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Executive summary

In the present era of tech savvy people technology has become an integral part
of day to day life even the most routine works are being carried out with tools
which has some or the other element of technology involved in it be it shopping,
day to day routine house works etc. who would have ever thought that door step
car cleaning which is a highly unorganised segment would inclined towards an
organised segment with the help of app based technology which makes car
cleaning easy and convenient than ever before Clarowash is one such tech
enabled start-up which provides door step steam was car cleaning services it’s
not that Clarowash is the first one of its kind but there were some loop holes
in it as there is non-availably of water and electricity together at the same time
Clarowash is expanding its reach through different channels which includes pre
owned car dealers, daily car cleaning on monthly subscription basis.

Objectives of the internship

1) To learn channel management

2) Practical exposure of channel sales

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