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1. Using a 100 m tape that is 0.02 m too short, the measured distance from A to B is
160.42 m, what is the correct distance from line AB?
2. 30-m steel tape, known to be 30.006 (under standard conditions) was used to record
a measurement of 119.898 m. What is the correct distance for erroneous tape length?
3. The correct distance between two points is 220.45 m. Using a 100 m tape that is ‘x’
m too long, the length to be laid on the ground should be 220.406 m. Find the value
of ‘x’.
4. A tape has a standard length at 20°C, a line was measured at a temperature of 3°C. If
the coefficient of thermal expansion is 0.0000116 m/°C and its true horizontal
length is 865.30, what us the measured length in meters?
5. A steel tape is 100 m long at a standard pull of 65 N. Compute the pull correction in
mm if during measurement the applied pull is 40 N. The tape has a cross-sectional
area of 3.18 mm2 and E=200 GPa. If the measured length of the line is 865.30, what
is the corrected distance?
6. A 50-m steel tape weighing 1.75 kg is constantly supported at mid-length and at its
end points, and is used to measure a line AB with steady pull of 6.5 kg. If the
measured length of AB is 1349.6 m, determine the correct length of line AB.
7. A line 100 m long was paced by a surveyor for four times with the following data
142, 145.5, 145 and 146. Then another line was paced for four times again with 893,
893.5, 891 and 895 paces. Determine the length of the line

8. Number of measurements was tabulated in the table shown, determine the most
probable error of the mean.
Distance 612.12 612.14 612.16 612.18 612.20
9. Given the table, determine the most probable value in the difference in elevation.
∆Elevation Distance
62.12 2.8
62.85 3.8
63.16 3.0
10. Number of measurements was tabulated in the table shown, determine the most
probable value of the distance.
Distance Measurements
612.12 4
612.14 2
612.16 3
612.18 5
612.20 6
11. Number of measurements as tabulated in the table shown, determine the most
probable value of the distance.
Distance Probable Error
612.12 0.2
612.14 0.4
612.16 0.3
612.18 0.5
612.20 0.6
12. Assume that a line is measured in three sections, with errors in the individual parts
equal to ±0.012, ±0.028, ±0.020 ft respectively. Determine the anticipated error of
the total length.
13. For a rectangular lot, observations of sides A and B with their 95 % errors are
(252.46, ± 0.053) ft and (605.08, ± 0.072) ft, respectively. Calculate the expected
error in area.

14. An observer standing on the shoreline of a lake can just see the op of a tower on an
island if the eye of the observer is 1.655 m above lake level and the op of the tower
is 15.220 m above lake level, how far is the tower form the observer?
15. Point A is in between points B and C, the distances of B and C from point A are
1000 m and 2000 m respectively. Measure from point A, the angle of elevation of
point B is 18°13’ while that of C as ø. The difference in the elevations of B and C is
44.4 m provided that B has higher elevation. Considering the effects of curvature
and refraction, what is the value of ø?

16. With the use of an engineer’s level, the reading on a rod 80 m away was found to be
2.82 m. The bubble was leveled through 5 spaces on the level tube and the rod
reading increased to 2.884 m. What is the radius of curvature of the level tube if one
space on the tube is 0.6 mm long?
17. The horizontal axis of a transit was inclined at 4’ with the horizontal due to non-
adjustment. The first sight had a vertical angle of 50ᵒ, the next had -30ᵒ. Determine
the error in the measured horizontal angle.
18. In the two peg test of dumpy level, the following observations are taken. What is the
true difference in elevation between A and B?
Inst. at A Inst. at B
Rod rdg. on A 1.508 0.938
Rod rdg. on B 2.024 1.449

SITUATION: A transit with a stadia constant equal to 0.30 is used to determine the
horizontal distance between points A and B, with a stadia intercept reading of 1.85 m. The
distance AB is equal to 182.87 m.
1. Compute the stadia interval factor.
2. Using the same instrument, it was used to determine the difference in elevation
between A and C having a stadia intercept reading of 2.42 m at C at a vertical angle
of +6ᵒ30’. Compute the difference in elevation between A and C.
3. Compute the horizontal distance between A and C.
Profile Leveling

1. Using the following notes, what is the elevation of BM14? Find the difference in
elevation between BM13 and BM14.
Station BS FS Elevation
BM12 4.64 209.65
1 5.80 5.06
2 2.25 5.02
BM13 6.02 5.85
3 8.96 4.34
4 8.06 3.22
5 9.45 3.71
6 12.32 2.02
BM14 1.98

2. A traverse has he following data:

Line Bearing Distance

AB N73°23’E 33.48
BC S39°30’E 8.11
CD S43°40’W 39.42
DE N39°50’W 7.08
EA N17°33’W 22.02
Adjust the distance and bearing using a) compass rule b) transit rule.

Area Computation by DMD and DPD Method

3. Given the data, find the area of traverse.

Line Lat Dep
AB 9.2 32.43
BC -6.35 5.25
CD -28.96 -26.8
DE 5.36 -4.47
EA 20.75 -6.41
Calculate the area of the traverse.

Area Computation by Offset Distances

SIT UATION: Given are the notes for the perpendicular offsets of a certain curved boundary
Station Offset Station Offset
(m) (m)
0+100 2.0 0+136 5.0
0+109 3.2 0+145 4.5
0+118 4.0 0+154 6.0
0+127 3.5 0+163 7.0
4. Approximate the area using Trapezoidal rule.
5. Approximate the area using Simpson’s rule.
Omitted Measurements/Missing Data

6. A closed traverse has the following data. Find the missing data.
Course Bearing Distance
1-2 N9.27°E 58.7
2-3 S88.43°E 27.3
5-6 S5.3°E 35
6-1 S72.07°W 78.96

7. A closed traverse has the following data. Find the missing data.
Course Bearing Distance
1-2 S15°36’W 24.22
2-3 S69°11’E 15.92
3-4 N57°58’E
5-6 S80°43’W

Horizontal Curves

A. Simple
8. A 3° curve has an angle of intersection of 24°, what is the length of the long chord
and the length of the curve.
9. A simple curve with tangents AV and VE have azimuths of 260°48’ and 285°40’
respectively. Point B is taken along AV and C along VE. The azimuth and distance of
BC are 272°16’ and 61.22 m respectively. The degree of curve is 5°. If the stationing
of point B is 8+126.3, determine the stationing of PT.

B. Compound
10. A long chord from PC to PT of a compound curve is 180 m long and the angle it
makes with the longer and shorter tangents are 12° and 18° respectively. Find the
difference in radius of the compound curve if the common tangent will be parallel to
the long chord.
11. A compound curve has a common tangent equal to 140 m. The first curve has a radius
equal to 194 m and has a subtended angle of 24ᵒ while the second curve has a central
angle of 34ᵒ. What is the degree of second curve?

C. Reverse
12. A reverse curve has the following properties:
Degree of curve, D1 = 3ᵒ
Central angle, I1 = 24ᵒ
Degree of curve, D2 = 4ᵒ
Central angle, I2 = 38ᵒ
Stationing of PC = 67 + 345.23
Determine the stationing of PRC. Use arc basis.

D. Spiral
13. The degree of curve of the central curve of a spiral easement curve is equal to 6ᵒ. If
the maximum design velocity of the car passing thru the spiral curve is 75 kph,
determine the required length of spiral.
14. The length of spiral is 80 m with a radius of the central curve equal to 200 m.
Compute the spiral angle at the end point SC.
15. What is the appropriate radius of the central curve if an 80m spiral curve has a
distance along the tangent of 59.46 m at its third quarter point?
16. An 80 m spiral curve has an external distance of 20.5 m. Determine the radius of
central curve if the angle of intersection of spiral tangents is 40ᵒ.


SIT A. At station 10+100, the center height of the road is 4.5 m cut, while at station
10+180, it is 2.6 m fill. The ground from station 9+220 to the other station has a
uniform slope of -6%.
1. What is the grade of the road?
2. How far in meters, from station 10+180 toward station 10+100 will the filling extend?
3. At what station will the filling extend?

SIT B. Given the following data of the cross section of an earthwork:

Station 1 + 100
2.75 1.5 0.5
9.5 0 5

Station 1 + 120
2.25 1 0.8
9 0 5.6
4. If the width of the base is 8 m, compute the volume between stations using average
area method.
5. Compute the volume of between stations using prismoidal formula.
6. Compute the prismoidal correction.

SIT C. The areas in cut of two irregular sections 40 m apart are 32 m 2 and 68 m2. The base
width is 10 m and the side slope is 1:1. Find the corrected volume of cut in m3 using
the prismoidal correction formula.

Symmetrical Parabolic Curve

SIT D. A parabolic curve has a descending grade of -0.80% which meets an ascending
grade of 0.40% at station 10+020. The maximum allowable change of grade per 20-
m station is 0.15. Elevation at station 10+020 is 240.60 m.
7. What is the length of the curve?
8. Compute the elevation of the lowest point of the curve.
9. Compute the elevation at 10+000.

SIT E. A vertical summit parabolic curve has a vertical offset of 0.375 m from the curve to
the grade tangent at station 10+050. The curve has a slope of +4% and –2% grades
intersecting at the PI. The offset distance of the curve at PI is equal to 1.50 m. If the
stationing of the PC is at 10+000, determine the following:
10. Compute the required length of curve.
11. Compute the horizontal distance of the vertical curve turning point from the point of
intersection of grades.
12. Compute the elevation of the vertical curve turning point if the elevation of PT is
86.42 m.

Design of Pavements

SIT F. Determine the thickness of the different types of pavement using the given data.
13. A rigid pavement has a wheel load capacity of 54 kN. The allowable tensile stress of
concrete is 1.6 MPa. Neglect the effects of dowels.
14. A flexible pavement has a wheel load of 54 kN and an allowable bearing pressure on
the base of the pavement of 0.15 MPa. Use the principle of cone distribution. Assume
the equivalent radius of the contact area of the tires is 165 mm.
15. A pavement is subjected to an expansion pressure of 0.50 kg/cm2 with an average
pavement density of 0.05 kg/cm3.

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