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National Union for Conservation of Nature (NUCN)

Legazpi City, Albay

August 7, 2018
St. Agatha Room

The meeting will come to order. The 4th annual meeting of the (Company Name) is now in
session at ____ a.m.

Good morning, I am Pierre Tristan Endaya, Chief Executive Officer and Executive director of the
National Union for Conversation of Nature, the presiding officer of this meeting. Welcome to the
4th annual meeting of the NUCN. This meeting is called each year for the purpose of conducting
and improving the Union and to provide the members an opportunity for education and

At this time, I would like to introduce the honored members. Please hold your applause until
everyone has been introduced. Please stand as your name is called - Beginning at my far right:

The board of Directors:

Reylyn Caratao, Director
Leigh Valles, non-executive Director

The corporate officers:

Errian Perez, Chief financial Officer
Tiffany Nocedo, secretary

Rex Codilla, head of the Human resources Department
Hulaine, head of the Fundraising committee
Bryan, Program manager

Regional representatives:
Patricia , Luzon Regional Representative
Kharl Grageda , Mindanao Regional Representative
Isane, Visayas Regional Representative

Please join me in a warm welcome for these members (PAUSE FOR APPLAUSE)

Can we now proceed regarding to the minutes from the last meeting?

Errian Perez, our chief financial officer, can you now please present the report the balance of
our company.

Errian: Thank you Mr. Endaya, If you look at the report that I
will hand over to you, you’ll see that the amount of donations given by individuals on our
website has only increased by 2.4% , from P2, 610,895 on February to P2,694,443.64 this
August. Unlike last 2017, we have accumulated a total donation of P4, 540, 100 for only six
months. The total balance the company has right now is exactly P3,700,000 after subtracting a
total expenditure of P5,333,654.

Pierre: Are there any corrections to the Treasurer’s Report? {Pause} If not, they stand approved as read.

We will now have the committee reports. Will the Head of the Fundraising Committee please report?


We have active 3 fundraising programs, one is the fun run for every 3rd Saturday of April, two is the (ex.
Bantay bata) which we have asked to be placed on almost all fastfood chains, and three, the
selling of NUEC merchandise. We are actually have a new proposed fundraising project which
will be discussed later on.

Pierre: Thank you so much Ms. Miguel. Is there any old business to be discussed?


Is there any new business to be discussed?


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