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In this chapter focuses on theoretical background of this study especially

about Suggestopedia method, characteristic of Suggestopedia method,

principles of Suggestopedia method, The roles of Suggestopedia, techniques of

Suggestopedia, stages of Suggestopedia method, Procedures of Suggestopedia

method, advantages and disadvantages of Suggestopedia method, movie, genres

of movie, and synopsis of Hichki movie.

2.1 The Definition of Suggestopedia Method.

Suggestopedia is a teaching method that is based on a modern

understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most

effectively. Suggestopedia is a method developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist-

educator professor Georgi Lozanov, he was a psychiatrist psychotherapist,

brain physiologist and educational is who studied psychological suggestions

and applied his new suggest ology science to pedagogy. Suggestopedia is a

specific set of learning recommendations that are derived from suggestology,

which Lozanov describes as a "science concerned with the systematic study of

the notational and/or unconscious influences" that human beings are constantly

responding to. Suggestopedia tries to influence and redirect them to optimize

learning. The term 'Suggestopedia' is derived from suggestion and pedagogy, is

often used loosely to refer to similar accelerated learning approaches.


Suggestopedia is a teaching method, which focuses on how to deal with the

relationship between mental potential and learning ability and it is very

appropriate to use in teaching speaking for young language learners (Xue,

2005). Besides, DePorter (2008) assumed that the human brain could process

great quantities of material if given the right condition for learning in a state of

relaxation and claimed that most students use only 5 to 10 percent of their

mental capacity. Lazanov created a suggestopedia for learning that capitalized

on relaxed states of mind for maximum retention of material. Moreover,

Lozanov in Deporter & Hernacki (2015:14) has a principle that suggestion was

able and affect the result of the learning situation surely, and everything has a

negative or positive suggestion. Some technique that Lozanov use to give

positive suggestion is the use of comfortable music, use background music in

the class, increase individual participation and put useful posters in the wall.

Suggestopedia is an effective comprehensible input-based method with a

combination of Desuggestion and suggestion to achieve super learning. The

most important objective of Suggestopedia is to motivate more students’ mental

potential to learn and which obtained by suggestion. Desuggestion means

unloading the memory banks, or reserves, of unwanted or blocking memories.

The suggestion then means loading the memory banks with desired and

facilitating memories.

2.1.1 Characteristic of Suggestopedia

According to Richard, there are some characteristics of Suggestopedia,

those are the decoration, furniture, and arrangement of the classroom, the use of

music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher.

a. Decoration

In applying Suggestopedia, the decoration of the classroom should be

interested. The condition of the classroom should make the students happy and

decrease their boredom. For example, in learning vocabulary, the teacher can

put the picture related to the material on the wall or the whiteboard. Beside as

accessories, it helps the students easy to understand the topic learned. Harmer

stated that picture is a part of classroom ornamentation that can engage

students so the learning process will be more fun and interested.

b. Furniture

Furniture that can be used in the Suggestopedia method is equipment that

can help the learning process in the classroom. Such as the comfortable chair,

whiteboard, and cupboard.

c. Arrangement of the classroom

The classroom in Suggestopedia can be arranged in a comfortable

condition that can make the students comfort, for example, the arrangement of

the chair in the classroom. Most of the classrooms around the world students

sit in orderly rows. But in Suggestopedia the chair can be arranged more

interesting, depends on teachers‟ creativity. Teachers can arrange the

classroom freely to make students more relax and enjoy it.

d. The use of music.

The most important feature of Suggestopedia is the center of music and

musical rhythm to learning.18 The music on Suggestopedia has an important

function in the learning process, it is for therapy. The music facilitates the

establishment and maintenance of personal relations, to bring about increased

self- esteem through increased self-satisfaction in musical performance, and to

use the unique potential of rhythm to energize and bring order.

2.1.2 Principles of Suggestopedia.

Suggestopedia is based on three key principles viewed as interconnected

and interacted. Those principles are summarized as follows; first, the principle of

euphoria that refers to the ecstasy and absence of anxiety in a learning

environment that has to do with the general atmosphere in which teaching and

learning take place. Lozanov (1978) explained that the creation of a pleasant

learning atmosphere can help students to lower their levels of tension, fear,

anxiety and all other emotions that produce a negative attitude towards learning in

most conventional language classrooms. These feelings are normally aroused by a

lack of confidence in one's ability to understand, memorize and utilize the

material given in the lesson “(Lozanov: 1978: 264). The second principle is „the

unity of the conscious and the Para conscious” and the integration of brain

activity, which focuses on the human being as an integrated whole (Lozanov:


1978: 265). The last principle underlying this method is the suggestive link that

refers to the level of the reserve complex which calls for the creation of mutual

relations in the process of instruction as it occurs in psychotherapeutic practice.

Tacitly put, this principle refers to such principles of human learning such as

group learning, collaborative and cooperative learning and the social aspects of

learning. Suggestive links in suggestive group learning help to improve memory

and learning in the Suggestopedia system. Potentials for learning can be aroused

when people learning in a cooperative environment; as Lozanov suggests: “The

level of the suggestive link is measured by the degree to which the reserves of the

student have been tapped” (Lozanov: 1978: 266).

Furthermore, Freeman (1990:26) stated that if you want to apply

Suggestopedia you should notice the atmosphere of the class you seek to create

with the music, posters, and plants. Moreover, Suggestopedia has some principles

based on (Freeman: 2000:78-81), those principles are:

1. Learning is facilitated in a cheerful environment.

2. Students can learn from what is present in the environment, even if

their attention is not directed to it.

3. If students trust and respect the teacher’s authority, they will accept

and retain information better.

4. The teacher should recognize that learners bring certain

psychological barriers with them to the learning situation. She

should attempt to ‘Dessugest’ these.


5. Assuming a new identity enhances students’ feelings of security

and allows them to be more open. They feel less ashamed since

their performance is that of a different person.

6. The dialog that the students learn contains language they can use


7. Songs are useful for ‘freeing the speech muscles’ and cause

positive emotions.

8. The teacher should integrate indirect positive suggestions (‘there is

no limit to what you can do’) into the learning situation.

9. The teacher should present and explain grammar and vocabulary,

but not dwell on them.

10. Fine art (music, art, and drama) provides a positive suggestion to

reach the subconscious.

11. Communication takes place on a conscious and subconscious

plane. The students attend to the language and the music suggests

that learning is easy and pleasant.

12. A calm state, such as one experience when listening to a concert, is

ideal for overcoming psychological barriers and for taking

advantage of learning potential.

13. Dramatization is a valuable way of playfully activating the

material, fantasy reduces barriers to learning.


14. Music and movement reinforce the linguistic material, so they will

be more open to learning. If they trust the teacher, they will reach

this state easily.

Moreover, Lozanov (1978: 264) stated that the principle of “joy and absence

of tension and concentrative psycho-relaxation” requires joyful freedom in the

process of learning, in which the outward conduct of the students is not a

simulation of concentrated attention and good behavior”. According to this

principle, mental relaxation and “concentration without tension” are taken for

granted. The emotional unjamming creates conditions for calm intellectual-

mnemonic and creative activity without anxious tension, which is tiring and

energy-consuming to a high degree. Most frequently, this tension comes from the

lack of confidence in one’s ability to understand, memorize and utilize the

material given in the lesson.

2.1.3 The Roles of Teachers and Students in Suggestopedia Method.

In the Suggestopedia method, both the teacher and the students have their

roles. This is because teachers and students are at a different level and position, so

between the teacher and students has a different role to support this method. In

this method, the teacher is the authority in the classroom. For the method to be

successful, the students must trust and respect her. The students will retain

information better from someone in whom they have confidence since they will be

more responsive to her 'Desuggesting' their limitations and suggesting how easy it

will be for them to succeed. Once the students trust the teacher, they can feel more

secure. If they feel secure, they can be more spontaneous and less inhibited

(Freeman: 2000:81).

1. Learners’ roles.

Learners are expected to be committed to the class and its activities.

Smoking and drinking are prohibited or discouraged in class and around the

school during the course. Learners must forgo mind-altering substances and

other distractions and immerse themselves in the procedures of the method.

Learners must not try to figure out, manipulate, or study the material presented

but must maintain a pseudo-passive state, in which the material rolls over and

through them (Richards and Rodgers: 2001:149). Furthermore, according to

Freeman (1990:26), the students must be active in the learning process as well

as possible.

2. Teacher’s roles.

Lozanov, as cited in (Richards and Rodgers: 1999 :150), lists several

expected teacher behaviors that contribute to these presentations :

1. Show absolute confidence in the method.

2. Display fastidious conduct in manners and dress.

3. Organize properly and strictly observe the initial stages of the teaching

process. These include choice and play of music, as well as


4. Maintain a solemn attitude towards the session.

5. Give tests and respond tactfully to poor papers (if any).


6. Stress global rather than analytical attitudes towards the material.

7. Maintain a modest enthusiasm.

2.1.4 Techniques of Suggestopedia.

In according to freeman (2000:84) Suggestopedia method has principles as


1. Classroom set-up.

The challenge for the teacher is to create a classroom environment that is

bright and cheerful. This was accomplished in the classroom we visited where

the walls were decorated with scenes from a country where the target language

is spoken. These conditions are not always possible. However, the teacher

should try to provide a positive environment as possible.

2. Peripheral learning.

This technique is based on the idea that we perceive much more in our

environment than that to which we consciously attend. It is claimed that, by

putting posters containing grammatical information about the target language

on the classroom walls, students will absorb the necessary facts effortlessly.

The teacher may or may not call attention to the posters. They are changed

from time to time to provide grammatical information that is appropriate to

what the students are studying.


3. Positive suggestion

It is the teacher's responsibility to orchestrate the suggestive factors in a

learning situation, thereby helping students break down the barriers to learning

that they bring with them. Teachers can do this through direct and indirect

means. Direct suggestion appeals to the students' consciousness: A teacher

tells students they are going to be successful. But the indirect suggestion,

which appeals to the students' subconscious, is the more powerful of the two.

For example, the indirect suggestion was accomplished in the class we visited

through the choice of a dialog entitled, “To want is to be able to”.

4. Choose a new identity.

The students choose a target language name and a new occupation. As the

course continues, the students have an opportunity to develop a whole

biography about their fictional selves. For instance, later on, they may be

asked to talk or write about their fictional hometown, childhood, and family.

5. Roleplay.

Students are asked to pretend temporarily that they are someone else and

to perform in the target language as if they were that person. They are often

asked to create their lines relevant to the situation. In the lesson, we observed,

the students were asked to pretend that they were someone else.

2.1.5 Stages of Suggestopedia Method.

Suggestopedia method is a method that believes “the more confident

students feel, the better they will learn” (Freeman: 1990:26). In applying this

method some stages make this method different from another in according to

Freeman (2000:85):

1. The first concert (active concert).

The two concerts are components of the receptive phase of the lesson.

After the teacher has introduced the story as related in the dialog and ha called

students' attention to some particular grammatical points that arise in it, she

reads the dialog in the target language. The students have copies of the dialog

in the target language and their native language and refer to it as the teacher is

reading. Music is played. After a few minutes, the teacher begins a slow,

dramatic reading, synchronized in intonation with the music. The music is

classical; the early Romantic period is suggested. The teacher's voice rises and

falls with the music.

2. Second concert (passive concert).

In the second phase, the students are asked to put their scripts aside. They

simply listen as the teacher reads the dialog at a normal rate of speed. The

teacher is seated and reads with musical accompaniment. The content governs

the way the teacher reads the script, not the music, which is pre-Classical or

Baroque. After this concert, the class ends for the day.

3. Primary activation.

This technique and the one that follows arc components of the active phase

of the lesson. The students playfully reread the target language dialog out

loud, as individuals or in groups. In the lesson we observed, three groups of

students read parts of the dialog in a particular manner: the first group, sadly;

the next, angrily; the last, cheerfully.

4. Creative adaptation.

The students engage in various activities designed to help them learn the

new material and use it spontaneously. Activities particularly recommended

for this phase include singing, dancing, dramatizations, and games. The

important thing is that the activities are varied and do not allow the students to

focus on the form of the linguistic message, just the communicative intent.

Furthermore in according to (Bowen: 2011) the original form of

Suggestopedia consisted of the use of extended dialogues, often several pages

in length, accompanied by vocabulary lists and observations on grammatical

points. Typically these dialogues would be read aloud to the students to the

accompaniment of music. The most formal of these readings, known as the

"concert reading", would typically employ a memorable piece of classical

music such as a Beethoven symphony. This would not be in the form of

background music but would be the main focus of the reading, with the

teacher’s voice acting as a counterpoint to the music. Thus the "concert

reading" could be seen as a kind of pleasurable event, with the learners free to

focus on the music, the text or a combination of the two. The rhythm and

intonation of the reading would be exaggerated to fit in with the rhythm of the


2.1.6 Procedures of Suggestopedia method.

In the use of Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia, some procedures should

we know and should understand. To apply Suggestopedia we should pay more

attention to its procedures and understand it well to make this method became

more effective on it used. Brancroft as cited in Richards and Theodore (2001:105)

stated several procedures in Suggestopedia method as follows:

First, call as an oral review section. Previously learned material is used as

the basis for discussion by the teacher and the students in the class. All

participants sit in a circle in their specially designed chairs, and the discussion

proceeds like a seminar. This session may involve micro studies and macro

studies. In micro studies, specific attention is given to grammar, vocabulary, and

precise questions and answers. In the macro studies, emphasis on role-playing,

innovative language constructions. Second, new materials are presented and

discussed. This consists of looking over a new dialogue and its native language

translation and discussing any issues of grammar, vocabulary, or content that the

teacher feels important or which students are curious about. This section is

typically conducted in the target language, although student questions or

comments will be in whatever language in which students feel they can handle it.

Students are led to view the experience of dealing with the new material as

interesting and undemanding of any special effort or anxiety. The teacher’s

attitude and authority are considered critical to preparing students for success in

the learning to come. Third, the sense or concert session is the one by which

Suggestopedia is best known. This session is the heart of the method as quoted by

Lozanov as follows:

At the beginning of the session, all conversation stops for a minute or two,

and the teacher listens to the music coming from a tape recorder. He waits and

listens to several passages to enter into the mood of the music and then begins to

read or recite the new text, his voice modulated in harmony with the musical

phrases. The students follow the text in their text-books where each lesson is

translated into the mother tongue. Between the first and second part of the

concert, there are several minutes of solemn silence. In some cases, even longer

pause can be given to permit the students to stir a little. Before the beginning of

the second part of the concert, there are again several [minutes of silence and

some phrases of the music are heard again before the teacher begins to read the

text. Now the students close their text-books and listen to the teacher’s reading. In

the end, the students silently leave the room. They are not told to do any

homework on the lesson they have just had except for reading it cursorily once

before going to bed and again before getting up in the morning (Lozanov:


2.1.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Suggestopedia method

1. Advantages of Suggestopedia.

 Students can lower their effective filters.

 Classes are held in ordinary rooms with comfortable chairs, a

practice that may also help them relaxed.

 Authority concept.

 Students remember best and are most influenced by information

coming from an authoritative source, teachers.

 Double-planeness theory: It refers to learning from two aspects.

They are the conscious aspect and the subconscious one. Students

can acquire the aim of teaching instruction from both direct

instruction and the environment in which the teaching takes place.

 Peripheral learning: Suggestopedia encourages the students to

apply language more independently, takes more personal

responsibility for their learning and get more confidence.

Peripheral information can also help encourage students to be more

experimental, and look to sources other than the teacher for

language input.

2. Disadvantages of Suggestopedia.

The main disadvantages of Suggestopedia are as follow:

 Environment limitation: Most schools in developing countries have

large classes. Each class consists of 30 to 40 students. There should

be 12 students in the class.


 The use of hypnosis: Some people say that Suggestopedia uses

hypnosis, so it has bad deep effects on human beings. Lozanov

strongly denied it.

 Infantilization learning: Suggestopedia class is conditioned to be

the child-like situation. Some students do not like to be treated like

this as they think that they are mature.

2.2 Movie

Literature has many forms; they are poetry, novel, comic, soap opera,

electronic literature, graphic novel, movie or film, etc. Many people would like to

watch a movie better than reading a novel. Watching a movie gives us more

imagination in our mind and we have the freedom to control the movement when

we think about the character in the book, wherein the movie is passive.

Motion pictures, also called movies or films are one of the most popular

forms of entertainment. A movie or film is both art and business. It is an art

because it is made by creative people with vision and passion. The movie art form

is in many ways a composite of all the others, including writing, performance,

visual elements, sound, music, and design. Some of the most important artists of

our time have chosen movies as their means of communication.

The movie is also a business because most of the movies are made a profit.

Movies coast a great deal of money to make, and people and companies who

make them often do so in the hopes of attaining great fame fortune. A movie

provides us with the illusion of movement and sound and suspends our disbelief

to provide an entertaining, immersive experience for the viewer. The movie

presents us with a story or narrative that is re-enacted through the interaction of

characters. It can be argued that the cause and effect relationship in a movie is

governed largely by the characters’ actions that cause events to change.

The movie is one of the media of audiovisual that can be used to build the

attitude, emotion and evolving the problems. The movie is a medium of

communication-rich with social implications, created within a different social,

historical and cultural context (Afdilah, 2015). According to Champbell and

Sahafo (2015) movie has the power to transport your mind from the narrow,

impersonal bore of magnetic resonance imaging, magnet sound, and language.

The movie is made up of a plot and characters serve as the actors who act out a

story. The story of a movie can be considered the ‘original’ story a director or

writer had in mind which considers only the important events that occur for a

movie’s narrative to progress (Vassiliou, 2006).

The movie tells a story and has existents (characters, objects, and locations)

and events. In this work Movie, events describe events common to most movies,

e.g. action, dialogue, suspense, and emotional events. Its plot can be manifested in

many ways and can be considered its discourse.


2.3 Genres of Movie

The term, “genre” is very often, a vague way to identify a movie because

there are no fixed boundaries. Movie genres are also used for promotion,

criticism, and consumption. many of these different movie genres already have a

built-in audience and fan base along with media outlets like magazines and

websites that support their existence. The harder a movie is to categorize into a

genre, the harder it is to get made and they are often less successful than their

counterparts. The art movie genre is based on artistic status, while race movies

deal with racial identity.

According to Keith (2007), a movie genre is a motion picture category based

on similarities in either the narrative elements or the emotional response to the


There are many types of genre movie and each type of genre has its own set

of rules and conventions, they are; action, adventure, comedy, drama, crime,

horror, fantasy, romance, thriller, animation, family, and war.

1. Action

Action genre involves movie with fights and stunts. This movie usually

includes high energy, big-budget physical stunts, and chases, possibly with

rescues, battle, fights, escapes destructive cries, etc. Action movies generate

huge profits for the movie industry and remain on the cutting edge of special

effects technology. These movies focus on physical activity in their

storytelling. The action is usually continuous and includes physical stunts,


chases, fights, battles, and races. These movies usually center on a protagonist

going up against incredible odds to achieve his or her goal.

2. Adventure

According to Moviey Keeday (n.d) adventure movie usually exciting

stories, with a new experience or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired

with the action movie genre. This genre involves movies with excitement,

danger, and risk mostly in scripted in a fictional story. These movies have a

protagonist who's usually either on conquest or exploration. If they're on

conquest, it's to find someone or some treasure but even so. The movie centers

around the protagonist's pursuit of the unknown. Movies of this genre almost

always utilize exotic locations and settings while playing on historical myths.

They often incorporate intricate, suspenseful obstacles that the protagonist

must conquer to achieve his or her goal.

3. Comedy

Comedy movie is light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately

designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, the

language, action, relationship, and characters. The main concern of this movie

is given to humor of any kind. According to Rasheed and Shah (n.d), comedy

movies belonging to this category have a grey-scale mean near the center of

the grey-scale exist, with a large standard deviation. This indicates a uniform

distribution lightly. The “Comedy” movie genre relies on humor as its driving

force to push the plot forward. Comedy movies are made to evoke laughter

from its audience through humorous action and dialogue via its characters.

While it's true a comedy might contain serious material, they usually climax

with happy endings.

4. Drama

Usually, the drama is combined with other genres. Drama is a serious,

plot-driven presentation, portraying realistic characters, setting, life situations,

and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually,

drama not focused on special-effects, comedy or actions. The dramatic movie

is probably the largest movie genre, with many subsets. In this genre,

emotions and family relationships are shown with uttermost importance.

5. Crime

Crime movie is developed around the sinister actions of criminals or

mobsters, particularly bank robbers, underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums

who operated outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life.

This genre centers around the actions of a criminal mastermind of some sort,

often chronicling the criminal's rise and fall. Some movies in this genre

revolve around the criminal's victim, while other movies focus on a

protagonist that pursues the criminal. A fast-paced genre, the “Crime” movie

can contain a bit of mystery stemming either from plot, character, or both.

Subgenres of the "Crime" movie genre utilize varied points of view, regarding

the crime contain within them. The movie is based on any kind of crime

(Moviey Keeday, n.d).


6. Horror

The horror movie is designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst

fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining

us at the same time in a cathartic experience. This movie based on ghosts,

spirits, black magic to scare you. Horror movies are oriented to the youth

market who attend them to see their peers terrified (Sanjek and Tudor, 2000).

7. Fantasy

Fantasy movie is about supernatural, magic and away from mystical

reality. Fantasy movie is often based on a tale from methodology and folklore,

or adapted from fantasy stories in other media.

8. Romance

Romance is stories about love. Romance is a popular movie genre where

audiences can gauge and apply lifelong lessons they are exposed to in their

relationships (Jayasainan, Hassin, Khalid, 2014). The plot normally revolves

around a seemingly insurmountable obstacle preventing the love between the

two protagonists in the movie. Romantic dramas often end with the two

protagonists in love separating because they simply cannot overcome the

obstacle, realizing they are incompatible, or simply as the result of fate.

9. Thriller

The plot of the thriller movie is based on a thrilling story with an angle of

suspense come under this genre.


10. Animation

The animation movie genre is expanding its reach to clay animation and

computer-generated animation. This genre of the movie have animation and

sometimes animated characters as well. Initially, the movie in this genre only

consisted of movies done in 2D animations. Movies in this genre lend

themselves to the law of universal metamorphism. A lot of Animation movies

lean toward Action or Farce. There are no rules (Bork, n.d).

11. Family

The family movie is a genre that contains appropriate content for younger

viewers. The family movie aims to appeal not only to children but to a wide

range of ages. While the storyline may appeal to a younger audience, there are

components of the movie geared towards adults- such as witty jokes and


12. War

War movies acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the

actual combat fighting on the land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot

or background for the action of the movie. The plot of the movie based on war

fictional and sometimes real wars happened in the past. More contemporary

war movies usually oppose war or point out that war is senseless however, at

the beginning of this genre, the war was glorified. Even with its obvious

brutality being evident.


2.4 Synopsis of “Hichki” Movie

Hichki is a film about a girl who struggles to prove herself to gain trust

despite her physical weaknesses. Naina Mathur is the central figure in the film.

The role starring Rani Mukerji had to swallow ridicule from the public eye due to

her illness. She has Tourette syndrome. Where every person who has the disease

will spontaneously make a sound (hiccup) without control. With his illness, many

residents underestimate Naina Mathur's abilities. When he was still in school he

had to experience an unfair dismissal. The school had issued Mathur because they

felt dependent on the sound of hiccups issued by him.

Even with such conditions, he still managed to get a bachelor's degree in

education and a Masters in Science. He unanimously became a teacher despite

many contradictions from what he suffered. Mathur's father also underestimated

his ability to become an educator. However, Naina Mathur is still looking for the

desired job. As a result, he was accepted into one of the best schools after he was

rejected 18 educational institutions because of the disease suffered by Tourette.

St. Notker’s is the only school that accepts Mathur as a teacher. His struggle

was paid off despite being rejected 5 times from St. Notker’s. Though the school

is a former Naina Mathur school. He aspires to be a teacher because one of the

teachers of St. Notker’s who motivated Mathur to be treated fairly (the same as

other students). The motivation was obtained when he was a student of St.

Notker’s. The journey has begun Naina Mathur is very eager to prove that

humans must not see themselves from their shortcomings. Mathur became the

homeroom teacher for class 9F in St. Notker’s. Which, the class is known for

noise, ignorance, and brutality by their students. In one class 9F, there were only

14 people. The class also gets injustice because of the students' very

uncomfortable conditions. Identical to delinquency is always attached to the class

held by Mathur.

One day, Mathur's initial entry as a teacher had already experienced the

unkind act shown by the class. However, Mathur's enthusiasm never died out

despite having to fight the distrust of some teachers at St. Notekr’s. Because the

class has successfully expelled several new teachers. Naina Mathur considers all

of that as a separate challenge and as proof that "there are no bad students". This

remark became the foundation of a Mathur teacher. Although he knows the risk

of becoming a teacher with his situation will have a negative impact (joking

students because of hiccups).

Mathur always holds a strong belief to be valued students must take some

action that shows "I am a teacher". He believes, "teachers can only give

knowledge, great teachers make you understand, very great teachers will show

how to practice it, but there are teachers who inspire us". This foundation is used

as the capital by Mathur to deal with 9f students as well as to silence several

teachers including the Principal and Wakasiswa who have underestimated the

class. Day by day Mathur has spent 9F class. This is also a sign that Mathur's

teacher is still surviving to deal with student delinquency. Many tragedies and

events experienced by Mathur. Starting from the teacher's sitting chair being

broken, chalk filled with phosphorus matches, trash cans filled with firecrackers

and pimpong balls, and most often the joke stammered for him. But he always

reacts patiently and responds with opposing actions. With the behavior accepted

by Mathur. The scholarship always proposes that class 9f is not suitable to be a

student of St. Notker’s and must be expelled from favorite and elite schools.

Hearing this complaint Mathur always asked for compassion and opportunity to

prove that they would not be a cover for delinquency at St. Notker’s. Until

finally Mathur gave a challenge as a sign of his seriousness to turn them from a

brutal side into a perfect student like other leading classes. This was immediately

responded by the Principal and the Scholarship. With this challenge, the Principal

gave 4 months to prove their success and their fate and the fate of teacher Naina


Since the challenge was official. Naina Mathur is looking for ways they can

change. In the end, Mathur found an effective way of teaching. This was all

found after he got the story of why 9F experienced inequality with other classes.

In history, students who sat in class 9F is the last generation of slums, poor,

brutal, and stupid. They were not students of St. Notker’s. They can go to school

Notker’s because of the dispute arrow slum was won by St. Notker’s. From this

dispute, the neutralization of the area including the state school where they attend

school must be forcibly evicted. It was all in the interest of St. Notker’s so he can

build his school building. And this is the beginning of the joining of class 9F in

favorite schools and elite St. Notker’s. From their status, teachers give different

classes as evidence of different strata and different treatments. It is this storyline


that makes class 9F naughty, brutal, and stupid as a rebellion over the treatment

they get.

This story was obtained directly from one of the people at St. Notker’s.

Where he works as a sweeper. Hearing this story, Mathur increasingly

determined to change and show that they also have the same opportunity and

treatment. Learning innovation he has found. Mathur always provides an

effective way so that they easily understand each lesson spoken. Little things

done by Mathur made 9F students master in practice and theory. Although they

do not realize that they have mastered knowledge such as mathematics and

medicine in daily life.

Mathur realized their ability through direct plunge into their village who

moved locations. Initially did not have the aim to see them one by one the

background of students. Instead, Mathur wanted to meet the guardians of every

9F grade student because they did not come to the student li meeting. From this

Mathur found out their backgrounds and villages were identical with negative

things and poverty. Many of the students work to help their parents. Some

become bookies, even though they are still small, and some work as sellers and

car paint repair shops.

Mathur has succeeded in turning them into high achievers. How and

creative teaching is successful, it shows education cannot distinguish students'

status and background. They have the same opportunity despite their background

as rich and poor people. This challenge was won by Mathur with the success of

9F students getting nominations for Perfect St. students. Notker’s. The hard work

and sacrifice of teacher Naina Mathur changed the results and changed the way of

thinking as soon as St. Notker’s. From here Mathur can be the principal and

answer the concerns of families and the general public that human shortages

cannot stop the good intentions of humans themselves. And education is not a

space to distinguish the status and stratum of its students.

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