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In[1]:= A = 882, 4<, 87, 3<<

Out[1]= 882, 4<, 87, 3<<

In[2]:= Print@"A=", MatrixForm@ADD

2 4
7 3

In[3]:= A = 882, 4<, 87, 3<<

Out[3]= 882, 4<, 87, 3<<

In[4]:= B = 888, 9<, 85, 1<<

Out[4]= 888, 9<, 85, 1<<

In[6]:= Print@"A+B=", MatrixForm@A + BDD

10 13
12 4

In[7]:= Transpose@AD
Out[7]= 882, 7<, 84, 3<<

In[8]:= Print@"Transpose of A=", MatrixForm@Transpose@ADDD

2 7
Transpose of A=K
4 3

In[9]:= PrintA"A t =", MatrixForm@Transpose@ADDE

2 7
At =K
4 3

In[11]:= Print@"A.B=", MatrixForm@A.BDD

36 22
71 66

In[12]:= 882, 3<, 85, 6<<  MatrixForm


2 3
5 6

In[13]:= Inverse@882, 3<, 85, 6<<D

:8- 2, 1<, : , - >>

5 2
3 3

In[14]:= Inverse@AD

::- >, : >>

3 2 7 1
Out[14]= , ,-
22 11 22 11
2 Sonali 77060.nb

In[15]:= PrintA"A -1 ", MatrixForm@Inverse@ADDE

3 2
A-1 22
22 11

In[16]:= Det@AD
Out[16]= - 22

In[17]:= d = Det@AD
Out[17]= - 22

In[19]:= If@d == 0, Print@"A is singular"D, Print@"A is non singular"DD;

A is singular

In[21]:= If@d == 0, Print@"Inverse of the given matrix does not exists"D,

Print@"The inverse of the matrix is =", MatrixForm@Inverse@ADDDD
Inverse of the given matrix does not exists

In[28]:= A = 882, 4, 7<, 88, 9, 3<, 88, 4, 4<<

Out[28]= 882, 4, 7<, 88, 9, 3<, 88, 4, 4<<

In[27]:= B = 887, 9, 5<, 86, 3, 2<, 81, 5, 1<<

Out[27]= 887, 9, 5<, 86, 3, 2<, 81, 5, 1<<

In[29]:= Print@"A+B=", MatrixForm@A + BDD

9 13 12
A+B= 14 12 5
9 9 5

In[31]:= Print@"A.B=", MatrixForm@A.BDD

45 65 25
A.B= 113 114 61
84 104 52

In[33]:= PrintA"A.B‚-1 =", MatrixForm@A.Inverse@BDDE

159 71 161
- -
50 25 50
11 34 69
A.B‚-1 = -
50 25 50
18 16 22
25 25 25

In[34]:= PrintA"A.B‚t =", MatrixForm@A.Transpose@BDDE

85 38 29
A.B‚t = 152 81 56
112 68 32

In[35]:= Det@AD
Out[35]= - 264
Sonali 77060.nb 3

In[36]:= Det@BD
Out[36]= 50

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