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Federalism in the

Emilio Aguinaldo and Apolinario Mabini intended the
Philippines to be divided into three federal states,
Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.

Federalism in the Philippines (Filipino:

Pederalismo sa Pilipinas) is a proposed
form of government in the country.

The concept of a federal government for
the Philippines was first suggested by
José Rizal, the Philippines' national hero.
He outlined his vision of federalist
governance on his essay "Las Filipinas
Dentro de Cien Anos" (The Philippines a
Century Hence) that was published by the
Barcelona-based propaganda paper La
Solidaridad in 1889.[1]

In 1899, Filipino revolutionaries Emilio

Aguinaldo and Apolinario Mabini also
suggested dividing the islands into three
federal states.[2]

One of the first proponents of federalism

in the Philippines in the 21st century is
professor Jose Abueva from the University
of the Philippines who argued that a
federal form of government is necessary
to more efficiently cater to the needs of
the country despite its diversity.[3] The
primary goals of a constitutional
amendment is to increase
decentralization, greater local power and
access to resources most especially
among regions outside Metro Manila
which has long been dubbed as rather

Aside from Abueva, senator Aquilino

Pimentel Jr. is a prominent supporter of
federalism who, since 2001, has
advocated for federalism. He sees the
proposed system as a key component in
alleviating the Mindanao crisis and
appeasing Moro insurgents. According to
Pimentel, even though federalism was
never intended to appease any followers
of any specific ideology of religion, it will
also hasten economic development, since
resource and financial mobilization is
upon each state's or province's discretion
without significant constraint from the
central government.[5]

However, in 2009, after Senate and House

resolutions supporting charter change
were released, an estimated 13,000 to
15,000 people gathered in Makati to
protest against these executive
department-deriving proposals for
constitutional reform. This was due to
speculations that Philippine president
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo would use such
amendments to extend her hold in office.[6]
In addition, Pulse Asia published in the
same year their survey regarding public
support for the proposed charter change;
the survey reported that four out of ten
Filipino adults, or 42% of all respondents,
opposed the amendment, with 25% still
undecided and 33% in favor. Pulse Asia
furthered that from 2006 to 2009 there
was no significant change of sentiment
against the charter change proposal,
although indecision increased by 6%.[7]

In late 2014, then-Davao City mayor

Rodrigo Duterte launched a nationwide
campaign calling for a charter change for
federalism. During his visit to Cebu City in
October of the same year, Duterte stated
that federalism will facilitate better
delivery of services to the people.[8] He
also saw the current system as
"antiquated"[9] where distribution of public
funds is disproportionately biased towards
Manila. Aside from the economic aspect,
federalism is also seen as the best means
to address problems in Mindanao which
suffers the most from ethno-religious
conflicts.[10] Duterte added that the current
unitary form of government has not
worked well given the ethnic diversity in
the country.[11] In spite of initially rejecting
several calls for his candidacy for the 2016
presidential elections, he cited his
organizational reforms if he were to
become president. Parallel to his
campaign for federalism, Duterte planned
to privatize tax collection and abolish the
Congress to make way for a unicameral
legislature, contrary to the originally
proposed Joint Resolution No. 10.[12]

Movements for federalism further

intensified from when the draft of the
Bangsamoro Basic Law was submitted by
Philippine president Benigno Aquino III to
the 16th Congress on September 10,
2014.[13] From approval, this law
establishes the Bangsamoro as an
autonomous region with its own
parliamentary government and police
force.[14] Approval of the Bangsamoro
structure would provide federalism
proponents and supporters added
confidence to clamor for the national
government to enact reforms towards a
more decentralized system for the rest of
the country.[9]

In May 2016, President-elect Rodrigo

Duterte stated that a plebiscite on the
proposed replacement of the unitary state
with a federal one will be held in two
years.[15] On December 7, 2016, Duterte
signed Executive Order No. 10 creating a
consultative committee to review the 1987

Under President Gloria Macapagal

Joint Resolution No. 10

The resolution may require the revision of

14 of the 18 Articles of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution and the addition of two new
articles. It sought to adopt a federal and
presidential form of government with a
bicameral legislature. This proposed
resolution was backed by 12 senators of
the Philippines: Aquilino Pimentel Jr.,
Edgardo Angara, Rodolfo Biazon, Pia
Cayetano, Juan Ponce Enrile, Francis
Escudero, Jinggoy Estrada, Gregorio
Honasan, Panfilo Lacson, Francis
Pangilinan, Ramon Revilla Jr. and Manuel

In 2008, senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr.

proposed Joint Resolution No. 10, which
would revise the current 1987 constitution
and have created eleven autonomous
regions out of the Philippine Republic,
establishing eleven centers of finance and
development in the archipelago.[18]
The proposal would result in the creation
of eleven "states" and one federal
administrative region.[19][20]
Proposed designations, capitals, and geogra

States (

Letter State Ca

A Northern Luzon Tu

B Central Luzon Sa

C Southern Tagalog Ta

D Minparom M

E Bicol Le

F Eastern Visayas C

G Central Visayas To

H Western Visayas Ilo

I Northern Mindanao C

J Southern Mindanao D
K BangsaMoro M

Other (

Letter Federal Administrative Region

L Bangsa Sug Jo

Other (

Letter Federal Administrative Region

M Metro Manila
Within the joint resolution are certain
proposals such as election of senators
based on states, senators representing
overseas voters and the state governor
and vice-governor as one team. The
Judicial and Bar Council which screens
nominees to the judiciary would be
abolished. Geographic locations of the
three branches of the government would
also be reconsidered. In the proposal, the
legislative department would be
transferred to what would become the
State of Central Visayas while the judicial
department would be moved somewhere
within the State of Northern Luzon. The
executive department would remain within
the federal administrative region of Metro

House Concurrent Resolution No. 15

Rep. Monico O. Puentevella on May 7,

2008, filed House Concurrent Resolution
No. 15 which supported Senate Resolution
No. 10 backed by 16 senators. Unlike the
Nene Pimentel Senate Resolution,
Puentevella included the option of holding
a constitutional convention, but excluded
the People's Initiative mode.[22] Prospero
Nograles, a self-proclaimed advocate of
federalism, on May 1, 2008, announced:
"This federal system of government is
close to my heart as a Mindanaoan leader
and I'm sure most of the leaders in
Mindanao will agree that we have long
clamored for it. Senate Resolution 10 is a
pleasant surprise because the Senate has
a long history of opposing any move to
amend the Constitution."[23] The joint
Senate resolution called for the creation of
11 federal states in the country, by
convening of Congress “into a constituent
assembly for the purpose of revising the
Constitution to establish a federal system
of government.”

Under President Rodrigo Duterte

Renewal of Pimentel's proposal

Federalism advocate, Aquilino Pimentel Jr.

renewed his campaign. In May 2016,
Aquilino 'Nene' Pimentel Jr., stated in an
interview with Teodoro Locsin Jr. and Tina
Monzon-Palma that a North Mindanao
state may be separated into two distinct
states, namely, Northwest Mindanao and
Northeast Mindanao.[24]

While Pimentel Jr.'s earlier proposal for a

Federal Philippines was to include the area
currently governed by the Cordillera
Administrative Region to the Northern
Luzon state, Pimentel mentioned on
August 2017 two possible setups for the
Cordilleras under a federal government at
the North Luzon Federalism Summit: An
autonomous Cordillera region within the
Northern Luzon state or the region as a
separate federal state from Northern
Luzon due to the existence of a long-
standing autonomy movement in the
region and a provision in the current
Constitution for giving the Cordilleras
autonomy. He also made the same
pronouncements during a live interview
with journalist Karen Davila.[25] After the
abolition of the Negros Island Region on
August 9, 2017, there have been several
regional movements driven by the
Negrenses in support of the unification of
the twin Negros provinces (Negros
Occidental and Negros Oriental) under one
federal state.[26][27]

In January 2017, under a federalism forum,

Pimentel clarified twenty-eight points,
(1) the Cordillera will have its own
federal state;
(2) the boundaries of Northern Luzon
state still needs to be clarified as the
state includes two distinct regions;
(3) Masbate will be included in the
Central Visayas state;
(4) the Northern Mindanao state shall
include the entire Zamboanga region,
the entire North Mindanao region
including Bukidnon, Agusan del Norte,
Butuan City, Dinagat Islands, and
Surigao del Norte;
(5) the Southern Mindanao state shall
include the entire Soccsksargen region,
the entire Davao region, Agusan del Sur,
and Surigao del Sur;
(6) Minparom (Mindoro, Palawan,
Romblon, and Marinduque) shall be
classified as a Visayan state and not a
Luzon state as it is geographically part
of the Visayas, which Pimentel says is
"contrary to the beliefs of Imperial
(7) the Bangsamoro state is the most
important as it is vital to peace in
Mindanao and Minparom;
(8) Shariah law can only be applied in
the Bangsamoro state if the two parties
are Muslims, but if one or both parties
are non-Muslims, national law will
always apply;
(9) Scarborough Shoal/Bajo de Masinloc
shall be part of Central Luzon state
through Zambales;
(10) the Philippine territories in the
Spratly Islands shall be part of
Minparom state through the
municipality of Kalayaan, Palawan;
(11) if the bicameral Congress is
retained, then the members of the
House of Representatives will voted the
same way as its is today;
(12) if the bicameral Congress is
retained, the members of the Senate
shall be voted, not nationally anymore,
but per state, where each state shall
have six Senate seats, the Federal
Capital (Metro Manila) will have six
Senate seats, and the overseas Filipino
population will have nine Senate seats,
for a total of at least 87 Senate seats,
which provides proper representation to
all states;
(13) the Supreme Court shall be
mandated to have a decision on a case
within 2 years from its filing;
(14) the Court of Appeals,
Sandiganbayan, and other appellate
courts shall be mandated to have a
decision on a case within 1.8 years from
its filing;
(15) the RTC shall be mandated to have
a decision on a case within 1.6 years
from its filing;
(16) the City and Municipal courts shall
be mandated to have a decision on a
case within 1 year from its filing;
(17) each federal state shall have a
Federal Governor and Federal Vice
Governor; (18) each federal state shall
have a Federal State Legislature, whose
members members shall be
representatives from every province,
highly urbanized cities, and sectoral
(19) warlordism and political dynasties
shall be prohibited by the Constitution
(20) federal states shall have 80% of
their respective state's revenues, while
the federal government will only have
(21) an Equalization Fund shall be
created by the Constitution so that
federal states that are in dire need of
additional fund can be helped by the
federal government;
(22) there will be a unified educational
system, but the indigenous peoples and
Muslims shall be allowed to input
certain educational resources into their
educational system to better serve their
(23) the Federal Executive Department
will hold office in the Federal
Administrative Region of Metro Manila;
(24) the Federal Legislature will hold
office in the Federal State of Central
(25) the Federal Supreme Court and the
Constitutional Court will hold office in
the Federal State of Northern Mindanao;
(26) secession will not be enhanced
under the federal form of government as
it is a crime under the Constitution;
(27) the Bangsamoro state shall be
divided into two autonomous regions,
namely, mainland Muslim Mindanao and
Sulu archipelago, as the two Muslim
areas are distinct from each other in
terms of culture; and
(28) the Philippines will include its claim
in Sabah under the federal form of
government. Pimentel, however, did not
clarify that the Philippines can only
claim the eastern half of Sabah.[28]
In January 2018, Pimentel suggested the
inclusion of the Malaysian-administered
territory of Sabah as a Philippine federal
state in itself to assert the Philippine claim
over the disputed territory in a way
"acceptable under international laws".[29]

In February 2018, under a new federalism

forum, Pimentel noted that new
information have been funneled in
regarding federalism in the Philippines and
the actual want and need of the people in
a federal form of government. In the
forum, he clarified and revised six points
from his initial forum back in January
2017, namely:
(1) the proposed Northern Mindanao
state may be divided into the Northwest
Mindanao state (the entire Zamboanga
region, Misamis Occidental, Lanao del
Norte, Iligan City, Misamis Oriental,
Cagayan de Oro city, and Camiguin) and
the Northeast Mindanao state
(Bukidnon, Agusan del Norte, Agusan de
Sur, Butuan City, Dinagat Islands,
Surigao del Norte, and Surigao del Sur);
(2) If the Northern Mindanao state is
divided into two states, Agusan del Sur
and Surigao del Sur will shift into the
Northeast Mindanao state from the
initially-proposed Southern Mindanao
(3) The president and the vice president
shall continue to be elected through a
nation-wide election, but they must be
elected in tandem;
(4) the qualifications for president, vice
president, and members of Congress
shall be the same with the current
Constitution, but with the addition that
the candidates must at least have a
bachelor's degree from a
college/university recognized by the
(5) the term of the elected president and
vice president shall be six years without
reelection; and
(6) a former president is not eligible to
run for the presidency anymore as the
new Constitution shall limit the term of a
president into one term only.[30]
Alvarez proposal

In 2017, House Speaker Pantaleon

Alvarez's vision for a federal Philippines
called for 14 states: 7 in Luzon, 2 in
Visayas and 5 in Mindanao. He also
proposed that the capital of the
Philippines under a federal government
should be somewhere in Negros island
saying that it would be accessible to all
people from the three island groups while
he added that the state's territory does not
have to be contiguous.[31] Alvarez has
hinted that the new capital may be
established between the towns of
Kabankalan, Negros Occidental and
Mabinay, Negros Oriental. Indigenous
groups are in favor of the proposal, but are
wary of the possibility of a 'no term limit'
for politicians, which is a grave scandal in
many Filipino indigenous societies,
especially in the Cordilleras. In February
2018, Alvarez reiterated that he shall input
an indigenous state in the Cordilleras in
Luzon and an indigenous state in
Mindanao, whatever federal set-up is
approved by the President.[32]
Proposed states by House

Luzon Visayas

Metro Manila
Eastern Visayas
Western Visayas
Central Luzon
Southern Tagalog
Unnamed I.P. State (Igorot)

Term Usage of Autonomous Community

Some lawmakers have proposed the

usage of "Autonomous Community"
instead of "Autonomous Region" or simply
"State" due to the reason that the terms
"autonomous region" and "state" have
garnered negative sentiments from many
ethnic peoples.[33]

2018 House Sub-Committee 1 proposal

The Sub-Committee 1 of the House of

Representatives Committee on
Constitutional Amendments proposed that
a federal Philippines would comprise five
states. Each states to be led by a premiere
as its executive head will have a State
Assembly according to the proposal. The
proposal has been hit by massive criticism
due to general lumping and a lack of
representation. According to the proposal,
politicians will have 'more than' two
consecutive terms, making them eligible to
run for office with no term limit.[34][35]

Proposed states and capitals

House of Representatives Committee on Constitutio
(Sub-Committee-1 proposal)[36][37][3

Metro Manila





Bangsa sug or Tausug Bangsa Sulu[39]

League of Provinces proposal

In February 2018, the League of Provinces
of the Philippines (LPP), whose members
are the 81 provincial governors, gave its
support to the country's shift to
federalism, but stated that the 81 existing
provinces should be converted into
“independent states”, instead of regional

Con-Com proposal
Consultative Committee 2018 propo

Federated regions (17)

National Capital Region (Metro Manila)




Central Luzon





Eastern Visayas

Central Visayas
Western Visayas

Northern Mindanao





Asymmetrical regions (2

Bangsa Tausug (or Federal Sultanate of Saba

ARMM (or Bangsamoro)

Federal Sultanate of Sulu Sabah Spratly Zamb

Zamboanga Peninsula, Sulu Archipelago[38][43

In April 25, 2018, the consultative

committee (Con-Com), created by
President Rodrigo Duterte to propose
revisions to the 1987 Constitution, agreed
that the starting point for the federalism
discussions will be the establishment of
17 federated regions and the National
Capital Region, the proposed federal
capital region. The 17 federated regions
will be Ilocos, Cordillera, Cagayan Valley,
Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Bicol,
Mimaropa, Eastern Visayas, Central
Visayas, Negros, Panay, Caraga, Northern
Mindanao, Davao, Soccsksargen, Muslim
Mindanao, and Zamboanga.[45][46]

In July 4, 2018, the Consultative

Committee (ConCom) tasked to review the
Constitution unanimously approved the
draft constitution which would shift the
present government form into federalism.
Under the approved proposed constitution,
the Philippines will be divided into 18
federated regions, where the National
Capital Region (which initially was
supposed to be a 'capital region') will now
be a federated region as well.[47]

Tenure and eligibility for re-election of

incumbent officials

The draft constitution formulated by the

Concom 'allows the president to assume
all the necessary powers of government –
executive, legislative, and judiciary – to
prevent the breakup' of the proposed
federated republic, according to
Consultative Committee chairman Reynato
Puno.[47][48] An July 6, 2018, it was
revealed by ConCom member Julio
Teehankee that under the proposed
federal constitution, Duterte and Vice
President Leni Robredo may run again for
president for two consecutive terms or an
additional 8 years in office after 2022,
paving the way for a possible 14 years in

This was met with opposition from some

critics, including lawyer and former
Solicitor General Florin Hilbay and Albay
province Rep. Edcel Lagman.[50] It was
feared that the proposed charter would
enable an authoritarian regime similar to
that of Ferdinand Marcos during the
Martial Law era. Hilbay found it suspicious
when a copy of the draft charter was
leaked by an unknown source, which the
commission said was "not final". In a
statement, he said that the proposed
constitution was “overtly designed to
secure, if not coerce, popular anointment
of the Consultative Committee’s handiwork
which was approved without the benefit of
prior extensive local consultations.”[51]

Later however, Teehankee stated that he

"misspoke" during the interview, saying
that the president and vice president are
barred from running, and assured that their
terms will not be extended, referring to
Section 16 of the draft charter, which was
not yet available to the public at that
time.[52] In contrast, Concom member and
former senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr. said,
“Theoretically it is true (Duterte can seek
re-election), but in Digong’s case, I am
convinced that he does not want to run
again. He has been saying that once it is
approved, he will resign.”[53]

Rodrigo Duterte has also announced that

he had no intention to serve beyond his
term, and that he is willing to step down
earlier than 2022, in case the shift to
Federalism pushes through. He then asked
the Consultative Committee to include a
provision that prevents him from seeking
re-election, which was subsequently added
by the Concom.[54][55][52]

Public opinion and

Generally, Filipinos' stance on a shift to
federalism is mixed. These are reflected by
nationwide opinion polls conducted by
Pulse Asia and Social Weather Stations
(SWS). By the end of March 2018, 37% of
Filipinos agree, while 29% disagree, when
asked if they are in favor of a federal
system of government, based on a survey
of 1,200 adults aged 18 and above by
SWS.[56] Opposition to Charter change
(cha-cha) went up from 44 percent in July
2016 to 64 percent in March 2018, and the
opposition to federalism went the same
way, except by a larger margin—from 33
percent to 66 percent.[57]

Meanwhile, in June 2018, a Pulse Asia poll

answered by 1,800 respondents showed
67% being against charter change at the
present moment.[58][59] However, of those
who opposed Charter change, 30 percent
said the Constitution should not be
amended now, but could be changed
sometime in the future, while 37 percent
said it should not be changed “now or any
other time.”[59] Support and awareness for
federalism is strongest in Mindanao and
within the Filipino Muslim

The Philippine government cites lack of

information as the reason for low public
support. Presidential Spokesperson Harry
Roque stated that, “For this reason, we
cannot expect our people to support an
initiative, which they know only little about.
There is clearly much work to be done in
terms of spreading awareness and
knowledge on the aforementioned issue."
The Philippine government has repeatedly
presented its intention to drive up its effort
to educate Filipinos about

Position of parties on Federalism

The ruling political party Partido

Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan
(PDP-LABAN) is currently the main and
strongest advocate of federalism in the
Philippines.[62][63][64] PDP-Laban currently
only allows pro-federalism politicians to be
admitted to the party.[65] In contrast, the
opposing Liberal Party is mostly against
the movement. Incumbent Vice President
Leni Robredo, who is the current party
leader, has expressed her opposition
towards charter change and
federalism.[66][67] This sentiment is shared
also by various opposition senators and
representatives, including Senators
Francisco Pangilinan and Antonio Trillanes
IV.[68] Left-wing political parties such as
the democratic socialist Akbayan and the
more radical Bagong Alyansang
Makabayan have also voiced disapproval
against charter change.[69]

See also
Federal State of the Visayas
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region
Cordillera autonomy movement

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federal constitution" . cnn.
48. Ranada, Pia. "Con-Com draft gives
president all powers to prevent
secession of regions" . Rappler.
49. Ranada, Pia. "Duterte can run for
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constitution" . Rappler.
50. "Lagman slams Concom
consultations on draft Charter" .
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51. Tordesillas, Ellen T. "OPINION: Hilbay
warns of the danger of Duterte's
ConCom" . ABS-CBN News. Retrieved
52. "Duterte on new term: I can step
down in 2019 |" . Retrieved 2018-07-09.
53. "Duterte on new term: I can step
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54. "Proposed federal constitution now
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polls" . GMA News Online. Retrieved
55. "Duterte says he's willing to step
down from presidency before
federalism transition" . GMA News
Online. Retrieved 2018-07-09.
56. Stations, Social Weather. "Social
Weather Stations | First Quarter 2018
Social Weather Survey: One of four
Pinoys are aware of the Federal
System of Government; 37% support
it, 34% are undecided, and 29%
oppose it" .
Retrieved 2018-07-17.
57. "Draft constitution: Be very afraid -
Inquirer Opinion" .
58. "Poll: Filipinos oppose charter
change, federalism |" . Retrieved 2018-07-17.
59. "June 2018 Nationwide Survey on
Charter Change – Pulse Asia
Research Inc" .
Retrieved 2018-07-17.
60. "Why Mindanaoans gave an
'excellent' rating and 'support'
federalism" . Manila Bulletin News.
Retrieved 2018-07-17.
61. "Gov't intends to intensify information
campaign on federalism" . Manila
Bulletin News. Retrieved 2018-07-17.
62. Purificacion, Marlon. "PDP-Laban to
intensify Charter change, federalism
info campaign" . Retrieved
63. Yap, DJ. "PDP-Laban submits draft
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Retrieved 2018-07-17.
64. "The PDP Laban Model of PH
Federalism: An Executive Summary" .
Institute for Autonomy and
Governance. Retrieved 2018-07-17.
65. BusinessWorld. "Senate leader: Only
pro-federalism candidates may join
PDP-Laban | BusinessWorld" . Retrieved
66. "IN PHOTOS: Robredo joins
opposition's youth concert vs charter
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67. "Robredo willing to unite, lead
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68. "Palace seeks general polls to elect
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69. Pacpaco, Ryan Ponce. "Stop Cha-cha
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External links
Press release: Pimentel files resolution
on federal system , Senate of the
Philippines, 14th Congress, April 23,
2008, retrieved 2008-04-25
Aquilino Q. Pimentel Jr.; Egardo Angara;
Rdudolfo Biazon; Pia "Compañera"
Cayetano; Juan Ponce Enrile; Francis
"Chiz" Escudero; Jinggoy Estrada;
Gregario Honasan; Panfilo lacson;
Francis Pangilinan; Ramon "Bong"
Revilla; Manuel "Manny" Vilar (23 April
2008), Joint Resolution No. 10: A Joint
Resolution to convene Congress into a
Constituent Assembly for the purpose of
revising the constitution to establish a
federal system of government (PDF),
Senate of the Philippines, retrieved

Retrieved from

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom.Reding

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