CHAPTER 3 and 4

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This chapter presents the findings of the study, their analysis, and interpretation of the

data collected by the researcher with the use of survey questionnaires to determine the

Relationship of Teaching Strategies and Approaches and the level of Academic Performance of

the students in Carlos F. Gonzales High School.

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. The teacher give me a certain problems to 3.69 Agree

2. The teacher expects me to recall some important 3.97 Agree

ideas that I learned in the previous lessons
3. The activities that I do is established by the teacher 3.89 Agree

4. The teacher expects me to answer his or her 3.94 Agree

5. I learn the teacher’s method by doing some 3.74 Agree
6. The teacher insist that my activities are completed 3.87 Agree
on time
7. The teacher shows the correct method in solving 4.11 Agree
Overall Weighted Mean 3.89 Agree
Table 3. Student-Centered Learning

Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 3 shows the level of learning of the students, specifically in the student- centered

learning statement 1, “The teacher give me a certain problem to investigate” it was interpreted as

agree having a weighted mean of 3.69, statement 2, “ The teacher expects me to recall some
important ideas that I learned in the previous lessons” got a weighted mean of 3.97 and

interpreted as agree, the third statement, “ The activities that I do is established by the teacher”

was also interpreted as agree having a weighted mean of 3.89, statement 4, “The teacher expects

me to answer his or her question” got 3.94 and interpreted as agree, statement 5, “I learn the

teacher’s method by doing some research” was also interpreted as agree and obtained a weighted

mean of 3.74, statement 6, “The teacher insist that my activities are completed on time” attained

a weighted mean of 3.87and interpreted as agree and the last statement, “The teacher shows the

correct method in solving problems” got a weighted mean of 4.11 and also interpreted as agree.

The overall weighted mean is 3.89 and interpreted as agree .Teachers encourage student –

centered learning by allowing students to share in decisions, believing in their capacity to lead,

and remembering how it feels to learn (McCarthy, 2015).

Table 4. Video, Audio text, Etc.

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I learn more when the discussion uses
multiple modes of presentation (video,
4.12 Agree
audio text, et.)
2. I create and present presentation slides in
the class
3.81 Agree
3. I make notes and use it when presenting on 3.96 Agree
4. I apply the usage of videos that has related 3.83 Agree
to the class discussion
5. I use web based presentation 3.75 Agree
6. Through the multiple mode of presentation,
the discussion becomes more interesting
3.91 Agree
7. I read Web- articles that is on the current 3.79 Agree
topic on class
Overall Weighted Mean 3.88 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 4 shows the level of learning of students by using different mode of presentation,

specifically in video, audio text, etc. statement 1, “I learn more when the discussion uses

multiple modes of presentation (video, audio text, et.)” interpreted as agree and got a weighted

mean of 4.12, statement 2, “ I create and present presentation slides in the class” attained a

weighted mean of 3.81 and interpreted as agree, statement 3, “I make notes and use it when

presenting on class” was also interpreted as agree having a 3.96 weighted mean, statement 4, got

a weighted mean of 3.83 and interpreted as agree, statement 5, “I use web based presentation”

was also interpreted as agree and obtained a weighted mean of 3.75, statement 6, “ Through the

multiple mode of presentation, the discussion becomes more interesting (SlideShare)” attained a

weighted ,mean of 3.91 and interpreted as agree and the last statement, “I read Web- articles that

is on the current topic on class” was also interpreted as agree by having a 3.79 weighted mean.

The overall weighted mean is 3.89 and interpreted as agree. Advances in technology have

boosted significant changes in student’s learning experience (Sloan and Lewis, 2014).
Table 5. Reflection, Metacognition

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. Class time is used in an efficient and productive 4.02 Agree

2. The teacher knows the subject very well 3.94 Agree

3. The teacher encourages the student to think for 3.95 Agree

4. The teacher explains the material clearly in a 3.99 Agree
way that is easy to understand

5. I do my best in every task even it requires time 4.02 Agree

and effort
6. I do my best in every task even it requires a lot 4.01 Agree
of time and effort

7. I think what I learn by studying could be useful 4.16 Agree

Overall Weighted Mean 4.01 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 5 shows the level of learning of the students by having awareness in knowledge

construction process, specifically in reflection metacognition statement 1, “Class time is used in

an efficient and productive manner” interpreted as agree and got a weighted mean of 4.02,

statement 2, “The teacher knows the subject very well” also interpreted as agree by having a

weighted mean of 3.94, statement 3, “The teacher encourages the student to think for

themselves” obtained a weighted mean of 3.95 and interpreted as agree, statement 4, “The

teacher explains the material clearly in a way that is easy to understand” got a weighted mean of

3.99 and interpreted as agree, statement 5, “I do my best in every task even it requires time and

effort” also interpreted as agree by having a 4.02 weighted mean, statement 6, “I do my best in
every task even it requires a lot of time and effort” attained a weighted mean of 4.02 and

interpreted as agree and the last statement “ I think what I learn by studying could be useful

someday” also interpreted as agree by having a 4.16 weighted mean. The overall weighted mean

is 4.01 and interpreted as agree. Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, and Norman (2010)

consider metacognition to be the one of the seven research based principle for smart teaching.

Table 6. Scholar Academic

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I am confident when it comes to 3.97 Agree
traditional academic subject

2. I prioritize traditional academic subject 3.75 Agree

than other subjects
3. I love to read books about culture and 3.68 Agree
4. I always listen if the teacher is discussing 3.75 Agree
about culture and tradition

5. I am efficient when it comes to traditional 3.70 Agree

based subjects
6. I always excel if the subject is about 3.59 Agree
cultural literacy

7. I easily acquire knowledge if it’s about 3.71 Agree

culture and tradition
Overall Weighted Mean 3.74 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 6 shows the level of learning of the students when it comes to traditional based

subject, specifically in scholar academic statement 1, “I am confident when it comes to

traditional academic subject” interpreted as agree and got a weighted mean of 3.97, statement 2,

“I prioritize traditional academic subject than other subjects” also interpreted as agree having a

weighted mean of 3.74, statement 3, “I love to read books about culture and tradition” attained a
weighted mean of 3.68 and interpreted as agree, statement 4, “I always listen if the teacher is

discussing about culture and tradition” also interpreted as agree by obtaining a 3.74 weighted

mean, statement 5, “I am efficient when it comes to traditional based subjects” attained a

weighted mean of 3.70 interpreted as agree, statement 6, “I always excel if the subject is about

cultural literacy” also interpreted as agree by having a 3.59 weighted mean and last statement, “I

easily acquire knowledge if it’s about culture and tradition” obtained a weighted mean of 3.71

and interpreted as agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.73 and interpreted as agree. Scholar

academic intrinsically purposes all intellectual skills and domains of knowledge. Educators who

possess this ideology basically view education through eyes of institution (Schiro, 2009).

Table 7. Social Efficiency

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I always participate in activities especially 3.87 Agree
activities that involves the society

2. The teacher gives some information about 4.05 Agree

his/her experience
3. I always practicing myself to communicate 3.95 Agree
with others
4. I constantly listen if the teacher shares a 4.00 Agree
real life situations

5. The teachers always remind that make a 4.19 Agree

good character inside or outside of school
6. I love to participate in activities especially 3.97 Agree
if it’s about being efficient in outside world

7. I always join in club concerning the society 3.65 Agree

Overall Weighted Mean 3.95 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree
Table 7 shows the ability of students to function in society by carrying out different task

that provide certain knowledge and skills for them, specifically in social efficiency statement 1,

“I always participate in activities especially activities that involves the society” got a weighted

mean of 3.87 and interpreted as agree, statement 2, “The teacher gives some information about

his/her experience” also interpreted as agree by obtaining a 4.05 weighted mean, statement 3, “I

always practicing myself to communicate with others” attained a weighted mean of 3.95 and

interpreted as agree, statement 4, “I constantly listen if the teacher shares a real life situations”

interpreted as agree by having 4.00 weighted mean, statement 5, “The teachers always remind

that make a good character inside or outside of school” got a weighted mean of 4.20 and

interpreted as agree, statement 6, “I love to participate in activities especially if it’s about being

efficient in outside world” interpreted as agree and attained a weighted mean of 3.98, and the

last statement, “I always join in club concerning the society” obtained a weighted mean of 3.65

and also interpreted as agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.96 and interpreted as agree. The

social efficiency views the teacher as a “manager of the condition of learning (Gagne, 1970 p,

324; as cited in Schiro, 2011). In essence the teachers role is to implement curriculum develop by

developers with little or no input in their own.

Table 8. Social Reconstruction

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. The teacher uses her beliefs in teaching 4.04 Agree

2. The teacher use her knowledge in 4.05 Agree

society with regards to our lesson
3. The teacher does some activities or 3.88 Agree
exercises wherein we have to make a
difficult choice or dilemma
4. The teacher uses her way of living 4.01 Agree
through teaching

5. The teacher give some quotes while 3.97 Agree

teaching for us to further understand
the lesson
6. The teacher inspire us to finish our 4.08 Agree
exercises or activities

7. The teacher always taught us to believe 4.10 Agree

in our own self abilities
Overall Weighted Mean 4.02 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 8 shows the ability of the students to face the crises happening in our society,

specifically in social reconstruction statement 1, “ The teacher uses her beliefs in teaching”

interpreted as agree having a weighted mean of 4.04, statement 2, “ The teacher use her

knowledge in society with regards to our lesson” also interpreted as agree by obtaining a 4.05

weighted mean, statement 3, “ The teacher does some activities or exercises wherein we have to

make a difficult choice or dilemma” got a weighted mean of 3.88 and interpreted as agree,

statement 4, “The teacher uses her way of living through teaching” also interpreted as agree
having a weighted mean of 4.01, statement 5, “The teacher give some quotes while teaching for

us to further understand the lesson” attained a weighted mean of 3.97 and interpreted as agree,

statement 6, “The teacher inspire us to finish our exercises or activities” interpreted as agree by

having a weighted mean of 4.07 and the last statement, “ The teacher always taught us to believe

in our own self abilities” got a weighted mean of 4.10 and also interpreted as agree. The overall

weighted mean is 4.01 and interpreted as agree. Social reconstruction is focused on achieving

social change. As a practice, it strives to achieve social justice and equity by altering the various

social systems upon which society rests (Banks, 2012).

Table 9. Teaching Strategies and Approaches

This section provides the overall weighted mean of the teaching strategies and

approaches of the teachers and its interpretation.

Teaching Strategies and Approaches Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Student-Centered Learning 3.89 Agree

Video,Audio text,Etc. 3.88 Agree

Reflection, Metacognition 4.01 Agree

Scholar Academic 3.74 Agree

Social Efficiency 3.95 Agree

Social Reconstruction 4.02 Agree

Overall Weighted Mean 3.93 Agree

Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree
Table 9 shows the overall weighted mean of each sub variable of the dependent variable

which is the Teaching Strategies and Approaches in “Student- Centered Learning” obtained a

3.89 as a weighted mean interpreted as agree while the “Video,Audio text,Etc.’” also interpreted

as agree by obtaining a 3.88 as a weighted mean. In “Reflection, Metacognition”gained 4.01 as

weighted mean and interpreted as agree, the sub variable “Scholar Academic”garnered the

lowest weighted mean which is 3.74 and interpreted as agree. Social Efficiency” interpreted as

agree got 4.02 as a weighted mean and the last sub variable is the “Social Reconstruction”

obtaining 4.02 as weighted mean and interpreted as agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.93 and

interpreted as agree.

Level of Academic Performance of STEM Students

This section provides the result of the survey questionnaire to determine the Level of

Academic Performance of STEM sttudents.

Table 10. Academic Performance

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I made myself ready in all of my subjects 4.07 Agree

2. I pay attention and listen during every 4.09 Agree

3. I want to get good grades in every subject 4.18 Agree

4. I actively participate in every discussion 3.97 Agree

5. I enjoy homework and activities because 3.91 Agree

they help me improve my skills in every
6. I exert more effort when I do difficult 4.02 Agree
7. Solving problems is a valuable interest of 3.87 Agree
Overall Weighted Mean 4.02 Agree
Legend: 4.21-5.00-Strongly Agree; 3.41-4.20-Agree; 2.61-3.40- Neutral; 1.81-2.60-Disagree; 1.00-1.80 -Strongly Disagree

Table 10 shows the level of academic performance of STEM students. Based on the

results, statement number 1 which is “I made myself ready in all of my subjects” obtained a

weighted mean of 4.07 and interpreted as agree, statement number 2 “ I pay attention and listen

during every discussion” interpreted as agree and the weighted mean of this statement is 4.09. In

the third statement , “I want to get good grades in every subject” got 4.18 as a weighted mean

and interpreted as agree while the statement “I actively participate in every discussion” attained

3.97 as its weighted mean and was interpreted as agree. The fifth statement which is “I enjoy

homework and activities because they help me improve my skills in every subject” was

interpreted as agree and got 3.91 as its weighted mean. The sixth statement which is “ I exert

more effort when I do difficult tasks” gained 4.02 as its weighted mean and was interpreted as

agree. In the last statement which is “ Solving problems is a valuable interest of mine” garnered

the lowest weighted mean in this section with 3.87 and was interpreted as agree. Overall,the

weighted mean of this table is 4.02 and was interpreted as agree also.

Table 11. Teaching Strategies and Approaches and their relationship to Students Academic

Academic Performance

Strategies r p-value Decision Remarks

0.67 p < 0.001 Reject Ho Significant

( Significant at alpha = 0.05)

The table 11 shows that there is a significant relationship between Teaching Strategies and

Approaches to Students Academic Performance with r(195)=0.67, p<0.001. Hence, the null

hypothesis was rejected that made the study significant.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the gathered data, the result of statistical analysis and the

interpretation of findings from the conducted survey with regards to the “Teaching Strategies and

Approaches and Its Relationship on Students Academic Performance”.

Summary of Findings

1. Strategies of Teachers

The teaching strategies of teachers was derived from the selected variables those are

student centered learning, video, audio text, etc. and reflection, metacognition.

The teaching strategies of teachers in terms of student-centered learning was interpreted

as “Agree” With a weighted mean of 3.89. Video, audio text, etc. and reflection, metacognition

has the same result it is also interpreted as “Agree” and has a weighted mean of 3.89 and 4.01


2. Approaches of Teachers

The teaching approaches of teachers was derived from selected variables: Academic,

Social Efficiency and Social Reconstruction.

The approaches of teachers in terms of scholar academic was interpreted as “Agree” with

a weighted mean of 3.73. Social efficiency and social reconstruction also interpreted as “Agree”

and has a weighted mean of 3.96 and 4.01 respectively.

3. Level of the Academic Performance of the students

The level of academic performance of the students based on the conducted survey was

interpreted as “Agree” with a weighted mean of 4.02.

4. Relationship between teaching strategies and approaches of teachers and

academic performance

A computed Pearson correlation (r) has a result of (195) = 0.67 where p<0.001 shows that

there is a significant relationship between teaching strategies and approaches to students’

academic performance. Hence, the null hypothesis was rejected that made the study significant.


Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, the teaching strategies present in this study

which are student centered learning, Video, audio text, etc., and Reflection and

Metacognition poses a significant aid on the learning of the students. The results are as

follows: student centered learning has a total of 3.89, video, audio text, etc., has a total of

3.88, and lastly, reflection and metacognition has a total of 4.01. The researchers

therefore conclude that there has a significant relationship to the academic performance

of the students.

2. The approaches presented in this study which are Scholar academic, social efficiency,

Social reconstruction, also poses a significant aid in the learning of the students. The

results of the data gathered are as follows: scholar academic has a total of 3.74,social

efficiency, has a total of 3.95, and lastly, social reconstruction has a total of 4.02.The
researchers concluded that social reconstruction has a significant relationship to the

academic performance of the students.


The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion of the


1. Teacher may search for the strategies and approaches that they can apply for the students

perform and accelerate well in classroom activities and discussions.

2. Teachers should think of activities that is thrilling and will give enjoyment for the students

participate actively.

3. Teachers should let their students showcase their talents that an be use for the lesson, so they

will love to do the task.

4. Teacher must listen sometimes to the suggestion of their students for them to have an idea on

what their students really want.

5. Teachers should be sensible on what they will comment when their students recite or report in

front of the classs.

6. Students should also do their part in class like participating to discussions and be active in


7. Parents should support and lead their children to study hard and pus them through their


8. For future researchers that will continue this research for better development that will help the

teachers and students.

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