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Riphah College of Engineering & Technology


Complex Engineering Problem

5th Semester: Fall-2019 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
EE-344: Communication Systems Maximum Marks: 50
Issue Date: December 9, 2019 Due Date: January 15,
Student Name: M. Faisal Aleem Roll No: F17-005/6655

Figure 1.1 shows the circuit diagram of a switching modulator. Assume that the carrier
wave c(t) applied to the diode is large in amplitude, so that the diode acts like an ideal
switch; it presents zero impedance when forward biased (i.e., c(t) >0). By approximating
the transfer characteristics of the diode-load resistor combination by a piece-wise-linear
characteristic defined in equation 1.1 and graphically representing in figure 1.2.


The load voltage v2(t) varies periodically between the values v1(t) and zero at a rate
equal to the carrier frequency fc. Hence, 20

Where gTo(t) is periodic pulse train defined by

CLO5 (a) Find the AM wave component contained in the output voltage v2(t).
(b) Analyze and Specify the unwanted components in v2(t) that need to be removed by a
C4 band-pass filter of suitable design.

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2

(c) A PAM telemetry system involves the multiplexing of four input signals: si(t), i =
C5 1,2,3,4. Two of the signals s1(t) and s2(t) have bandwidths of 80 Hz each, whereas 20
CLO7 the remaining two signals s3(t) and s4(t) have bandwidths of 1 kHz each. The signal
PLO3 s3(t) and s4(t) are each sampled at the rate of 2400 samples per second. This sampling
rate is divided by 2R (i.e., an integer power of 2) to derive the sampling rate for s1(t)
and s2(t).
Design, for the maximum value of R, a multiplexing system that first multiplexes
s1(t) and s2(t) into a new sequence, s5(t), and then multiplexes s3(t), s4(t), and s5(t).

SUBMITTED TO: - Engr.Zunair Zamir

SUBMITTED BY: - M. Faisal Aleem

ROLL NO: - F17-005/6655

SUBJECT: - Communication System


SUBMISSION DATE: - Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Total Marks: ________ Obtained Marks: __________

Attained CEP Attributes:
1- Preamble
2- Depth of analysis required
3- Depth of knowledge required
4- Consequences


a) Find the AM wave component contained in the output voltage v2(t).

Generation of AM Waves using the switching modulator could be understood in a better way by observing
the switching modulator diagram. The switching modulator using a diode has been shown in figure below.

This diode is assumed to be operating as a switch.

The modulating signal x(t) and the sinusoidal carrier signal c(t) are connected in series with each other.
Therefore, the input voltage to the diode is given by:

…………… (1)

The amplitude of carrier is much larger than that of x(t) and c(t) decides the status of the diode (ON or OFF).

Let us assume that the diode acts as an ideal switch. Hence, it acts as a closed switch when it is forward
biased in the positive half cycle of the carrier and offers zero impedance. Whereas it acts as an open
switch when it is reverse biased in the negative half cycle of the carrier and offers an infinite impedance.
Therefore, the output voltage v2(t) = v1(t) in the positive half cycle of c(t) and v2(t) = 0 in the negative half
cycle of c(t).
v2(t) = v1(t). for c(t) > 0
v2(t) = 0 for c(t) < 0
In other words, the load voltage v2(t) varies periodically between the values v1(t) and zero at the rate equal to
carrier frequency fc.
We can express v2(t) mathematically as under:

…………. (2)

where, gp(t) is a periodic pulse train of duty cycle equal to one half cycle period i.e. T0 /2 (where T0 = 1/fc).
Let us express gp(t) with the help of Fourier series as under:

……. (3)

….… (4)

Substituting gp(t) into equation (2), we get


……. (5)

The odd harmonics in this expression are unwanted, and therefore, are assumed to be eliminated.


b) Analyze and Specify the unwanted components in v2(t) that need to be removed by a band-pass
filter of suitable design.
In this expression, the first and the fourth terms are unwanted terms whereas the second and third terms
together represents the AM wave.

Clubbing the second and third terms together, we obtain

This is the required expression for the AM wave with m=[4/πE c]. The unwanted terms can be eliminated
using a band-pass filter (BPF).

c) A PAM telemetry system involves the multiplexing of four input signals: si(t), i = 1,2,3,4. Two of
the signals s1(t) and s2(t) have bandwidths of 80 Hz each, whereas the remaining two signals
s3(t) and s4(t) have bandwidths of 1 kHz each. The signal s3(t) and s4(t) are each sampled at the
rate of 2400 samples per second. This sampling rate is divided by 2 R (i.e., an integer power of 2)
to derive the sampling rate for s1(t) and s2(t).
Design, for the maximum value of R, a multiplexing system that first multiplexes s1(t) and s2(t)
into a new sequence, s5(t), and then multiplexes s3(t), s4(t), and s5(t).

The Nyquist rate for S1(t) and S2(t) is 160 Hz. Therefore, 2400 / 2 R must be greater than 160, and the
maximum R is 3.

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