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Field Study 4

Episode 9: Approaches to Curriculum Design

I. FS Learning Episode Overview

This episode emphasizes the different ways at working at the curriculum.

It explains various curriculum design models and how these are applied in
the school setting.

II. Desired Learning Outcome

a. Explain the characteristics of each curriculum design model

b. Cite situations on how these models are used in various schools.
c. Observe classes how these curriculum models are applied in school setting.

III. Performance Criteria

It will be rated along the following:

a. Quality of the observation and documentation
b. Completeness and depth of analysis
c. Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection and;
d. Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio
e. Time of submission of portfolio.

IV. Learning Essential

Types of Curriculum Design

1. Subject-Centered
 Its curriculum design has variations which are focused on the
individual subject, specific discipline and combination of subjects or
disciplines thus interdisciplinary.
2. Learner-Centered
 The learner is the center of the educative process.
3. Problem-Centered
 This design draws on social problems, needs, interests and abilities of
the learner.
My Map

Interview a teacher
and ask the features
of each curriculum

Interview 4 people and

ask them about their
perception on K-12.

Visit teacher education

Institution and secure a
copy of an OBE-based

Prepare your
My Learning Activities.

Activity 1.
These are types of Curriculum design Models. Complete the template given below by
citing their best features or advantage.

Curriculum design Models Best Features

1. Subject-centered Design
1.1. Subject design The subject matter serves as means of identifying problems in
1.2. Discipline Design Discipline refers to a specific knowledge and through a method
which the scholars use to study a specific content of their
1.3. Correlation Design This comes from a core correlated curriculum designs that links
separate subject design in order to reduce fragmentation.
Subjects are related to one another but its subject maintain its
1.4. Scrap field Design/Interdisciplinary This design was made to prevent a compartmentalization of
design subjects and integrate the contents that are related to each
2. Learner-Centered Design
2.1 Child-centered Design It is anchored on the needs and interests of the child. The
learner is not considered as a passive individual but as one
who engages with his/her environment.
2.2. Experience-Centered Design Experiences of the learners become the starting point of the
curriculum. Thus, the environment Is left open and free.
Learners are made to choose from various activities that
teachers provides. The learners are empowered to shape their
own learning from the different opportunities given by the
2.3. Humanistic Design The development of self is the ultimate objective of learning. It
stresses the whole person and the integration of thinking,
feeling and doing.
3. Problem-centered Design
3.1. Life Situation Design It uses the past and present experiences of learners as a mean
to analyse the basic areas of living.
3.2. Core problem Design It centers on general education and the problems are based on
common human activities.
Our Analysis

K-12 Curriculum designs for the learners to have enough time to perform their tasks or activities because it
is said to be taught in san of 12 years.
Everything teachers do must be clearly focused on what they want students to know, understand and be
able to do. In other words, teachers should develop focus on helping students to develop the knowledge,
skills and personalities that will enable them to achieve the intended outcome that they have been clearly
- Ivy Shainne Domo

Based on the OBE based syllabus that I’ve gathered, I have been that the components stated are aligned
with the intended learning outcomes.
The components are arranged in the spiral progression which is from simple to complex, and every level
that followed are not change, only that it adds the skill that makes it more challenging for a child to
- Mary France Bagasala

Outcome Based Education it is the goal that present the knowledge and skills to provide student with an
environment in which to learn. Teacher should be ready and mastered his/her lesson and at the end of the
lesson he/she will expect that the students understand the lesson.
In this activity the student must develop the skills, knowledge and behaviour. The teacher will develop the
student’s full potential in actual behaviour to have a lifelong learning outcomes.
- Jurnalyn Pecat

The OBE-Based syllabus starts with a clear picture that that is important for the pupils to be able to do so.
This curriculum is organized instruction and assessment are implemented to make sure this learning
ultimately happened. The activities are design with the intended learning outcomes. Task are being
described so that students can be able to perform a given level of competence under a certain situation.

- Derozzi Borje
Our Insights…

With K-12 Education, Filipino In this activity, I interviewed teacher

professionals who aspire to work on perception about the K-12
abroad will not have a hard time program. She stress about the DEPED
getting jobs in their chosen field, order that the students must
further more they will be able to help become competitive globally and
their families here in the Philippines skilful learners. I should be ready to
more with remittances, property achieved my objective in every
purchase and small businesses. lesson, because once the teacher
knows about he/she do then the
We must support the K-12 Curriculum
students have a good outcome.
to improve our educational system
and economy,
- Ivy Shainne Domo - Jurnalyn Pecat

K-12 program prepared the students

Our government have also made a
to be globally competitive in the
good decision in implementing the K-2
future. Our government implement
program/curriculum in a way that it
this program or curriculum that help
helps the students to be more
the students ready in the future
competent and mere ready in their
careers. They offer many
future careers. It also give benefits to
specialization that every students
our country to be more progressive.
want to enhanced their skills that they
will able to use in their future career.

- Derozzi Borje - Mary France Bagasala

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Personal Insights...

In completing the activity, I was able to distinguish the best features of different curriculum
design models and as a teacher I was able to learn different ways to deliver my lesson. Also
upon accomplishing this activity I was able to choose what curriculum design suited for me
and for my future students because with this knowledge, I am able to formulate a strategies,
method and techniques that will help my students to enhanced their skills.

- Ivy Shainne Repala Domo

The curriculum designs will benefit both the teachers and students because without the
teachers and students, the curriculum will not be implemented well and the students will
not learn. As a future teacher, tis curriculum assigns will really help to enhance the quality
education because not focuses not only in cognitive but also in affective and psychomotor
development. This design focuses on the knowledge, skills and attitude which, it have
greater contribution to make a person a learner to become a fully human.

- Mary France Bagasala.

In this activity the curriculum design model views as their best features and I can compare
their different characteristics where would be the best for both students and teacher.

As a future teacher, I would like to impose the learner-centered design model. The teacher
must be facilitator, knower, innovator and etc. these characteristics of the teacher would
be able to exercise their own learning from the different opportunities given by the
teacher and it stresses their development of positive self-concept and interpersonal skills.

- Jurnalyn Pecat

Curriculum design is about how a person envision what curriculum should be. There are
several standard models of curriculum design. One of the most prominent is the subject-
centered design divides the curriculum into nice and in real subjects such as science, math,
history, literature and etc. this structuring the disciplines is for practical reasons. It
organized the curriculum into basic concepts that are combined based what they have in
common. The essential knowledge of each area is gathered together to be taught to
students or learners.

- Derossi Borje
Activity 2
Interview at least four (4) people and ask them their perception about the K to 12


Student- teacher

With the new curriculum senior high Filipino graduates will be

school students can be specialized in automatically recognized as
the field that they are good and professionals abroad because we
interested in. as a result, upon are now following the
graduating they have will have the international education standard
specific job-related skills they need as practiced by all nations.
even without the college degree.


Parent Student

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