face will serve
as false. So all you have to do is to
fall in line whether on smiling face
or sad face or whether the
statement is correct or incorrect. Is
that clear class?
Yes, sir
So let’s start!

Layers closest to earth’s surface is

what you call the stratosphere. Is it
true or false?
(The students will go to the one holding sad face)
Correct! So the next statement is,
The upper limit of our atmosphere
is the exosphere. Is it true or false?
(The student will go to smiling face emoticon)
Right! The statement is, Layer
between 50 km and 80 km above
the earth’s surface is mesosphere
(The students will go to the one holding sad face)
Correct! Next is, Layer of air that
extends to about 50 km from
earth’s surface is the Stratosphere
(The students will go to the one holding sad face)
Good! Last statement, between 80
km and 110 km above earth is the
(The students will go to the one holding sad face)

2. Motivational Activity
Very good, class! It seems that you
really understood your last topic.

Class, before we proceed to our

next topic. I have something for
you. Do you want to see it now?
Yes, sir
But before that, you have to close
your eyes then by counting 1 to 3
open your eyes. Is it clear?
Yes, sir
Okay. Are you ready?
Yes, sir
Close your eyes now!
(students close their eyes)
In 1, 2, 3. Open your eyes, class!

Here’s my greenhouse. May I ask

you to come in?
I need 3 to 4 students to go inside.
(students enter the greenhouse)
Class, I want you to observe your
classmates who will enter the
greenhouse. Is that clear?
Yes, sir
Are you ready?
Yes, sir

Kindly start.

(after 3 minutes, teacher asks his

students to come out)

How’s your experience? What did

you feel? (the three (3) students answer may vary but their answer would
relate hotness)

Thank you, volunteers. You may

now be seated.
Class, I have a question now.
Based on their experiences and on
what you have observed, do you
have any idea on what will be our
lesson for today?
Sir, our lesson for today is all about “greenhouse effect”

3. Lesson Proper
Good! Our lesson for today is all
about the “greenhouse effect” but
before we proceed to our next
topic, kindly read our lesson
objectives for today.
1. Identify terms and concept related to the
greenhouse effect;
2. Identify different greenhouse gasses that
contribute to the increasing earth’s temperature;
3. Perform a tableau showing how to lessen the
effects of greenhouse;
4. Recognize the importance of greenhouse.
Thank you! I have here video clip
and I want you to watch it and
kindly relate your observation and
the experience of your three (3)
classmates earlier to the video clip.
Do you understand?
(teacher plays the video clip)
Yes, sir
(students watch the video clip)
Okay, since you already watched
the video. What is now the
relationship of what we’ve done
earlier to the video presentation?
Sir, the relationship between them, the greenhouse is like the
earth, because the earth has molecules that trap some of the heat
coming from the sun like the greenhouse’s glass over it.
Very good! Greenhouses are made
of plastic or glass and are designed
to hold heat inside. Like the earth’s
atmosphere also traps energy, sort
of like a greenhouse. Energy from
the Sun can enter the Earth’s
atmosphere, but not all of it can
easily find its way out again. So
now what is greenhouse effect?
Sir, greenhouse effect is the process of warming the earth.

Very good answer! When we say

greenhouse effect is a natural
process that warms the Earth’s
But have you ever think some of
the energy coming from the sun is
being trapped? What do you think
is the reason?
Sir, because of the gases
Very good! What blocks the Sun’s
energy from escaping from the
Earth? Unlike a greenhouse, the
Earth does not have a layer of glass
over it! Instead, molecules in our
atmosphere called greenhouse
gases that absorb the heat. Solar
radiation reaches the Earth's
atmosphere - some of this is
reflected back into space. The rest
of the sun's energy is absorbed by
the land and the oceans, heating
the Earth. Heat radiates from Earth
towards space. Some of this heat is
trapped by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, keeping the Earth
warm enough to sustain
life. Human activities such as
burning fossil fuels, agriculture
and land clearing are increasing the
amount of greenhouse gases
released into the atmosphere. This
is trapping extra heat, and causing
the Earth's temperature to rise.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, sir
So in order for us to learn more
about greenhouse gases and how
can it affect the earth, Let’s now
have an activity You will be
divided into 3 groups. Each group
will be given journal, the journal
contains different greenhouse
gasses, the contributors and also
the effects.
The group 1 will do the carbon
The group 2 will do methane and
The group 3 will do nitrous oxides

All you have to do is to read and

comprehend what’s inside the
journals. And after that, you have
to answer these guide questions.

Guide questions:
1. What is the example of
greenhouse gas?
2. What is the contributors of
greenhouse gas?
3. What is the effect of
greenhouse gas?

That activity is good for 15


Kindly start now.

(students do the activity)
May I ask group 1 to present your

Group 1.
1. Carbon Dioxides
2. They produced from burning fossil fuels,
smoke coming from the vehicles, air we
exhale and deforestation.
3. The effect of greenhouse gases is to absorb
Very good, group 1! the heat coming from the sun
Carbon dioxides is one of the
greenhouse gasses which has
larger amount of greenhouse
effect. And also because of the
burning fossil fuels like natural
gas, coal and oil, it undergo
combustion, where the carbon
dioxides can be produced
Another is the vehicle which
produces smoke that has contain of
carbon dioxides.
Even human, they are one of the
contributor of carbon dioxides
because of respiration. But how
deforestation can be produced
carbon dioxides?
When trees are burned to produce goods or heat, they release the
carbon dioxides
That act releases nearly a billion
tons of carbon into the atmosphere
per year. Did you understand?
Yes, sir
Kindly proceed group 2
Group 2.
1. Methane
2. The stomachs of cattle, fermentation
in rice fields, coalmines, burning forests
3. It is able to trap heat in the
atmosphere, methane contributes to
climate change.

Very good, group 2!

Let’s discuss methane.
Methane is powerful greenhouse
gas, able to absorb far more heat
than carbon dioxide, methane is
made of one carbon and four
hydrogen atoms. It is found in very
small quantities in the atmosphere
but is able to make a big impact on
warming. When burned, it releases
carbon dioxide greenhouse gas into
the atmosphere. The fart coming
from the cattle also contains
Microorganism like bacteria are
contributor of methane because
they ferment rice field and, they’re
producing chemicals which is
methane. Another is Coal mining,
because when put the coal in a low
pressure, it causes to release
methane and evaporate into the
atmosphere. And lastly in
combustion, methane is also a
product of burning forest. Did you
Yes, sir
Okay, next group, kindly proceed
Group 3.

1. Nitrous oxides
2. Agricultural and industrial activities and during
combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste.
3. Nitrous oxides is 300 times stronger than the carbon
Let’s discuss the Nitrous
oxide is naturally present in the
atmosphere as part of the Earth's
nitrogen cycle, and has a variety
of natural sources. However,
human activities such as
agriculture, fossil fuel combustion,
wastewater management, and
industrial processes are increasing
the amount of N2O in the
Nitrous oxide is a by-product of
fuel combustion in mobile and
stationary sources. When any fossil
fuel is burnt, part of
the nitrogen that is in the fuel and
surrounding air gets oxidized
creating nitrous oxide emissions.
The majority of stationary
emissions come from coal fired
power plants.
At the same time, micro-organisms
remove nitrogen from the soil and
put it back into the atmosphere and
Nitrous oxide also enters the
atmosphere from the ocean. The
process that removes nitrous oxide
from the atmosphere also depletes
ozone. So nitrous oxide is not only
a greenhouse gas, but also an
ozone destroyer. Did you
understand class?
Yes, teacher

4. Generalization
To sum up our lesson for today,
you will have another activity.
This activity is called “match me”.
With the same group.
I have here the picture of each
gases, the contributors and also the
description of them. Each group
will be given different picture of
gases, the contributors and also the
description and find their proper
arrangement by wearing these
materials. Is that clear?
Yes, sir
(students do the activity )

Carbon dioxides is one

of the greenhouse gasses
which has larger amount
of greenhouse effect
Methane is
powerful greenhouse
gas, able to absorb far
more heat than carbon
the Nitrous
oxide is naturally presen
t in the atmosphere as
part of the Earth's
nitrogen cycle
5. Application
It seems that you have understood
our topic for today. To end up. The
greenhouse effect and the
greenhouse gases have a great
impact to our earth. The problem
that we are facing right now is that
human activities – particularly
burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and
natural gas), agriculture and land
clearing – are increasing the
concentrations of greenhouse
gases. This is the enhanced
greenhouse effect, which is
contributing to the warming of the
So all you have to do is think of
something how to lessen the effect
of greenhouse effect by means of
tableau. Is that clear class?
Yes, sir
(students do the activity)

6. Valuing
Since you already knew the
disadvantage or bad effects of
greenhouse. Kindly give me the
advantages/importance of
greenhouse effect or greenhouse
gases. Sir, Without the greenhouse effect, the earth will be covered by
Ice so that because of greenhouse effect it sustain the
temperature on the earth.

Right! What else? Sir, because of greenhouse effect/gases it maintain the life on

Very good, class!

IV. Evaluation.
Multiple choices.
1. What do you call the natural process that warms the Earth’s surface?

a. Atmospheric effect
b. Greenhouse effect
c. Tyndall effect

2. Don Jared wants to convert the forest into his subdivision and any recreational places, what
can be produced when Don Jared ask to burn the forest and cut some trees?

a. Carbon dioxide
b. Nitrous oxide
c. Methane

3. Which of the following example of greenhouse gases is the most common and usually
exhaled by the humans?

a. Carbon dioxide
b. Methane
c. Nitrous oxide

4. Which of the following activities can lessen the extremely effect of greenhouse effect?

a. Burning fossil fuels

b. Land clearing
c. Planting trees

5. Which of the following statement is not an importance of greenhouse effect

a. It maintains the life on earth

b. It makes the earth colder
c. It sustains the temperature on earth

V. Agreement:
Investigate around your community, ask your neighborhood how they are affected by greenhouse
gases. Write your interview in your notebook, you may take pictures as proofs.

Prepared by:

John Ryan M. Piol

Student Teacher

Approved by:

Mrs. Regielyn O. Julian

Cooperating Teacher

Mrs. Jessica A. Malicdem

Head Teacher II- Science

Alma V. Poblete, DEM

School Principal

Context The context was fully The context was The context was relation
related to the topic somewhat related to the to the topic
Explanation There is a complete There is almost a There thought was not
thought of explanation complete thought of explained.
and it is explained explanation and it is
briefly. somehow explained.
Creativity There is creativity There is quite creativity There is no creativity
applied applied applied

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