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“The United Nations

Organization: creation,
structure, the purposes and

An essay

Done by Rohan Kumar

The maintenance.


1. A general characteristic of the United Nations, its purpose and principles

2. Participation of Russia in United Nations activity


The United Nations Organistion - universal, possessing the greatest among other
international organisations legitimacy, versatile system of bodies, the organisations
and other structures. Its activity is connected with world maintenance on a planet
and maintenance of progressive development of the mankind. The United Nations -
a forum in which frameworks consultations take place and negotiations between all
subjects of world politics. The organisation actively promotes the decision of many
global problems - from questions of the international safety and disarmament to
such phenomena, as deterioration of a state of environment and a drug trafficking.
U.N.O - the centre of diplomatic contacts and conducting of the international
discussions, meetings, conferences. The United Nations promote peace stability on
the Earth: undertakes efforts on protection of human rights; carries out preventive
diplomatic measures to prevent conflicts; Assists in elections and supports
democratisation processes; promotes economic and social development; gives the
humanitarian help; is engaged in repatriation of refugees; helps to restore the state
infrastructures and promotes processes of restoration after destructive conflicts. In
this sense of the United Nations - the most unique mechanism of maintenance and
development of the international cooperation.

Activity of system of the United Nations in which frameworks representatives of 192

states not fruitlessly work, appears as a symbol of the international cooperation
inspiring hope of occurrence of more fair and less disputed world order. Hence,
studying of activity of all bodies of the United Nations Organization for today are
actual. The abstract purpose - to consider stages of creation of the United Nations
Organization, to study entering into structure of the United Nations principal organs
and specialised establishments, to define the purposes and principles of activity of
the United Nations, to analyse United Nations activity in modern conditions and the
contribution of Russia as the constant councillor of Safety.

The United Nations Organization is an integral part of a modern world order, in

which formation, it possesses an important role. It represents a kernel of global
system of the international organisations. Its Charter was the first certificate which
has fixed main objectives, and principles of the international law and order and given
to them imperative force. Not casually The Charter is quite often called the world
community constitution.

United Nations creation was result of powerful movement of the people for the
world and democracy, for creation of such conditions in the world which would
make impossible repetition of fascism horrors and mass destruction of innocent
people. The idea of the incorporated nations has arisen almost at once after the
beginning of the Second World War and has been realised after its termination.
Similar moods were extended and after the First World War and then the League of
the Nations has been created. The United Nations Organization became the
successor of League of the Nations. However a number of characteristics of the
United Nations have made it radically different from League of the Nations. The
distinct things are participation in the Organization of all states, and not just West
European; the statement of value of the human person; prohibition of aggression
and even any wrongful application of force.

The United Nations have been created during several conferences of heads of
member states of an Antihitlerite coalition. The charter of the United Nations was
accepted on a conference Dignity-Frantsissky (devoted to post-war settlement) in
1945. Day of the introduction of the Charter in force is marked on October, 24th,
1945 as Day of the United Nations Organization.

During its existence the United Nations has overcome many the difficult moments.
During the first period, western powers, having a majority of votes, tried to dictate
their will to minority. After decolonization in the world the majority was formed by
developing countries which also tried to use the mechanism of voting without taking
into account the interests of other states. Dead born resolutions which did not
conduct to achievement of the purposes set by U.S.O. Great difficulties were
generated by «cold war». The new conditions created after its termination, make
new demands to the United Nations.

In the United Nations Charter main objectives are named:

- To support an international peace and safety and accept effective collective

measures for prevention and elimination of a threat to peace and to suppression of
acts of aggression;

- To develop friendship between the nations on the basis of respect to equality

principle and self-determination of the people;

- To carry out international cooperation in the permission of the international

problems of economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character and in
encouragement and development of respect to human rights and the basic freedom
for everything, without distinction of race, sex, language and religion;

- To be the centre for the coordination of actions conducted by nations in

achievement of these overall aims.

The United Nations Charter - the output that great number of the international
contracts and agreements has created - the basic sources of international law. The
Charter provides that all members of the United Nations according to principles of
activity of the organisation should:

- Honestly carry out the obligations according to the Charter;

- To resolve the international disputes by peace, without subjecting international

peace, safety and justice to threat;

- To abstain from threat by force or its application against any state;

- To render the United Nations the all-round help in all actions undertaken by it
according to the Charter, and to abstain from rendering assistance to any state
against which the United Nations undertake actions of preventive or compulsory

Members of the United Nations are the sovereign states. United Nations admission
to membership is opened for all peaceful states which will take up obligations stated
in the Charter and which, on judgement of the Organization, wish and are able to
fulfill these obligations. The reception order of new members in the United Nations
is certain by Charter article 4, and also procedure rules for General Assembly and
Security Council.

The state, wishing to become a member of the United Nations, puts in the statement
to the General Secretary of the United Nations. Reception is made by the decision of
General Assembly under the Security Council recommendation. Now the United
Nations include almost all states of the world.

The states - not members of the United Nations can establish the connection with
the Organization and found missions of constant observers. Now Switzerland and
Vatican have such missions. The status of the observer can be given to liberation
movements, specialised establishments and other international organisations. Such
status has the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Legal capacity of the United Nations is defined by the Charter: on the territory of
each member state the Organization uses such capacity which can appear necessary
for performance of its functions and achievement of its purposes. It means that the
United Nations within the international relations act as the subject of international
law, and within the territory of the separate states - as the subject of the national
law. As the subject of international law the United Nations concludes contracts with
the state. In turn, member states establish the permanent missions to the United

105th Article of Charter allocates the Organization with privileges and the
immunities necessary for achievement of its purposes. United Nations premises are
inviolable, and its property is not subject to a search, confiscation and any other
form of intervention.

State members of United Nations in 1947 have concluded the Convention on

privileges and immunities of the United Nations according to which representatives
of the states in bodies of the United Nations and officials of the Organization use
such privileges and immunities which are necessary for independent performance of
functions. These immunities conclude immunity from arrest, detention,
responsibility for the actions made by officials. To the full diplomatic privileges and
immunities extend on the General Secretary of the United Nations and its assistants.
The UN Security Council can refuse judicial immunity of the General Secretary for
concrete trial.


Active participation in United Nations activity, including as the constant councillor of

Safety, allows Russia to influence effectively world processes with a view of
formation of a stable, fair and democratic world order, to realise the national
interests through the widest international cooperation.

Now the United Nations endure the difficult moment connected with largest for all
history by reform of the Organization in the development. The main thing in this
process - increase of efficiency of the United Nations, acknowledgement of its
central role in world affairs at preservation of the interstate nature of the
Organization. There are concrete achievements in the reform sphere: the
Commission of peacemaking is created, Council of human rights is founded, Global
counterterrorist strategy is approved, decisions on activization of General Assembly
work are made.

Russia has from the very beginning supported idea of creation of the
Commission of Peacemaking and has taken active part in working out of the
substantive provisions defining a circle of conducting Commission of Peacemaking,
its structure, mutual relations with other bodies of the United Nations. It was
possible to defend position according to which Security Council is totaly aware of the
way the Commission develops. Russia as the constant member of Councillor of
Safety was included into supervising kernel of Commission of Peacemaking - its
Organizing committee.

Russia - the active participant of peace-making efforts of the United Nations.

Russians work and draw duty in 13 of 19 current U.N. operations on maintenance of

Russian participation in the main directions of humanitarian activity of the

United Nations develops. Experience of Russian participation in multilateral efforts
on liquidations of consequences of natural disasters, first of all a tsunami in Indian
ocean in the end of 2004 - the beginning of 2005 when the general donor
contribution of Russia has made an order of 30 million dollars, shows considerable
potential of connection available for our country to such operations.


The United Nations is a platform for discussion and development of decisions on a

wide spectrum of questions concerning social and economic, humanitarian and
nature protection agenda, including poverty overcoming, development financing,
economic cooperation and integration, trade, development of the industry,
transport and communications, formation, public health services, prevention of
natural disasters, etc.

The United Nations Charter was the first contract in the history of the
international relations which has fixed a duty of the states to observe and respect
fundamental laws and freedom of the person. In the United Nations Charter main
principles of the international cooperation are also fixed. The Charter component is
the Statute of the International Court.

The United Nations Organization remains the universal forum allocated with
unique legitimacy, the international system of collective safety, the main element of
modern multilateral diplomacy.

The General Secretary Pun Gi Moon has paid attention to the fact that
demand for United Nations services continues to grow. In his opinion, it is the sign
not only of existence of many problems in the world, but also of wide
acknowledgement that these problems should be solved collectively within the
framework of the unique and universal mechanism, named UNO.

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