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Chapter 1


Modern society uses social media as their companion for daily human activities. According to a

reliable source social media is a way of sharing content through a website or an application.

Social media in today’s time is one of the most relevant plat form used by many people

particularly the Senior High School Students in San Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite.

Negative effects of social media has been spreading in different news and articles that is why

the researchers aim to prove that despite of this negative effects there are more positive

effects that social media can give.

While there is a lot of studies out there focusing on the negative effects of social media on

students there is another side to the story. Social media has actually been found to have

positive effects on both teens and students. When surveyed on how social usage affected their

everyday lives, students claimed that it give them more self-confidence, improved their

relationships, and even made them more socially conscious (Kim Beasly, 2017. Positive Effects

of Social Media to Students). Social media is rapidly changing the communication setting of

today’s social world. The emergent of social media is significantly influencing the academic life

of students. Institutions and academician are continually trying with social media technologies

hoping to excite critical thinking skills, collaboration, and knowledge construction. Today social

media has been accepted by higher institution making it a platform where students connect

with their instructors, fellow students and other higher authorities across the board. This
therefore called for the study to explore and examine how social media has impacted on

students’ academic life. The study implored a qualitative approach in assessing these impacts.

Ten (10) participants were conveniently sampled and interviewed with a period of two weeks.

After studying the phenomena that were of interest to the study, and transcribing the various

responses of the participants the results reveals that social media is widely used by students of

higher institution and that participant are in support of the idea that social media contribute a

significant quota to the development of their academic life (Raymond Owusu Boateng & Afua

Amankwaa, 2016. The Impact of Social Media on Student Academic Life in Higher Education).

This problem is present in different environments and one example of that is the school

because it is where social media is used and students are the most ranking people who used

social media or social media platforms. Social media helps the students a lot because it makes

their life more easier in a way where there are school announcements and home work they

could easily be aware of, but there are some negative effects too. It also distracts the students

from their studies instead to do their home work or focus on their studies which leads the

students to be complacent and that can result to failing grades and failed home works. These

are just some of positive and negative effects of social media to daily lives of students in San

Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite.

Besides communicating with family members and friends, teens also have the opportunity to

learn things through social media platforms. Additionally, they can get feedback from the work
that they produce, like school projects, art projects, etc. It gives them a safe space to get

unsolicited advice from other people, which they can use to eventually better their skills. (Jason

Perkins, 2019. 10 Examples of the Positive Impact of Social Media). For the past decade, social

media has been touted as a platform for youngsters to congregate online and interact socially

as if they were in person, regardless of their distance from each other. There are likely teens

out there who do not know of many other uses of the Internet other than their favourite social

media platform. (Kelly Austin, 2016. Positive Effects of Social Media).

The basis of the problem is from the current experiences of the students who has been engaged to

gadgets and technology with a longer time. Also those students, whose daily routine includes

social media. Students can do a lot of things with the use of technology like, collaboration with

peers, improved technical skills, and accomplishment of more complex tasks. Technology is a

double-edged sword, as they say, with either positive or negative effects. This problem started

after the Industrial Revolution happened and when the technology was born. Until today, when

technology has evolved and developed and people can't live a day without social media.

We’re seeing the creation of the digital world. Ten years ago, there was no such thing as

Facebook. Ten years before that, we didn’t have Amazon or the Web. New technologies have

opened up new opportunities. They bring with them an ever more complex reality (Sergiusz

Prokurat, 2013. Technology is a double-edged sword – it can both liberate and enslave). When

students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an

active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher,
textbook, or broadcast. The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain,

manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively

thinking about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led

lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool to support students in performing authentic

tasks, the students are in the position of defining their goals, making design decisions, and

evaluating their progress. (Dr. Ram Singh, 2013. Effects of Technology on Classrooms and


Interviewing a particular Grade 11 ABM Students is the first step of gathering a data. The next

thing to gather information is by searching or finding a reliable source that will support the

study. By using a qualitative research or a study that is minimal to no use of statistical data, this

research will help student to understand the impact of social media in their daily lives. The set of

respondents will come from Grade 11 ABM Students in SSR-C to know what is their own

opinion about the positive effect of social media in the daily lives of students. The researchers

will conduct an interview to know what further positive effects social media can have. The tool

used in gathering the data is by interviewing from Grade 11 ABM Students and by searching

reliable source or also called as peer-reviewed reference.

“Effects of Social Media to the daily lives of Generation Z”

Submitted to:

Mrs. Dela Rosa

Submitted by:

Santonil, Eliah Seth

San Jose, Nicole

Salinas, Gwendilyn

Duran, Seth Justin

Hilario, Harvey
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Definition of Social Media

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based

input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to

forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are

among the different types of social media (Rouse,2019).

Positive Effects of Social Media

Social media is an integral part of today’s society. With loads of information being disseminated

over the Internet, social media has become the very fabric upon which our society is being built.

The people who are at the forefront of molding the future of social networking sites are teens and

children. This is because vast majorities of the people who use the Internet are children and

teens. Reportedly, many teens spend an average of 8 hours online every day. Much of that time is

thought to be spent on social media sites, with only some attention focused on research and


For the past decade, social media has been touted as a platform for youngsters to congregate

online and interact socially as if they were in person, regardless of their distance from each other.

There are likely teens out there who do not know of many other uses of the Internet other than

their favorite social media platform.

While there have been many negative outcomes from social media such as cyberbullying and

other online dangers, social media can be used in ways that promote positive and productive

ideas in society. These positive behaviors make social media an invaluable tool to young people
if used correctly. Below are some of the ways in which social media can be used to benefit

young people (Austin, 2016).

Negative Effects of Social Media

Anxiety & depression:

Research suggests that young people who spend more than 2 hours per day on social media are

more likely to report poor mental health, including psychological distress (symptoms of anxiety

and depression).


Numerous studies have shown that increased social media use has a significant association with

poor sleep quality in young people. Using phones, laptops, and tablets at night before bed is also

linked with poor quality sleep.

Body image:

Body image is an issue for many young people, both male and female. Studies have shown that

when women in their teens and early twenties view Facebook for only a short period of time,

body image concerns are higher compared to non-users.


Bullying during childhood is a major risk factor for a number of issues including mental health,

education and social relationships, with long-lasting effects often carried right through to

adulthood (Smart Social,2019).

Impact of Social Media to Senior Highschool Students

Most of these students started using social media accounts from our general average of 9.77.As

the results have said most students started early using this social media accounts. At an earlyage

these students were influenced to use these social media for entertainment. And most of
thestudents often use Facebook as their type of social media. Facebook is the most used

socialmedia of all; young or old people are using it because of its unique features.According to

our survey result, most of the students who answered said that social media hasonly partly affects

them. These students can manage to use social media without them beingaffected. And they can

manage to balance their studies when they are also using social media. Tothese answer it results

to positive effect on them (Loresto, 2019).

Social Media on Daily Life

If one were to look back over the last decade and try to find some element that affected society

as a whole from a technical standpoint, there would be a couple of possible contenders. The

advancement of smartphone technology in such a short time is certainly impressive, for example.

However, the impact of social media, while intertwined with the smartphone is something that

made even more of an impression. Consider just how easy it is to see what is happening on the

other side of the world, through the accounts of real people rather than filtered news channels.

Twitter and Facebook were huge parts of the Arab Spring, and they are important to help people

keep in contact and updated during disasters (Tyler, 2013).

Social Media in Communication

Social networks have become the central facilitator for daily communication with peers, family

and acquaintances. It is affecting our relationships and decreases the quality of inter-personal

communication. Another impairment of communication skills caused by the extensive use of

social media platform is the impoverishment of language. Using messengers’ people often use

shortened versions of words in order to type and deliver their messages as quickly as possible.

Shortened versions like “k”, “ttyl”, “ur”, “der”, “gr8”,”cu”,”tc” and so on completely ruins the
grammar and syntax. It also develops the use of slang terms and sometimes people tend to forget

that they are neglecting the beauty of language when they are online busy with the social media.

Social media and online communication is believed to be having adverse effect on social skills

and communication among adolescents. Long ago, the time when social media did not exist and

social communication and interaction were the only way of communication. In the era of

technology, social media interactions now dominates both online and offline conversations. In a

society where interacting and over-sharing is the norm, you are probably more likely to speak to

friends and family through electronic devices than face-to-face. Often at events or parties, guests

are attached to their smart phones twitting or texting, but no one is truly engaging or interacting

with the people around them. As more generations are born into the social age, social media will

continue to be the favored communication form among young people. However, this shift may

begin to affect their ability to properly communicate in person with peers (Bhamare, 2018).

Social Media as an Information Source

Newer communication technologies have increased the possibilities for how people can send and

receive information. Social media are one such technology that has seen increased usage as an

information source (Pepitone, 2010). For example, social media are being used to seek

information about serious topics, such as circulating up‐to‐the minute information about cholera

outbreaks in Haiti and identifying clean water sources during this outbreak (Sutter, 2010). Social

media has also seen a great deal of usage by those seeking health information, with 59% of adult

Americans (80% of internet users) reporting that they have accessed this type of information

online (Fox, 2011). As this Pew Report suggests “people use online social tools to gather

information, share stories, and discuss concerns” (Fox, 2011, p. 5). Similarly health professions

and organizations are seeing the advantages of adopting social media because it is seen as an
information equalizer allowing access to health care information to populations who, in the past,

would not have this access (McNab, 2009). It provides a sense of privacy for the information

seeker in that he/she does not have to disclose personal information in order to obtain health

related information. (Westerman, Spence & Heide, 2013).

Technology and Social Media

 Technology has also fundamentally changed notions of time in social media. For

example, faster Internet connections and nearly ubiquitous mobile connectivity means

that there is absolutely no reason why you can’t respond to any message, sent from

anywhere in the world, within a matter of minutes. In fact, in today’s world, it’s

considered rude if you don’t respond to a text message immediately. Now contrast that to

the norm just a generation ago, when clunky Internet connections (anyone remember

dial-up?) and desktop computers made it impractical to communicate with anyone when

you weren’t at home or in the office.

Now, however, the divide between personal and professional life is no more. Going on vacation?

Expect to bring along some work with you. Just because you are away from the office doesn’t

mean that clients, co-workers and bosses can’t barrage you with messages and emails. No

wonder so many people now dream of going “off the grid” – there seems to be almost no place

left where you can plausibly deny that you received a message (Zilles, 2019).

Social Media Sites

The world's most popular social networking sites certainly have changed over the years, and

they'll undoubtedly continue to change as time moves forward. Old social networks will die,

popular ones will stick around as they're forced to evolve, and brand new ones will appear (just

watch out for fake news sites!)

We've moved on from the days of MySpace to a social media era now dominated by Facebook

and all sorts of other social mobile apps. A lot of kids even admit to using Snapchat the most,

suggesting that it could be the future of where social networking is headed (Moreau, 2019).

Social Media to Improve Self Esteem

Using social media to connect with others is kind of like having a private conversation in a

public place. But there’s a difference. Even when you’re chatting with a friend in the middle of a

physical crowd, most other people can’t hear what you say. On social media, your conversations

can be read by anyone with access.

Depending on whether people notice your posts — and how positively they respond — your

online interactions may be quite positive. Or not. Social media can make some teens feel

depressed and isolated. They can feel cut out of social interactions. They may feel judged. In

fact, people who visit social media sites to feel connected to friends may end up caught in online

drama, or even cyber-bullying.

The average teen has about 300 online friends. When people post to their social media account,

they’re speaking to that large audience — even if their posts aren’t publicly available. That same

audience can see the responses other people provide through comments or “likes.”(Society for

Science & the Public, 2017).

Social Media on Education

Various websites and social media networks are providing plenty of information that can be

helpful to students. Via social media news feeds, students can find informational and relevant

websites they want to follow so as to be kept in the loop. Depending on their interests, students

can find answers to their questions. Sites, such as Tumblr and Pinterest, can offer children

inspirations for school projects or practical problem-solving.

The educational benefits of social networking sites are also those that help students prepare for

important lessons and learn certain concepts with great efficacy. Social media websites will

contain the latest data on various school subjects and thus, the students have the opportunity to

survey and look into what is new. Social media is a Wikipedia for students these days. We are

witnessing an era of social media learning. (Willbold, 2019).

Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction can be viewed as one form of Internet addiction, where individuals

exhibit a compulsion to use social media to excess (Griffiths, 2000; Starcevic, 2013). Individuals

with social media addiction are often overly concerned about social media and are driven by an

uncontrollable urge to log on to and use social media (Andreassen & Pallesen, 2014). Studies

have shown that the symptoms of social media addiction can be manifested in mood, cognition,

physical and emotional reactions, and interpersonal and psychological problems (Balakrishnan &

Shamim, 2013; Błachnio, Przepiorka, Senol-Durak, Durak, & Sherstyuk, 2017; Kuss & Griffiths,

2011; Tang, Chen, Yang, Chung, & Lee, 2016; Zaremohzzabieh, Samah, Omar, Bolong, &

Kamarudin, 2014). It has been reported that social media addiction affects approximately 12% of

users across social networking sites (Alabi, 2012; Wolniczak et al., 2013; Wu, Cheung, Ku, &

Hung, 2013). (Hou, 2019).

How Social Media Affects a Students Health

There are some positive aspects to social media. It’s important to remember that teens are

hardwired for socialization, and social media makes socializing easy and immediate. Teens who

struggle with social skills, social anxiety, or who don’t have easy access to face-to-face

socializing with other teens might benefit from connecting with other teens through social media.
Teens in marginalized groups—including LGBTQ teens and teens struggling with mental health

issues—can find support and friendship through use of social media. When teens connect with

small groups of supportive teens via social media, those connections can be the difference

between living in isolation and finding support. (Hurley, 2019).

Social Media on Youth

The statistics all tell the same story: Social media are gaining in popularity every day.

The average time spent on social networks per day: 1.72 hours (in 2015).

The average number of hours a teenager spends online per week: 27 (2015).

Social media have become prominent parts of life for many young people today. Most people

engage with social media without stopping to think what the effects are on our lives, whether

positive or negative. Are we as a society becoming more concerned with Facebook "friends" than

we are with the people we interact with face-to-face in our daily lives? What will the longterm

effects of today's social media use be?

There are many positive aspects, but there are equally as many dangers that come with the use of

sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, Tumblr, Instagram, gaming sites,

and blogs. In order to make the right choices, we must dig in and research this topic thoroughly.

(McGillivray, 2015).
Definition of Terms

Social Media- websites and applications used by the generation z on their daily activity.

Generation Z- senior high school students. (specifically) Grade 11 ABM students

Students- grade 11 ABM students

Negative Effects- the downside of using social media

Positive Effects- benefits of using social media

Technology- a gadget or tool used to access social media websites and applications

Definition of Social Media

Rouse, M. Social Media. February 25, 2019

media Accessed November 24, 2019

Positive Effects of Social Media

Austin, K. Positive Effects of Social Media. June 28, 2016

Accessed November 24, 2019

Negative Effects of Social Media

The Negative Effects of Social Media. Accessed November 24, 2019

Impact of Social Media to Senior Highschool Students

Loresto, K. Effects of Social Media on Senior High School Students. 2019 Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media on Daily Life

Tyler, M. The Impact of Social Media in our Daily Lives. May 23, 2013

Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media in Communication

Bhamare, C. R. Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills. February 8, 2018

Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media as an Information Source

Westerman, D. Spence P. R. & Heide, B. V. Social Media as Information Source: Recency. 2013 Accessed

November 24, 2019

Technology and Social Media

Zilles, C. The Influence Of Technology On Social Media. May 30, 2019

social-media/ Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media Sites

Moreau, E. The Top Social Networking Sites People Are Using. 2019

Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media to Improve Self Esteem

Social Media Can Boost Teens’ Self-Esteem — or Foster Depression.

Accessed November 24, 2019


Social Media on Education

Willbold, M. Social Media In Education: Can They Improve The Learning?. April 27, 2019 Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media Addiction

Hou, Y. Social media addiction: Its impact, mediation, and intervention. 2019 Accessed

November 24, 2019

How Social Media Affects a Students Health

Hurley, K. Social Media and Teens: How Does Social Media Affect Teenagers’ Mental Health.

March 7, 2019

Accessed November 24, 2019

Social Media on Youth

McGillivray, N. What Are the Effects of Social Media on Youth. October 12, 2015 Accessed

November 24, 2019

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