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He is working for us!

Before 2019 came, people were talking about it being a year of the pig in which it was the year I was
born. So, I taught to myself that 2019 will be my year and I carefully watched what will happen to me.
Now reaching the last Sunday of the year, I could remember many things that happened. Those that
may be considered tragic by others and honestly during those times, I taught how bad is this year for

My youngest sister running away, losing my job as a professor in the university, having hard time
managing part time work and being part time graduate student, managing financial obligations and even
John Michael running away! I would say that for all of these, I really had a hard time. However, these
situations made me go before the Lord more. With the people whom He used, I could focus and look to
Him in the midst of it all. He is holding me and He brought me through it all. I gained many things and I
am not the same when 2019 started because He is working in me!

God who works in me is reaching many areas of my life that are under the influence of the devil’s work.
Remembering before I met God, I can see how deceived I was to act that way. I was timid, I had fear of
people, I was lazy to study, I was awkward and cool to my family even. But when I met God, gradually I
am changed by Him. I started to see who I am before Him and how He is leading me. I am thankful to Him
who does the good work in me. Truly, when Jesus comes into our life, He will destroy the devil’s work in

In the life of a Christian, there will be many attacks. Not really by being possessed by an evil spirit but
attacks coming from the people around us. The Lord experienced this in His time where the teacher of the
law accused Him working with Satan (Mark 3:20-30). Likewise, people will criticize us for the way we are
living our life but know that this is the work of the Holy Spirit who does good in us. What is happening in
us can not be done by Satan nor the humanity no matter how much they grow in knowledge and
intelligence, only God can cast out the evil spirit in us, only Him can change people, only Him can save us
from the devil’s trap.

We will not be able to control what other people wants to think of us so we should not pay much attention
for their accusations instead we should focus on Him. Our life will speak for itself against those who try to
speak evil of us. Devil’s work corrupt people but the work of the Holy Spirit gives more life to people. No
wonder, those who are touched by the Holy Spirit have bright faces in them! We are saved from the trap
of the devil because of God who works in us. Consequently, one should cling to Him and spend more time
with Him!
Before the work of the devil is very influential in us that it became part of our life.

By His work, we have discovered the truth and true joy in the new life. We are transferred from
frustration to hope, death to life, we are saved from the trap of the devil.

We are filled with hope by Jesus with the Holy Spirit that is working in us.

The works shaped our way of living. Way of thinking, speaking, action

People’s eyes are upon us, we may receive different kinds of attacks with the way we are living now but
know that what is being done in our life is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The work of devil is so different from the work of the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus comes into our life, He will destroy the devil’s work in us. “He who does what is sinful is of
the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared
was to destroy the devil's work.” 1 Jn 3:8 No matter how much humanity grow in their knowledge and
intelligence, we will never be able to destroy the work of devil but only God can do it. It is His work.

Devil’s work corrupt people. These are the very things that destroy them. Jude 1:10-11. Devil’s work
rots the life in us but the work of Holy Spirit gives more life to us.

Cling to the Lord. Be with Him. Spend time with Him.

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