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1. It is already 9:30 PM and I…… (wait) here for over an hour.

If John does not get

here in the next five minutes, I am going to leave.

2. I was really angry at John yesterday. By the time he finally arrived, I……………

(wait) for over an hour. I almost ………… (leave) without him.

3. Did you hear that Ben was fired last month? He……….. (work) for that import

company for more than ten years and he …………..(work) in almost every department.

Nobody knew the company like he did.

4. I …………….(see) many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of

the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.

5. Sarah……….. (climb) the Matterhorn, ……………(sail) around the world, and

………….(go) on safari in Kenya. She is such an adventurous person.

6. Sarah …………(climb) the Matterhorn,……………. (sail) around the world and

………….(go) on safari in Kenya by the time she turned twenty-five. She

…………….(experience) more by that age than most people do in their entire lives.

7. When Melanie came into the office yesterday, her eyes were red and watery. I think

she……………….. (cry) .


1. ---- (you / see) the news? You won't believe your eyes.

2. I ---- (work) for big companies like this before. I know how they operate.

3-4. They ---- (live) in New York for 3 years before they ---- (move) to Seattle three
months ago.
5. Debi ---- (study) for four hours when her father arrives.

6-7. By this time next year, I ---- (finish) the course and I ---- (start) to speak perfect
8-9. Sam ---- (drive) for six hours when he arrived in the village. He ---- (drive) more
than 300 miles.
10. They ---- (work) for two hours by the time the manager arrives at six today.

11. By the time you received this letter yesterday, Dina ---- (leave) for Algeria.

12. When we meet again next week, I ---- (practice) tennis for at least a month .

13. She ---- (recover) from her surgery by the time we visit her next Saturday.


1. By the time you get there I…… (study) for more than two tours

2. …… (be) the first one to leave, …. (Close) the Doors

3. Tomorrow ar this time I…. (finish) watching the film

4. They…. (Wait) for the tours before he came

5. Once you … (read) the book, pese… (give it back) to me

6. Youtubers … (spend) a lot of time playing video games before … (get) profesional


7. If I …. (Know) the truth I… (never say) anything to her

8. She … (go) yo the cimena before … (meet) them around

9. When the audiencie… (arrive) they … (just began) performing

10. Unless you … (come) early you … (not be able) to come on Saturday.


1. Cuando tenga 5 años habrá viajado por todo el mundo

2. Cuando llegues habré terminado todo lo que tengo que hacer

3. Cuando llamé a la policía se me había estropeado el coche.

4. ¿Has visto a Jane? No, creo que hoy no ha venido. Vendrá mañana
5. Para cuando termine la investigación habrá grandes resultados sobre el

tratamiento contra el cáncer.

6. Habían estado hablando ayer sobre ir o no a la conferencia pero al final decidieron

ir. Creo que han hecho bien.

7. A veces creo que he cometido un error cuando le dije de qué iba el informe.

8. Apenas había llegado me llamó por teléfono.

9. A pesar del tiempo fuimos al partido pero, finalmente, estuvo lloviendo toda la


10. ¿Crees que vendrán a buscarte? No lo sé, puede que se hayan olvidado de

nuestra cita.

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