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My first time experience in Bali

At 55 I have just gone to Bali for the first time with my husband. We stayed in Seminyak
and had a wonderful time. We took Jetstar in economy over and were in 2nd last row and
even then by time off plane purchasing VOA and Immigration took about 1 hour - wasn't
too bad. Departing last night, Jetstar was late by one hour but we had paid to go Business
class so it was not that bad. We sat in Premier Lounge - not a great selection of food or
wine (wine is my thing) but it was enjoyable anyway. Of course, new airport is underway
and things may be different once that is up and running. We didn't get sick or robbed or
bitten. Yes, footpaths are broken and or missing and some smells but that didn't
16deter us. People were friendly and so polite. The weather was just fantastic. When
asked to take what looked like post cards we politely said "no thank you " and that was
the last of it. Bintang beer mostly $2.50 very cheap and was the food and we ate in good
restaurants - La Lucciola, Breeze, Sardine, Sarong and Metis. As we had breakfast
supplied at The Samaya we didn't need lunch and we were given fruit salad by the pool
and afternoon tea so only dinner was required. We enjoyed Sarong in particular. We used
hand sanitizer and luckily for us we didn't get the dreaded dire - rear. A driver took us to
Ubud and Jimbaran Bay and through Kuta. Mostly this was a relaxing one week there.
Manicures, pedicures, hair, massage were so cheap - roughly $8 - we had these done at
Body Works in Seminyak. I also had Wendy the dressmaker come to our hotel and made
me skirts which I was very happy with. This morning in Sydney airport, it took us just 30
minutes to be off the plane and into a taxi. Jetstar made up time flying home - only 5 hours
and 10 minutes. It was all a breeze. Bali had never been on my to do list, but I will be
going back that is for sure.

1.What happened when they were about to leave for Bali?

A. They needed to cancel their trip.

B. They needed to put their trip off.

C. The plane crashed.

D. The adverse weather prompted the plane to delay.

E. The plane was late for an hour.

Jawbaan: E


Pada bagian awal teks terdapat kalimat “… and even then by time off plane purchasing
VOA and Immigration took about 1 hour - wasn't too bad” yang artinya ketika mereka
akan berangkat ke Bali dengan pesawat, keberangkatannya harus tertunda selama 1
jam, maka jawaban E yang tepat.
1. Anies Rasyid Baswedan was born on 7 May 1969.

2. He was also a rector of a private university before being appointed as a minister.

3. He is an Indonesian academic, activist, and politician.

4. Before being a governor, he served as Minister of Education and Culture.

5. He has currently served as Governor of Jakarta since October 2017.

2.Arrange the sentences above based on the appropriate procedural text….

A. 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2

B. 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4

C. 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2

D. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2

E. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2

Jawaban: A


Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2) karena urutan pertama memiliki

arti: Anies Rasyid Baswedan lahir pada 7 Mei, 1969. Kalimat ini cocok sebagai pembuka
paragraph. Lalu, kita ketahui bahwa beliau seorang politisi, aktivis dan akademisi. Maka,
urutan 3 merupakan urutan beriutnya. Setelah itu, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa saat
ini beliau menduduki kursi nommor satu di DKI Jakarta. Maka, urutan berikutnya yang
tepat adalah 5. Kemudian, sebelum menjadi gubernur beliau merupakan Mentri
Pendidikan dan sebelum menjadi Mentri Pendidikan beliau merupakan rektor salah satu
universitas swasta, jadi urutan terakhir adalah 4 dan 2.

Fadli : Look at this, Putri! I passed the math test with an A.

Putri : … You finally conquered the test! Congratulations.

Fadli : I would not make it without you, Putri. You’re a very excellent teacher. You taught
me how to pass the test.

Putri : Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are supposed to do.
3.What is the appropriate sentence to fill the gap above?

A. That's too bad!

B. I can’t believe this!

C. You could do much better!

D. I can’t trust you!

E. How bad it is!

Jawaban: B


Konteks di atas menceritakan bahwa Fadli yang mendapat nilai ujian dengan predikat A.
Lalu, Putri merasa terkejut mendengarnya: You finally conquered the test! (Akhirnya,
kamu bisa menakhlukkan tesnya!) Di sini, kita bisa dapati bahwa jawaban yang tepat
untuk melengkapi dialog di atas adalah B (I can’t believe this!) atau ‘Aku tidak bisa
mempercayai ini!’

The text below is for queries 1 to 2

Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and exporter, after Brazil and
Vietnam. National coffee output has grown over the past decades, albeit not in a linear
fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one year to another depending on the weather.
With per-capita coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia and the wider region,
there is obvious room for further growth, but there is also an obvious need for investment.
The capital required to take Indonesia’s coffee industry to the next level presents
appealing prospects for investors, while the country’s burgeoning coffee culture also
brings opportunities for foreign exporters.

Indonesia’s tropical climate produces almost ideal conditions for planting coffee. Today,
most Indonesian coffee comes from Sumatra, but Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the Lesser
Sunda Islands of Bali, Sumbawa and Flores as well as the country’s easternmost region
of Papua all contribute to national output. Robusta coffee makes up more than three
quarters of Indonesia’s produce; the remainder is of the milder Arabica type. The
numerous coffee-growing regions in the country produce beans of distinct flavors and
properties, and a number of highland Arabica coffees from Indonesia are recognized by
aficionados the world over.

Indonesian coffee exports rose from 336,840 tonnes (or 5,614,000 60-KG bags) in crop
year 2000/2001 to 656,400 tonnes (10,940,000 bags) in 2012/2013, according to data
collated by the International Coffee Organization. Total production over the same period
increased from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes. At present, the principal destinations
for Indonesian coffee are the US, Japan and Western Europe (particularly Germany), but
Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN region and
in China.

Indonesian per-capita consumption of around 1.2 kg in 2012 pales against more than 4
kg in the US, around 7 kg in the world’s number one coffee producer Brazil and more than
10 kg in various European countries. But with Indonesian per-capita consumption having
already doubled in just a few years, domestic demand looks to be on a fast growth trend.
This puts the world’s fourth-most populous country on course to become a leading coffee
market. Local demand is driven by the lifestyle changes that accompany urbanization and
economic development. Caffeine consumption tends to increase when a larger part of the
labor force works in an office environment.

1. What is the best summary of the passage?

A. The primary destinations for Indonesian coffee export are the US, Japan and
Western Europe
B. Total production of Indonesian coffee over the same period has increased
C. Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN
D. The various coffee-growing in the country produce beans of distinct flavors
E. Indonesia’s coffee growing and Indonesia’s coffee industry needs growth capital

Answer: E

Ringkasan yang tepat dari teks di atas adalah pilihan jawaban (E) Indonesia’s coffee
growing and Indonesia’s coffee industry needs growth capital yang bermakna
“Perkembangan kopi Indonesia dan industri kopi Indonesia perlu pertumbuhan modal”
karena kalimat ini mewakili isi dari teks di atas sebagaimana yang tercantum di kalimat
utama paragraf pertama “Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and
exporter, after Brazil and Vietnam. National coffee output has grown over the past
decades, albeit not in a linear fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one year to
another depending on the weather. With per-capita coffee consumption on the rise both
in Indonesia and the wider region, there is obvious room for further growth, but there is
also an obvious need for investment.”

2. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 in the passage?

A. The coffee export has decreased in several years

B. Total production deducted from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes
C. Indonesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013
D. Indonesia is in a good site to take advantage of fast-rising demand in ASEAN
E. The US, Japan and Western Europe are the destination for Indonesian coffee

Answer: C
Dari paragraf ke-3 bisa disimpulkan bahwa ekspor kopi Indonesia telah meningkat dari
tahun 2000/2001 sampai tahun 2012/2013. Ini ada pada awal kalimat paragraf ke-3
tersebut. Maka pilihan jawaban (C) Indonesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001
to 2012/2013 merupakan opsi yang tepat.

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