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The simple answer to this question is that water

is the simplest chemical of kitchen. Water is, in fact, natural most
abundant and the most useful compound. For the growth and
development of life support system, it is absolutely essential to
make water available in the acceptable quantity, quality and at
the required time and place.


Millions of years ago life evolved in water and water became a basic component of every living cell.
Although water covers over three quarters of the surface of the Earth, 97 per cent of this water resource is the
oceans and is salty. The glaciers and icecaps lock away another two per cent (Table-1). Even less than one per cent
is the fresh and usable water of lakes, ponds, rivers and ground-water. Freshwater is, therefore, a treasure to protect
and conserve. Freshwater is precious not only because we need it to live, but also because only about three per
cent of all the earth's water is directly usable. Of this only about 0.26 per cent is available as freshwater for people
to use. Water is used for various purposes like agriculture, livestock, industry and power generation and municipal
and rural water supplier

Since the birth of river basin civilizations, human

societies have been developing technologies for
capturing, storing, cleaning and redirecting fresh-water
resources to meet their needs. Different kinds of
structural solutions to supply irrigation water in fields,
control of flood and generation of power and electricity
have been in operation in our country since
independence. Humanity today has been trying hard to
reach the twin goals of human and ecological security.
The former includes easy access to safe domestic water,
food and environmental security with effective
protection from flood and drought. The latter implies the
long-term protection of the goods and services that we
get from nature and the preservation of the delicate life-
support system.
1. water is required essentially for the satisfactory performance of the following.
Various life process for sustenance.
2. Circulatory fluid.
3. Carrier of nourishing food and micronutrients
4. Removal of product of wastes



A perennial stream or perennial river is a stream

or river (channel) that has continuous flow in parts of its
stream bed all year round during years of normal rainfall.


Perennial rivers are those rivers which exhibit a continuous

flow of water throughout the year except during extreme
drought. Non-perennial rivers are those rivers which have no
flow for at least a part of the year. Peninsular River – flows
across the plan land of India. Krishna, Kaveri







Springs • Gravity wells

• Artesian springs • Artesian wells
• Gravity springs
• As per the type of construction
• Surface springs
• Surface springs • Dug wells or percolation wells
• Infiltration galleries
• Driven wells
• Porous pipe galleries
• Infiltration wells • Tube wells or drilled wells
• Wells
• Sunk wells
• As per aquifer tapped
• Shallow wells
• Deep or pressure wells
• As per the conditions of flow
Water Supply for Residences
A minimum of 70 to 100 litres per head per day may be considered adequate for domestic needs of
urban communities, apart from non-domestic needs as flushing requirements. As a general rule the
following rates per capita per day may be considered minimum for domestic and non-domestic needs:
a) For communities with population upto 20000 and
without flushing system:
1) water supply through standpost 40 lphd, Min
2) water supply through house service connection 70 to 100 lphd
b) For communities with population 20000 to 100000 together with
full flushing system. 100 to 150 lphd
c) For communities with population above 100000 together
with full flushing system. 150 to 200 lphd

NOTE— The value of water supply given as 150 to 200 litres per head per day maybe reduced to 135 litres per head per day
for houses for Lower Income Groups (LIG) and Economically Weaker Section of
Society(EWS),depending upon prevailing conditions. Out of the 150 to 200 litres per head per day, 45 litres per head per day
may be taken for flushing requirements and the remaining quantity for other domestic purpose
Sl. No Type of Buildng Consumption (litres/day)xi) Schools
a) Day schools 45 per
i) Factories with bath rooms 45 per headhead
ii) Factories without bath rooms 30 per head b) Boarding schools 135 per
iii) Hospital (including laundry): head
a) Number of beds not exceeding 100 340 per head
In addition, water demand of visitors to these building is
consideredin consumption
as 15 LPCD of water
b) Number of beds exceeding 100 450 per head
Daily variation: the rate of demand may vary from day to day. This
iv) Nurses’ homes and medical quarters 135 per head
may be due to the change in climatic
conditions and also due to holidays and days of special functions.
v) Hostels 135 per head
On a rainy day, the consumption will
be much less when compared to that on a dry and hot day. The
rate of demand on Sundays and other
vi) Hotel (up to 4 star) 180 per head
holidays will be more due to leisurely bathing, washing of clothes
and house etc.
vii) Hotel (5 star and above) 320 per headHourly variation: the rate of demand over a period of 24 hours
varies according to the hour of the day.
viii) Offices The consumption holidays begins generally from 8 am and it is
45 per head
earlier at about from 6 am on weekdays.
The peak flow hours may be at 8 to 10 am and minimum flow
ix) Restaurants 70 per seat
hours may be midnight to 4 am.

x) Cinemas, concert halls and theaters 15 per seat

Rain Water Harvesting:

• Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing
it to run off.

• Rainwater can be collected from rivers or roofs, and in many places, the water collected is redirected to a
deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), a reservoir with percolation, or collected from dew or fog with nets or
other tools.

• Its uses include water for gardens, livestock, irrigation, domestic use with proper treatment,indoor heating
for houses, etc.

• The harvested water can also be used as drinking water, longer-term storage, and for other purposes
such as groundwater recharge.
Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting:

• Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting is the technique through which rain water is captured from the roof catchments and stored
in reservoirs.

• Harvested rain watercan be stored in sub-surface ground water reservoir by adopting artificial recharge techniques to
meet the household needs through storage in tanks.

• The Main Objective of rooftop rain water harvesting is to make water available forfuture use.

• Capturing and storing rain water for use is particularly important indryland, hilly, urban and coastal areas.
Need for Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting

To meet the ever increasing demand for water. The rooftop rain water harvesting is less expensive
Rainwater harvesting systems are simple which can be
To reduce the runoff which chokes storm drains.
adopted by
To avoid flooding of roads. individuals.

To augment the ground water storage and control decline of water Rooftop rain water harvesting systems are easy to construct,
levels. operate and maintain.

To reduce ground water pollution. In hilly terrains, rain water harvesting is preferred.
To improve the quality of ground water.
In saline or coastal areas, rain water provides good quality
To reduce the soil erosion. water and when recharged to ground water, it reduces salinity
and also helps in maintaining balance between the fresh-
To supplement domestic water requirement during summer, saline water interface.
drought etc.
Advantages of Rain Water Harvesting In Islands, due to limited extent of fresh water aquifers, rain
Provides self-sufficiency to your water supply. harvesting is the most preferred source of water for domestic
Reduces the cost for pumping of ground water.
In desert, where rain fall is low, rain water harvesting has been
Provides high quality water, soft and low in minerals recharged providing relief to people
ground water.

Reduces soil erosion in urban areas.



• 24x7 supply is achieved when water is delivered • If plenty of water is not available, the supply of water is
continuously to every consumer of the service 24 hours divided into zones & each zone is supplied with water for
a day, every day of the year, through a transmission fixed hours in a day. As the water is supplied after
and distribution system that is continuously full and intervals, it is called intermittent system.
under positive pressure
• Continuous supply systems are designed using the • The working of the system is very simple.
following main parameters (EXPERT COMMITTEE • The distribution area is divided into several zones & the
CONSTITUTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, 1999): timings of each zone are so adjusted that good working
• 1. Flow of raw water pressure are maintained in each zone.
• 2. Water treatment plant
• 3. Water transmission system • Health
• Working Operating of system components, pumps and
reservoirs, in the continuous supply systems is a result Aspects Consumers are advised to treat water
of consumers needs: with reduced demand in the night coming from intermittent water supply. As water becomes
periods, pumps may operate at lower level and stagnant in service reservoirs, bleaching powder is often
balancing reservoirs may be refilled, whereas during used to maintain a residual chlorine level.
the maximum demand periods, the pumps will operate
at their maximum

• In this system water is not stagnant in pipe at any instant & • For older distribution systems having weaker joints and more
hence fresh water is always available. leakage, restrained supply hours can limit leakage

• Lesser pipe sizes are required. • Reduced pressure also helps lowering leakage

• Fire hazards can be met within time. • Overall scarcity may sometimes be managed by interrupting
the water supply and equally balancing the resources

• Time is available for repair and maintenance out of supply


• If there are some minor leakages etc in the system, great • Systems do not operate as designed: components are
volume of water is wasted because of long duration of flow. underused, others are overexploited and damaged

• More water is required at the source which is difficult in tropical • Inconvenience to consumers, mostly the poor (often, one
countries like India, which get rains only during a particular person per household is devoted to storing the water at supply
season. times)

• More wastage of water due to lack of civic sense. • Pipelines are subjected to vacuum condition after supply hours,
which can cause groundwater infiltration into the pipelines with
contamination of the supply or pipes deformation

• Frequent contamination requires household-level water

treatment, as well as higher doses of residual chlorine by the

• Consumers need to store water between supplies and tend to

throw away remnant store. This causes water wastage and
storage costs
Fire demand Fire demand can be met within time. Fire demand cannot be met within time; this may cause huge damage
before the supply could be turned on.

Domestic storage Storage is not necessary, since there is a continuous The consumers have to store water for non supply hours which is
supply of water 24X7. likely to get contaminated. Some consumers may not have sufficient
storage tanks which may lead to insanitary condition.

Size of pipes Comparatively lesser diameter pipes are used in Bigger diameter pipes are required to supply the water for the full day
continuous system of water supply. in a very short period.
Staff Need not require much manpower & infrastructure. More manpower and infrastructures needed

Capital cost Low capital cost compared to intermittent system of Higher capital cost.
water supply.
Wastage of water There is considerable wastage of water if consumers The consumers leave their taps open every time, & also if more storage
do not posses civic sense regarding the importance of of water is done during non supply periods. It is thrown off causing
treated water. wastage of water.

Contamination problem Both continuous and intermittent water distribution systems might suffer from the contaminant intrusion problem, and
the intermittent systems were found more vulnerable of contaminant intrusion

A sump is an underground (or partially underground) tank that is popular in India. It is usually used for large
water tank storage and can be built cheaply using cement-like materials. It is usually part of a rainwater harvesting system,
where the rainwater gets channeled into the tank, then pumped out for use.

If there is only one house then 6000 liters to 8000 liters sump is sufficient.

if you are constructing rented houses then maintain more storage space for sump (~12000 ltrs of water).
Having bigger tank is useful when there is a water

How to find Sump/Tank capacity OR How many liters can be stored in

your tank/sump?
To find out your sump capacity first you need to have length, width and depth of your
sump/tank in feet

Multiply length, width and depth of your sump to find out cubic area of your tank/sump.

1 feet cube area(1′ length * 1′ width * 1′ height) will store upto 28 ltrs of water.

So multiply your sump cubic area with 28 and you will get your sump/tank water storage
capacity in liters

Above formula will work only if your tank shape is in rectangle or square.

If at all there are different shapes then find out total area in cubic feet and multiply with
28 which will result number of liters
A water tank is a container for storing water. Water tanks are used to provide storage of water for use in
many applications, drinking water, irrigation agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming, both for plants and livestock,
chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well as many other uses. Water tank parameters include the general design
of the tank, and choice of construction materials, linings. Various materials are used for making a water tank: plastics
(polyethylene, polypropylene), fiberglass, concrete, stone, steel (welded or bolted, carbon, or stainless). Earthen pots also
function as water storages. Water tanks are an efficient way to help developing countries to store clean water.

Purpose of Pumps If the source of water is at a lower elevation than the points of delivery, the water has to be
lifted or pumped. Pumps are also required to boost the pressure in a system to enable the supply being made
to higher elevations. Pumps are needed to force the water through treatment units, to drain settling tanks and
other units, and to operate equipment for pumping chemical solutions to treatment units. Some of the most
important things to take into consideration are:

1. Power : It is important to know the flow rate and horsepower of the pump to be used

2. Material : Pumps need to be made of a weather-resistant material depending on the place where the pump
will be installed

3. Motor Type - You can choose between power, gas, diesel, hydraulic or manual types.

4. Head - Knowing the total head discharge or how powerful the pump can be is important depending on the
application for which the pump will be used.

1. Centrifugal Pump

A centrifugal pump is of very simple design. The only moving part is an impeller attached to
a shaft that is driven by the motor. The two main parts of the pump are the impeller and diffuser.
The impeller can be made of bronze, stainless steel, cast iron, polycarbonate, and a variety of
other materials. A diffuser or volute houses the impeller and captures the water off the impeller.

Water enters the eye of the impeller and is thrown out by centrifugal force. As water leaves the
eye of the impeller a low pressure area is created causing more liquid to flow toward the inlet
because of atmospheric pressure and centrifugal force.

Velocity is developed as the liquid flows through the impeller while it is turning at high speeds on the shaft. The liquid velocity
is collected by the diffuser or volute and converted to pressure by specially designed passageways that direct the flow to
discharge into the piping system; or, on to another impeller stage for further increasing of pressure.

The head or pressure that a pump will develop is in direct relation to the impeller diameter, the number of impellers, the eye or
inlet opening size, and how much velocity is developed from the speed of the shaft rotation. Capacity is determined by the exit
width of the impeller. All of the these factors affect the horsepower size of the motor to be used; the more water to be pumped
or pressure to be developed, the more energy is needed.

A centrifugal pump is not positive acting. As the depth to water increases, it pumps less and less water. Also, when it pumps
against increasing pressure it pumps less water. For these reasons it is important to select a centrifugal pump that is designed
to do a particular pumping job. For higher pressures or greater lifts, two or more impellers are commonly used; or, a jet ejector is
added to assist the impellers in raising the pressure.
2. Positive Displacement Water Pumps (Rotary Pump)

Positive displacement designs are the ones which deliver a fixed amount
of flow through the mechanical contraction and expansion of a flexible

These pumps are ideal in many industries that manage high viscosity
liquids, or where sensitive solids are also present.

Recommended water pumps to be used for low flow and high-pressure

combination or other applications.
Positive displacement water pumps or rotary pump are very efficient, due to the fact that they remove air from
the lines, thus eliminating the need to bleed the air from the lines.

In addition, these pumps are great when dealing with high viscosity liquids. As any equipment, positive
displacement water pumps also present some drawbacks.

These types of pumps require that the clearance between the rotating pump and the outer edge must be very

This causes that the rotation occurs at very slow speeds; otherwise, if the pump is operated at higher speed, the
liquids might erode and will eventually reduce the efficiency of the water pump.
3. Jet pumps

Jet Pumps are mounted above ground and lift the water out of the ground through a
suction pipe. Jets are popular in areas with high water tables and warmer climates. There
are two categories of jet pumps and pump selection varies depending on water level.
Shallow well installations go down to a water depth of about 25 feet. Deep wells are down
150 feet to water, where surface pumps are involved. The jet pump is a centrifugal pump
with one or more impeller and diffuser with the addition of a jet ejector.

A jet ejector consists of a matched nozzle and venturi. The nozzle receives water at high pressure. As the water passes
through the jet, water speed (velocity) is greatly increased, but the pressure drops. This action is the same as the squirting
action you get with a garden hose as when you start to close the nozzle. The greatly increased water speed plus the low
pressure around the nozzle tip, is what causes suction to develop around the jet nozzle. Water around a jet nozzle is drawn
into the water stream and carried along with it.

Portion of the suction water is recirculated through the ejector with the rest going to the pressure tank. With the ejector
located on the suction side of the pump, the suction is increased considerably. This enables a centrifugal pump to increase
its effective suction lift from about 20 feet to as much as 28 feet. But, the amount of water delivered to the storage tank
becomes less as the distance from the pump to the water increases... more water has to be recirculated to operate the
ejector. The difference between a deep-well jet pump and a shallow-well jet pump is the location of the ejector. The deep-
well ejector is located in the well below the water level. The deep-well ejector works in the same way as the shallow-well
ejector. Water is supplied to it under pressure from the pump. The ejector then returns the water plus an additional supply
from the well, to a level where the centrifugal pump can lift it the rest of the way by suction
4. Submersible pump

The submersible pump is a centrifugal pump. Because all

stages of the pump end (wet end) and the motor are joined and
submerged in the water, it has a great advantage over other
centrifugal pumps. There is no need to recirculate or generate
drive water as with jet pumps, therefore, most of its energy
goes toward "pushing" the water rather than fighting gravity
and atmospheric pressure to draw water.

Virtually all submersibles are "multi-stage" pumps. All of the impellers of the
multi-stage submersible pump are mounted on a single shaft, and all rotate at
the same speed. Each impeller passes the water to the eye of the next
impeller through a diffuser. The diffuser is shaped to slow down the flow of
water and convert velocity to pressure. Each impeller and matching diffuser is
called a stage. As many stages are used as necessary to push the water out
of the well at the required system pressure and capacity. Each time water is
pumped from one impeller to the next, its pressure is increased.

The pump and motor assembly are lowered into the well by connecting piping to a position below the water level. In this way the
pump is always filled with water (primed) and ready to pump. To get more flow, the exit width of the impeller is increased and
there will then be less pressure (or head) that the pump will develop because there will be less impellers on a given HP size
pump. Remember, the pump will always trade-off one for the other depending on the demand of the system. If the system
demands more than a particular pump can produce, it will be necessary to go up in horsepower; thereby, allowing us to stack
more impellers or go to different design pump with wider impellers
Internal plumbing works GALVINISED IRON (GI)

Availability of pipes is easy in the market Easily gets corroded from hard water
• GALVINISED IRON (GI) with all type of fittings
• STAINLESS STEEL (SS) Labour availability is easy for plumbing Scaling of pipes is common
• COPPER works
• cPVC
• uPVC Compared to other metallic pipes it is Life span of pipe gets reduced by above
most effects
Friction loss is more compared to other
metallic pipes

It requires insulation against weather

They are capable of It requires skilled Easily available in the Susceptible to
high pressure labour for workability market degradation by certain
organic contaminants
It is generally used for Compared to GI pipe it
hot water supply due is costlier Friction loss is less Ultraviolet degradation
to its thermal compared to metallic on prolonged
conductivity pipes exposure to direct
Friction loss is less Corrosion is expected
compared to GI pipes when dissolved Scaling and corrosion Fittings are costlier
oxygen is more in the is very less compared and availability is
water to metallic pipes difficult

Requires external Plumber has to be

protection in educated in the trade
aggressive to
soils carryout the works
External plumbing works
Cast Iron
Merits Demerits
These are structurally stronger Fittings are costlier and availability is
Highly resistance to tensile compressive Plumber has to be educated in the trade to
and bending stresses carry out the works

Polyethylene pipes (MDPE/Hdpe)

Merits Demerits
They are corrosion resistant Susceptible to permeation / degradation on
prolonged exposure to sunlight

They are relatively light weight Repair and installation of fittings is difficult
in larger diameters

Alternative installation techniques possible

Prestressed concrete pipes

Merits Demerits
These are structurally stronger and rigid Heavy weight ad handling is difficult

Highly resistance to tensile, compressive Fittings are fabricated from mild steel lined
and bending stresses and coated with concrete

Pre-stressing wire is protected against Repair is difficult

corrosion pressure range where RCC is not

These pipes can cater to intermediate Poor ability of joint to withstand ground
movement / subsidence
UNIT - 2



Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of a surface's water and sub-surface water from an area. The internal
drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent severe waterlogging (anaerobic conditions that harm
root growth), but many soils need artificial drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies.

(i) SEPARATE SYSTEM: in this system, the same sewer is intended to carry sanitary
sewage, industrial
In this system two sets of sewers are laid. One sewer is sewage and storm water.
meant for carrying sewage; (or)
while the other, for carrying storm water. A combined system is no longer used and joins some or all of
the surface water into the foul water drainage system.
(or) This means that both surface water and foul water will
discharge into the sewerage treatment plant. To avoid the
A separate drainage system is one were the foul water treatment plant being overloaded, it may be possible to extract
some foul water at various points in the drainage network. This
and the surface water are always kept separate. can be achieved if the surface water is less dense than the foul
water and tends to flow at the top in a drain. A separating
This is shown in the two previous diagrams. device can be used to divert surface water into a storm water
channel or drain.

When a separate system is used then the sewerage It is generally agreed that the installation and running costs of
sewerage treatment plant can be minimised if a separate
treatment plant will not get overloaded in periods of wet system is adopted. For this reason the separate system is
weather. favoured by local authorities.

in this system also only one set of sewer is

laid. During small rainfalls, the rainwater is
collected and conveyed along with sanitary
sewage. If the
amount of storm water exceeds a certain limit, it
is collected and conveyed in open drains, while
continues to flow through sewers.
(iv) Surface drainage:

Surface drainage is the removal of excess water from

the surface
of the land. This is normally accomplished by shallow
ditches, also
called open drains. The shallow ditches discharge into
larger and
deeper collector drains. In order to facilitate the flow of
water toward the drains, the field is given an artificial
slope by
means of land grading

There are four systems adopted in plumbing of drainage work

in a building

1. Single stack system

2. One pipe system
3. One pipe system partially ventilated
4. Two pipe system.


This is a simplified one-pipe system without ventilation pipe
work. The trap of water closet, sinks, basins, is
directly connected to single stack. The pipe, in addition, also
acts as a vent pipe. The single stack system is

In This, a single soil waste pipe conveys both soil and waste

directly to the building drain. A separate vent pipe is provided.

Hence, it is more effective than the single stack system. The

vent pipe provides ventilation to water seal of all the traps.


This system combines the one pipe and single stack system.

In this system, only one soil waste pipe conveys both soil and

waste. The separate vent pipe provides ventilation only to

the traps

of water closets.
In this system two pipes are provided. One pipe
collects all
soil wastes from urinals and lavortary wastes.
The other pipe collects the unfoul water from kitchen,
bathroom, house washings, rain water, etc. The soil
pipes are directly connected to the drain.

The sanitary fittings indicate all the fittings or appliances used for collection and discharge of soil or waste water.

Different sanitary fittings perform different types of functions. They are normally made of ceramics, glazed fire-clay, glazed

or glazed chinaware. The fittings are so designed so as to have nonabsorbent surface which can be easily cleaned.

(i) Wash-basins

(ii) Bath tubs

(iii) Sinks

(iv) Urinals

(v) Water closets

(vi) Flushing cisterns.


A wash-basin is used for washing hands, face, etc. It is

available in various patterns and sizes; Normally

oval shaped bowl type wash-basin with overflow slot Is

used In houses. The wash-basin is normally

mounted on angle Irons fixed on the wall. the wash basin is

provided with two taps--cold water and hotwater. The


hole is provided with the metal strainer and is connected to


waste pipe either directly or through bottle traps for


of waste water Into the floor trap. The top of wash basin is

Use of bath tub is restricted to a certain class of toilets and


residences. Bath tubs may be precast orcast in situ. They are


of enameled steel, gel-coated fibre glass, enameled porcelain,

reinforcedconcrete finished with terra cotta or marble finishes,

acrylic etc. It is provided with outlet and overflow pipes which


usually of 40 mm diameter. Provision is kept for both hot


and cold water connections. The length of bath tub varies


1.75to 1.85 m, width varies between 0.7 to 0.75 m and its


Sink is used in 'kitchens, laboratories, etc.' It is

made of stainless steel, plastic, marble, ACC


terrazzo finishing or glazed chinaware, etc. It

is a

rectangular basin with or without overflow

arrangement It has a circular waste hole with

metal strainer to which the waste pipe is

attached for conveying the discharge from

sink to the floor trap with the drain board.

(a) Bowl type urinals These urinals are available in two types:

The urinals are of following types: (i) Flat back (ii) Corner

(a) Bowl type Flat back urinals These are oval-shaped, installed at a height
of 500 mm from the floor level. The urinals are screwed to
(b) Slab or stall type wall.

(c) Squatting urinal. Corner These urinals are used in the case where two walls
meet at right angle.
Urinals fall under the category of soil

appliances and the discharge form the

urinal is

connected to the soil pipe. Urinals are

generally provided with automatic flushing

cisterns which operate at intervals of 10 to


minutes. An anti-siphonage pipe is


for urinals located on different floors and

(b) Slab or stall type These are open smooth walled urinal, flushing by means of spread. Ideal for
public places.

(c) Squaring urinals These are used in squatting position. It is available with integral flushing holes.

The water closet is a sanitary fitting which collects human excreta and discharge it
into the soil pipe through

There are three types of WCs.

(a) Indian type
(b) European type
(c) Anglo-Indian type

Indian Type WC
It is usually made of porcelain and the pan and the trap are in two different pieces.

The WC pan is fixed flush with the floor of the toilet. The trap has an opening for
anti-siphonage pipe. The pan has the flushing rim having number of holes to
spread the flush water. The excreta do not fall directly into the trap and there are
chances for excreta to become foul, if not properly flushed. The contents of the
pan are removed by the
gravity flush of water. It is fixed in squatting position at floor level. A pair of foot
rests is provided on either side of the pan for convenience.
European Type WC:
Anglo Indian Type WC:
This is a pedestal type of pan in which pan and
trap form an integral part. The pan has a It is a pedestal fitting with in-built trap and it can
flushing rim to spread the flush water. be used in squatting as well as sitting position.
European WC is used in sitting position over a The top of the pan is provided with the pair of
plastic seats hinged to the fitting. The pan is in footrest and whenever, it is needed, the plastic
the form of inverted cone. In this type of WC, seat hinged to the closet can be placed on the
excreta falls directly into the trap and thus top of the pan to use it as European type WC.
easy to clean and is hygienic. Following two The excreta falls directly in the trap andthus can
types of European type WC are used: be easily flushed out

(i) Wash Down Type European WC:

In this type, contents of the pan are removed

by gravity flush of water. For ground floor, WC
fitted with Strap
is used whereas for upper floors, WC with P-
trap is used.

Flushing cisterns are provided for flushing the water

closets and urinals. They may be of cast iron,
vitreouschina, or plastic. For Indian type of WC,
flushing cisterns are generally of cast iron provided
at a height of approximately 2 m, but for European
type of WC; it is provided at height of 30 cm from the
top of the pan.

The capacity of cistern varies from 10 to 15 litres.

Depending upon its height, it is of two types.

High Level
These are generally of cast iron and is provided for
Indian type WC. The height is normally 2 m to get
space under cistern. High level cistern is provided
with a hanging chain by which it is operated.

Low Level
These are generally provided with European WC.
These low level cisterns are either wall mounted
with flush pipe having 30 cm distance between WC

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