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Elementary and Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Jessica Snyder Date:

Course: ECE 4650 Lesson Plan #: Three
Subject Area(s): Math Grade Level/Time Frame: 1st Grade

Step 1: Personal Assets,

Identify Cultural, Assets, • Personal: The students’ personal assets will be used to
Learners Community Assets support learning in the classroom by making the content
(Classroom (also referred to as relatable to the students when I am able to do so. I will give
Context) Funds of Knowledge) the students information that they can relate to so that they
Step 2: understand that knowledge better.
Identify • Cultural: The students’ cultural assets will be used to
Curricular support learning in the classroom by ensuring that the
Priorities content I am teaching and the way that I am teaching it is
culturally responsive to the students in the classroom.
• Community: The students community assets will be used
to support learning in the classroom by relating content to
the landmarks and resources that are located around the
community of the school.
Georgia Standard (s) MGSE1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20.
of Excellence, WIDA
Standard(s), etc. - Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 +
Prior Academic 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten
Knowledge and (e.g., 13 – 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9); using the relationship
Prerequisite Skills between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12,
Central Focus, one knows 12 – 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but easier or
Overarching Goal, known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known
Big Idea, or Essential equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).
Learning • Fluently add and subtract within 10.
Objective(s) or - Students
Learning Target(s) need the
Potential skills of
Misconceptions being able
and/or to
Developmental represent
Approximations addition

- Students
need to
addition as
and adding
- Students
need to
as taking
apart and
Students need to
be able to add and
subtract numbers
with in 10.
Students use a
variety of models,
including discrete
objects and length-
based models (e.g.,
cubes connected to
form lengths), to
model add-to, take-
from, put-together,
take-apart, and
compare situations.
They will use these
models to develop
meaning for the
operations of
addition and
subtraction, and to
develop strategies
to solve arithmetic
problems with
these operations.
Students will be
able to add and
subtract numbers
within 20 and
explain their
thinking using the
counting on
strategy on a
number line.
One potential
that students
might have is they
might ignore the
need for
regrouping when
subtracting with
numbers 0-20 and
think that they
should always
subtract a smaller
number from a
larger number. If
this happens, I
will ensure that
students relate
understanding of
place value
concepts and
grouping in 10’s
and 1’s to their
steps for


Academic Language Academic Whole Class Differentiated

Vocabulary Language Supports Supports
• Words and Language function: As a class we will Prompting questions
phrases with Explain discuss what it
subject specific means to explain
meanings that their thinking using
differ from a number line.
meanings used Multiple meaning Not applicable Not applicable
in everyday life words:
(e.g., table, Not applicable
ruler, force) Academic The teacher will Guiding questions
• General vocabulary: have a class
academic Equal sign discussion about
vocabulary Counting on what these mean for
used across Number line the standard that
disciplines Taking from they are studying.
(e.g., compare, Subject-specific The teacher will If needed the
analyze, vocabulary: model addition and teacher can have
evaluate) Addition subtraction students put these
• Subject-specific Subtraction problems to ensure words into their
words defined Sum students know that math journals to
for use in the Difference the sum is addition have to look back
discipline and difference is on when needed.
Language Function: Syntax: Structured Prompting
the content and Equations classroom
language focus of the discussion.
learning task (e.g.,
activities, discussions) Discourse: Structured Prompting and
represented by the -Number line classroom modeling
active verb in the -Number sentence discussions and
learning objective(s) or -Structured solving equations
discussions using a number line.

learning target(s) (e.g., Students will demonstrate their understanding of the academic
apply, evaluate, cause language in the different language demands through:
and effect, sequence, - Solving addition and subtraction problems within 20.
hypothesize, infer, - Using number lines to explain/show their work when
summarize, describe, solving the addition and subtraction problems.
explain) - Class discussion on number talks at the opening of the
Language Supports:
instructional supports
that help students
understand and
successfully use the
language function (e.g.,
sentence starters,
graphic organizers)

Syntax: set of
conventions for
organizing information
(e.g., sentences,
graphs, tables);
organizes language to
convey meaning

Discourse: how
members of the
discipline talk, write,
and participate in
construction using the
structures of written
and oral language;
discipline specific
discourse has
distinctive features or
ways of structuring
oral or written
language, or
knowledge visually.

Step 3: Assessment Plan

Assessment Georgia Performance Corresponding Format of Assessment(s)
Framework Standard(s) Learning Objective(s)
or Learning Target(s)

MGSE1.OA.6 Add and Students will be able Pre-Assessment:
subtract within 20. to add and subtract - Knockout game that uses adding
numbers within 20 and subtracting within 10 to see
- Use strategies using the counting on where student’s prior knowledge
such as counting strategy on a number is at.
on; making ten line. Formative assessments:
(e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + - Independent activity an adding
2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = and subtracting using a number
14); line.
decomposing a - Exit Ticket
number leading
to a ten (e.g., 13
– 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 =
10 – 1 = 9); using
the relationship
addition and
subtraction (e.g.,
knowing that 8 +
4 = 12, one
knows 12 – 8 =
4); and creating
equivalent but
easier or known
sums (e.g.,
adding 6 + 7 by
creating the
equivalent 6 + 6
+ 1 = 12 + 1 =
- Fluently add and
subtract within
Type of Assessment Format of Supports, Evaluation
Assessment (e.g., Accommodations, Criteria
quiz, test, checklist, Modifications How will you
KWL chart, (Differentiated know or measure
performance task) Assessments, if the students
Culturally have met the
Relevant learning
Assessment) objective(s) or
learning target(s)?
Pre-assessment Knockout game that Putting students The teacher will
uses adding and into teams use this
subtracting within 10 strategically. information to see
to see where student’s the prior
prior knowledge is at. knowledge
students have
with the

Formative -Independent activity Smaller numbers to This assessment
assessment(s) an adding and solve and guiding will allow the
subtracting using a questions when a teacher to see
number line. student needs help. which students
- Exit Ticket have met the
goal/objective of
the lesson based
on the questions
they have gotten
right. It also
allows the teacher
to see what might
need to be re-
taught based on
the mistakes that
were made.
Summative Will come in later Not applicable Not applicable
assessment(s) unit, not applicable for
this lesson.
Pre-Assessment Data Summary
- The teacher will use the student’s math assessment scores as a means to strategically
group students based on their scores. The teacher will also use these scores to
understand in which ways students might need differentiation in math skills.
Step 4: Materials Needed - Work it out Wednesday number talk PowerPoint
Create - Knockout PowerPoint
Learning - Doc cam
Activities - White board
- Expo marker
- Exit Ticket
- Independent activity on adding and subtracting problems
within 20 using a number line.
- Pencil
- Practice problems for “we do” portion

Technology - For this lesson the students will be using the Interactive
Connection White Board and the doc cam to ensure students are
understanding the content that is being presented to them.
Supporting Diverse - To differentiate for gifted students in the classroom the
Learners teacher can provide the students with harder numbers in
the equations. The teacher can also ask higher order
thinking questions about the problems the students are
solving as a class to increase problem solving skills.
- To differentiate for students who might need extra help
the teacher can use smaller numbers for the students to
use at the beginning of the lesson.

Culturally Responsive - The students’ personal assets will be used to support
Teaching learning in the classroom by making the content relatable
to the students when I am able to do so. I will give the
students information that they can relate to so that they
understand that knowledge better. The students’ cultural
assets will be used to support learning in the classroom by
ensuring that the content I am teaching and the way that I
am teaching it is culturally responsive to the students in
the classroom. The student’s community assets will be
used to support learning in the classroom by relating
content to the landmarks and resources that are located
around the community of the school.

Research and Theory, - The theory that guided my instructional choices for this
or Principles of Child lesson is Vygotsky’s scaffolding theory. This lesson is
Development part one of five other lessons on the topic that build on
students’ knowledge of the different strategies that they
the students can use to solve addition and subtraction
problems within 20.
Instructional Opening:
Strategies and - To open the lesson the teacher will begin with number
Learning Tasks talks. The students will be doing “Work it out
(include activities, Wednesday” where the students will be given an equation
discussions, or other and the students will raise their hands, answer the
modes of participation equation, and explain how they came to that conclusion.
that engage students to The other students in the classroom will either agree,
develop, practice, and disagree, or have another way that they want to tell as to
apply skills and how they solved the problem. Students will then play a
knowledge related to a game of knockout that the teacher has created to
specific learning activate/pre-assess the student’s prior knowledge of
objective(s) or learning adding and subtracting within 10.
target(s). Learning I Do:
tasks may be - During this part of the lesson the teacher will begin with
scaffolded to connect the students at the carpet as a whole class with a class
to prior knowledge and discussion about “How can students use a number line to
often include formative help them solve addition and subtraction problems?”
assessments) Based off of the responses that students have, the teacher
will tell the students that it helps them to count on from a
number for addition problems and also that it helps
students count back from a number in subtraction
problems. The teacher will then model solving an addition
and a subtraction problem using a number line. The
teacher will then ask the students two questions “When
you are subtracting two numbers together, which way are
you going on the number line to solve the problem?” and
“When you are adding two numbers together, which way
are you going on the number line to solve the problem?”.
We Do:
- As a class we will then complete a few problems together
on adding problems using a number line. The teacher will
be using prompting and guiding questions for students
who might need extra help on the content. During these
addition problems the teacher will ask the class “When
you are adding two numbers together, which number do
you think is most important to start with and why?”. The
students should gain the understanding that you start with
the larger number and count on with the smaller number,
so you don’t have to count on as much as the larger
number. As a class they will then complete a few
problems together on subtracting problems using a
number line. Again, the teacher will be using prompting
and guiding questions for students who might need extra
help on the content. During these subtraction problems the
teacher will ask the class “When you are subtracting two
numbers from each other, which number do you think is
most important to start with?”. The students should then
answer that you start with the larger number and subtract
the smaller number, because if you don’t do that you will
end up with a negative number. If the teacher feels that
the students have a good grasp on adding and subtracting
numbers with in 20 using the strategy counting on, on a
number line then the teacher will move on to the you do
portion of the lesson.
You Do:
- The teacher will then explain the activity that the students
are to complete on adding and subtracting equations using
a number line. The teacher will ensure that the students
understand they are to complete this independently. This
is the formative assessment that the teacher will use to see
the students who are and are not grasping the content
being taught from this strategy.
Connection to the - Not applicable in this lesson.
Higher Order 1. When you are adding two numbers together, which way are
Thinking Questions you going on the number line to solve the problem?
(HOTQs) (Understanding)
2. When you are subtracting two numbers together, which way
are you going on the number line to solve the problem?
3. How can you use a number line to help you solve addition and
subtraction problems? (Analyze)
4. When you are adding two numbers together, which number do
you think is most important to start with and why? (Applying)
5. When you are subtracting two numbers from each other, which
number do you think is most important to start with? (Applying)
Re-teaching, Re- - To re-teach/re-engage this lesson for the students that
Engagement, Practice need it I would provide the students with smaller numbers
to solve in addition and subtraction problems using a
number line to complete that next morning with the

teacher to ensure that the students aren’t falling behind. I
would also send practice home with the student and
explain to their parents that I strongly suggest that they
work on the strategy at home, but won’t require it.
Extensions - One new strategy for enriching or challenging the content
for students who successfully met the learning objectives
identified in this lesson would be to have the student use
this strategy on the number line and begin finding a
missing number from the equation.
Lesson Closure - To close the lesson, we will go over the activity that the
students competed independently. The students will then
be asked to complete an exit ticket using the counting on
strategy as another means to see which students have
mastered the content being taught.

Handout I created
Knockout game I created


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