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Have you ever wondered how many atoms are you made of? How many atoms lies

within your body, the planet, or a grain of sand? In the year of 1811, Romano Amedeo

Carlos Avogadro proposed his hypothesis, stating the number of particles that are

present in a mole—a quantity of a substance that contains as many elementary entities

as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 isotope. But since there was no accurate data at

that time and there were still no specified standard weights of atoms, scientists did not

believe his idea and did not give it much thought. It was only until the late 1860s when

he was proven correct. His theory was accepted and even became the foundation for

the atomic theory, although he died 4 years before—in 1856. The mole was later named

as Avogadro’s number, since Avogadro was the first one who came up with this idea.

Avogadro’s number or the mole refers to quantities at the magnitude of 602

sextillion. This was also known as the molar quantity. For years, the mole has been

often used in the field of chemistry. It is also used along with the molar mass which is

the mass or weight of one mole of something or how much does one mole of something

weigh. It tells you the number of grams per mole of a compound and since the molar

mass relates two different sets of units, grams and moles, it can be used as a conversion


In this activity, we will conceptualize the mole in sample elements. We will also

relate the molar masses of different elements in mass, moles, and atoms.


Before the experiment was done, all materials were first defined

and prepared by the instructor: a petri dish, the sample elements, a

periodic table, a scientific calculator, a triple beam balance, and an

analytical balance. Once all was prepared, the experiment was

conducted. Figure 1 The petri dish and

the triple beam balance

Each member of each station will weigh the samples on a

triple beam balance. Each reading was rounded to the nearest

tenths and subtracted to the weight of the petri dish, before being

written down on the table provided. After all was recorded, the
Figure 2 Measuring of the sample
researchers computed for the average and wrote it below the

table. The average will indicate the average mass of all the

researchers in the station have computed. Then, the researchers

will compare their average mass to the mass that was measured

in the analytical balance. Through this process, the accuracy of

Figure 3 Measuring on analytical the measurements will be determined, as well as their precision.

The questions for analysis were answered through the

process or technique known as the dimensional analysis. The molar

mass of one more of the sample in g/mol was also determined by

looking at the periodic table.

Figure 4 Researcher



Aluminum Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Marie Galutera 14.35 g

Gael Uy 14.3 g

Gien Daquioag 14.25 g

Judeson Cabulisan 14.4 g

Ranvier Olano 14.2 g

Average: 14.3 g

Actual Mass according to the teacher: 14.22 g

The measurements above are both accurate and precise, since the

measurements are close with one another and are very close to the actual mass.

Aluminum is the world’s most abundant metal, and the third most common

element which makes up 8% of the Earth’s crust. Pure aluminum is soft, ductile,

and corrosion resistant and has a high electrical conductivity. It is widely used for

foil and conductor cables, but alloying with other elements is necessary to provide

the higher strengths needed for other applications. It has a molar mass of 27 g Al in

a mole. The sample is less than one mole aluminum because it only contains 14.22

g Al. In the sample, there are 0.527 mol Al in the sample, this is obtained when we

multiply the mass of the aluminum sample by one mole of Al over the molar mass

of Al.

14.22 g Al ____1 mol Al____ = 5.27 x 10-1 mol Al

27 g Al

There are 3.17 atoms Al which is the result when we multiply the mass of

the aluminum sample by one mole of al over the mass of Al multiplied by

Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) over one mole of Al.

14.22 g Al __1 mol Al___ (6.022 x 1023) atoms Al = 3.17 atoms Al 1

27 g Al 1 mol Al 4

There should be about 1.9 cans of aluminum to be able to have one mole of

aluminum. It was obtained by multiplying 1 mole Al to 27 g Al over 1 mol Al, then

multiplying it both to 1 can of aluminum over the mass of the aluminum sample or

simply 14.22 g Al which results to 1.9 cans.

1 mol Al __27 g Al___ _ 1 can = 1.90 cans

1 mol Al 14.22 g Al


Carbon Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Darren Tiongson 5.1 g

Danielle Sable 6.5 g

Janina Fabi 6.5 g

Marionne Molina 6.5 g

Khreyl Baui 6.3 g

Average: 6.2 g

Actual Mass according to the 6.5 g


Comparing the average to the actual mass, the measurements the group

noted are accurate, considering how near the average is to the actual mass of the

sample. Since it is not perfect on the precision—one was measured far from the

rest—we can say that its accuracy is greater than its precision.

Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and the fourth

most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen.

Carbon's abundance, its unique diversity of organic compounds, and its unusual

ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth

enables this element to serve as a common element of all known life. It has a molar

mass of 12 g C in a mole. The carbon sample contains less than one mole of carbon

because it has 6.5 grams of carbon, and it has 0.542 mol C. It is the result we get

when we multiply the mass of the sample with a mole of carbon then divide it to

the molar mass of carbon.

6.5 g C ____1 mol C____ = 5.42 x 10-1 mol C

12 g Al

There are 3.26 x 1023 individual atoms of carbon in the sample. We can get

the answer by multiplying 6.5 g C by 1 mol C then dividing it by 12 grams of C.

Then, you will multiply it again by Avogadro’s number, 6.022 x 1023 atoms C.

6.5 g C __1 mol C__ (6.022 x 1023) atoms C = 3.26 x 1023 atoms C
12 g Al 1 mol C 4.

A person weighing 78 kg is about 18% carbon by mass. To be able to get

the mass of carbon that is present on the person, we must multiply the mass of the

person with the percentage of Carbon that is present in her/him. Since the given

mass of the person is in kilograms, it must first be converted to kilograms by

multiplying it to one thousand (considering one kilogram is equal to one thousand

grams). Only after you have converted the given quantity to grams, will it be

possible to multiply it to the carbon percentage, which must also be multiplied first

to 100.

78 kg _1, 000 grams_ = 7800 grams * 18% (100) = 14040 g C

1 kilogram

The quantity that was computed in the first question can be used to

determine how many moles of carbon are present in the person. Just like the usual

conversion we make, the number computed will be converted to moles by using a

conversion factor: One mole of carbon is equivalent to 12 grams of carbon (molar


14040 g C 1 mol C = 1170 mol C

12 g C


Copper Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Samantha Palma 23.4 g

Jayverson Balao 23.5 g

Mikylla Silva 23.3 g

Victor Navoa 23.5 g

Raphael John Kalaw 23.5 g

Average: 23.4 g

Actual Mass according to the 23.3 g


The measurements are both accurate and precise, considering how near the

average is with the actual mass and how close the measurements each member had

done with each other.

Copper is the oldest metal used by man. Its use dates back to prehistoric

times. It has been mined for more than 10,000 years. It is found as a native metal

and in the mineral’s cuprite, malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite and bornite. Copper

has a molar mass of 64g/mol. The copper sample contains 23.3 g of Cu which is

less than one mole of copper. Through dimensional analysis, the researcher used

the molar mass to be able to come up with a conversion factor. One mole of copper

is equivalent to 12 grams of copper—its molar mass. With this as our conversion

factor, the mass of the sample can be easily converted to moles. So, to put it simply,

to get the number of moles in the sample, we must multiply the mass of the sample

to 1 mol of copper over the molar mass of carbon (64 g Cu) where we get 3.64 x

10-1 mol Cu/ 0.364 mol Cu.

23.3 g Cu ____1 mol Cu____ = 0. 364 mol Cu / 3.64 x 10-1

64 g Cu 27 g Al

The answer that has been computed from the previous question—0.364 mol

Cu—can be used to determine how many individual atoms are present in the

sample. From moles, it can be converted to atoms through a conversion factor: one

mole of Cu is equivalent to Avogadro’s number—6.022 x 1023.

0.364 g Cu (6.022 x 1023) atoms Cu = 3.26 x 1023 atoms Cu

1 mol Cu

The mass of the 5-Peso coin was measured through an analytical balance.

The balance is a highly sensitive lab instrument designed to measure mass

accurately. Based from the measurements, the coin weighs 7.7 grams. There are

about 8.42 x 10-2 mol Cu which is the result when we multiply 5.39 g Cu to 1 mol

Cu over 64 g Cu.

5.39 g Cu ____1 mol Cu_____ = 8.42 x 10-2 mol Cu

64 g Cu (6.02

To determine the number of coins, the number of moles must simply be

divided by the number of moles of copper in one coin—which was answered in the

previous question. There are 11.9 coins needed to get 1 mole of copper. 11.9 coins

is the result when we multiply it by 1 coin over the moles of copper in the 5-peso


s 1 mol Cu ______1 coin______ = 11.9 coins / ≈ 12 coins

0.0842 mol Cu 27 g Al


Iron Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Lenard Yague 30.5 g

Wilson Alcaraz 30.4 g

Zenina Salinas 30.4 g

Liliana Salunat 30.3 g

Alizha Ayala 30.3 g

Average: 30.4 g

Actual Mass according to the 28.4 g


10 | P a g e
The measurements are very precise, but their accuracy is not that high. This

means they have a higher precision than accuracy. Their measurements are all close

with one another, but all of them are far from the actual mass of the sample. Maybe

they encountered problems when they were measuring the sample. One possibility

is that they might have not waited for a little longer on the pointer and immediately

wrote down the measurement without making sure.

Iron is a lustrous, ductile, malleable, silver-gray metal (group VIII of the

periodic table). It is known to exist in four distinct crystalline forms. It rusts in damp

air, but not in dry air. It dissolves readily in dilute acids. Iron is chemically active

and forms two major series of chemical compounds, the bivalent iron (II), or

ferrous, compounds and the trivalent iron (III), or ferric, compounds. The iron

sample contains less than one mole of iron since a mole contains 56 grams while

the sample has 28.4 grams. To get the number of moles on the sample, we must use

the molar mass to be able to come up with a conversion factor. 1 mole of iron = 56

grams of iron; we use this information as the conversion factor so the mass of the

sample can be converted to moles. We now get the result 5.1 x 10-1 mol Fe when

we multiply the mass of the sample to 1 mol Fe over the molar mass of iron (56 g


28.4 g Fe ___1 mol Fe____ = 5.1 x 10-1 mol Fe

56 g F 2

11 | P a g e
From the previous question, we can use the answer as the constant on

computing for the individual atoms present in the sample. From 0.507 mol Fe, it

can be converted to atoms through a conversion factor: 1 mol Fe = 6.022 x 1023

where we can multiply these following values to get 3.05 x 1023 individual atoms


0.507 mol Fe _(6.022 x 1023)_atoms Fe_ = 3.05 x 1023 atoms Fe

1 mol Fe 27 g

An iron clamp weighs 12.4 grams of iron. To get the number of moles in an

iron clamp, we have to get the conversion factor: 1 mol Fe = 56 g Fe. When we

multiply these two values, 12.4 g Fe and 1 mol Fe over 56 g Fe, the result is 2.2 x

10-1 mol Fe.

12.4 g Fe _____1 mol Fe_____ = 2.2 x 10-1 mol Fe

56 g Fe 2

When getting the number of atoms, we can use the answer from the previous

question as a constant since the number of moles on the iron clamp can be directly

converted to the number of atoms by multiplying 0.221 mol Fe to 6.022 x 1023 and

dividing it by 1 mol Fe, we get 1.33 x 1023.

0.221 mol Fe _(6.022 x 1023) atoms Fe__ = 1.33 x 1023 atoms Fe

1 mol Fe

12 | P a g e

Silicon Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Ezrille Mikey Allaga 13.8 g

Ara Mercado 13.8 g

Ziesly Litawen 14.4 g

Josh Edduba 14.3 g

Abraham Lucena 14.3 g

Average: 14.12 g

Actual Mass according to the 14.2 g


The measurements above are almost accurate, but their precision is not that

high. Two of the members did not seem to have resulted closer than the rest of the

measurements. One gram is significantly far already when it comes to

measurements in chemistry. The riders must not have been fully set to zero before


13 | P a g e
Silicon is the most abundant electropositive element in The Earth’s crust.

It’s a metalloid with a marked metallic luster and very brittle. It is usually

tetravalent in its compounds, although sometimes its bivalent and it’s purely

electropositive in its chemical behavior. Silicon is to geologists what carbon is to

biologists. It makes up 28% of Earth's crust and is found in many minerals. Sand,

quartz, and glass are all made up of silicon dioxide (SiO2). The sample contains

less than one mole of silicon since one mole of silicon is equal to 28 grams while

the sample has 14.2 grams. In order to compute the moles in the sample, we have

to get the conversion factor from the molar mass. Since 1 mol Si = 28 g Si, we can

easily convert it to get the number of moles in the sample. We multiply 1 mol Si

over 28 g Si to 14.2 g which equates to 0.507 mol Si.

14.2 g Si ___1 mol Si____ = 0.507 mol Si

28 g Si

The answer on the previous question can be used as the constant on

computing for the individual atoms present in the sample. From 0.507 mol Si, it

can be converted to atoms through a conversion factor: one mole of silicon is

equivalent to 6.022 x 1023 (Avogadro's number). We get 3.05 x 1023 atoms Si as the


0.507 mol Si __(6.022 x 1023) atoms Si__ = 3.05 x 1023 atoms Si

1 mol Si 27

14 | P a g e
A silicon is a compound because it consists of two or more elements

chemically combined in a fixed proportion, that can be further subdivided into

simpler substances by chemical means. To get how many moles of silicon are in a

mole of silicon dioxide, we can just convert the mole of silicon dioxide to silicon

in the ratio 1:1, which gives off an answer equal to 1 mol Si.

1 mol Si O2 __1 mol Si_____ = 1 mol Si

1 mol Si O2

Since 1 mole of silicon dioxide contains 1 mole of silicon atoms and 2 moles

of oxygen atoms, a ratio 1:2 is figured which can be used to compute for the moles

of oxygen in silicon dioxide. When computed, it results to 2 moles of oxygen.

1 mol SiO2 __2 mol O____ = 2 mol O

1 mol SiO2

It is said that in a mole of silicon dioxide, there is a mol of silicon. The

answer can be used as a constant on computing for the individual atoms present in

a mole of silicon dioxide. From 1 mol SO2 it can be converted to Si through a

conversion factor: one mol Si is equivalent to SO2 then finally multiply it by 6.022

x 1023 atoms Si (Avogadro's number) to get 6.022 x 1023 atoms Si.

1 mol SiO2 _1 mol Si___ _(6.02 x 1023)_atoms Si__ = 6.022 x 1023

1 mol SiO2 1 mol Si atoms Si

It is said that a mole of silicon dioxide is equal to 2 moles of oxygen which

leaves a ratio of 1:2 for the conversion factor. It can be converted to atoms through

15 | P a g e
the conversion factor: one mole of oxygen is equivalent to 6.022 x 1023 atoms Si

(Avogadro's number). When computed, it results to 1.20 x 1024 atoms of oxygen.

1 mol SiO2 _2 mol O___ _(6.02 x 1023)_atoms O__ = 1.20 x 1024

1 mol SiO2 1 mol O atoms O


Sodium Sample

Student’s Name Recorded Mass

Axela Ugalde 81.7 g

Christienne Valdriz 82.0 g

Eumer Salanguit 81.7 g

Adriel Agcaoili 82.1 g

Juan Carlos Pajarillo 81.6 g

Average: 81.8 g

Actual Mass according to the 81.7 g


16 | P a g e
Based from the measurements recorded above, their accuracy seems to be

higher than their precision. Their average is almost just 0.1 gram away from the

actual mass. Their measurements are also close with each other, except for the two

measurements which had resulted to 82 grams.

Sodium reacts quickly with water, and also with snow and ice, to produce

sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. When it’s exposed to air, metallic sodium recently

cut lose its silvery appearance and acquires an opaque grey color due to the

formation of a sodium oxide coating. Sodium doesn’t react with nitrogen, not even

at very high temperatures, but it can react with ammonia to form sodium amide.

There are 23 g Na per mole. According to the packaging, a serving contains 240

mg Na which is equal to 2.40 x 10-1 g Na. When we multiply the number of moles

present in one serving to 1 mole of sodium per 23 g Na, we get 1.04 x 10-2 mol Na.

2.40 x 10-1 g Na __1 mol Na__ = 1.04 x 10-2 moles Na

23 g Na 27 g

Knowing the moles of Na present in one serving, we can get the number of

atoms in one serving by multiplying the mol Na present to Avogadro’s number over

1 mol Na which results to 6.28 x 1021 atoms Na.

1.04 x 10-2 moles Na (6.022 x 1023) atoms Na = 6.28 x 1021 atoms Na

1 mol Na 27

17 | P a g e
Healthy Americans should restrict their sodium intake to no more than

2,400 mg per day/ 2.4 g per day, which is about 11 /4 teaspoons of table salt (NaCl).

When converting to moles, we have to multiply 2.4 g Na to 1 mol Na over the molar

mass of Na (23 g) which leaves an answer equal to 1.04 x 10-1 mol Na.

2400 mg Na __1 g Na___ 1 mol Na = 1.04 x 10-1 moles Na

1000 mg Na 23 g Na 27

Knowing the moles of sodium present on one serving, we can easily get the

number of moles in one serving by multiplying the moles of Na by Avogadro’s

number over 1 mol Na which results to 6.26 x 1022 atoms Na.

1.04 x 10-1 mo0les Na (6.022 x 1023) atoms Na = 6.36 x 1022 atoms Na

1 mol Na 27

If 1 teaspoon is equal to 2 grams of Na and 3 teaspoons is equal to 1 table

spoon of Na, we need about 4 table spoons of Na to have 1 mol of Na. The 1 mol

of Na must be multiplied by the molar mass of Na (23 g Na) then divided to 1 mol

of Na. Since there are 2 grams of Na in one teaspoon, you must multiply it to 1

tablespoon of Na then divide it by 2 grams of Na. Finally, to be able to get the

number of table spoons, it must be multiplied with 1 tbsp Na then divided by 3

tablespoons of Na since 3 tablespoons of Na is equivalent to 1 tablespoon of Na.

1 mol Na 23 g Na _ _1 tbsp Na_ 1 tbsp Na_ = 3.83 tbsp Na

1 mol Na 2 g Na 3 tbsp Na / ≈ 4 tbsp Na

18 | P a g e

The molar masses of each sample elements serve as bridges to be able to convert

different units—from mass to mole, mole to mass, mole to atoms, and atoms to mole—

and make conversion less difficult to conduct.


Darren Tiongson

In this world we live in, there are thousands of limitations and possibilities along the

way. There will be no guarantee of who can win the fight, so the only way for you to

be able to reach your goals is to take down your enemies and be selfish. This is what

society is nowadays. People used to gain their success by working diligently and

studying hard. But now, all people will ever care about is reputation and connections.

No matter how we see it, the world has changed as technology continues to strive its

way to the top of the market industry. The people have learned to become lazy, having

a mindset that education and experience is no longer needed if one has enough

connections to bring him/her up from his/her position.

When life gives them problems, they rely on other people to do the dirty work. When

their problems can’t be fixed, they blame it on others. This is what we have evolved to

through these years. But based from my experience, I have learned that nothing will

ever be gained from being dependent on others. Because once they leave you, what will

19 | P a g e
you do? Once all your connections start to break one after another, where will you go?

I have once relied on someone, to the point that I’ve always been with her ever since

we became friends. She was good at academics, so every time I had difficulty, I asked

help from her. In that way, I thought before, I might have good grades. For months, it

had been like that. But then, in a snap of a finger, she left. Confused and frustrated of

what had become of our friendship, I tried to find her again and tell her to be like what

we used to be before. But she ignored me and snapped at me for being so pessimistic.

Since then, the bond we had was never mend, and we continued our lives still having

uncertainties with each other.

This is what happens when we expect too much and leap to a place you can never reach.

I expected too much from her—I thought she would never grow tired of me, but I was

wrong. Maybe it was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever committed in my entire

life. But it taught me that to accomplish my dreams, we have to strive for it and work

hard. Connections can help you reach the top, but it’s better not to rely on those too

much and dedicate yourself in learning more. Just like what Solomon Ortiz said,

“Education is the key to success”.

Marie Victoria Galutera

Think of a world where there is one child looking for someone who would believe his

findings, he found people to show them to, but these people only look not see, they

hear his words but they don’t listen to his thoughts. Until the day came that he gave up,

but on that same day, one person proved his findings, a person who opened his heart to

20 | P a g e
someone who’s seeking out. One point that comes to every person’s life is when people

don’t believe what we see or learn. They believe what they want to believe, and they

won’t believe you unless someone else proves it. Just like Avogadro, many chemists

didn’t believe his findings until his death came. He discovered the number and tries to

convince someone. In life, there are things that we think is impossible, there are things

we think is hard for others to believe. But when we pursue, try hard enough to believe

in ourselves, we might just be a hero. ―All it takes is faith and trust—Peter Pan.

21 | P a g e

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