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Advanced English Grammar and Vocabulary Test

 The boy I was about to meet _____ play a very important role in my life.

o is going to

o might have

o would get to

o has had to

 He always gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning, _____ on holiday.

o moreover

o although

o however

o even

 All I had to do to convince Janet, it turned out, ____ talk to her mother.

o was to

o is to

o by

o to

 Rather than ______ about how tired she was, she got on with her job.

o to complain

o complained

o she complained

o complain

 Avoid ____ questions that are too personal in a job interview.

o you should answer

o having answered

o to answer

o answering

 First, add some _____ chopped garlic to the tomatoes.

o small

o finely

o tinily

o neatly

 _____ had I left the building when they called me on my mobile.

o Just

o As soon as

o Hardly

o After

 We _____ regret that our presentation has been cancelled.

o very

o would like to

o much

o have

 In the course of the meeting, Mr Smith was _____ mishandling funds.

o praised for

o denied

o accused of

o informed by

 Let's sleep on it, _____ we?

o will

o won't we

o don't we

o shall

 ____ I hadn't been expecting any visitors, I was wearing pyjamas when the doorbell rang.

o While

o Due to

o Why

o Since

 James is rather lonely these days. Why _____ him round?

o shouldn't invite

o not invite

o do you invite

o will you invite

 I'm anxious _____ to get home in time to meet his granddad.

o that he

o for him

o about him

o he has

 Please, let me know why _______ the meeting.

o you didn't attend

o didn't you attend

o you didn't attend to

o you didn't go

 Don't drink and drive ever again. You _____ easily been killed.

o can

o should have

o could have

o would

 She always gets away with _______ . The boss loves her.

o she's late

o late

o to be late

o being late

 Jim hasn't met the new boss yet, and _____ .

o me too

o neither I have

o neither have I

o I haven't

 _____ me to your mother when you are in London.

o Tell

o Remind

o Remember

o Greet

 She was _____ hang up when I answered the phone.

o to
o about to

o thinking of

o considering

 There is going to be less unemployment this year, or so the newspaper _____ .

o tells

o thinks

o writes

o says

 If I'd known about it, I _________ you for sure.

o had told

o should have told

o would have told

o would of told

 It _____ to Fred that I secured a place at Harvard.

o had been

o had been up

o was down

o helped

 The concert was postponed, _____ to the lead singer's illness.

o because

o for

o owing

o causing

 It took a long time _______ accepted.

o for the theory to be

o until the theory

o the theory was

o while the theory became

 The kids had cereal for breakfast, and so ____ .

o I did

o did I

o me too

o had I

 Despite deliberately _____ a personal distance from his co-worker, Josh acknowledged the dangers
of working together with such a beautiful woman.

o was keeping

o keeping

o he kept

o he had been keeping

 There was ______ anger in his voice that I had to hang up.

o as much

o such lot of

o such much

o so much

 Prices are too high and they will remain _____ until inflation comes down.

o so

o there

o that
o as

 She doesn't reveal much about herself, and is _____ fascinating for it.

o as

o the same

o all the more

o the more

 We can't buy a house unless we take out a(n) ______ .

o mortgage

o credit

o overdraft

o investment

 She's capable of _____ forget my own name.

o making me to

o having to

o having made

o making me

 You are the only person _______ I can talk.

o to whom

o with who

o that

o which

 We'll need to discuss _____ we should close the shop.

o about
o that

o what

o whether

 The future of the planet doesn't look too good, but there isn't much ______ .

o I can make about it

o I can do about it

o can I do about it

o I can't do about it

 I congratulated Josh on _____ given the job.

o was

o having been

o had been

o that he

 Miriam left her husband after a ______ row.

o burning

o heavy

o crashing

o blazing

 I've told you plenty of times. I _______ .

o have love you

o need love you

o was love you

o do love you

 I don't dislike the building. Now as _____ the neighbourhood, I do have concerns.
o about

o well

o regards

o in

 Passengers are advised ________ their belongings with them at all times.

o to keep

o to mind

o if they could mind

o if they could keep

 We ____ give up when things took a turn for the better.

o wanted

o were about to

o considered

o have wanted to

 I put down the date in my diary _______ forget it.

o that I won't

o so as not to

o because I

o for not to

 Even though Jack had made a fortune, he _____ working as a consultant.

o was going on

o went on

o went to
o had gone

 The thing ______ I love the most about him is his smile.

o what

o is

o have

o that

 ______ you're late?

o Why

o What makes

o How come

o How is

 Have you seen the film _____ Brad Pitt saves the world from the zombies?

o that

o in which

o in that

o about

 She didn't marry James, because her parents _______ .

o wanted her

o were against

o were against it

o haven't liked him

 The confusion ______ the discovery of the body made everybody lose track of time.

o had caused
o was caused by

o had been caused by

o caused by

 Could you tell me what ________ ?

o is the answer

o the answer is

o was the answer

o would the answer be

 If I ______ to feed the dog, it wouldn't be starving now.

o have had time

o have time

o had had time

o never have time

 _____ apologized, I wouldn't have been so upset at the time.

o He had

o If he

o Had he

o Would he

 It's not so much his looks I don't like ____ his inability to listen.

o more

o as

o than

o for
 _____ a large number of people in my life who have always done their utmost to help me achieve my

o There were

o They were

o They have been

o There have been

 _______ at the top of the hill, I could see the whole town.

o Standing

o Being stood

o I had been standing

o As I stand

 The turmoil caused by World War II lasted well ____ the fifties.

o after

o over

o beyond

o for

 Whenever I visited her, my grandma ______ my favourite cake for me.

o would make

o use to make

o would have made

o have made

 Will you _____ the carpet a clean while I'm out?

o have

o give
o try

o make

 The ____ I want to live my life is nobody else's business.

o way how

o reason

o way

o how

 I'm sorry, I can't see what ________ .

o can you mean.

o you are meaning.

o do you mean.

o you mean.

 If I haven't come back by seven o'clock, _______ dinner without me.

o start

o will start

o you start

o you're starting

 He's one of the most hated men in history, despite _______ anything really bad.

o he didn't do

o he hadn't done

o not having done

o not done

 This time next month, I _____ on a beach in Florida.

o will lie

o am lying

o lie

o I'll be lying

 We ______ in the same street for years, but I only met my husband in 2009.

o were living

o lived

o had been living

o should have lived

 I couldn'get in touch with her, even though I'd tried all possible _____ of communication.

o ways

o thing

o means

o tools

 They had the luck to be present when history _____ .

o had made

o was being made

o made

o about to make

 My grandfather was never _____ apologize to anyone.

o had to

o known for

o heard to
o believed in

 Have you met Julie? She is a friend of ______.

o my

o my mother

o my mother's

o me

 I think I'm _______ against.

o having plotted

o being plotted

o plotting

o have plotted

 Part of the reason Chris wanted to apply for the job _____ that employees were given plenty of room
to grow within the company.

o he had recognised

o realising

o was his recognition

o was mainly

 I went to St Mary's Elementary School, ____ all my friends.

o so went

o as did

o like did

o the same as

 I had to admit _____ completely forgotten our wedding anniversary.

o to having
o to have

o I have

o having

 I'm very sorry that ________ I've betrayed you.

o you should think

o why you think

o you think so

o I look

 I can't park here. That motorbike is ____ the way.

o on

o in

o up

o across

 If it ______ , they would have divorced by now.

o had sold the house

o weren't for the house

o weren't becuse of the house

o were sold the house

 I think you should let your daughter ______ over at Judy's.

o sleep

o to sleep

o sleeping

o sleeps

 Neither she nor her friend ______ invited to the party.

o have

o has been

o will have

o has

 Do you sell apples ___ the kilo?

o for

o at

o in

o by

 He's too _____ person to say no.

o nice a

o nice

o a nice

o so nice

 Writing her memoirs, Doreen, _____ lost a daughter to cancer, admitted that she had contemplated
suicide on many an occasion.

o would have

o who had herself

o who must

o have

 Knowing he was late, he _________ .

o eating his sandwich quickly.

o ate quickly his sandwich.

o ate his sandwich quickly.

o fastly ate his sandwich.

 Your husband was a bit out of control at the party, to ____ mildly.

o put it

o say

o take it

o tell

 I stopped _____ a phone call on my way home.

o making

o for making

o to make

o for make

 Although we had tickets, we _________ for an hour.

o have kept waiting

o made waiting

o had made waiting

o were kept waiting

 He was only nineteen years old, but he _____ developed a great sense of humour.

o already

o had still

o had already

o was just

 'Where shall we go this weekend?' 'What if we ____ in for a change?'

o are staying
o will stay

o can stay

o stayed

 There's no point _______ the kids. They're old enough to look after themselves.

o to worry for

o to worry about

o in worrying for

o in worrying about

 It's about time you _____ exercising regularly.

o start

o started

o should start

o will start

 We've got three very _____ cats.

o alike-looking

o similar-looking

o same

o alike

 There are more _____ than last year.

o unemployment

o unemployed

o unemployeds

o unemployments

 I had _____ gone to bed than both kids started crying.

o already

o yet

o scarcely

o no sooner

 Due to lacking _____ , we couldn't open the new store as scheduled.

o interest rates

o expenses

o shares

o funds

 Before _____ money, banks have to assess the risks involved.

o to lend

o borrowing

o lending

o they lent

 Anyone who was shocked by the atrocities ought to ask himself what _____ to prevent them.

o had they done

o they must have done

o they could have done

o did they do

 I didn't _____ to see Allen when I was in New York.

o take

o time

o get
o meet

 Susen failed all her exams, ______ a big surprise.

o that was

o was

o which was

o where was

 Thanks for having me! I've had _____ with you guys.

o so fun

o such fun

o good time

o so good time

 _______ at the party doesn't concern me.

o That you saw

o Which you saw

o What you saw

o You saw something

 I was wondering ____________ me some money.

o that you can lend

o if you lend

o that you lent

o if you could lend

 I bet your wife could tell _____ good few stories about you.

o some
o a

o so

o much

 It was important for her _____ seen as a threat.

o to not be

o not being

o not to be

o she wasn't

 I wish he _______ that. My mother was so annoyed.

o would say

o would have said

o hasn't said

o hadn't said

 Of course ______ I meant missed opportunities.

o losing

o by losses

o for lost

o the losses

 I can't get used to __________ .

o be alone all day.

o that I'm alone all day.

o being alone all day.

o I was alone all day.

 It seemed ____ been snowing, but we knew it was only some white dust that had covered the whole

o like it has

o if it had

o as it had

o as if it had

 Having such a famous man for a father ____ had an effect on Jason's childhood.

o must

o have

o having

o must have

 I've broken Mum's favourite vase. I'm ______ .

o taken for

o made for

o called for

o done for

 What does global warming have ____ overpopulation?

o to do

o to do with

o made

o made up

 My grandparents' house ______ pulled down just before I was born.

o had

o had been
o was

o must have

 The promises you have _____ will have to be kept.

o been done

o done

o making

o made

 Your shirt is dirty, I don't think it will _____ for the wedding.

o wear

o present

o do

o make

 Whatever you ____ done to fool Claire, I don't believe a word of what you've said.

o might

o should have

o will have

o might have

 Have you seen Gone with the Wind? ______ it's a very good film.

o Apparently

o Nevertheless

o Despite

o Admittedly

 Charlie doesn't ____ to grasp that next year's budget may have to be cut.
o like

o know

o able

o seem

 I couldn't stay any longer due _____ having enough money to pay for the hotel.

o to not

o not

o for

o to

 Can you help _____ up the mess?

o clear

o with clear

o to clearing

o me clearing

 Having spotted the burglar behind the curtain, I was scared _____ .

o frozen

o stiff

o hard

o over

 I'm a teacher and _____ my husband.

o is a teacher

o is he

o so is
o such is

 No need to get upset- I was _____ asking.

o although

o moreover

o merely

o likely

 If your invitations are met with repeated ______ , you should just leave him alone.

o hypotheses

o negatives

o blunts

o rebuffs

 You ought to ____ your car repaired.

o take

o get

o make

o do

 I wish you ______ checking my e-mails. You're invading my privacy.

o will stop

o have stopped

o would stop

o are going to stop

 Mrs Brown's death came as no surprise, as she was said _____ ill for a long time.

o to be
o to have been

o she had been

o she was

 Where do you think _______ to spend my summer holidays?

o I should

o a good place

o might be the best place

o I might

 Most of my colleagues supported the idea, but a few were ______ it.

o for

o opposed

o against

o behind

 My husband and I bought _______ last week.

o some new furniture

o a lot of new furnitures

o any new furniture

o pieces of new furnitures

 When I asked him ______ the keys , Bob said he had no idea where they were.

o if did he see

o if he had seen

o could he see

o that he had seen

 This could have hardly _____ better- we sealed the deal and signed the contract.
o done

o gone out

o made

o played out

 My sister ____ bought a laptop for her birthday last year.

o were

o was

o has

o had

 They tried to talk her ________ .

o of giving up

o out of giving up

o not giving up

o not to give up

 _____ any further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

o Should you need

o You should need

o Unless you need

o You will need

 Do you know how long _____ going to stay in Italy?

o are Jack and Suzy

o Jack and Suzy is

o Jack and Suzy are

o Jack and Suzy

 I'm not quite sure why ____ want to interfere with their marriage.

o would you

o do you

o you would

o you can

 I think our house _______ by the end of next year.

o will have sold

o will have been sold

o will be sold

o is going to be sold

 In 1998 she published the book ____ make Cheryl Dawn a household name in the US.

o that was to

o which

o would

o that might have

 My neighbours are so noisy. They ____ always move furniture around first thing in the morning.

o might

o do

o should

o will

 I can't decide _____ to move in with my boyfriend.

o if
o that

o about

o whether

 _______ she meets, they take an instant liking to her.

o Wherever

o Whoever

o Who

o If

 I don't regard her _____ a threat to my marriage.

o to be

o having

o as being

o meaning

 If you ______ here, please, until Mr Brown gets back.

o would wait

o waited

o are waiting

o wait

 Anger is something you should try to control, _____ you can let love roam free.

o moreover

o despite

o whereas

o neither

 There are strict rules against students ____ their mobile phones at the school premises.
o using

o want to use

o are using

o having used

 If anybody wants to talk to me, tell ____ to call back later.

o her

o me

o him

o them

 I think he's an idiot. ______ , he's not very intelligent.

o Having my say

o That is to say

o To say nothing

o Say so

 I think I put my _____ in it when I asked Jane about her ex-husband.

o thought

o elbow

o foot

o nose

 We argue all the time, but I just don't have _____ to leave my husband of thirty years.

o feelings

o decided

o it in me
o to take

 Their business hasn't taken off as expected, ____ , they are happy that the number of their customers
is increasing.

o furthermore

o inasmuch as

o nonetheless

o moreover

 Why on earth ____ have done such a thing?

o you

o you would

o would you

o if you

 The problem with this product is that the designers ______ .

o considered by the users

o haven't considered the users

o inadequate

o inadequately trained

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