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Action speaks louder than words. This statement is applicable in explaining the role of a teacher
in demonstrating value for learning among learners. One of the observable patterns in the behavior of a
teacher is his/her gestures, actuations, and language in the classroom, when these performances are
perceived by the students having consistent application with the code of conduct of a professional
teacher, then it would greatly affect the level of appreciation and motivation of the students to value
learning. when they think that their teacher is capable of transforming their lives by strict, at the same
time compassionate, implementation of the school’s policies and procedures, they would resort to value
learning and transcend with the change in behavior.

Proper behavior is a must if you are a teacher. Students look up unto you as their role model so
in whatever location or time they think of you as someone who gives inspiration and positive influence
to them. to maintain being ethical and morally upright is one of the challenges among teachers, eyes are
looking at you anytime, anywhere and so, being prim and proper always provide us with a power that
any other professions don’t naturally possess.

Creating a positive classroom environment will also affect the learning. Responsive to the needs
of the students will give them the sense of appreciation and as a result you will build a strong


As a 21st century teacher, I am equipped with the use of technology and the social media. I can
use this knowledge to disseminate information regarding the school policies and procedures. I can
create an official page of the school in the social media with the approval of the administration in order
to make it as a platform to inform the equally-competent parents and students regarding the school
policies and procedures.

Linkages and partnership. I believe that it takes a village to raise a child. Bridging the gap
through linkages and partnerships with the community and stakeholders will further enhance the
engagement of the community to help in bringing safe spaces for the students. Moreover, this strategy
will encourage volunteerism among people to serve and help develop the community through the lens
of education.

Quarterly PTA meeting. One way to communicate to the parents and stakeholders of the school
is thru meetings. Before the start of the classes PTA meeting was held to inform the parents regarding
the school policies and procedures.


Standardization of work is one of the top priorities of Department of Education. RPMS-PPST

(Results-Based Performance Management System with the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers) is created in response to the issue on the IPCRF (Individual Performance Commitment Review)
which is non-standard and manipulative of the key indicators of teacher’s performance. Evidence-based
performance is the winning point of the RPMS-PPST, it revokes the culture of “palakasan system”.

With regard the issue on additional burden to the teachers, RPMS-PPST is not the cause of stress
if the teachers can manage to work on time without beating the deadline. In fact, based on my
experience, the teacher will only have to compile the ready-made documentation and evidences for the
said Performance indicator.

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