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Learning in school can be of fun and inspiring if we want to. Nowadays,

educational leaders were able to design new strategies to implement the

curriculum designed in each level of education. Improving the quality of

learning is therefore, the optimum goal of education because everyone

believes that the only weapon we can change our life into a more liveable life

is education itself.

One of the main problems encountered by schools across the country

is student absenteeism. Although the problem is prevalent in all schools, the

attention focused on this issue has been inadequate. Poor student attendance

has far-reaching effects on the individual, the school, and society in general

(Goldstein, 2013).

Absenteeism can be defined as persistent, typical, and unsolved

nonappearance from school (Meng, Y., Babey, S., & Wolstein, J., 2012). One of

the main reasons for this problem is that students find it difficult to inter-relate

with each other during class discussions. Majority of the students has poor

learning skills and they tend to be reluctant to share and ask for assistance

from their classmates on the topics that they were not able to comprehend.

We, as Pre-Service Teachers believed that learning cooperatively is

crucial for us to have additional knowledge of a certain topic. Several studies

reveals that Cooperative Learning Techniques (CLT), strategies in which each

students’ learning is reliant on their peers as well as themselves, have been

found to be an effective way to develop and empower student-peer

relationships (Tarhan, L., Ayyildiz, Y., Ogunc, A., & Sesen, B. A, 2013).

As mentioned by Meng, Y., Babey, S., and Wolstein, J. (2012), Teenage

truancy, on the other hand, is more frequently associated with student- or

school-factors, such as fear of bullying or disengagement with school or

peers. When students are different and not likely to interact with other

students, this would lead to self-isolation or even bullying.

Meanwhile, on the part of the teachers, there is a need to evaluate on

how we carry out our objectives, strategies utilized in teaching, the utilization

of instructional materials and the assessment of learners because this has an

impact on the attitude of learners towards the subject.

Lastly, peer involvement plays a very important role in the academic

life of every student because when they are at school. A student spends most

of the time with their classmates or friends and they seek out and spend time

with love interests who satisfy emotional and physical intimacy needs

(Kearney, 2007).

Hu, K.., and Lu, Y., (2017) stressed out that solving absenteeism is a

nonstop process that contains understanding its prevalence, recognizing

characteristics of chronically absent students, identifying interventions that

target absenteeism patterns, applying and tracking interventions, assessing

their effectiveness and adjusting them accordingly.

Satyaprakasha (2015) defines CLT as an educational approach which

aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning

experiences. Cooperative learning requires students to engage in group

activities that increase learning and adds other important dimensions toward

academic goals.

Research Questions

The problem of this action research is stated as follows:

Why students skipped their classes? What strategy should be applied in order

to minimize the incidence of absenteeism?

Our tentative answers to the problem are:

Secondary school pupils are more likely to attribute their absence from

school to school-related factors. These reasons included problems with

lessons, problems with teachers, being bullied, peer pressure and social


Through cooperative learning strategy, we aim to empower student-

peer relations in order to minimize or resolve the problem.

Soares, L. B., & Wood, K. (2010), defines cooperative learning as a

learning situation in which two or more students are working together to

complete a common student attendance and reduce or minimize student

absenteeism. n task. Integrating cooperative learning strategies have proven

to be effective in increasing


This action research is conducted mainly to determine the

effectiveness of empowering student-peer relationships through cooperative

learning in solving the problem on absenteeism. This will benefit the students,

parents, teachers, and school in general.


The total attainment of learning can be achieved once an intervention

is designed and fully implemented answering the reasons why students

skipped classes. They will be guided properly on the importance of going to

school and how education works for their future.


Ensuring that their children can finish school is the top priority. Hence,

this action research will encourage the parents to do more in their

responsibility in guiding the students as far as studying is concerned. The role

of parents in students’ learning is non-negotiable. Letting their children feel

the importance of not giving up is vital and inspiring.


Teachers will be able to become more open to this kind of situation.

This action research will help educators to become more creative in their

works as a teacher. Being the second parent, empathy is key in order for

them to guide and inspire their students. Achieving the optimum goal of

education also primarily lies in the hand of the teachers.


School administrators will be guided on the formulation of rules and

regulations for incidences of absenteeism. This action research will help

school administrators design an appropriate intervention to solve the problem.

Having a high promotion rate means low drop-out and retained students.

These somehow boost the morale of the school being an efficient agent of



This part presents the method used in this Qualitative study. These

includes: Instruments, Respondents, and Data Gathering.


The researchers gathered data with the use of the School Form (SF) 2

to be able to determine the number of absentees in Grade 8- Garnet,

Amethyst, and Ruby.


The respondents of this study involved the Grade 8- Garnet, Amethyst,

and Ruby of Carmen National High School by using Non-random sampling

specifically self-selecting samples. They were chosen as the respondents

because the researchers observed that the alarming number of absentees in

the said section was increasing.

Data Gathering

One way of completing this research was sending a letter to the

adviser asking for the master list of official enrolees of Grade 8- Garnet,

Amethyst and Ruby. This list was used for the careful observation of the

number of absentees in the said sections.

Findings and Analysis

School Form 2 was will be utilized in the identification of the main

respondents. During classroom discussions in every lesson, the researchers

incorporate various cooperative learning techniques. Reactions and

comments from the learners were collated and analyzed by the researchers.

The cooperative learning techniques that were implemented are

student pairing, while others utilize small groups of four or five students, Think

Pair Share, Jigsaw, Jigsaw II, Reverse Jigsaw and Learning Together. Every

discussion is incorporated CLT to improve student-peer relations.

In almost three months of applying the technique, it was observed that

the number of students who skipped classes in the afternoon was decreased,

as shown in table 1.

Table 1. Average Number of Absent Students

Average number of students who are absent per week

25 23 23 20 18 17
10 8
Jan 22-26, Jan 29 - Feb Feb 5-9, Feb 12-16, Feb 19-23, Feb 26- Mar Mar 5-9, Mar 12-16,
2018 2, 2018 2018 2018 2018 2, 2018 2018 2018

Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that cooperative

learning strategy has positive effects on improving social relations of the

students with respect to sex, race, disability, interpersonal attraction, peer

acceptance, cross-sex and cross-ethnic relationships. This would also

minimized or lessen the number of student absentees in class.

In addition, the study of Satyaprakasha (2015) stressed that

empowering student-peer relationship through Cooperative learning increases

attendance, time on task, enjoyment of school and classes, motivation, and


Conclusions and Recommendations

This Action Research concludes the following:

 Students who usually skipped classes are those students who are low

performing students. Learners find hard time in dealing with other

students for the reason that they are having low self-confidence

because they cannot interact.

 When student-peer relationship was administered, it was noted that the

number of students skipping classes declined.

 Student-peer relationship has a significant impact in decreasing the

number of students skipping classes, hence absenteeism is minimized.

The researchers hereby recommend the following recommendations:


Student should do their tasks and home works in order to augment the

leaning they got from their teachers in school.


Parents should help boosting the morale of their children for them to

interact in school freely and effectively.


Teachers should see to it that collaborative and cooperative learning

shall be observed at all time to develop the spirit of belongingness.

School Administrators

Administrators should promote a culture of friendship and camaraderie

within the school and shall formulate policies that can develop more the value

of cooperative learning among teachers, students and school as a whole.


Goldstein, J. S., Little, S. G., & Akin-Little, K. A. (2013). Absenteeism: A Review of

the Literature and School Psychology’s Role. The California School
Psychologist, 8(1), 127–139.

Hu, K.-W., & Lu, Y.-L. (2017). Learning Effectiveness Of Using Interactive
Teaching Materials On Forth Graders’ Scientific Concepts And Argumentation
Ability (pp. 450–453).

Kearney, C. A. (2007). Forms and functions of school refusal behavior in youth: an

empirical analysis of absenteeism severity. Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 48(1), 53–61.

Majoka, M. I., & Khan, M. S., & Shah, S. (2011) Quality of learning with an active
versus passive motivational set. American Educational Research Journal.

Maynard, B., McCrea, K., Pigott, T., & Kelly, M. (2012). Indicated truancy
interventions: Effects on school attendance among chronic truant students.
The Campbell Collaboration.

Meng, Y., Babey, S., & Wolstein, J. (2012). Asthma-Related School Absenteeism
and School Concentration of Low-Income Students in California. Preventing
Chronic Disease.

Satyaprakasha, p. (2015). Research Studies on Effect of Cooperative Learning

on Social Relations, 4(1), 10–16.

Soares, L. B., & Wood, K. (2010). A Critical Literacy Perspective for Teaching and
Learning Social Studies. The Reading Teacher, 63(6), 486–494.

Tarhan, L., Ayyıldız, Y., Ogunc, A., & Sesen, B. A. (2013). A jigsaw cooperative
learning application in elementary science and technology lessons: physical
and chemical changes. Research in Science & Technological Education,
31(2), 184–203.


Indeed teaching is the noblest of all profession. Being a teacher is an

achievement especially if you are able to inculcate to the minds of the learner

the true beauty of learning and value of education.

Cooperative learning can also increase motivation for learning by

establishing a strong kinship and sense of obligation to one another among

students, which can lead to greater buy-in and increased achievement

Soares, L. B., & Wood, K. (2010). This Action Research enables this young

lady to realize how important it is to let every learner that he belongs to the

circle. As a teacher, we should be able to emphasize that no one should be

left behind and that learning should be for all no matter who you are, where

you came from and what you do.

Learning cooperatively and collaboratively has been an instrument in

time and memorial. Learning can be fun and enjoyable if each learner

contributes and reacts to a certain stimuli. This was proven during my stay in

Carmen National High School. Given a chance, I would gladly like to serve in

the said school for I believe I can share my dedication and commitment to

teach those learners needing my service.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

- Benjamin Franklin


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