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In an earlier study conducted by Kumari (2014), it is important to consider why personality should

be expected to be correlated with academic performance when most measures of personality,

including the Five Factor Model, were not designed to predict academic performance. Therefore,
the idea that intelligence, socioeconomic status and personality each affect socially-valued
behaviors is consistent with the proposal that performance in both work and academic settings is
determined by factors relating to capacity to perform, opportunity to perform and willingness to

Indeed, complexities and challenging demands of personality sometimes affect the way students
appreciate the value of education through maintaining their academic performance that measures
their ability to demonstrate knowledge, values and skills (Laguador & Pesigan, 2013). If looking
in a narrow perspective, personality has a big impact in student’s academic performance. It reflects
in their work, performance, and outcome. Proper knowledge and understanding will greatly help
them in balancing their personality and academic performance.

Meanwhile, Saxena and Mishra (2015) argued that confidence, communication etc. have been
umpteen numbers of times seen as traits leading to high success of the individuals possessing the
same and on the contrary those who had visible absence of these traits were more likely to face
failure. This presented that performance in academics is also highly valued in society. Society
treats such individual on the pedestal and they get all the respect and adulation from family, friends
and peers. Though things are changing and on account of globalization, some other careers such
as music, sports etc. are also emerging but academics and personality continues to be a big hit
among the students.

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