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Unit 5: Rosemary and the Four Gnomes

Listening & Speaking: Princess Arabella

Stage Learning Standard: Lexical Sets:
1.1.4 Able to talk about Monsters, prince, King,
Word related topics with Queen, mountains,
guidance. dungeon, princess

Learning Outcomes : Materials :
Sentence Pupils should be able to Textbook pg. 43
(ii) Answer questions based PowerPoint Slides of
on the story heard. the story,
Whole Text figurines/puppets
(iii) Predict the ending of the

Task Procedures :

1. Teacher asks the pupils about the story that they read last week. (Rosemary and
the Four Gutsy Gnomes)
2. Pupils share their feedback about the story
3. Teacher introduces a new story, Princess Arabella and shows the PowerPoint of
the story.
4. Pupils answer the questions posed by the teacher based on the pictures on the
Examples :
Where did the King and Queen live?
Who kidnapped the princess?
Where the monsters locked the princess?
5. Teacher divides pupils into 7 groups. Each group will be given a picture.
6. Pupils will discuss about the picture in a group and present in front of the class.
7. Note: Guide pupils to formulate questions, based on their level of proficiency.
Who fought with the monsters?
8. Pupils predict the ending of the story and share them with their friends.
Managing errors and mistakes:
1. Use “Ting Tong” if pupils circled the characters and objects wrongly.
Reward and feedback :
1. Praise pupils when they answer your questions correctly. (Awesome, Excellent)
2. Give Mickey Mouse blue stamp for the group members after the presentation.

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