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Tech 4090

Assignment 1

Table of Contents
1.Question 1 ............................................................................................................................... 2

2.Question 2 ............................................................................................................................... 3

3.Question 3 ............................................................................................................................... 4

4.Question 4 ............................................................................................................................... 4
5.Question 5 ............................................................................................................................... 5

1.Question 1
The Internet of Things (IoT) is when devices gather and distribute information to
another device without the need of human assistance. IoT also is when the internet is
connected to devices to make them have a mind of their own instead of relying on human
beings. Human beings tend to be less reliable as they collect inaccurate data have less time
and have smaller attention span. IoT tends to cure the problems caused by humans as it can
collect data and use it to reduce waste and cost (Baltzan, 2017)
IoT’s potential impact on business is that it causes the life of an average person to
become more “efficient, effective, safe and healthy” (Baltzan, 2017). As these advantages are
crucial in the business world it has caused the usage of IoT device to become 8.4 billion in
2017 and a study shows that it will probably reach to 20.4 billion by 2020. The estimate of
the IoT devices to increase such drastically shows that IoT has a powerful and strong
potential impact on the business(Ranger, 2018).

Three Iot devices that are used in my personal life are smart auto mobiles such as my
car that can help control its speed based on traffic or different weather conditions. Another
example is smart lighting that is installed in my corridor, whenever I’m walking in the
corridor the light opens but when I’m away from the corridor the light shuts down. The last
example of IoT for me is controlling the air conditioning temperature by a smart phone
application software (Stroud, 2019).

2.Question 2
Explain why it is important for business managers to understand that data collection rates
from IoT devices is increasing exponentially.

It is important for business managers to understand that data collection rates from IoT
devices is increasing exponentially because the business world will gain a lot of advantages
from this technology. The increasing rate should make the managers realise that IoT has a
powerful impact on the overall revenue of a business. It is proved that IoT plays a crucial role
in business as Gartner states that “43% of organizations are using or plan to implement IoT
this year” (Seitz, 2016).The business managers can use the high rate of data collection from
IoT devices to improve their customer service, save cost, increase efficiency, gain the
competitive advantage, enhance and improve business processes and examine various
variables for trends and patterns. The high data collection rates can will assist the business
managers to understand consumer behaviour, improving the delivery process and upgrading
the health care system. The business managers can use the high data rate by relating and
combining it to the business or industry, and then analyse and detect the trends to enhance
and optimize the business efficiency and performance and with the use of IoT they can do
real time analysis of data which is usually disposed of (Proctor, 2017).
3.Question 3
Demonstrate how data from an IoT device can be transformed into information and business

Collecting data from IoT can be very complex and if it is not done correctly then it
becomes useless data. Data from an IoT device is transformed into information and business
intelligence by IoTs way of seizing data in real time or using historic trending and periodic
reports and then integrating it instantly into the business. Then if used correctly IoT can
convert data into important information that is required to predict and use the insights
available to increase the efficiency and decide what should be done in the future (Kirkland,
2017). An example could be how a business manager can make their utility cost less by using
real time data of the water and energy consumption. Then the patterns and trends achieved by
comparing the real time data with the data each month can result in the utility cost decreasing
by 5 to 7%. The data can be achieved by inexpensive sensors and by connecting different
machines to each other such as smart meters to building management systems (Seitz, 2016).

4.Question 4
Propose a plan for how a start-up company can use IoT device data to make better business

The plan for how a start-up company called Motors inc can use IoT device data to make
better business decisions is the following:

1) An internal meeting should be set up in which the clear objectives are obtained by
making a report on what knowledge the business has about its customers to gain
customer satisfaction. Then realise where there are gaps, and what information the
company needs to gather from their data. For the company Motors inc the employees
should gather information based on what customers preferences in car shape, model,
colour, top speed and whether it is fuel efficient. This can be done by viewing the
statistics on which car most of the customers have in the specific region or country the
company is set up in.
2) The next step is to comprehend what the customers need by analysing the gaps found
in the previous step. Since Motors inc is a car manufacturing company it can improve
its designs by using IoT and improve and excel the cars designs. This can be done by
introducing an anti-collision monitoring system or having a warning alarm system
which notifies the driver when the tire pressure, engine performance and fuel level
reach the wrong level.
3) Once the data points are identified the next step is to filter all of the provided data by
using it to develop a model and use this data which has been converted to useful
information. The useful information is then used to find trends and patterns by
analysing it thoroughly.
4) When the data is analysed then integrate it to the business and use it to optimize and
enhance the Motors inc business by cutting the cost and increasing the total revenue
generated (Seitz, 2016).

5.Question 5
Argue for or against the following statement: “The Internet of Things is just a passing fad and
will be gone within a decade.”

I disagree with the statement “The Internet of Things is just a passing fad and will be
gone within a decade.” As IoT tends to collect create, collect and share a significantly large
amount of data within a short period of time. The high amount of data is a very crucial aspect
in the business world as it can lead to the computer having the knowledge required to
determine the next desired step or action that should be achieved. Many business’s and
companies have realised that IoT can reduce waste, increase energy efficiency and eventually
lead to higher customer satisfaction. As in the global market IoT is predicted to gain $1.3
trillion by 2019 and eventually conquer the business world (Seitz, 2016). IoT is a very
powerful tool as it can improve human lives by capturing knowledge about them in ways that
were never possible before. IoT also will eventually lead to more jobs available as well, as
the data will eventually double. It can change and enhance a person’s life and boost
companies revenue by cutting down the cost and waste drastically. Since IoT has many
advantages, in my opinion I don’t think there is a possibility that it will diffuse away in the
business world (Baltzan, 2017).

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