Biochem-Rebecca NEET Recall 2020 PDF

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SoLVED BY Dr Rebecca James

Credits –My beloved students

Few thoughts to share:-
This years NEET questions are reflections of the new change in curriculum
that happened this year onwards.
Integrated teaching and questions are the key change I am seeing in all the
Don’t think only clinical questions and no biochemistry questions or
physiology questions or pathology .There is all these basic subjects hidden
in all the question.
Basics are the pillar stones of any clinical subjects .
This pattern will be the transition to accommodate the new changes in the
I am predicting even ethics, communication and attitudes called AETCOM will
also be assessed in the future exams as its a part of new curriculum.
As a faculty who cater this new CBME and a student of advanced course in
Medical education ACME by MCI . I am seeing and also studying the new
changes in medical education i.e. CBME
1. If the percentage of thymine residues in
DNA is 28%. What is the percentage of
cytosine? A. 28%
B. 44%
C. 36%
D. 22%
SARB 5/e page 381 & 383 Chargaff’s rule
Marrow Video 59 Structure of DNA 53:51
2. A patient complains of knee pain . Routine
investigations are unremarkable and still, the
patient is unsatisfied. Urine turns black on
standing, What is the enzyme involved?
A. Homogentisate oxidase
B. Xanthine oxidase
SARB 5/e page 35 ;Biochemical defect Clinical
presentation of alkaptonuria Marrow Video 47
Metabolic disorders of Phe &Tyr 05:15
3. Non-competitive inhibition has:
A. Normal Km and increased Vmax
B. Normal Km and decreased Vmax
C. Decreased Km and decreased Vmax
D. Decreased Km and increased Vmax
SARB 5/e page 117 Noncompetitive
inhibition Marrow Video 80 Enzyme
inhibition 19:10
4. Female, on maize as a staple diet. History of
diarrhoea and lesion in the neck region. It is
due to the deficiency of?
A. Niacin
B. Zinc
C. Thiamine
D. ?
SARB 5/e Page 320 High yield points -Niacin
Marrow Video 86 B complex vitamin 57:43
5. Replacing alanine by which amino acid, will
increase UV absorbance of protein at 280nm
A. Tryptophan
B. Arginine
C. Guanine
D. Lysine
SARB 5/e page 8 Amino acids absorb uv light
Marrow Video 41 Properties of Amino acids
6. NO is synthesized from:
A. L arginine
B. L citrulline
C. Glycine
D. Lysine
SARB 5/e Metabolic functions of Arginine page
Marrow 56 Video 54 Basic amino acids 15:31
7. Apolipoprotein B 48
A. RNA alternate splicing
B. RNA editing
C. DNA editing
D. RNA interference
SARB 5/e page 401 RNA editing Marrow Video
60 Post transcriptional modfn 46:34
8. Which absorbs least water?
A. Mucilage
B. Hemicellulose
C. Gums/lignin
D. Pectin
SARB 5/e page 146 Dietary fibres Concept is
insoluble soluble fibres absorb least water
Insoluble fibres are Cellulose, Hemicellulose,
Lignin. Two answers possible lignin and
9. Vitamin B12 is found maximum in
A. Animal products
B. Green leafy vegetables
C. Roots and tubers
SARB 5/e page 324 Causes of B12
deficiency Marrow Video 87
Haematopoetic vitamin 01:47
10. Enzyme activated by decrease in
insulin:glucagon ratio
A. Glucokinase
B. Hexokinase
D. Glucose 6 phosphatase
Concept covered in SARB 5/e page 165
Marrow Video 5 Concept of hormonal
regulation 10:39 & Video 19 Regulation of
gluconeogenesis 01:52
11.Proteoglycan present in Glomerular
basement membrane
A. Heparan sulphate
B. Keratan sulphate
C. Hyaluronic acid
D. Dermatan sulphate
SARB 5/e page 139 Important points of GAG
Marrow Video 10 Glycosamino Glycan 17:
07 &27:47
12. Image of casals necklace -Which vitamin
A. B12
B. B1
C. B2
D. B3
SARB 5/e Page 320 High yield points -Niacin
Marrow Video 86 B complex vitamin 57:43
13. Which of the following binds to Tyrosine
kinase receptor?
B. Insulin
Marrow Video no 4 Mechanism of action of
14. A 45 year old man presents with paresthesia. Hb=6
g/dl. Peripheral smear shows macrocytes and
neutrophils with hypersegmented nuclei. Endoscopy
reveals atropic gastritis. Which of the following
deficiency is more likely?
A. Vitamin B12 deficiency
B. Niacin deficiency
C. Riboflavin deficiency
D. Folate deficiency
SARB 5/e page 324 Causes of B12 deficiency
Marrow Video 87 Haematopoetic vitamin 01:47
15. Clinical scenario of Marfan Syndrome with
image of pedigree
SARB 5/e Pedigree analysis Molecular genetics
16. Which of the following is the etiology of werner syndrome with
premature aging?
A. Increased length of telomere
B. Short telomere with damaged DNA and loss of helicase
C. Increased advanced glycation end products
D. Decreased lipid peroxidation

These kind of questions can be answered by excluding other options

Increased length of telomerase not correct as its shortening causes
premature aging, so best answer will be B.
C & D are definitely not the answer
But according to latest concept its a defect in homologous
recombination as double strand break DNA repair defect
17.In a preterm baby with respiratory distress
syndrome, which of the following lipid would
be deficient?
A. Sphingomyelin
B. Cardiolipin
C. Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline
D. None of the above
Marrow Video Phospholipid 17:59
SARB 5/e Phospholipid
22. Which of the following drugs act by
inhibiting DNA replication?
• A. 6 Mercaptopurine
• B. Actinomycin D
• C. Mitomycin C
• D. Asparaginase
SARB 5/e Chemistry of nucleic acid
23. Which of the following drug acts by
inhibiting the transcription of DNA to RNA?
• a. Novobiocin
• b. Nitrofurantoin
• c. Ciprofloxacin
• d. Rifampicin
SARB 5/e transcription

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