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Art. 1772- execution of public instrument and

Article 1767 By the Contract of Partnership two registration to SEC in case when partnership
or more persons bind themselves to contribute
capital exceeds 3,000.
money, property or industry to a common fund
with the intention of dividing the profits
among themselves. Two or more persons may Art. 1769 Determining if Partnership Exists
also form a partnership for the exercise of a 1. Partnership is a matter of intention
profession. 2. Partnership by estoppel- a person by his acts,
consent, or representations have misled third
GPP- General Professional Partnership persons or parties into believing that he is a
partner in a non-existing partnership
Consensual- perfected by mere consent,
express or implied agreement of 2 or more 3. Co- ownership does not establish Partnership
persons. 4. Sharing of gross returns does not indicate
Delectus Personae- choice of the person or 5. Receipt of share in the Profits is a prima facie
persons evidence that he is a partner
a. Right to choose co-partners- fiduciary nature Except when received in payment:
of the partnership relation a. As a debt by instalments
b. Power to dissolve partnership- dissolve b. As wages
partnership at his sole pleasure, should act in c. Annuity of a widow
good faith. Bad faith cannot prevent dissolution d. Interest on a loan
but can result in a liability for damages. e. As consideration for the sale

Essential Features of Partnership Partnership Co-Ownership

w/out this Partnership is VOID Creation Created by Created by law
1. Existence of Valid Contract contract
a. legal capacity of partners entering into Juridical Has juridical None
contract Personality personality
Purpose Realization of Common
People who cannot enter into partnership:
Profits enjoyment of a
 Unemancipated minors thing or right
 Insane or demented persons Duration No Limit 10 years
 Deaf-mutes who do not know how to Disposal of May not Free to didpose
write Interest dispose unless
 persons suffering from civil interdiction agreed upon
 incompetents under guardianship by other
2. Mutual contribution to a common fund
Power to A partner may Co-owner
money, property, industry act w/ bind the cannot
3. Legality of Object- must be LAWFUL third partnership represent the
Object is Unlawful when it is contrary to law, persons co-ownership
morals, good customs, public order, and public Death Dissolve the Does not
policy. Partnership dissolve
4. Intention to realize and divide profits Co=ownership
Principal purpose: realization of pecuniary
Art. 1770 A partnership must have a lawful
PROFIT, intention to divide profits among
object. If Unlawful partnership is dissolved by
a juridical decree, profits shall be confiscated
Any stipulation excluding a partner from sharing in favor of the State.
Effect of Unlawful of Partnership
in the profits or losses thus not affect the
1. Contract is Void
existence of the partnership but the stipulation
2. Profits shall be confiscated in favor of the
is void.
3. The instruments or tools and proceeds of the
Art. 1768 The partnership has juridical
personality separate and distinct from that of crime shall also be forfeited in favor of the
each of the partners, even in the case of failure government
4. Contributions of the partners shall not be
to comply with the requirements of Art. 1772,
first paragraph. confiscated unless they fall under no.3.
 Partnership at will- no time specified
Juridical decree is not necessary to dissolve an and has no particular undertaking
unlawful partnership.  Partnership with a fixed term- fixed
duration for a particular undertaking
Partnership may be constituted in any form 4. as to its legality of its existence
(orally or in writing), except:  De jure- complied with all the
1. immovable property or real rights is requirements
contributed thereto- public instrument is  De facto- failed to comply with all the
necessary, inventory of the property must be requirements
made and signed by the parties (Art. 1773) 5. as to representation to others
-VOID if not made  Ordinary or real Partnership- one which
2. Captital of 3,000 or more- shall appear in actually exists among the partners and
public instrument and recorded in SEC also to the third persons
-failure to comply does not affect the liability of  Ostensible or partnership by estoppel-
the partnership and the members thereof to not a partnership but is considered as
third persons (Art. 1772) one by their conduct or admission
3. Secret partnership has no juridical 6. as to publicity
personality (Art. 1775)  Secret partnership- existence of
certain partners is not made known
Art 1776. Kinds of PARTNERSHIP  Open or Notorious- made known to
1. as to its object the public
 Universal Partnership- refers to all the 7. as to purpose
present property or to all profits  Commercial or trading partnership-
a. All present property- partners contribute all formed for the transaction of business
present property which actually belongs to  Professional or non-trading- one
them. Cannot be included: formed for the exercise of a profession
Acquired subsequently through:
 inheritance
 legacy Kinds of Partners
 donation a. Capitalist- one who contributes money or
-fruits thereof can be included property to the common fund
b. of Profits- comprises all that the partners b. Industrial- contributes only his industry or
may acquire by their industry or work during personal service
the existence of the partnership. c. General- liability as to third persons extend to
-immovable and movable property still belongs his separate property
to the partners, only the usufruct passing to the d. Limited- liability limited to his capital
partnership contribution
e. Managing- one who manages the affairs of
If universal Partnership is silent, only pertains to the business or partnership
universal partnership of profits (Art. 1781) f. Liquidating Partner- who takes charge of the
winding up of the partnership upon dissolution
Art. 1782 Persons who are prohibited from g. Partner by estoppel- not a partner but liable
giving each other any donation or advantage as a partner
cannot enter into a universal partnership. h. Continuing- continues the business after
being dissolved by admission of a new partner,
 Particular- A particular partnership has retirement, death, or expulsion of partners.
for its object determinate things, their i. Surviving- remains after the partnership is
use of fruits, or specific undertaking, or dissolved by the death of a partner
the exercise of a profession or vocation j. Subpartner- not a partner, contracts with a
(Art. 1783) partner with reference to the partner’s share
2. as to its liability k. Ostensible- takes active part and known as a
 General partner
 Limited l. Secret- active but not known
3. as to its duration m. Silent- not active but known
n. Dormant- not active and not known
o. Original- member of the partnership from its Art. 1790 Unless there is a stipulation to the
organization contrary, partners shall contribute equal shares
p. Incoming- about to be taken into a to the capital of the partnership.
q. Retiring- a withdrawing partner Art. 1791 Partners should contribute additional
share to the partnership in case of imminent
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERS loss. Anyone who refuses shall be obliged to
share his interest
Art. 1784. A partnership begins from the Industrial Partner- not included
moment of the execution of the contract, unless Things to consider:
otherwise stipulated. 1. There must be an imminent loss
2. Partner who refuses is solvent/financially
Art. 1785. Partnership for a particular capable
undertaking is continued after the termination 3. There is no agreement that he will not
of the term, became as partnership at will contribute in cases of loses.
-a new partnership is created
-without any settlement or liquidation is a Article 1792
prima facie evidence of continuation of the -If a managing partner collects demandable sum
partnership in his name the sum is applied proportionally to
his debt and to the partnership debt.
Art. 1786 Every partner is a debtor of the -If named after the partnership, total sum will
partnership for whatever he may have be applied to the partnership debt
promised to contribute thereto. -The debtor has the right to apply payment, if
He shall also be bound for warranty in case of the personal credit was more onerous to him.
eviction with regard to specific or determinate
things which he may have contributed to the Art. 1793
partnership Partner who received his share of
-Also liable for the fruits thereof from the time
they should have been delivered, w/out the
need of any demand.

Art. 1787- Appraisal of goods contributed must

be made in the manner written in the contract
of partnership, if not stipulated by experts
chosen by the partners according to current
prices, subsequent changes being account of
the partnership

Art. 1788 A partner who has undertaken to

contribute a sum of money and fails to do so
becomes a debtor to the partnership
-interest and damages from the time he should
have complied with his obligation
- Same rule if he converts money from
partnership for his own use.

Art 1789 Industrial Partner cannot engage in

business for himself, unless expressly permitted
to do so
Consequence if violated:
Capitalists partner may either
1. exclude him from the firm with the right to
2. avail them from the benefits which he may
obtained from the violation of this provision
with the right to damages.

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