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The Impact Of Television Advert On Children


1.1 Background of the study

Television is an important development in the advertising world. It is the fastest

growing advertising medium. The unique quality of television lies in its ability to
combine many of the functions performed by other media. In addition it excludes
every other messages or attraction at the point of exposure. Advertising combines
vision and audio with Movement .It has the power to arrest attention.

Television advertising is a highly ubiquitous and Lively medium that can reach a mass
audience at a Time by emotion, the Television is the best used for broad exposure
and product demonstration advertising and also where some identify is important.

The television audience is broad while family and varied by the time of day but of
course reaches almost every one. Television also has played an immense role in the
transformation and has become so pervasive and influential in to day. Television
advertising has grow from nothing to the point where it challenges news papers as
the nations leading advertising medium the reasons for the growth are not difficult
to understand because television advertising sells product creatively.

Edwards and Brown (1959) television brought not only sound but also sight and
motion into the customer’s home probably because of the added attraction of sight
and motion television became the principle advertising medium of many national
advertising in a short space of time. The reach of television is unequaled in the
history of man; no other single advertising medium reaches as many people on a
simultaneous basis as television does. In this era of mass media, television is the
most popular medium for reaching the mass audience.

According to BUSKIRK (1976), organized customers groups have held that children
are easily manipulated by advertising techniques and lack the ability to read
advertising message in printed media. Television as the newest and fastest growing
of all major media is probably also the most versatile. It makes its appeal through
both the eye and ear. This means that products can be demonstrated as well as
explained. It offers considerable flexibility in terms of the time of massage

The study will therefore focus on the impact of television advertising on the
behaviors of children. It will also establish the relationship between television
advertising and improved response of children to advertised products.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The main problem of this study to find out if television advertising has any impact in
the shaping of children’s behaviors. This study is not extraordinary that it will not
have any problem. And before there will be need for a research work, a problem
must be involved.

Therefore, this research work is carryout to empirically investigating the relationship

between timing, duration, policy of the organization and the effects of television
advertising on children behavior between the ages of 10-15 years.

1.3 Purposes And Objective Of Study

The purpose of this study is assess the impact of television advertising on children
between 10-15 years of age. Then the specific objectives are as follows:

1. To establish the effect of television on the behavior of children between 10-15 years.
2. To identify the basic factors of consideration in advertising to children between 10-15 years.
3. To identify the problems advertisers usually encounter in advertising to children between 10-
15 years.
4. To find out if television advertising can influence the behaviors of the children between the
age of 10-15 years
5. To determine Children’s response towards advertising.
6. To establish the cost implication of advertising to children between the age of 10-15 years.
7. To recommend the best method of carrying out children advertising in order to maximize of

1.4 Research Questions

This investigation is seeking solution from following question:

1. Is there significant relationship between aesthetic programming and behavior of children?

2. Does heavy advert budget impact anything on children behavior?
3. What is the effect of multiple placements on behavior of children between the ages of 10-15
years in Owerri?
4. How does timing in television advert affect children behaviour?
5. Does motion in television advert creates any impression on children behaviour.
6. How does colour television advert effect children behaviour?

1.5 Statement Of Hypothesis

 HO: there is a significance relationship between aesthetic Programming and children

 HO: Heavy advert budget does not impact on the behaviour of children
 HO: there is no effect on multiple and timing on the behaviour of children between 10-15

1:6 Significance Of The Study

This work would be of good help to the advertisers to know the extent of the impact
of aesthetic programming heavy advert budget timing and multiple placements on
the behaviour of children. This study will be useful to company’s that produce and
advertise for children who will benefit for up coming student who will advertisers on
retailed areas it will also be useful to advertising agents and media planner in
planning their adverts.

1.7 Scope And Limitation Of Study

For an in depth treatment of this topic the study should have covered the children
between the ages of 10-15 years in Imo state. The researcher can not possibly cover
all the children between this age ranges in Imo state within the time period of this
study and as a result this researches is limited to children within this age range that
live in Owerri metropolis.

The questionnaires were not giving proper attention by the respondents they find it
difficult to co-operate or even answer questions in the questionnaires as some in
depth problem into their secrecy. Some did not care to return the questionnaires
while other intentionally avoided the researcher. It was difficult tracking down the
respondents in other to collect answered questionnaires despite all the techniques
employed in this work; the researcher still experienced interviewers bias.

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