Python Lab Exercise 1

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Format &
Format &
<STUDENT NAME> Presentation ( 5% ) : ________
Presentation ( 5% ) : ________
Timeliness (20%) : ________
Timeliness (20%) : ________
Correctness ( 15% ) : ________
Correctness ( 15% ) : ________
<SECTION> Machine Code
Machine Code
Instruction used (25%) : ________
Instruction used (25%) : ________
Output (25%) : ________
Output (25%) : ________
<DATE> Time
(10%) : ________
(10%) : ________

Grade :
Grade :

At the end of this exercise, students must be able to:

a) Discuss the history of Python programming

b) Describe the types of Python programming


Python was conceived in the late 1980 s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde
Informatics (in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language (itself inspired by
SETL), capable of exception handling and interfacing with the Amoeba operating system Its
implementation began in December 1989.


1. What are the important features of Python?

The important features of Python are easy to learn and use as it is developer-friendly and
high level programming language; it is an expressive language making it more
understandable and readable; it is an interpreted language so debugging is easier thus suitable
for beginners; it is a cross-platform language that can run equally on different platforms such
as Windows, Linux, Unix, and Macintosh, etc.; it is free and open source and is freely
available; it supports object-oriented language and concepts of classes and objects come into
existence; it is extensible to other languages such as C/C++ that can be used to compile the
code; it has a large, and broad library that provides rich set of module and functions for rapid
application development; it has Graphical User Interfaces programming support; and it can
be easily integrated with languages such as C, C++, JAVA, and etc.

2. How is Python used?

Python can be used for multiple purposes. Python can be used for Web Development,
Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Startups, Fintech, and other more technologies and

3. Compare Python syntax to other programming languages?

Python is a very minimalistic language. It is very east to write and read. Python has a
great feature: indention. Indention can be used to define the scope for decision making
statements, loops such as for and while loops, function, and classes. Python code is
typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code and is 5-10 times shorter than
equivalent C++ code. Python is similar to C in terms of syntaxes but a few keywords,
simple structure, and a clearly defined syntax. Python has very fewer words and more
free English language syntax whereas C is far more difficult to write and maintain.

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