Top CBD Guide 2020 PDF

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Table of Contents
Introduction to CBD.................................................................. 3

What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?...................................................Ǥ.... 4

Endocannabinoids role in the human body................................. 5

Functions of the endocannabinoid system?................................ 6

What Cannabinoids helps with certain health issues??................ 7

What is the Entourage Effect?.................................................... 8

What's Does Full Spectrum & Broad Spectrum CBD Mean?........ 9

CBD Terpenes 101?................................................................... 10

What are the benefits from using CBD?.................................... 14

How CBD helps Cancer Patients?............................................ 15

CBD for Cognitive Health?........................................................ 16

CBD for Acne Treatment.......................................................... 17

CBD for Joint Pain & Arthritis?.................................................. 18

CBD for Sleeping Disorders ?................................................... 19

CBD for Epilepsy & Seizures..................................................... 20

CBD for a Healthy Heart........................................................... 21

CBD for Depression & Anxiety.................................................. 22

CBD for Pain Relief................................................................... 23

CBD for Anti-Aging................................................................. 24

What are the different types of CBD?.................................Ǥ.... 25

CBD Bath Bombs.................................................................... 26

CBD Balms............................................................................. 27

CBD Capsules......................................................................... 28

CBD Drinks............................................................................. 29

CBD Edibles........................................................................... 30

CBD Isolates.......................................................................... 31

CBD Massage Oil.................................................................... 32

CBD Tinctures........................................................................ 33

CBD Topicals......................................................................... 34

CBD Salves............................................................................ 35

CBD Wax / Dabs................................................................... 36

CBD Vape Oil........................................................................ 37

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Be Effective?.............. 38

What is the Best CBD Extraction Method?............................. 39

What is the right dosage of CBD?.......................................... 40

CBD Q&A.............................................................................. 41

CBD Health Tracking Log...................................................... 42

Final Note............................................................................. 45

Introduction to CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found

primarily in the flowers and leaves of the hemp
plant. It’s one of many potent cannabinoids found
in hemp and is known for supporting body and
brain functions.

Scientists found that by extracting the full hemp

plant matrix, also known as "full-spectrum
extraction" had a much better effect on the body
instead of isolating only the CBD molecule.
Research has proven that a full-spectrum tincture
supports the body more thoroughly than just CBD.

Among the many benefits that users have

reported, some of the main ones are: a sense of
calm for focus; all-natural stress reliever; help in
recovery from exercise-induced inflammation; and
support for healthy sleep cycles

What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

CBD or Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring

chemical compound called cannabinoid. It is an
essential part of medical cannabis but is mainly
found in large concentrations directly from the
hemp plant. Hemp is a cousin of the marijuana

While CBD is a component of medical

marijuana, it does not alter the mind when
consumed. One of the biggest pros is that CBD
exhibits no signs of any abuse or dependency.
No evidence of public health concerns
associated with the use of pure CBD.

Cannabinoids function as part of the body's

endocannabinoid system which trigger our brain
receptors. Receptors are tiny proteins attached
to your cells. They receive signals, mostly
chemical ones, from different stimuli and help
your cells respond by regulating our immune
system, mood, and memory also signal pain and
inflammatory response.

Endocannabinoids role in the
Human Body

The endocannabinoid system helps to keep your

body in a state of optimal homeostasis.
Maintaining conditions where everything in your
body is working at its best.

For example, your endocannabinoid system

helps keep your heart rate steady while
regulating body temperature. For example, when
exercising your endocannabinoid system makes
you sweat so your body will cool down.

What functions does the endo-
cannabinoid system regulate?

The endocannabinoid system communicates

with the nervous system, digestive system, and
immune system by the use of cannabinoid
receptors. These biological functions, include the

What Cannabinoids helps with
certain health issues?

Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds

produced in the cannabis plant that provides relief
to many symptoms, such as pain, nausea,
anxiety, and inflammation. Cannabinoids work by
imitating compounds our bodies naturally produce.

What is the Entourage Effect?

The cannabis plant is loaded with over 400 active

compounds. Cannabinoids make up the majority of
these active compounds, such as the more
popular being THC and CBD.

The main idea behind the entourage effect is that

the cannabinoids in cannabis and also hemp work
synergistically together, and synergis-
tically with all the other compounds naturally
present in the plants. This includes terpenes,
flavonoids, fatty acids, esters, and lactones, for
example. Together can provide a far better
therapeutic result than any one can on its own.

What's Does Full Spectrum &
Broad Spectrum CBD Mean?

Full spectrum CBD is a concentrate that is made

during extraction on the cannabis plant. Instead of
isolating each compound full spectrum contains all
the chemical compounds such as cannabinoids,
terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, and others that
naturally occur in the cannabis plant.

Broad spectrum CBD is similar to full spectrum

CBD it’s a high-CBD extract only without the THC.
Broad spectrum CBD also contains less of the
naturally occurring terpenes and flavonoids.

In chemical terms, a broad spectrum product

would only contain limonene, CBN, humulene, and

CBD Terpenes 101

In aromatherapy, the power of terpenes is

harnessed through our sense of smell. In massage,
essential oils transmit terpenes through the skin. In
CBD supplements, the natural terpenes from hemp
can enhance the healthful effects.

The hemp plant contains hundreds of different

phytochemicals. In supplements, CBD plays the
lead and terpenes can play supporting roles to
create what researchers have described as an
“entourage effect.” Although it’s estimated that
there are more than 100 different terpenes in
hemp, these are some of the main ones that have
been studied so far:

CARYOPHYLLENE: Calms inflammation and

helps relieve pain while protecting the digestive
system—unlike anti-inflammatory drugs for pain,
which can damage the stomach. Topically, it helps
to relieve inflammatory skin conditions.
Found in black pepper, cloves, rosemary, hops,
and echinacea.

HUMULENE: Hops gives beer its distinct smell and
taste. Humulene has a calming effect, reduces
inflammation, and helps to relieve pain when taken
internally or applied topically. Also helps to heal
Found in hops, sage, ginseng, and echinacea.

LIMONENE: The citrus smell produced in fruit,

limonene helps relieve depression, boost immune
function, and relieves heartburn. Found to kill
cancer cells in very high doses, although this type
of use is limited because doses high enough to be a
possible cancer treatment produce side effects
such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Found in orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime peels;
caraway and dill seeds.

LINALOOL: A main component of lavender, linalool

calms neurotransmitters, producing a sedative
effect that calms anxiety and pain and can reduce
seizures. Natural essential oil of lavender can help
to heal burns and prevents scarring skin. Linalool
may irritate skin if refined.
Found in lavender, clary sage, bergamot,
rosewood, patchouli, ho wood, and sweet basil.

Myrcene: It helps to relieve pain by blocking
inflammation. When taken it has a sedative effect,
and a natural muscle relaxer. Myrcene may protect
the liver against damage from aflatoxin, a type of
mold that can contaminate grains and nuts.Myrcene
contributes to the sedative quality of hops and other
calming plants.
Found in lemongrass, hops, bay leaves, verbena
plants, chamomile, thyme, basil, and mangoes.

PINENE: The most common terpene found in

nature, pinene is the source of that fresh pine
aroma. It also off ers several health benefits. It’s a
bronchodilator, meaning that it helps to open
airways for easier breathing. Additionally, it
enhances communication between
neurotransmitters and may help improve memory. It
also acts as a natural antibiotic and helps calm
Found in conebearing trees such as Pine trees,
eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, frankincense, and

What are the benefits from using

Research has shown a wide variety of use in

hundreds of health conditions and is known as
the "Miracle Molecule". Called this by its
effectiveness in treating some of the worst cases
of childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet
syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Significant research has been done to see how

CBD can help with hundreds of health
treatments. Including use in relieving the side
effects of cancer patients undergoing

Anti-Inflammatory activity, blocking cell growth,

preventing the growth of tumors, antiviral activity,
relieving muscle spasms caused by multiple

How CBD helps Cancer Patients?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of many

cannabinoids in the cannabis plant gaining
popularity in the world of natural medicine
because it appears to offer the body many
benefits. While there is some debate around the
topic, some people suggest using CBD in the
treatment of cancer.

The non-psychoactive plant-derived cannabinoid

CBD exhibits fighting agents in different types of
tumours. It may also provide anti-migratory, anti-
invasive, anti-metastatic and perhaps anti-
angiogenic properties. Evidence suggests that
CBD is a potent inhibitor of both cancer growth
and spread.

Though CBD has been shown to help reduce

symptoms related to cancer and cancer
treatment, and may even have cancer-fighting
properties, more research is needed to assess its
efficacy and safety.

CBD for Cognitive Health

Recent research shows evidence that CBD can

help people remember and elaborate, which is one
of the major mental threats for people getting older.

There has been a growing amount of scientific

evidence proving that CBD can help the brain
and improve memory by promoting
neurogenesis, thus reducing the damage to
cognitive functions caused by age, disease, and

CBD is known to aid in the antioxidant process that

reverses signs of aging in all organs of the body.
Cannabidiol has been found to have a positive
impact on key body functions, including
neurological, physical, and psychological benefits.
CBD has shown to help people who suffer from
degenerative memory disorders.

For people with dementia, it can slowly lead to loss

of memory and mood. Making it difficult to perform
daily tasks. However, recent research into the
impact of CBD on the symptoms of dementia
conditions such as Alzheimer's offers some hope.
The potential therapeutic properties of CBD for
Alzheimer's disease are currently under intense

CBD for Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin condition that affects more

than 10% of today's population. Many factors
cause acne, including genetics, bacteria,
inflammation, overproduction of sebum, and by
sebaceous glands in the skin.

A recent study found that CBD oil prevented

sebaceous gland cells from becoming inflamed,
primarily by anti-inflammatory actions, and
prevented the face from breaking out. Another
study had similar findings with acne-prone skin in
part to cannabidiol anti-inflammatory qualities.

To treat acne with CBD oil, mix it with a carrier oil

(such as apricot oil, coconut oil, olive oil, shea
butter and argan oil), and apply directly to the
affected area.

Most people have experienced acne at some

point in their lives, and for some of us, it can take
years to find a solution. Harsh ingredients,
synthetic medications, and several trips to the
dermatologist can throw your skin out of balance.
In search of a better treatment option, CBD might
be the perfect solution for you.

CBD for Joint Pain & Arthritis

Arthritis affects over 50 million Americans. The

two main types of arthritis are Rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA). While
research so far has been promising, more
research is necessary to confirm cannabidiol as
an effective treatment for arthritis pain.

Many people with joint pain turn to painkillers,

anticonvulsives, and anti-depressants for their
suffering. Often this treatment can cause
serious side effects or drug dependence. This
is why many are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) to
treat their joint and muscle pain.

CBD, when administered, binds to the body's

CB2 receptor, which plays a huge role in the
immune system by managing pain and
inflammation. Considering most joint and
muscle pain comes from autoimmune diseases
using CBD oil can significantly reduce pain by
reducing the inflammation. CBD blocks the
receptors that are telling your brain to feel pain
and can help offer relief at the source.

CBD for Sleeping Disorders

Studies have shown that people who have

insomnia or some other form of the sleeping
disorder can benefit from CBD oil. Research
shows CBD reduces anxiety, which is a massive
factor in reducing sleep difficulties and improving
sleep quality.

CBD can increase overall sleep duration, and

improve insomnia patients, according to research.
In smaller doses, CBD can stimulate alertness
and reduce daytime sleepiness, which is essential
to one's daily life.

For those wondering how to sleep better without

prescription medications, which can be habit-
forming and cause extremely unpleasant side
effects, CBD might be the right solution. While
more research needs to happen, several scientific
studies have found evidence favoring the use of
hemp oil for sleep problems.

CBD for Epilepsy & Seizures

Epilepsy is a recurring seizure that one might

have that involve abnormal brain activity that
causes a sudden change in body movement or
function, sensation, awareness, or behavior.
People with epilepsy are also more prone to
suffer from migraines, sleep issues, depression,
and anxiety disorders.

Typically, epilepsy treated with doctor-prescribed

drugs can have serious side effects so severe as
to make taking the medication prohibitive. CBD
oil, on the other hand, produces little to no
adverse side effects and has shown proven
results in treating symptoms associated with

Studies have shown that CBD reduces the

frequency and severity of seizures among people
who have these disorders — recommended for
the control of seizures in Lennox-Gastaut
syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Not only can
CBD help reduce the frequency of seizures,
but it can also help many of the conditions and
experiences that surround epilepsy

CBD for a Healthy Heart

People with high blood pressure have higher risks

of a number of health conditions, including stroke,
heart attack, and=metabolic syndrome. Treated
by prescription medication that can have serious
health risks and side effects. Studies indicate that
CBD may be a natural and effective treatment for
high blood pressure.

There may be hope as recent studies have linked

CBD oil with promoting a healthy heart and
circulatory system due to its powerful antioxidant
and stress-reducing properties.

Research has shown CBD oil to lower high blood

pressure in patients. One recent study treated ten
healthy men with CBD oil and found it reduced
resting blood
pressure, compared to a placebo.

Though more human studies are needed, CBD

may benefit heart health by reducing blood
pressure and preventing heart damage.

CBD for Depression & Anxiety

The most common mental illness in the U.S.,

anxiety disorders affects more than 18% of the
population each year, according to the Anxiety
and Depression Association of America.

Although anxiety disorders treated with

psychotherapy, prescription medication, or a
combination of the two, many people never think
to self-treat with all-natural products like CBD oil.

Doctors typically treat sleeping disorders with

pharmaceutical drugs, which have many side
effects, including drowsiness, agitation,
insomnia, sexual dysfunction, severe migraines,
and more. For this reason, people are turning to
CBD and other natural herbs.

The question now is, can cannabidiol (CBD), the

most prominent non-intoxicating constituent in
cannabis, provide a viable alternative for
currently available anxiety medications? Quite

CBD for Anti-Aging

After our teens and twenties, skincare becomes

more and more focused on fighting the effects of
ageing and maintaining skin health. We all want
glowing, healthy, blemish-free skin! CBD cream will
provide soothing, fine-line-fighting, super-nourishing
benefits to your skin.

CBD contains antioxidants that help block the skin

from free radical damage, keeping the skin looking
youthful. CBD is also a natural humectant, meaning
it helps the skin retain moisture. It can boost the
composition of skin, and protect it from nutrient
loss, creating anti-ageing effects for the skin by
keeping it nourished and looking healthy.

CBD is chock-full of beneficial nutrients. So much

so that dermatologists recommend the use of CBD
oil for hair and skin. CBD is rich in vitamins A, C
and E. Vitamin A stimulates, the cells responsible
for producing the tissue that keeps skin firm and
healthy. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production,
and it helps to reduce signs of ageing. Vitamin E
blocks free radicals from the body, which helps
slow down the ageing process.

What are the different types of

Finding the right product can be extremely

exhausting, with hundreds of new companies
hitting the marketplace. Here is a list of the
different CBD products currently being sold, and
which type will work the best for your target
health condition.


CBD Bath Bombs will make you never want

to leave your bathtub. CBD bath bombs help you
unwind after a tough day at work by providing
muscle relief from physical pain, promote
relaxation, and will help keep your skin healthy
and clean.

CBD bath bombs are a fantastic choice for people

who don’t want to ingest CBD orally. Perfect
choice for those with widespread aches and pains
in muscles and tissue.


CBD balm is a topical preparation infused with

cannabidiol (CBD) used to heal and soothe the
skin. CBD balm naturally protects, nourishes,
and moisturize every type of skin.

CBD Balm strengthens the skin’s natural

defense system and its ability to regenerate,
providing an excellent means of relieving and
eliminating various types of skin ailments and
medical conditions.


CBD capsules are one of the most popular ways

to take CBD. It's basically CBD oil contained in a
small pill form. It is always a smart decision to
look for CBD supplements that have the least
amount of inactive or filler ingredients.

For the best results try to find a product that is

100% pure cbd oil, and is the most efficient.


Basically, if you can drink it, CBD can be added

to it. CBD Drinks are the newest trend! These
drinks provide a number of benefits most notably
as an excellent stress reliever.

CBD beverages include everything from non-

alcoholic wine, water, kombucha to cold brew
coffee. Perfect choice for anyone needing instant


Edibles are used to calm and relax the body and

mind and are great for your stomach. CBD edibles
are food products that have been infused with
cannabidiol (CBD) in the form of gummies,
chocolates, and baked goods

CBD Edibles are not only a great source of

nausea-reducing medicine, but also a vital source of
essential nutrients and calories.


CBD Concentrates provide you with the most

potent form of hemp oil that you can buy.
Generally used to medicate more severe
health issues.

Concentrates can come in the form of dabs,

shatter, wax, and crystals. Renowned for their
extremely powerful effects, and are available in
various potencies. Users should take care when
using concentrates and consult a doctor before


CBD Massage Oils are excellent at promoting

relaxation and pain relief. CBD massage oils absorb
right to the problem area for maximum pain relief
when needed most.

Spas all over the country have been utilizing these

new massage products in their offerings, but you
can also take advantage of them from the comfort
of your own home.


CBD tinctures are made from high quality CBD

strains, and are generally mixed with 70% alcohol.
Primarily used to help relieve anxiety, pain relief.

Tinctures are convenient and can be stored for

long periods of time. One of the most popular ways
to medicate CBD. It cab be absorbed easily when
taken under the tongue.


CBD Topicals are CBD infused lotions, balms, and

oils that are absorbed through the skin for localized
relief of pain, soreness, and inflammation.

CBD topical products are designed to be applied

directly to the skin for healthier, younger looking skin


CBD creams are hand-selected to provide

soothing deep-tissue benefits and whole-body

CBD topical salve may create a calming effect

and has been used for pain. CBD salve is an
ointment made from the cannabis plant; it is used
for topical purposes.


CBD wax raw dabs are chock full of amino

acids and full-spectrum cannabidiol. Made with
filtered CBD oil derived from hemp plants.

CBD wax concentrates are vaped using a dab rig.

The waxes are heated and inhaled, delivering fast
relief and a bigger dose of CBD than most
methods. Excellent for medicating most


If you are taking CBD to treat anxiety or

psychological disorders you may want to try CBD in a
vape oil. This is inhaled and absorbed directly into
the bloodstream through the lungs.

Make sure you only buy a high quality vape oil as

some cheaper vape oils may contain Propylene
Glycol which is potentially dangerous for your lungs.

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil
to Be Effective?

One of the main reasons people choose one form

of CBD over another is how long it takes until you
start to feel the effects.

CBD Edibles: takes 30 - 90 minutes

CBD Capsules: takes 30 - 60 minutes

CBD Topicals: takes 10 - 15 minutes

CBD Oral Tinctures: takes 1 - 5 minutes minutes

CBD Inhalation is much shorter than with other

methods and effects are felt almost instantly. This
makes vaping CBD a better option for those taking
CBD to manage acute symptoms, such as a panic
attack or nausea.

What is the Best CBD Extraction

There are several different extraction methods

used for isolating CBD from hemp and cannabis
plants. The best extraction method is by carbon
(CO2)..a.k.a "super critical extraction". The reason
this method is superior is maily due to the low
temperature, which allows the integrity of product to
remain intact.

Lower quality CBD oils may be extracted using a

solvent. This can be very dangerous to a persons
health, as the solvent used in the extraction
process may end up in the final product. Also note
that when extracted with high levels of heat
destroys many of the key nutrients and medicinal
properties found in CBD.

What is the right dosage of CBD?

An effective dosage can range from as little as a 5mg

of CBD per day up to 150mg per day. It's a good idea
to start low and go slow. What you're looking for is
that sweeet spot, and that can vary person to person,

Take a few small doses over the course of the day rather
than one large dose. Use the same dose for several
days. Observe the effects and if necessary adjust the
amount. Remember you don’t want to overdo it.


Q: Is CBD Legal?
A: CBD that is extracted from hemp and contains less
than 0.3% THC is legal at the federal level with the
passage of the Farm Bill in late 2018. Each state also
has its own law regarding the legality of CBD and
therefore the legality of CBD products can vary from
state to state.

Q: Who to Trust for CBD?

A: It seems like everyone is selling CBD these days, so
it’s smart to ask questions about quality and sourcing.
When selecting CBD, consider every aspect of the
company’s ingredient sourcing and quality control
protocol, so your body gets nothing short of

Q: What is the Right Dosage of CBD?

A: An effective dosage can range from as little as a 5mg
of CBD per day up to 150mg per day. Make sure to start
low and go slow. Take a few small doses over the
course of the day rather than one big dose. Use the
same dose for several days. Observe the effects and if
necessary adjust the amount. Don’t overdo it.


Q: Is CBD Legal?

A: CBD that is extracted from hemp and contains less than

0.3% THC is legal at the federal level with the passage of the
Farm Bill in late 2018. Each state also has its own law
regarding the legality of CBD and therefore the legality of
CBD products can vary from state to state.

Q: Who to Trust for CBD?

A: It seems like everyone is selling CBD these days, so it’s

smart to ask questions about quality and sourcing. When
selecting CBD, consider every aspect of the company’s
ingredient sourcing and quality control protocol, so your body
gets nothing short of exceptional.

Q: What is the Right Dosage of CBD?

A: An effective dosage can range from as little as a 5mg of

CBD per day up to 150mg per day. Make sure to start low
and go slow. Take a few small doses over the course of the
day rather than one big dose. Use the same dose for several
days. Observe the effects and if necessary adjust the
amount. Don’t overdo it.

Final Note

The clinical effectiveness of cannabinoids for the

treatment of several health issues remains largely
hypothetical; there is insufficient and poor-quality evidence
of the effectiveness of cannabinoids for helping treat
health issues. Nonetheless, the clinical need is significant
and despite the lack of evidence, cannabidiol can
be useful to those looking for alternative medical reasons.

The lack of evidence poses a public health risk, and future

research is required to weigh the harms and benefits of

Everything on this guide, such as text, graphics, images,

and other material, is for informational purposes only and
does not constitute medical advice. Top CBD Network is
not intended to be a substitute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and you should not rely on

Top CBD Network's guide as a substitute to medical

advice from a licensed professional. Always seek the
advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with
any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition and before consuming or using any of the
products mentioned on this site.

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